stop it.

» `Delusional. graphicreviews&tutorials; closed.

I know, there's a lot in the world that make people unhappy and I know that we can't solve all the issues
in the world and bring happiness to whole mankind, but at least, let's do what we can do for our surroundings
and people who we know.

Even if you don't believe in God or what deity is mentioned in this video (I don't believe in anything myself)
this video does convey a very important message and show us a very important issue.

Yes, I get mad at people, yes I hold grudges, but still even I know that bullying isn't the right way to settle problems.

We are all humans and weren't we the race which thought that we were good and all?

Then proof it and stop it. 



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Happy new year guys! Hope you guys will have an amazing 2014!


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Chapter 58: Oh THANK YOUUUUU <33
Chapter 58: This is daebakk! I want a tutorial like that poster.^^
Chapter 61: /claps Great tutorial <333
Chapter 57: AS;DLK FA;DSLFJ THANK YOUUU THIS IS THE HIGHEST SCORE I'VE GOTTEN SO FAR AT YOUR SHOP ^O^ anywhoooo lol i didn't even really notice the music notes xDD i just used it as a texture overlay to color the graphics. woops~~ xDD And the clock originally was like a pinkish color, so I thought it wouldn't fit well with the bluish tint of the graphic. So, I just desaturated it. OTL
Chapter 59: got bullied ;A; but these days it's gettin' fine;;;
but some day it still happens ;A; meh cryin in da corner;;hurt
Chapter 56: thank yous oooo much forthe review!! :D i guess my screen might be callibrated a bit differently because i could see the title perfectly xD and i didn't really mean to put fluff actually it might have just slipped my mind, but its ok xD And for the colors, I tried to change the curves on their faces but i guess it didn't really work xDD
Chapter 55: Thank you for the review, it helps so much with my improvement in poster making. The colors on the faces were always difficult for me to match because of the tones and contrasts that were already there before I edited them. I hope to improve on that next time I request ^^
i've requested twice~ thankss!!!
Chapter 54: I HAVE READ YOUR REVIEW! :D Thank you so much for being honest with your review, and yep, I won't let the grade and the comments discourage me. :3 I've learned so much in this review, I hope I will be able to improve the next time I ask a graphic review from you. :D

And yes, I didn't notice that the hand was Low Quality until I uploaded it. ;u;

Thanks again and more power to your shop! :3