Stay By My Side




*2 hours ago*

"Jiyong-ah! Yah! Jiyong-ah!"

I turned around and was welcomed with a sprinkle of water on my face.

"Aish... Yah! What the hell!" I wiped my face at the back of my hands and squinted at whoever flicked water at me.

Not that I didn't know already. I was attuned to that voice. Working with her for more than 5 years has made me more attuned to everything that she does. Even her childish games.

Dara jumped at me and flicked my forehead as she ran off towards the set. She laughed as I gave her an "Aish" expression once more. The other members laughed at us from afar and so did others who were there. We were at a resort in Pattaya, Thailand shooting for a YG Special photoshoot in a magazine and Dara was happily flicking water at me from the pool every chance she got.

"Here you go hyung." Daesung came over and handed me a towel as I continued to wipe my face. "Dara noona is being hyper as usual."

"Yeah, well, that's her. Being near a swimming pool makes her feel like a kid." I replied. I glanced at Dara who was now laughing with Bom over something I couldn't hear. Seeing her having a good time made me smile as well.

Daesung laughed as he saw Bom being Dara's next victim. "Our Seungri is like that too you should be used already hyung"

"He's the maknae. He has an excuse. This girl though..." I watched as Dara began playing by the edge of the pool with the others. Her eyes met mine and her gaze went over to Daesung. Daesung saw her looking at us as well and waved. Dara started to jog towards us.

"Yah. What are you guys talking about?" Dara instantly wrapped her arms around my neck. Overprotective ajhumma. I gave a joking gagging sound but she didn't appear to notice as she was still talking to Daesung.

"Don't think I've already forgiven you Dae Dae." Dara jokingly threatened as Daesung laughed. She was acting all jealous and kept reminding Daesung of how "upset" she was when she saw him carrying me around during one TV Program. It irked her for some reason but I kinda liked Dara being jealous. Not that I'd ever admit that to her. I'd never admit that to anyone.

Dara will always be Dara. That child like 24 year old girl from Busan who loves to annoy and "pester" everyone with what she does. But most of all, she's the only person who knows me better than anyone else. The only thing she doesn't know though is that I'm crazy about her as much as she is to me. And I hate myself for not being able to show that to her all the time. I don't know why. But I always had this feeling that if she ever knew that I cared, that I enjoyed her company, maybe things will change.

"Don't worry noona. I wasn't going to do anything. Besides, the PD is calling me anyway. See you later!" daesung rushed off before Daa started to lecture him about us. Daragon, as what everybody, and Dara, likes to call us.I liked it too. But seeing as we were working right now, it just seemed a bit inappropriate.

"Hey." I shrugged out from under Dara's arms and backed off a little. She pouted.

"There are a lot of people watching us right now," I said gesturing to the fans who were already starting to take fancams of the whole shoot. "And there are some Thai staff that don't know who Daragon is so why don't we give each other some small space today before they start to misunderstand some things, ok?"

Dara continued to pout. "Oh come on. We're on vacation!"

"We're working."

"Whatever. We should enjoy! I'm having a fun time irritating you." Dara smirked. Yes, I was enjoying her "irritating" me too. I'd never get tired of that.


"Besides," dara suddenly stepped closer, our faces just inches apart. I gulped. My heart started to beat so fast. I wasn't sure if it was because of our suddenly close proximity or because I was worried that everyone would see.

"I always wanted to do this to you in public." She whispered and leaned in. I started to protest even if I wanted what she was about to do when her hand slammed a water balloon at my back soaking the back of my shirt.

"YAH!" I jumped back and Dara rushed off laughing so hard before I could lay my hands on her. She doubled over laughing from afar, scared that I would rush after her. I turned around not wanting her to see that I was laughing at her as well.

"Omo." The stylist noona came over and began to brush water droplets off. "This won't do. I'll go get you another shirt."

"Oh it's ok. The shoot is going to be on the pool anyway." I said and gave her a reassuring smile. She began to retouch the make up that came away when I was sweating under Dara's close presence.

"You two are so funny. And close as well." Noona said as she dabbed tissue on my forehead. "One Thai staff I met last night kept asking if you guys were going out or something."

I chuckled. Yup, Daragon was always asked that question by newbies.

"Tell her yes. Then tell me what she thinks." I replied and the both of us laughed.

