Hurt Heart

Hurt Heart - Niel

Dance class with Teen Top was always fun, especially when you were learning how to waltz with them. Dancing was fun for you, a way for you to escape. Which you desperately needed since you and your boyfriend of two years broke it off last night.

"Hello" Niel welcomed you as you nodded still boggled by what happened last night. Niel walked away slowly, watching you, wondering what was up with you today. His heart knew something was wrong, watching you sit all alone, dance all alone and just walk away from social confrontations. His heart ached for you to tell him what was wrong so that he could help you.

The music began to start up as you fiercely asserted yourself on the solo songs then went to being so shy, trying to just go with the motions on the waltz. It was polar opposites with every thing that you did. That began to worry Niel as he watched you for a couple weeks, studying you trying to find how he could make you happy or better.

Going home that night Niel thought of the ways that he used to make you smile, but that just made him cry as he knew there was something deeper and that it wouldn’t be that easy to cheer you up this time, even for a best friend. Deciding to write you a note he got started and worked all night for the hope of you smiling again.

Dear _______,
You are the only one that can make me smile, the only one that can allow me to breathe. Please tell me what is going on, we have known each other for so long, shared our deepest secrets with each other. All I want to do is help you, so please. Let me know what is going on so that I can help you. I want you to be happy with me, I want to help you through this. I love you.
~ Niel

After writing for the entire night. The members woke Niel up and headed to the dancing studio where you were there. Niel got up to the studio first as he watched through the window of you dancing and giving the dance your all. When the song was over you fell to the floor as tears began to rush down your face. Niel opened the door slowly as the other members proceeded to the bigger studio down the hall.

You let out a scream, “Why did you have to hurt me like that! You ripped out my heart and tore it into a billion pieces with no hope of getting it back.” You yelled at the top of your lungs as you pulled a towel between your arms then throwing it at the mirror as you fell down back against the hard floor covering your face. Letting your feelings take complete control of everything. It pained Niel to watch you in such distress. He gently closed the door on you as his back leaned against the door as he slid down the slick surface and landed on the floor.

The next song on your iPod began to play as it was Teen Top’s Hello. Hearing this song made you think of Niel and everything that he has helped you through. That school project where he stayed with you for lunch to try and finish before the next period. When your parents had a huge fight and he let you spend the night at his place. He has always been there for you and you know that you will always be there for him when he needs it.

Niel got up and walked to the practice room and decided to cancel practice on behalf of you. A couple hours later, the janitor came in and asked you to exit the building. As you did so, you just remembered that you forgot about Teen Top’s practice. Mentally hitting yourself you walked to their dorm to apologize. Picking up your bag, a note fell to the ground as you picked it up as curiosity grew inside of you, reading Niel’s not that he left behind gave you a new found confidence.

Knocking on their door Chunji greeted you.

"Can I please come in, I would like to say something to all of you." You asked as Chunji rounded up the members for you to make your announcement. "I am really sorry about not showing up for practice today, I just forgot I hope that you all will understand." You bowed to them as Ricky had something click in his head.

"Niel told us that you canceled practice today so we left after warming up." Ricky said as Niel began to turn red and advert his eyes from yours.  You bit your bottom lip gently as the members departed leaving you and Niel alone.

"Can I talk to you outside?" You asked as Niel looked into your eyes and nodded as he followed you out into the hall. Knowing Niel for a while and knowing his feelings towards you that he never tried to hide from you. The flowers on White Day or on your birthday as he took you out and you both shared a cupcake together as he told you that he would like to be your boyfriend. You had to decline since you had just gotten together with your used-to-be-boyfriend. Once you got out to the hall, he closed the door to the dorm as you wrapped him in a hug. Skinship was never his thing or was it yours, but you needed to hug him. Your ear pressed up against his chest as you listened to his heart. His warm arms wrapped around you and held you close.

"If I give you my heart will you hurt it?" You said as you closed your eyes holding him tighter

"Your heart is too beautiful to hurt." Niel says as he holds you close, rubbing your back gently. Happy that he has your heart and you have his.

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Chapter 1: Awwww.... That was so sweet. Kekekeke ~ I hope he's my boyfriend. Kekekeke XD
Chapter 1: Aww.. I wish Niel was my boyfriend..