
Anniversary - Myungsoo

Three gangsters surrounded you as you were walking home from work.

"Come on guys, you don’t want me." You tried to make yourself sound less pleasing in order to try and get away from them.

"I think we do." The leader said as the other members moaned

"I just want to go home, go have a nice weekend and a nice date." You said as they walked towards you making your back hit against a brick wall.

"I think we want a date with you." Another member said as they began to surround you. Whimpers came from your throat as if you were threatening them if they came closer. Screams then sounded the air as they echoed through the alleyway  to the street.

The sweet perfume of the flowers hit Myungsoo’s nose as he walked home to an anniversary with you. The scream rung through the air as he squinted his eyes, focusing his ears as he thought that the scream sounded like yours. Another scream quickly followed as he began to run to the origin of the scream. Looking down every alleyway on your way home he finally found the one that you were in. The three men were towering over you as you cowered to the ground curling yourself into a ball. Myungsoo ran and slipped in front of you covering you from the men.

"What do you want pretty boy?" The leader stood on his toes trying to intimidate Myungsoo

"You going to your lover?" The other member said teasingly

"Oh these just compliment your eyes beautifully." The third member said as the second member and him high fived.

"I want you to leave my wife alone." Myungsoo gnarled his teeth at them as the leader just gave him a dastardly smile. 

"I have another idea in mind." The leader said as he threw a punch to Myungsoo’s jaw. Spinning around, bracing against the brick wall as he leaned over you. He saw the fear in your eyes as you watched him, turning around he threw the flowers in a guy’s hands as he punched the leader, the other guy wrapped his arms around Myungsoo’s holding him steady as the leader got up and wiped the blood from his nose.

"You think that you are some tough guy now?" The leader said as he came up and used Myungsoo as a boxing bag.

"S-Stop it" You said in a quiet voice as you uncurled yourself from the ball that you had yourself in. "Stop it!" You said more determined as the gangsters let Myungsoo go, he fell to the ground protecting his stomach with his arms. His eyes that were filled with pain locked onto yours as he shook his head telling you not to do it. The gangsters turned around and looked at you.

"So you think that you can be so tough and save your boyfriend?" The members cocked their heads from side to side as some cracked their knuckles, clenching their fists for you.

"Husband." You corrected them as Myungsoo propped himself up trying to get to your aid. The gangsters oh-ed as the less built member punched you across your face causing a painful squeal to escape your mouth. The members kicked you and pulled your hair just to rile Myungsoo up. Calling his name in between the beatings Myungsoo got to his feet and threw his punches at the members. Distracting the gangsters from you Myungsoo fell to the ground as they now surrounded him.

"You gonna go save you wife?" He imitated a girly voice as he pulled a gun from his belt. "I don’t think so." Pointing the gun at Myungsoo you quickly got to your feet as he readied the gun. He began to pull the trigger as you flung your body over Myungsoo’s.

The bullet called its victim from the iconic sound as the smoke arose from the barrel. Trying to breathe you felt the penetration of the bullet as warm liquid soon spilled all over your white shirt. Myungsoo quickly looked up, feeling someone on him. Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he ran his hands to the side of your ribs laying you down against the concrete. Your vision became blurry as he took his hands and pressed it against your bullet wound. Hissing in pain you began to find that it was hard to breathe your heartbeat began to slow as did all the other things around you.

"I’m sorry, Myungsoo." You breathed as you closed your eyes, his face for the last time. He began to search your face as you fell limp into his arms. His mind stuttered on what to do next, he pressed his head up against your chest to hear for a heartbeat. Silence was all he could hear, jumping into action in an effort to save his one and only he began CPR, counting off in the cold air as he watched your body move with his compressions. Stopping to check for you breath and heart rate again he heard distant sirens as the business owners showed the paramedics to where you two were. Warm tears ran from Myungsoo’s face dropping down onto your neck as your head rolled to the side. Pounding on your chest with harder compressions the Paramedics pulled Myungsoo off of you.

"I have to save her." Myungsoo fought the medical personnel as tried to move to you.

"Clear" The paramedics pressed the metal paddles to your chest after they opened your shirt. Myungsoo watched your body jump with the electric shock as they shocked you a few more times before moving you into the ambulance where they shocked you once more before resuming CPR. Myungsoo piled into the ambulance with you as they headed off to the hospital. Pressing his forehead against yours, holding your limp hand in his he gently pet your forehead.

"You can’t leave me, we have to start our family, and grow old together. You promised. Fight, fight to stay alive for me. Please." His whispering plea was barely audible for the medics that continued to try and keep you alive.

Rolling you out of the ambulance they rolled you to immediate surgery as Myungsoo stood at the door to the operating room. Crying out his eyes as his heart ached for you, another doctor had come and pried Myungsoo away from the doors so that he could get looked at. 

The doctors moved you into your room after your surgery. Myungsoo soon stumbled into your room as he went to your side. “How is she?” He asked rubbing his broken ribs.

"We will have to watch her closely, the bullet had hit her lung and tore it up pretty good. We think that she will make a good recovery but we can never be too sure." Myungsoo sighed, bowing to the doctors as they left you and Myungsoo alone.

The machines kept you alive since you were on several machines and had tons of tubes running in and out of you. Opening your eyes slowly, the darkness of night welcomed you back as you moved your fingers around, feeling someone’s fingers intertwined with yours you looked over to your right where you saw Myungsoo in his own medical bed holding your hand being as close to you as he could be. Rubbing your fingers against his you tried to speak having so many questions to ask him. Trying to get up a pain shot in your side as you cried out in pain, easing yourself back down.

"Mmmm" You tried to say his name but your throat was so sore. Letting out another whimper of pain he woke up slowly as the small overhead light lit up his features.

"You’re awake" He groggily said as his eyes opened to see yours again as a sigh of relief slid through his lips.

"I’m sorry" Your whisper slit through the night air as his eyes widened, shaking his head.

"I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you better." Myungsoo said gently not letting his eyes waver from yours. "Happy three year anniversary _____."

"Happy Anniversary Myungsoo." You whispered out as you began to fall asleep again, Myungsoo soon followed but this was one anniversary that you would never forget.

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Chapter 1: phew thank god u made her survive. this was super good.

and omg THE PICTURE <3 *steals it*
Chapter 1: My heart dropped when she got shot...glad she made it through! Awesome story