Noona left and I glanced back at Dara who was already on the platform set for the shoot. I smiled again making sure she didn't see it and walked over to the opposite side of the platform. This will show her, I thought. I'll pretend I'm mad at her so she won't stop asking what's wrong tonight.

Dara caught me looking at her and she grinned. It took a lot of effort but I gave her a very stern look. She frowned. I was laughing inside knowing this was eating her up. I continued to glare at her when her eyes showed that she was hurt. I cringed. Her eyes always gave her away and I knew she didn't like me looking at her like that.

I was about to forget the whole thing and stand next to her when she must have decided she should stand next to me as well. She walked over and that's when everything happened.

As she was walking, her foot got caught on a line that was supposed to be protecting the cameras from falling off the edge. Instead of staggering forward he twisted around to see what was wrong and slipped off the edge. I instantly rushed at her but was too late. As if that wasn't enough, she fell head first and I only heard the huge splash of water she made as she landed on the pool.

No! My mind screamed. Gasps were heard and everyone came to see what happened. I pushed myself into the the edge of the platform and was about to dive in when what greeted me stopped me in my tracks. There was Dara alright. Floating with her back upwards. But what made my eyes grow so wide and what made my lungs stop working was the sight of blood surrounding her head.

"Dara!" I jumped in and was surprised that the pool was shallow. It only went up to my hips. I gently turned her over and saw what caused the blood. Her head was wounded.

"Help!" I shouted. Where were the lifeguards? Didn't we have medics and an ambulance standing by? Where was everybody? "Help!"


I heard several splashes and hands trying to help me carry Dara. I didn't know who they were. My eyes were rooted to her closed eyes wanting them so much to open. My heart was still slamming against my chest and the cold water from the pool didn't help at all.

"Jiyong, help me turn him around slightly so we can get her up the platform." Top hyung instructed as he and Seungri helped me heave her over. I tried my best not to let my hands shake so much as we all heaved her up.

"Call the medics!" I heard somebody shout and I crouched at Dara urging her to wake up.

"Yah... dara-ah..." I urged. I didn't want to touch her face. I was afraid it would hurt her. There was a small bruise starting to form around her cheek and the area around her left eye started to swell.

"Wake up...Wake up..." I kept on repeating those words hoping so much that she would hear them.

"Excuse me sir. Medics are here." I didn't want to step back just yet but I had to. Seeing them carry Dara's lifeless body on a stretcher made my eyes water again. Surely I'm allowed to cry now, right?

The medics started to wheel her out and I followed. But instead of putting her on the ambulance that was waiting outside, they wheeled her back in the hotel and unto the elevator.

"Wait. What are you guys doing? Shouldn't she be in the hospital?" I asked the medic nearest to me.I wasn't allowed to go up yet.

"We have proper equipment right now that's stationed here. The PD already told us this morning that if anything were to happen, we wouldn't be allowed to go to the hospital unless needed. He didn't want the media to get a hold of anything." The medic apologized and I understood. "Don't worry. I took a look at her wounds and the doctor accompanying her right now said that it's not very critical. She will need stitches on the forehead though from where she grazed the side of the platform."

I thanked him as he left. I was still shaking. Sure, it didn't look critical. But they weren't there. The blood on the pool. Her back floating. Her surprised look when she fell.

I couldn't take it. I sat at the nearest couch and placed my hands in front of my face. I tried to hold it in. I tried to keep a calming presence. But the damn broke. I cried.

It's all my fault.... I should have been there...


I woke up to the sound of my cellphone ringing. I glanced at the clock and saw that I fell asleep clutching dara's hand. I checked the time. 30 minutes of sleep was enough.

"Hello?" I murmered.

"What happened?!" I wrenched the phone out of my ear. YG-hyung's voice echoed and I slowly placed it back.

"You heard?" I asked still looking at Dara and rubbing my hands on her to keep her warm.

"Yeah. Manager called me. I'm with teddy right now. He's asking if both of you are alright. You are alright though, right?"

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm fine. Dara is too. She's just..." Unconscious? No. I can't just say that. "Sleeping. Don't worry. And tell teddy hyung and the others that she's fine."

"Ok. I'll see you both back soon. Just..." I heard the apprehension in his voice.

"What?" I asked, curiosity biting at me.

"Just take care of Dara. I know how well you do that but you have an odd way of showing it sometimes." Before I could retort back the line ended.

