Episode 1: The Beginning

The Prestige

Autumn of 2014 and a new class have entered the Prestige of Arts High School. Many are very nervous and paranoid. Unlike regular high school where students go home, students stay all four years of high school in the dorms. Each dorm is separated by class. The Cub dorm is where the freshmen stay, the Pride dorm is where the sophomores stay, the juniors stay in the Roar dorm and the seniors stay in the Leo dorm. The students who are at the University stay in the apartments. The Prestige Campus is humongous, that’s why it was built in the Yukon Territory there is a lot of free land in the northern part of the providence. The schools have a clear divide. The High School is much larger, because it doesn’t have different buildings like the college. When cars first enter the Prestige of Arts they pass the college apartments and a few college buildings. The high school is further back. The black and gold brick building is a beauty. It is breath taking just to stare at. The inside of the school is gorgeous. Black tiled floors with gold fills make up the base of the building. Each student has their own full, gold wall locker. In the entrance of the school sits the mascots, made entirely out of real gold. The school’s mascot is a great representation of it message. “We are proud, we are bold, we are strong, and we rule the kingdom, so hear us roar.” The school’s message sits right under the Lion mascot.

Students are kissing their parents good-byes until Christmas.  In the Cub dorm a student is looking for his friend. He is dressed in tight black jeans, with slight rips and a red graphic top. He had already found his room and moved in with the help from his parents. The black haired boy was now waiting for his roommate. Okay he was really waiting for his friend. He tried texting him, but his friend keeps ignoring him. He knows his friend is probably setting up his room. Where is Kris he thought to himself? Kris was a little bit taller than him and he was sporting a new blond hair-style. He then saw someone in baggy shorts and an a white tank top. Was it Kris? He immediately walked across the hall and tapped the person on the back. The person turned around, but it wasn’t Kris. It wasn’t even a boy.

“Oh I’m sorry”, the black haired boy spoke,

“No its fine”, she replied.

“I thought you were someone else”, he said softly.

“Oh I’m sorry, I hope you find who you’re looking for”, she said with a smile, but she noticed the black haired boy looked a little lost. She extended her hand out to him. “My name is Amber”.

“Oh, I’m Tao”, he said shaking her hand.

“So who are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for my friend, Kris”.

“Really, my roommate’s name is Kris. I don’t know if he is the one you’re looking for, but its work a shot”. Tao shrugged at her. She was right. It most likely wasn’t the Kris he was looking for, but at least he could meet two new people.

“Hey Kris, do you know a Tao?” Amber asked.

“Yeah I know one. Why do you as-. Tao!” Kris yelled and proceeded to hug him.

“Hey”, Tao replied while a smile on his face. His smile quickly turned into hate. “Why haven’t you answered me? I’ve been texting and calling you”!

“Sorry, I was busy setting up our room”, Kris said putting his arm around Amber.

“Wait, you can have a girl roommate”, Tao said with his jaw dropped.

“For this year. Boys out weight the girls this year, so it has created an un-even amount”, Amber stated.

“Yeah, but it’s all cool. Amber is awesome I couldn’t have asked for a better roommate”, Kris blushed.

“Thanks dude you’re pretty awesome yourself. Tao I’m so jealous that you two been friends for so long. Kris already feels like a brother”.

“Stop,” Kris smiled. “Why did you stop keep going”, Kris laughed causes Amber to laugh too. Tao looked at them both with disgust, but especially Amber.

“So who’s your roommate?” Kris asked.

“I don’t know yet”, Tao answered.

“Well we better get going to orientation, we don’t want to be late”, Amber said. Kris and Tao followed Amber, though Tao was nowhere near happy to be following Amber.

In the front office is where the Headmaster resides. He is about to be late for his speech at orientation because he is making love to his girlfriend. He and she had just and they lied back on his desk.

“Wow, Krystal you keep getting better and better”, the headmaster said.

“Well I learned from you”, She said putting on her clothes.

“I guess you did huh”, the headmaster said with a smirk.

“We’re going to be late to orientation.”

“Oh yeah that’s right you’re starting your first year here”, he said with a coy smile.

