Listen to...only you

Guy: what are you doing here ?! this house is private ...

Ji-in: sorry, but i'm here to see my house. 

in young: (whispering) Ji... Ji-in ah look who it is .. Oh my god it's super junior's Heechul . then turned to Hee . Nice to meet you 

heechul: yeah, hi ... are you fans .. ?!

In young: big one, i ... unterrupted by Ji-in who looked at her with- not now- look 

Ji-in: well, actually we're moving here... what are you doing here, Heechul-sii ?! Ji-in asked seeming so confident .

Heechul just looked at her without saying anything when another guy spoke from behind causing Ji-in and In young to turn around .

Siwon: welcome here ladies, well i think, it's nice to have such beautiful girls as neighbours, right hyung? he said with a bright smile on his face .

heechul: uh.. yeah right. answered a confused Heechul .

Ji-in: why thank you Mr Siown & she smiled back at him ... 

In young: OH my god ... Super junior are your neighbours .. can't wait to move here. In young headed to the gate excitedly.

Ji-in: WHAT?! just 10 mins ago you weren't sure about it ...

In young: now i have a stronger motive.. then she looked at the confused ji-in and added: well at least to my parents. Come on we have to go now .Bye 

Ji-in: Thanks Siwon-sii you for welcoming us, you too Heechul-sii, hope we'll be good neighbours 

Siwon: yeah, hope so.. goodbye .. and call me oppa since we'll meet a lot in the future.

Ji-in: Ok , see you next time oppa .. then she smiled and got down the stairs while Donghae was getting up ...

 --Yes she could recgonize him because she's a fan of Super junior, well not as much as In young, but she knows them enough-- 

Ji-In's POV: 

I was going down the stairs to the gate when Super junior's Donghae was going up, he suddenly looked up at me and smiled with a grin I felt butterflies in my stomach his smile was so beautiful and it reminded somehow of the smile the guy I met in the airport had. I smiled back at him and followed In Young out. I just kept smiling when I felt In young shaking me...I turned to her confused.

Ji-in: what was that for?!

In young: i was speaking to you, didn't you her me?!

Ji-in: Sorry...and gave in young an innocent smile.

In young: what's wrong with you? wait. he smiled didn't he? only Donghae's smile has this effect.

Ji-in: (giggled) i guess you're right about that...he reminded me of -you know- the guy I told you about in the airport, they have the same smile.

In young: you know... it could be him.

Ji-in: nah..I don't think I'm that lucky.

In young: look who's speaking you'll be living next to Super junior for i don't know how long and you say you're not lucky. besides they were in the airport the day you came...

Ji-in: and you think living next to super famous idols is luck...I might reconsider it - I just said that to I'd never give up this house lol-

In young: by the way... you acted so cool back there, weren't you excited?!

Ji-in : iknow I should've beenbut I guess I have a new skilll now; I can be cool in front of celebrities cheeky

In young: lucky you...so you decided when you'll move here?

Ji-in: well I'll be here before the weekend. 

in young: I'll come and help you.

Ji-in:I won't speak to you again if you don't. let's go celebrate.

In young: YeeY...let's go.

Ji-in:your treat.

in young: O-O playful. OK it's your welcome to Seoul gift for you...I know this great Ice cream shop...we should go there.

Ji-in: you know how to get me..

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I'm going to change the Poster and BG... but not until I post a new chapter... Hold on ^^


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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
Pick up your request here my dear - http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/94416/194
Chapter 21: Wish u ze best for the exam :) good luck~ and update soon :))))
Chapter 11: I like the plot but the font..maybe try changing it? :)
Chapter 21: hahah all e best for ur exam! u better read my updates asap! hahah!
strawberry icecream huh? hehe finally she treat her as a friend.sweet chapter!!=)
Chapter 20: hahahaha introducing, my mother-in-law hahaahah
Chapter 20: woahh update sooonnn!
Chapter 20: oooohhh... embaressing
Chapter 19: so are u going to update this too??hahaha
Chapter 18: awwww...so sweeettt...the whole story..pls update soon..kyu started to like her!!