I looked at dara. True. I do care about her. But I also don't show it quite enough.

I sighed again and stared at her face. My heart sank. The wound was stitched up pretty well but the bruise was still there. It still looked swollen.

"Dara..." I whispered. "You're usually the overprotective ajhumma." I squeezed her hand and inched closer to her face. "But from now on, I'm going to be that overprotective ajussi. Just, wake up for a moment so you can really see how serious I am."

With eyes closed, I placed a light and gentle kiss on her forehead and on her bruised and swollen cheek until i didn't realize i was already showering her face with butterfly kisses. i stopped midway when i realized what i was about to do.. i looked at her pale face and our lips inches apart..


I gaped at her. Dara was murmuring with her eyes closed.

"ji... yong..." dara continued. It was faint but I could hear her.

"Hey. Hey, are you alright??" I asked starting to get up to get the medic but before I could do so, dara gripped my hand.

"Do it..."

I stared at her. Do what?

A smile suddenly formed on her lips. she grimaced as she did with her cheeks being swollen.


"Hey, don't do anything. I'm glad that you're awake now but don't do anything yet." I shushed her up but she still managed to give me a small smile.

"Do it." dara continued to murmur. Her eyes were still closed.

"Do what?" I asked, confused. Is she still asleep? Dreaming?

"What you..." she grimaced again. I squeezed her hand. "Were about to do..."

I paused. What? I racked my head on some things I missed. What was I about to do?

I stared back at her and she was smiling fully now. How she did it, I don't know. But there she was. Sandara Park. Smiling goofily even with a stitched up wound, a face that's half swollen and a bruised up cheek. My heart ached just watching her lying there smiling. But it was a good ache. One that's longing for her.

That's when I knew what she wanted me to do. What I was about to do. I felt my cheeks flush. Babo... Babo... i scolded myself

I leaned in carefully. I looked at her even though her eyes were still closed. I smiled. Slowly, gently, carefully, not wanting to hurt her in her condition, I placed my lips on hers and kissed her.

I've kissed Dara before. But not like this. This... This was something different. Special. All the things I lacked, all the things I kept, I gave in that kiss. The feeling of how frightened I was when I saw her body on the pool, how guilty I was, I tried to show them all in that single kiss.

It may seem like forever. But I knew it was only a short moment. I broke apart from her, not wanting to hurt any part of her even though I wanted to continue on till the next morning. Maybe not even then. Dara gripped my hand and urged me to continue. I chuckled.

"I did what you asked. You need rest." I said, brushing her hair away from his eyes as she opened them.

she frowned again. "I should get into accidents more often. Just so you can give me anything I want." she teased.

It was my turn to frown. "Dara... you..." I looked at her eyes. Her warm loving eyes. and sighed

"I'm sorry. For not being there with you when it happened. Actually, for not being there all the time whenever you needed me. I was selfish..." I looked away. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to change. If you found out how much I wanted you to pester me, to annoy me, maybe you'll stop doing that because you'll think how funny it was."

"Hey..." she said. I looked up and saw her trying to smile. It seemed easier for her to do than before.

"I always liked doing it. So don't worry about me not ever doing that again." she murmured. "That's why we're daragon."

I laughed.

That's why we we're daragon alright.

We stared at each other for a long while. The medicine she must be taking made it's way to her again as her eyes slowly closed and I knew she was sleeping. But her hand never left mine.

I stared at it and cherished the moment.

I'll never let this rabbit go away...

I'll always stay by her side... Forever.

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Chapter 1: here's the question: so.. before the accident, they juz very close?
Chapter 1: omg! cute story, and natural. great~
coldrabbit #3
Chapter 1: hmmm...this story looks so much like me....its just that there was no pool and accident...i wish my life turn up like this daragon story so that maybe he will confess to me...hmmmm...lol..anyway good story..thanks ^^
purple_sue #4
Chapter 1: sweet..just stay with her.don't ever leave her.
Chapter 1: Yes, forever. ♥ Wonderful story. Thank you for this! ^^
pyeong21x #6
Chapter 1: Sweet! And that's we are daragon hehehe tnx for sharing!
dnulyme #8
Chapter 1: Sweeet.....
Thanqu for the fic,authornim.
yongseoshipper #9
Chapter 1: Aww... So sweet!! <3