“Don’t play dumb. You already knew that. That’s why you called me to your office”, she said without hesitation.

“That’s why I like you, you smart and mature for your age.”

“Well if I’m so smart then why am I dating you”?

“Because I thought you were a college student, and you continued lying to me that you were.”

“Just like you were lying to me, you said you weren’t married.”

“I never said I wasn’t, you assumed I wasn’t married.”

“I never assumed I knew you were married the moment you step to me. What kind of old man goes to a club”, Krystal said toying with him.

“What kind of girl goes to a club? Oh I know, a girl with a fake ID”, he said standing his ground.

“It wasn’t a fake ID, it was a false identity. I did just as you did, Choi Siwon”, the way she said his name sent chills down Siwon’s body. He knew Krystal already knew who he was. That’s how she got into the Prestige of Arts High School. She used him like a 1984 Chevrolet.

“You better get going”, he said.

“No I think you’re the one who should get going. I don’t have a speech to make”, she replied with a smile.

“So are we done now that you’ve gotten in?” Siwon was brave enough to ask.

“No, I’m not done with you yet”, Krystal said before walking out of his office. Again Siwon knew when he met her at that club it was all a plan. Somehow Krystal knew he was going to that club. She accidently spilled her drink on him and five minutes later they were in the bathroom ing. Little did Siwon know there was a camera in the stall. She had recoded the whole affair. She threated to tell his wife if he didn’t let her in the school. He was furious. How could he be so idiotic? He walked right into her trap. He has always been one step ahead of everybody, but a 14 year old girl had been two steps ahead of him.

Outside at the courtyard was where every freshman stood. The staff mad hamburgers and hot dogs for the students. Against one of the building walls stood a small stage and a podium. Kris, Amber, and Tao were conversing, well Kris and Amber were Tao wasn’t really included which mad him angry. At first he thought he was being over-dramatic, but he and Kris planned to be inseparable if they both managed to get into Prestige. They were both there, but Kris and Tao had barely talked.

“Hey I’m going to find the drinks, you guys want something?” Amber asked.

“Yeah, can you get me a Sprite please”, Kris replied.

“Tao”? Amber asked.

“Could you get me coffee”, Tao replied.

“I’m not sure if that have that”, Amber replied.

“You won’t know if you don’t look”, Tao said with a feign smile.

“Uh ok Sprite and coffee”, Amber said scratching the back of her head. She then left into the crowd of people to find the drinks. Once Tao saw that she was gone he turned back to Kris who was visibly upset.

“What” Tao questioned.

“What was that”, Kris stated.

“What was what”?

“You know what. You won’t know if you don’t look”, Kris said mocking Tao. “That was a little rude”.

“No what’s rude is her calling you her brother or basically ignoring me.”

“Are you serious Tao”?

“Yes I’m serious, you said it was going to us two living it up all four years”, Tao said with a pout.

“What I said was true, you know I never go back on my word.”

“Well you have today. We haven’t even talked at all today, except now. And we aren’t even talking we’re arguing.”

“Which you started by the way. Look I’m sorry if you feel ignored”, Kris said with sincerity.

“No I don’t feel, I am being ignored.”

“Tao will stop.”

“Stop what?” he asked.

“You know I care about you, so why are you making it seem like Amber is going to replace you. She’s my roommate. I want to like her. I’m going to be living with her for a whole year. Don’t you think it’s smart that we should get along”?

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry I just don’t like being ignored that all, especially by the only friend I have here”, Tao said feeling empathetic.

“Try pitching into the conversation instead of being pissed that’s she’s even talking in the first place”, Kris firmly stated.

“Fine, I’ll try”, Tao replied in an annoyed tone.

“Don’t try, just do it.”

“Hey guys”, Amber said approaching them will their drinks. “I’m sorry Tao they didn’t have any coffee so I got you a Sprite.”

“That’s fine. It’s too hot for coffee anyway. Thanks”, Tao smiled trying to make up for his behavior earlier.

“Attention Cubs”, a voice echoed through the microphone.

“Who’s that?” Tao asked.

