
Bus No.07
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Hello readers. Here's another long update since I don't really have time to update nowadays. I hope this long update will make it up to you guys. Comment maybe? I do really want to know what you think so far so that I can continue to make the fanfic better. Have a nice day! xx 

Soomi stared at the empty piece of paper in front of her during English class, she stared at it blankly but secretly her mind was thinking. Thinking of so many things that makes a single awe multiple itself to a billion more; filling up her head completely. She sat there rewinding  every single word Luhan told her that night about one week ago. It has always been like that ever since, her mind wouldn't stop thinking about it. She even backed out last minute rather than hanging out with the group the day she canceled the meeting at the beach that she's suppose to go with Lay. She didn't feel like seeing him. A part of her wanted to but a part of her was truly disappointed and another part of her was also hoping that what ever Luhan had told her wasn't true. She didn't understand why she felt so disappointed at first but if she truly feels upset about this, then it is for sure that she must at least has the tiniest bit of feelings for Lay but now she just doesn't want it all or at least she doesn't even want to admit it to anyone; not even herself. She hasn't even talked to him ever since the last time she texted him. She has been avoiding his texts and she even avoided riding the same bus. She made sure to catch a different bus home.

Stuck in her dreamland, she didn't even noticed when Sehun called her for the past 10 times. "What?", she asked turning around blinking a few times. Sehun looked at her in concern; he knew something has been bothering Soomi for the past week and it was getting worst indeed. He has to call her a few times until she actually snaps back to the real world and her mood has never been normal. She's suddenly a little upset than usual. "What is happening to you? It's so unlike you Soomi-ah. Is there something bothering you?", Sehun asked being straight forward. Soomi was caught red handed immediately but a part of her just didn't want to let it out. Soomi shooked her head, "Don't worry. I'll be okay by tomorrow. I've been tired lately, I think I should just spend more time sleeping than revising", she said assuring her best friend who apparently knows her way too well with a little white lie. Sehun nodded his head and straightened his posture before just in time when the teacher continued their lesson. He couldn't help but keep his eyes on Soomi. He was really worried about her. He hated seeing Soomi not being her usual self because she wouldn't be cheerful around him when he cracks up a joke. Only Soomi would laugh at most of his jokes and knows how dorky he can get.


Soomi walked in a slow pace carrying some books in her arms while her bag pack hang behind her by her shoulders. She stopped unexpectantly and shook her head; trying to stop thinking until she felt pushed forward from the back causing her to turn around and it came to her surprise that it was Sehun. Sehun smiled guiltily scratching the back of his neck. "Why are you here?", Soomi asked looking confused; just by a little. Sehun showed an angry look immediately, "Did you forget that I always walk you to the bus stop too?", he asked walking off in a fast pace. Soomi realized that it had slipped her mind. She didn't even wait for Sehun. "Sehun-ah!", Soomi shouted turning around before she chased after Sehun. Immediately when she reached him, she clung her arm around Sehun neck. "What do you want? Do you need me to remind you your name?", Sehun said sarcastically. Soomi looked guilty, "I'm sorry, I know I'm not myself right now but I will be tomorrow. I promise. Okay?", she said showing the okay sign to Sehun before winking. Sehun smiled, "OK", her said before pushing Soomi away and slowed his pace. Soomi smiled, she knows exactly how to fix things especially when Sehun is purposely giving her the cold shoulders.

"Are sure that you're just tired Soomi and how come you're at this bus stop?", Sehun asked sitting with her at a different bus stop. Soomi smiled, "It's easier to get home using this bus stop and besides, you can ride it with me since the bus stops at your neighborhood too", she said trying to ignore anything that has to do with Lay. Sehun nodded his head, "I'll just ride the bus with you today then. My long legs are pretty tired", Sehun joked while he indirectly praised his height causing Soomi to punch his shoulder playfully. Sehun could see that Soomi was starting to go back to her usual playful self while Soomi thought that ignoring things was a great help. The two best friends waited for about another 10 minutes until the bus arrived. "The but is here... yehet", Sehun said jumping up on his two feet while Soomi grabbed the boosk beside her and stood up along side Sehun. The both of them got on the bus and headed off for home. On the bus, they were pretty much enjoying each others' company as usual. They joked around and laughed like crazy. Some of the aunties on the bus even scolded them; telling them to be a little quiter but it only caused them to laugh more.

Soomi got off the bus alone when she arrived at the opposite side of her neighborhood and began walking home. She felt enlightened already, she totally forgot about everything that has gotten her worried and into thinking. She felt great to have a best friend that knows exactly how to turn things around for her. As she was approaching her house, she noticed that there was someone in front of her house leaning by the wall beside the gate of her house. As she gotten closer, she footsteps got slower. The person noticed her presence quickly, he stood up facing her; from afar he just waited for her to come closer. Soomi stopped walking as she hesitated but then pretended that nothing was wrong by covering her expressions quickly and made her way to her house. "Oh Yixing-ah, why are you here in the cold?", she asked with her normal voice. Lay stood there a little confused because before she spoke, he knew that something was wrong especially when he could sense that Soomi has been avoiding him for over a week. Lay shook his head, "Ah, nothing... I- I'm just here to talk to you", he said which grabbed Soomi's attention completely.

