
Only You


Happenstance, n.

-a chance happening or event


It was a monumental day for APINK and Pink Pandas. APINK was to hold their first ever solo concert today and everyone was very excited. Their hard work had finally paid off and they were ready to give their fans the best performance of their lives, hoping that this would lead them to even greater successes. Besides performing all their songs since debut, each of the members was to have solo special stages. Naeun was going to be performing a song on her guitar and then doing a dance number. Taemin was very proud of his girlfriend. He had given her pointers and even helped her practice for her special stage even though half their practice time turned out to be them using it to go on dates together. However, the night before the concert, Taemin received some news that dampened his and Naeun’s spirits. Minho had been called to the set of his drama to film a scene as the production team could not find the footage, and so Taemin had been called in his place to MC for Music Core. Taemin couldn’t reject the offer, and so he called Naeun to tell her the news.



“Oppa, wae? You sound a bit…”

“Eung…I have some bad news…”

“What is it?”

“I can’t attend the concert tomorrow. Minho hyung got called to his drama and I need to fill in for him at Music Core…”


“After recording I’ll go straight to the venue though…I’ll treat you and the girls to some dinner. I’m sorry, baby…”

“It’s okay, Oppa. You’ll be with me anyway…as long as I wear this bracelet, it’s like you’re there in spirit…”

“Seulpeo hajima! No, No, No! Don’t worry Naeun-ah…I’ll go to every single one of your future concerts…You’ll be great!”

“Still…it’s better when I have you around me…”

“I know…”

“Oppa, I have to go. We’re doing our final rehearsal…”

“Ahrasso. I know you’ll do well…Hwaiting! Love you…”

“Love you too…”

They hung up the phone and Taemin went straight to bed trying to forget about his problem. He woke up about an hour later to Minho shaking him furiously.

“Yah! Hyung!”

“Taemin-ah! I have some good news for you!”

“What is it?”

“You can go to APINK’s concert tomorrow…”

“Jinjja? How?”

“The director called me just now and said they found the footage…I don’t have to go to set tomorrow…”

“Thanks, Hyung!”

“No problem…okay you can go back to sleep now.”

Once Minho left the room, Taemin fist pumped the air and then started to tap his feet. He was going to surprise Naeun tomorrow.

The concert was going very well. The crowd was pumped and energetic, singing their lungs out to the songs, waving their fanlights, chanting in sync, and dancing. The girls had given their all into the performance and were thoroughly enjoying it. In between the stages, they would have talks and exchanged playful banter among themselves showing off their close friendship and charming their fans even more. They even got their fans involved by playing games and inviting some onstage to partake in them.

Taemin was relieved. He hadn’t been spotted by anyone. Not the fans and especially not Naeun. Just before APINK’s encore stage was to end, he made his way backstage where he would surprise the girls. He got into position on the sofa in the room, and when he heard their approaching footsteps, he picked up a magazine to hide his face. Nevertheless, when APINK had walked into the room, they screamed but soon realised who was hiding behind the magazine. Naeun’s eyes went wide with shock, but she ran up to him to give him a hug. The other members gave a quick greeting to Taemin and Taemin reciprocated and then congratulated them. All the while, Naeun stood by his side, hugging his torso and rubbing his stomach, while Taemin had his right arm wrapped around her waist.

“APINK Jjang!”


“When you guys are ready, I’ll treat all of you to some dinner? Is that okay?”

The members all cheered and clapped and commented how nice he was to them. Taemin just gave them a smile and a thumb’s up. Sensing that Taemin and Naeun would want some alone time, the other members then walked to the other room to let them have some time for themselves.

“I thought you couldn’t watch the concert! Did you see the whole thing?”

“I did! You were amazing, baby…”

“Did you lie to me so that you could surprise me?”

“As romantic as that would have been, Minho hyung ended up not needing to go to his drama set because they found the missing footage. He didn’t need me to replace him anymore so I decided to not tell you and just come and surprise you.”

“Best surprise of the night…”

Just then, Chorong tapped on the door.

“Guys, there are some people here to see you…”

Taemin and Naeun both made an ‘O’ face. Both their parents had come to cheer on APINK’s first concert.

