Chapter two

Between Royalty and You

Night fell upon the small village, the only lights that could be seen are from the village entrance and the Lee family home. “Take care of Soojung,” Mrs. Lee ordered her only son, pulling him into a comfortable hug. Taemin assured his loving mother that he would protect the hidden princess even if it will cause him his life.

Mrs. Lee took a good look at her son; a healthy yet slender body that goes along with a young complexion, eyes that have nothing to hide and a clear voice that shows his strong will. She couldn’t be any prouder. Turning to Soojung she gave the younger girl a warm hug, Soojung’s well-build body gently embracing the elder. “Go take back what is rightfully yours.” Mrs. Lee requested, strong trails of hope in her voice. “Thank you,” Soojung smiled fondly at the elderly lady. “For everything.”

Soojung pulled away from their hug with determinations in her eyes. Taemin nodded at her, securing his satchel on his shoulder before following the lady to the darken forest. “Return to the palace once we’re done!” Soojung exclaimed, not sparring another glance of what she left behind in that small village.

Not a single sound aside from the quick steps of two pair of feet travelled through the forest.

Taemin made a sharp turn to the left and Soojung followed in pursuit, her steps just as quick and agile. The two teens kept a steady pace, only stopping ever once in a while to regain their breath. “Let’s stay here for the night.” Soojung breathed heavily, leaning against a tree trunk as she was already too exhausted to continue. “Go ahead Soojung,” Taemin said, placing his satchel on the ground to retrieve a blanket for the lady. “I’ll take first watch.”

Soojung nodded off absentmindedly, already caught up in her own fatigue to say another word as she silently dozed off.

o O o

The sound of a cackling campfire mixed with the laughter of men stirred the fallen princess awake; her eyes sharpen to slits as she watched the silhouettes surround the fire as they chatter. Slowly, Soojung’s hand reached down to her thigh where she had tied a pouch that had her knife. Backing up to the tree to be hidden by the shadows of the darkness, she stood.

She was about to flee the scene to ease her journey until the familiar sound of Taemin’s laughter erupted her hearing.

“Taemin hyung?” Soojung spoke up, gathering the attention of the huddled silhouettes. Taemin’s face visibly lit up when his warm eyes met Soojung’s, “Soomin! Sorry, did we wake you up?” Soojung shook her head in denial, still maintaining a sharp look towards the strangers, glaring perfectly. “Sit here,” Taemin scooted and tapped the empty now spot next to him, encouraging Soojung to join them where she reluctantly did so.

“Soomin right?” the unfamiliar yet gentle voice of one of the strangers made the girl in question turn her attention onto him. His skin was fair and a kind smile graced his handsome features, he had a kind complexion for someone with scars on both arms.

Soojung didn't even bother opening for a response, she just grunted at him. “I’m Joonmyun and these are my brothers.” He introduced, his steady voice sounded rich, gentle, and comforting to her ears. “They’re hunters, Soomin.” Taemin added, Soojung wasn’t the least bit surprised at how fast he got along with the pack of hunters seeing as how easily approachable Taemin is.

Though Soojung kept an uninterested look on her face Joonmyun kept talking, “Minseok hyung is the oldest.” He clarified, pointing at the chubby one seated next to Soojung. He had sharp, slanted eyes that made him look admittedly intimidating but the fullness of his cheeks says otherwise.

“Over here is Jongdae.” The male seated next to Joonmyun had a sharp jaw line accompanied by an awkward smile that he kept showing the newcomer. “Hello,” his voice wavered, much more vulnerable but also higher compared to Joonmyun’s.

“Our youngest there is Jongin,” he pointed to the dark skinned lad seated next to Taemin, he was talking to Taemin when he was introduced and the playful smirk on his face made Soojung’s irritation grew. “He’s 18 now.”

“What a coincidence!” Taemin beamed, his grin spread from ear-to-ear as he repeatedly patted Soojung’s back. “Soomin just turned 18!” “Stop it.” Soojung hissed a warning at him even though he chose to simply ignore her.

“He’s boring.” Jongin scoffed, eyes glaring intently at the fire.

Soojung didn’t even spare him a glance and pretended to not hear such comments. Jongin scoffed again, the level of interest he has to Soojung are certainly multiplying. He had never met anyone, especially an 18-year-old like Soojung.

“Where are you guys going?” Jongin asked, suddenly talkative. “To the city!” Taemin’s grin widened, if that was possible. “That’s cool, we’re going there too, for a job.” Jongin added. “We should go together.”

Soojung frantically shook her head, already hating the idea of traveling with a party that would only slow her down. “That sounds great!” Soojung’s mouth hung loose at what Taemin had just agreed to. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to slit Jongin’s throat for actually inviting them to travel in a party or to rip Taemin’s neck for actually agreeing. “Taemin hyung!” Soojung whined, hitting his shoulder.

Minseok starred at Soojung, he couldn’t help but think of how much of a girl Soojung is through her actions.

“Why not? It’ll be a lot easier, the more the merrier right?” Taemin cheered, throwing his arms for emphasis. Soojung’s eye twitched at him, unsure of his intensions. “That settles then!” Joonmyun cheered along. “Let’s all get some sleep!” He said again, hands clasped shut and still grinning.

Soojung was the last to stand from the fireplace meanwhile the others had already found themselves a comfortable spot to rest. “Soomin, are you not sleeping?” Jongdae asked though the sleep was obvious in his eyes. “I’ll stay on watch.” She declared, eyes still glaring at the fire. Jongdae couldn’t gather any more energy to reply and just in a few moments Soojung was the only one left awake. 

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New reader :D
Chapter 3: Dang Krystal is a badass *0*
Ah... so she grew up disguising as a male right? I bet she's hiding her identity.
princess_jung #3
Chapter 2: ohh i love it already, update soon please, keep it up <3.