To be honest, Lay has been feeing a little lonely ever since Soomi didn't talk to him nor ride the bus with him. It felt like something was missing and he didn't like it. He had to admit how he loved her presence around him whenever it was possible. Soomi tucked her hands into her pocket and waited for him to continue speaking. Lay hesitated for a few seconds but finally built the courage to speak. "Have you... H-have you been avoiding me?", he asked in a straight forward yet polite manner. Soomi stood speechless for a moment and then smiled, "No, why would you say that? I'm just busy revising since school had already started", she said; feeling guilty already that she's lying but she couldn't say anything about because if she would to tell him she would only expose what Luhan had told her, her feelings and even the fact that she's lying. Lay somehow looked disappointed, "Tell me honestly, did I do something wrong?", he asked a little more serious this time but Soomi immediately shook her head and she chuckled. "What could you possibly do? Yixing-ah, you're worrying too much. I'm going inside first, go home safely", Soomi said trying to avoid the conversation from going any further and turned to head on inside but it took her by surprise when Yixing grabbed her by the wrist stopping her but at the same time making him face her.

This time, he looked frustrated. He really knew that there was something wrong and he knows that she's lying to him. "Stop lying and tell me the truth. Why are you avoiding me?", he asked with more intensity in his eyes as well. Soomi suddenly looked scared. She wanted to speak but she stuttered to do so. She took a moment to think before her eyes lifted up to face Lay. Lay was waiting patiently. "I'm not avoiding-", Soomi began to speak but Lay didn't buy it at all by cutting her off. "If you're not avoiding me, then why are you rushing to end our conversation? Or why did you suddenly cancel our meeting after school last week, or why did you not answer my texts? Do you know that I can see if you've read it or not?", he asked shooting straight at Soomi; catching her red handed and guilty. Pretty much closing every opportunity for her to escape from all of it. Soomi looked down to the ground and took a few breathers. She didn't know what or how to say anything, she knew that this was already a confrontation between the two of them.

"I... Why do you care? I'm just a friend... Besides I told you that I've been revising. I'm tired so let's just talk another day", Soomi said giving up as she give another go for the gate but Lay caught her hands this time and this time, he wasn't going to let go. Lay looked frustrated now, he wasn't going anywhere without answers. "Because I... I just care alright?", Lay said making Soomi turn to him. "I like you being around me", he continued speaking and this time Soomi really couldn't speak. Lay's grip became gentle all of a sudden, it was warm and gentle. "I hated the feeling when you suddenly disappeared. The bus' atmosphere was weird too", Lay said confessing. Soomi looked up at him with a little sadness in her eyes. She saw that look in his eyes, it was similar to hers when she faced her family problems which made her heart give in. Although she knew that she was being used to ease his pains away, at least it she heart felt happy to see him smile rather than looking frustrated like he is now. The next thing she knew as she was thinking, Lay pulled and hugged her; making her eyes open bigger. Her arms was straight until she felt a thump through her ears and that's when she realized that she was listening to Lay's heart beat. His heart beat made her feel

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Kash0330 #1
Chapter 33: One of the best stories I read so far.....enough to mess up with my mind...when i'm sure it will end like this you twist it unexpectedly...well written more like beautifully written...if this were made into drama i'm gladly to watch it over and over again...so heartbreaking story of two broken people that heals with each other presence... Might As well waiting for sequel...
Chapter 34: Omg when it come to the end i can't hold my tears anymore its breaking my hurt badly. Btw this is such a beautiful story. ㅠ
jennipapoy #3
Chapter 33: Omo omo omo!!!! Author-nim!! I hate u for writing this beautiful-awesome story!! It pulled my heart strings like, literally. I cried in some of the chapters. To be honest, at first I feel like the story is kind of boring but the more I read it, the more I understand about the whole situations. This story gives me some moral advices too somehow. In conclusion, this is beautiful. And yes, please do write a sequel!! Fighting author-nim!! Keep writing awesome stories :D ^^
MTDT97 #4
Chapter 33: Author-nim well written! What a intricately written story, the varying levels of emotions was well displayed in all the characters and there was a lot of maturity from Lay. The strength and variety in the words and tones used throughout the whole story was probably the strongest point about your story :D
avisdawn #5
Chapter 2: It's beautiful :)
But can you arrange the spacing of paragraphs??? :)
It's hard to read because of the spacing and too wordy :)
Thank you :)
Chapter 33: BEAUTIFUL!! thats all i have to say for this story! so many emotions! right in the feels :")
Chapter 33: It was so long and I didn't really feel like reading it (I just watched the last episode of Moorim School) but I still read it and like it :D
I had a lot of emotion go through me for a day.
YasnaXing #8
Chapter 33: Damn it crying :'( it's really sad I thought they won't be together anymore but no and thanks :D and I'll really miss reading this and waiting for the next chapter ahh a lot of memories thank you so much
Ahhh can't believe it ended >__<
Thank you so much again for finishing this great story <3
Chapter 32: OMG!!!! Is this how it ends?? Pleassseeee say NO. NOOOOOO......let her remember yixing and get them together. I feel empty....i feel incomplete
lovely516 #10
Update more please