“Omma! Appa!”

Taemin and Naeun went over to their parents and gave them a hug. It seems as if they had come together to support Naeun.

“We wanted to see our daughter perform…”

“She was very good, wasn’t she, Omma?”

“Of course. My son has very good taste…”

Taemin and Naeun’s parents had met before, but they never had a chance to gather in one place for a long time. They kept in touch with each other and both supported their children’s relationship, immediately giving their blessing when their children had told them about their feelings for each other, and so developed a good family atmosphere.

“Oh yeah…I was going to treat the members to dinner. Do you want to come with us too?”

“We thought you wouldn’t ask!”

Within 15 minutes, the members of APINK, their parents, Taemin, Naeun, and their parents were packed into vans and taken to a restaurant. Somehow, the restaurant owners managed to put four tables together to accommodate everyone, so that they all could face each other, and engage in friendly talk and the sharing of a meal. The elder men poured out glasses of soju, except for Hayoung, who was given water, and everyone toasted to APINK’s first successful concert. The ambience of the restaurant was good, and service was quick, as plates of food and accompanying side dishes were all laid out on the table. They waited for all the food to arrive before commencing their dinner.

“Please eat well!”


Everyone dug into their meals, savouring their food and commenting on how nice everything had tasted. Conversations had flowed easily and the parents, after a few drinks, started to tell those embarrassing stories about their children. When it came time for Naeun’s turn, everyone was very interested, especially Taemin.

“Uri Naeun-ie was a cry baby. She would cry when I took her to kindergarten and hug my legs trying to make me stay!”

“Oh, really? Well, my son better not make her cry…”

“Yeah, Taemin-ssi, if you ever do anything to hurt my daughter…”

“You can be assured, Sir, that I will try to make Naeun happy…”

“That’s good…”

Bomi spoke up.

“What happens if you do make Naeun cry?”

Taemin was silent for a moment, and everyone was hanging on to the silence, listening for when Taemin would answer.

“If I made her cry…then I would be the one to wipe the tears from her eyes…”

Taemin winked at Naeun and she snorted from laughter. After hearing that, everyone joined in and started to laugh too.

The restaurant was loud and noisy, but they didn’t care. They were having fun. It was a good way to end a good day, and an even better night. Even when you don’t plan things, events can take a turn for the good, just like that night. Everyone became more comfortable with each other and became closer together. The one thing for sure that happened that night, was that the family bond that they had laid the foundations of when APINK had debuted after being trainees, had become even stronger. Naeun looked around her. She was currently surrounded by everyone that she loved and that made her happy. This was a rare thing that happened and she just wanted to enjoy the moment. Her thoughts were broken when Taemin kissed the top of her head and whispered to her.

“A penny for your thoughts?”


She leaned into him.

“It’s just that I’m so happy right now. Being with you, with the members and all our families…”

“Me too…”

“I hope we can stay this way…”

Taemin gave her another kiss.

“Anything is possible…Anything can change at any moment. Just like today…”

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trashbyuniee #1
U don't know how much i love this. You have been working hard author nim thank you very much
Icha_Deswita #2
Chapter 23: Make another taeun author-nim ?
Chapter 20: I missed jonghyun ?
Chapter 23: I lost counts how many times i re read this! Seriously you're the best in making fluff story between them <333
nidia1992 #5
Chapter 6: Okay, I read this story for second time.. I really excited thinking they really do this in real life.. I always support Taeun Couple no matter what happen
myyukkie #6
Chapter 23: hi pls make another story for our Taemin and naeun..thank you
mjklmoster #7
I super love your story! Seemed so real. Thank you for this!
You made my day, author-nim! I love Taeun!
dencar #9
Chapter 16: I just recently got hooked to this couple and they're so adorable!. Of all the Taeun fanfic stories I read so far, yours was probably the best :) Kudos to you! I have one story suggestion/request since its the Christmas season - why not make a full Taeun fanfic story on their winter/Christmas vacation (like on a 2nd Ski date?) :). Hope to read more fluffy Taeun stories from you!