“He’s the Headmaster”, Amber replied.

“Attention Cubs”, Siwon repeated. The entire freshman class began to quiet down. They focused their attention on the chiseled man. Siwon was a very good looking man. He could almost past for twenty. His smile was full of confidence, and his presence causes intimidation to everyone he talked to. “I am your headmaster Choi Siwan”. He then gave a speech to the students about the school. The rules and regulations, but most of the students heard blah, blah, blah.

The three headed back to their dorms after the headmaster’s speech. They were exhausted. They and the rest of the freshman class spent all day moving in their stuff, and meeting new people. Tao glanced at Kris. His glance was a motion for Kris to follow Tao into his dorm. There would be nowhere there, since his roommate hasn’t arrived.

“Hey I’m going to help Tao with something”, Kris said to Amber. She nodded at him and proceeded to her room. Tao and Kris then made their way into Tao’s dorm. Once they entered, they were shocked to see a blonde hair boy with slim jean shorts, and a white tee. They all stared at each other.

“Hi, I’m Luhan”, he said breaking the tension. Tao stood quiet. Kris held his tongue for a few seconds before speaking.

“I’m Kris and this is you’re roommate Tao.”

“Nice to meet you both”, Luhan smiled back.

“Well I’m going to go, I’ll let you get comfortable with Luhan”, Kris said.

“Don’t go”, Tao begged.

“I’ll see you in the morning”, Kris replied.

“Don’t you mean you’ll text me good night”, Tao firmly stated.

“I’ll do that too. Good night”, Kris said walking to his dorm. Tao entered the room and jumped on his bed. Luhan looked and him wanting to say something. Tao’s eyes met with his. Then Tao rolled them and grabbed his phone. He began scrolling through his Instagram feed.

“I’m sorry I interrupted”, Luhan reluctantly spoke.

“Don’t worry about it”, Tao said uninterested.

“So, where are you from?” Luhan asked.

“Here”, Tao replied.

“Oh you’re from Canada. That’s awesome. What part”?

“Toronto”, Tao replied again using one word answers.

“Oh I heard it’s amazing there. The people are nice and it just beautiful”, Luhan said with admiration.

“Yep”, Tao spoke uninterested.

 “Sorry if I’m boring you, I’m just trying to be nice”, Luhan stated.

“You are boring me. You seem really nice, but I’m not in the mood for talking right now”, Tao replied.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your time”, Luhan replied.

“My time”? Tao question.

“Yeah with Kris.”

“Why would I need time with him”?

“Aren’t you two dating”?

“What! Where would you get that idea?” Tao stated. Luhan pointed to Tao’s dresser. There sat a picture of Kris and next to the picture was a MMA trophy. It wasn’t the gold trophy that caught their attention, it was the rainbow bracelet.

“Okay, I’m gay, but that doesn’t mean I’m dating Kris”, Tao stated.

“Okay”, Luhan said putting his clothes into his dresser. “Forget I mentioned it.”

“Good, and I’m not the only gay in this room you know. I can read people too.”

“I was never trying to hide it”, Luhan calmly replied.

“Neither was I”, Tao said defensively.

“You know what Tao”, Luhan said Tao’s name with annoyance. “I think this is a beginning of a great friendship.”

“Well Luhan, I believe you are right”, Tao said with a smile. The two boys then began reintroducing themselves. Tao respected Luhan, because he was able to figure out things in a blink of the eye, just like he is. That formed natural click and a beginning to a promising friendship.


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Chapter 15: OMG i cant wait until u update again!! the cliffhanger.... man....
this fanfic is sooooo great ^o^
Chapter 13: Omfg! Kris you've just put yourself in a load of trouble! Now you can guarantee that Tao will hate you forever... My baby T^T Tao hang in there! I'm glad Krystal is paying for what she did to everyone. Does lay like Victoria???? I was very scared and I thought that Daeryong was gonna do something to TaoZI!!! But he's a good guy.. Phew. Update soon~
CosmicKhris #3
Chapter 7: Agscacdbs I'm here for HunHan but looks like now I like TaoRis
Waiting for your update :3