Chapter 2

A Heart Sealed in Time

 “Ok now that you have introduced yourself let’s see if we can find you a seat.” All chaos broke loose at those words because the way the classroom was set up everyone had a desk mate and as soon as the teacher spoke that sentence almost every girl in the room was trying to push their desk mate out of their seat. “SILENCE” the teacher shouted he had a look of disbelief and all the guys that had been knocked to the ground looked highly annoyed especially at YoungJae like it was his fault for being put in this classroom. All you could do was shake your head what about a guy can turn a girl into a complete moron. “Do you really think just because you push a person from their assigned seats I will give it to him” the teacher asked “girls please get a hold of your hormones” he looked back at the charts as all the guys and you in the room snickered. “Alright the only seat left would be by our foreign exchange student Melinda Gonzalez.”  He pointed to the back corner of the class nearest to the window where you were sitting and that wiped the smile off of your face quick. Crap you forgot that the seat next to you was the only one available. You had gotten use to the fact that you got the desk all to yourself damn. He makes his way back to you and sits down as though it was his rightful place to be beside you. You inch closer to the window because the feeling you had gotten the moment he sat down was very intense. It seemed as though electricity was flying between you guys and it was shocking to say the least. Through class you felt nothing but uncomfortable and it wasn’t just because of your new neighbor. All class period each and every girl kept looking at the back of the class with either one of two expressions. Some had the look of longing like they were day dreaming of being in her place. Others had the look of jealousy that they would like nothing better than to grab you by the hair and take your place forcefully. *Ding Dong* “ok everyone that’s lunch be back here in an hour so that we can continue our lessons.” You packed up your things and jetted out of class to see if you could find Jenni and have a talk with her. You round the corner to jenni’s classroom and you see a huge crowd forming and it was nothing but a sea of girls. you stand there not know how to get through when you hear a shout from the middle of the crowd “I swear to you if you do not move out my way you or you step on me one more time you will be sorry all I want to do is go eat lunch you estrogen filled females” that puts a smile on your face although she was small she sure did have a strong personality. Well you could always let Jenni just come to you. As you wait till she finally extracts herself from the crowd you’re nothing but smiles. She looks at you with the face of a girl who is highly annoyed “stop smiling its irritating” you shake your head “can’t help it, anyways why do you have twice as many people here my class got one of the transfer students to but your crowd seems to be double what mine is.”  As you both walk to the cafeteria Jenni just rubs her temples “that’s because I have the unfortunate luck to be in the class with two of them” you shake your head “really what’s their names” you both sit down after getting your lunches and she places her head on the table “ones not even supposed to be there” you look at her “how so?” she looks up “he skipped like two grade for whatever reason” you are about to ask who when the lunch room door open and a crowd of people walk in. oh what now you think. It seems that all the transfer students had decided to have lunch together. Jenni looks up just as the crowd splits apart to let the guys through. You would think they were all celebrities or models by the way they looked together. one had a rough and tough kind of beauty to him while another looked like he had jump straight out of a manga and took true form. Another had a classic beauty about him that was unexplainable while the one next to him had an angel smile that seemed to never go away. You saw YoungJae next to him but looking for too long made you blush and last but certainly not least seemed to be the baby of the six from his looks but certainly not his height because he seemed to be the tallest of the bunch. As you look back down you try and ignore all the commotion but that seemed to be impossible as it got louder. You stop and think why is it getting louder then you hear Jenni groan “oh no” you look up to see all six guys stand at your table with the sea of girls behind then saying “oppa come sit here” you look at YoungJae who just smiles at you “do you mind if we sit here” this was coming from the one that had the rough and tough handsome looks it was kind of surprising how deep his voice was. All you can do was shake your head no that you didn’t mind as Jenni kicked you under the table like she was saying now we will never have a peaceful lunch. As the guys sit down the sea of girls not so quietly receded. The one with the angel smile quickly took a seat next to Jenni “hello desk mate” he said cheerfully Jenni just passed him a quick smile and continued to eat her food.   YoungJae claimed the seat next to you and just like that the electricity is back sigh what is going on with today. “Let me introduce everyone” the deep voice guy said “I’m Bang yongguk, this is Kim Himchan, and next to him is Jung Daehyun. Then next to your friend we have Moon Jong up on the other side we have Choi Junhong but everyone just calls him Zelo and last we have...” YoungJae speaks up at this “ she already knows my name but for your friend my name is Yoo YoungJae” as he says this he casually puts his arm behind your chair and the electricity between you guys is intensified  what the heck you think and immediately push your chair out and you jump up out of your seat. “Ummm” you say as the whole table looks at you. Even Jenni is staring at you like what is wrong “I umm don’t feel good” as you turn to leave Jenni grabs your arm and looks at you like I dare you to leave me alone like this “Umm right Jenni mind helping me home” Jong up beside her puts a frown on for the first time as you drag her out of the room you look back briefly to see a group of girls trying to see who can take the two seat you guys just abandoned. Jenni looks at you as you both walk to the office to get permission to go home early. “What” you say after a while, her stare was starting to make you feel mighty uncomfortable. “Are you ok” she asked simply “I honestly don’t know” you say as you puzzle over your reaction to YoungJae. As soon as you guys get home Jenni said she was going to her part time job to get extra hours. You decide to take a nap to shake off the strange feelings of today. Once again you start floating on the dance floor where your partners are constantly changing but something in the air is different now. Some of the guest now have faces you see Jenni in front of you and she is dancing with Zelo right beside you is Jong up and a couple of spaces in from of you, you see yongguk, himchan, and daehyun with their faceless partners laughing and enjoying the waltz. You just look on stunned what is going on here why are they in your dreams. All of the sudden the change in partners comes again everyone moves one partner forward again and you are once again in the strong embrace that that puts you at ease. You breathe a sigh of relief as your body relaxes against your partner. But as you look up your body tenses again for what you look into was not the face of a masked man but of the new transfer student Yoo YoungJae.

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