A Change in Fate





“Is 7010765 on her way to the train station yet?” Joonmyun asked as he scrolled through the numbers on the computer screen, his fingers flying away at the keyboard.

                “Yes and 7340999 is going to work, he doesn’t remember their anniversary,” came the professional reply from his partner.

                He nodded once, tapping the enter key.  “They’re set for a divorce in T-Minus 34 days, and that should go perfectly smooth as long as the shoes she orders are late like they’re set to be.”

                “Yup, the delivery is late because 3290768 will fall asleep twice more this week on the job.”

                “Perfect,” Joonmyun nodded, entering the data and pulling up a new graphic. “And he’s finally over 3968402 so he shouldn’t do anything irrational, correct?”

                “He’s been out of love for 4 days and counting. That means that he won’t be crazy with love anymore and he’ll do according to plan.”

                “Finally. It took him long enough,” Joonmyun muttered. “So stressful trying to guess what ridiculous moves people in love will pull. They can’t just be normal and go according to plan,” he added. For the umpteenth time the question pulled at his lips, almost spilling out, but he bit it back. “Hey, is 6379555 on his way to mug 6830192 yet?” he asked instead, gazing wistfully at the numbers that flashed on the screen, knowing what, who, they represented.

                “Mm she’s still at work. In T-minus 18 minutes he’ll approach her. 6930278 will stumble along in T-minus 21 minutes. 6830192 and 6930278 will have their first date in T-minus 2 days and get married in T-minus 1 year, 2 months, 14 days.”

                “Right,” Joonmyun acknowledged. He was professional, he had been doing this for over three years. But still…every time… he knew this day would come. The day A- the day 6830192 would meet her destined lover.    “Good. It’s taken them long enough to meet. It’s rare you find a couple so perfect for each other.”

                His partner nearly grunted in acknowledgement. For him she- it- they were just another number, another faceless, nameless human.

                Hastily, he turned back to his computer, carefully monitoring everything that was occurring to his assigned humans. It was normally a fairly boring job. Things hardly ever went astray. People were simple. They followed the plan, they acted in a way that was easy to control. Only a few times, a very few times when someone was madly, blindly, more-than-considered-for in love did she have to adjust for anything. True love like that was rare.

                “Hey, what’s 6379555 doing?” his partner’s voice startled hi, and he quickly switched to the right screen.

                6379555 isn’t backing away, running when help comes.  He’s drawing the small knife he brought along, wielding it shakily. “Check his information,” he breathed, staring intently at the screen. Today might just turn into something interesting…

                “Oh no,” he heard. “It’s skyrocketed…his—he’s doing it for his family. The rate of his fondness for them is much higher than planned for. He’s at near capacity, he’s desperate.”

                Joonmyun inhaled a quick breath, watching the scene before him unfold. 6379555 was supposed to be scared off, and the other two would meet, fall in love. But instead… he cringed when he heard 6830192 scream as the man that came to her rescue lies bleeding on the ground.  He felt shivers run up and down her arms watching 6930278 life end sooner, much sooner, than planned for. He was supposed to have 64 more years to live with 6830192, to raise their four kids. When his eyes close for the last time she let out the breath she had been holding as all the data for his job, kids, plans, are instantly erased. The screen is perfectly blank, serenely white before the information for the next human is bumped up, filling the space in a way that seems too heartless to be found in Heaven.

                Joonmyun can’t tear his eyes away from the screen. Areum had been so good…she had been so perfect. He couldn’t even bear to call her by her assigned number right now. This was…too much. She was supposed to get a happy life, she deserved a good life with the perfect guy.

                “This isn’t right,” he whispered, lips set in a tight line. His hands were shaking, the space in his chest was throbbing.

                “They were perfect…”

                “I know.” He let out another sigh. “They are perfect for each other.”

                “You shouldn’t do this.”

                Joonmyun ignored his partner, refusing to even spare a look at him. His fingers were flying on the keyboard. Frantically, his eyes caught the date, November 12, 2006. He typed it in.

                “This is too dangerous.”

                “I know, I know,” Joonmyun muttered, too concentrated on his current task. Something he had to do. Something he couldn’t not do. He tapped the final button, then sunk back into his chair, exhausted, tired, scared. “There. They’ll meet, now. It may only be for a short while but…they’ll meet…She’ll be happy.”

                Please, let her be happy.

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--daedreamer #1
omg you know what. this fic sounds like it'll be one of the best things ever. so i'm going to read it. don't know when, since i'm so busy, but i'm definitely going to read it. ;A;
oh btw, you wrote that jongdae's born in 1884 instead of 1984 in the foreword x)
purplefizzle #2
Chapter 1: I like the idea of humans being pre-destinied creatures yet there's also an exception.