Let it rain
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*Chapter 5;


The happiness Baekhyun had long lost eight years ago had now come back to him, It was real, considered as an insane person he was, of course no one would believe Chanyeol was back, not to mention they kissed.

Those thoughts vanished from Baekhyun's mind as soon as Chanyeol pulled himself back from Baekhyun, panting hard "B--Baekhyun--"

Baekhyun was scared to say anything, I shouldn't have kissed him, God he'll run away now, I'm going to lose him forever. He entwined his fingers together and stepped back a little, looking down at the ground and waiting for Chanyeol to say something.

Chanyeol ran his fingers through his soaked hair and took a deep breath "B-Baek-- I- I- I r-remembered something..."

Baekhyun's eyes shut wide open and looked up at Chanyeol, Remembered? What do you mean?

"Th-There was rain and we-- Baekhyun it was you and me, we--" Chanyeol's head felt like spinning, For the first time he actually remembered something from his past, The first ing time.

Tears started stream down from Chanyeol's eyes as he was laughing hard "I remembered something" he cried/laughed and sat on the wet ground. 

Baekhyun leaned in front of Chanyeol with his entwined fingers and watched him silently "Ch-Channie-- Wh-What do you mean you r-remembered?"

Chanyeol laughed harder and looked at Baekhyun "What happened to me Baek? What?"

Baekhyun covered his ears slowly and stepped back a little, Chanyeol's actions were starting to scare him. understanding what he just did, Chanyeol took a deep breath and cried silently, he approached Baekhyun and wrapped his arms lightly around the latter "They told you I was dead, didn't they?" he mumbled,

With that, Baekhyun started to cry hard into Chanyeol's arms, everything had started to make sense to him now, All this time Chanyeol was alive,

It had all been a lie.

"Baekkie I'm so sorry! I should've done something, I should've came back to Seoul to find things from my past, I should've-- I should've--"

"Channie-ah! What happened to you?" 

Chanyeol's grip on Baekhyun tightened and he buried his face in the latter's neck "I should've came back for you"

Baekhyun couldn't take it anymore, he was insane enough as it was, Chanyeol's words were only enough to make him crazier, he pulled back harshly and hit Chanyeol hard on the chest "WHY DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME! WHAT HAPPENED HUH? WHAT? WHAT! WHAT! I waited for you to come for eight years, I never believed you were dead, IN THE END THEY BROUGHT ME HERE, I'm still waiting for you to come back Channie, I still am" Baekhyun cried, his scar was lightly bleeding under the heavy rain,

Chanyeol covered his face, crying inside his palms and not saying a word to Baekhyun, not answering a single question. How could he? He wasn't even sure what this was all about.

"I'll make all this right Baek, I promise, I promise to search around every single thing that was related to my past to remember. Just guide me to the right direction Baek, please, please" Chanyeol begged,

Baekhyun had so many more questions in his mind, he opened his mouth to speak when a voice echoed on his back "Baekhyun! There you are. Where did you run to? C'mon let's get you back to the cell, oh-- Dr Park?"

"I-- I just found Baekhyun crying under the rain, I-- I was about to bring him inside"

"Oh it's good you found him, we thought he ran away like Tao! Come on Baekhyun, inside" The nurse started to drag Baekhyun inside, Baekhyun followed without looking back at Chanyeol and shivering from the cold rain "Lee Donghae" 

"What did he just say?" Chanyeol heard a slight thing and ran to the nurse, Baekhyun covered his ears and looked down,

The nurse frowned a little "I don't know, he just said a name? Lee-- Dong-- uhh-- Donghae I think" 

"Lee Donghae?" Chanyeol stopped and looked down for a second "Lee Donghae, Lee Donghae, Lee Donghae" he kept repeating with himself so that he wouldn't forget and ran outside the hospital.



"Yuri honey, please stop crying, you're making us really sad" Mrs Park was pating the crying girl's back and sighing, she looked at her husband who was just looking down at the floor without saying anything,

"I shouldn't have let him come and work in Korea" Mr Park mumbled,

"Oh please honey, none of us could've thought Baekhyun would be in a mental hospital--"

"--That stupid boy! I don't even wanna hear his name"

Yuri sobbed a little and looked up at her parents in law "What are we going to do? What if he tries to steal Chanyeol away from me?"

Mr Park sighed and shook his head "No, don't worry! I will never allow that. My Son is not gay"

Mrs Park looked down "Still-- It's our fault Baekhyun is in that hospital--"

"--IT'S WHERE ARE GAY PEOPLE DESERVE TO BE! He was about to ruin my son's life, they think  they're in love, but they're not"

The door sound came from the hall and they all turned their attention there, Yuri quickly wiped her tears and took a deep breath. They all gasped when they saw Chanyeol coming in with soaked and dirty clothes.

"My God! Chanyeol what happened?" Yuri quickly stood up and ran to him, 

"Don't touch me" Chanyeol pushed her away and glared at his parents "You have three seconds to tell me what all this is about Right Now" he demanded,

"Watch your tongue young man" Mr Park glared. Chanyeol shook his head "You think I'm an idiot? Do you Dad? Mom?" he glared at his mom "I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME AFTER THE ACCIDENT"

"What are you talking about honey?" Mrs Park asked, Chanyeol's anger was rising second by second "Didn't she tell you?" he turned to look at Yuri who was looking at him with pleading eyes "I'm talking about Baekhyun"


"DAD!" Chanyeol barked "Enough!" 

Mr Park sighed in defeat and ran his fingers through his hair "Look at you Chanyeol! You don't even know who Baekhyun is, Do you?"

"I know he's somehow related to my past"

"As you just said, in- your- past, He has no place in your present life Chanyeol" Mr Park said. Chanyeol's bottom lip trembled and he quickly wiped his dropped tear away "You lied to him didn't you? You told him I was dead and--" his eyes widened as realization hit him "no" he whispered and shook his head "And you filled my head with lies after I lost my memory"

"All we did was for your own good--"

"--Oh You mean having someone end up at a mental hospital is a good thing--"

"Enough Already Chanyeol!" Mrs Park finally spoke and stood up "How much longer were you going to keep this up anyway? Let me ask you a question, so you just learned there was a Byun Baekhyun in your life, but Who was he? How did you meet? Did you even love him Chanyeol? Tell me"

"I--" Chanyeol slowly looked down and thinned his lips, He had no idea. But deep inside he did feel something special for Baekhyun, something he never even felt for Yuri.

"How can you be so sure that this person was important in your life? What if he was just a crazy person that had problem--" Mrs Park tried to reason,

"Just stop it mom!" Chanyeol mumbled, shaking his head "Even if whatyou're saying is true there's n way I could believe it from now"

Mrs Park seemed a little take aback "Ch-Channie--"

"Chanyeol" Yuri finally broke her silence and walked to Chanyeol. 

"I don't wanna hear" Chanyel walked away from her "CHANYEOL PLEASE" Yuri cried and tried to grab his arm, Pulling away, Chanyeol wallked out of the apartment with his dirt clothes and slammed the door shut.


Stepping under the heavy rain outside, Chanyeol took out his phone and started dialing a number,


"Soo! I need your help-- C-Can I come over to your place?"

'Sure you can but-- everything alright?'

"I'll tell you about it when I get there" Chanyeol sighed and walked to the car, but after a few secnds, decided to take a cab instead.


Mr Park watched his on from the rainy window as he got inside the yellow cab and went away. With a deep sigh, he walked away from the window and sat on the couch,

"What are we going to do now?" yuri asked,

"Chanyeol would never forgive us if he remembered... Yeobo?" Mrs Park looked at her husband, waiting for a response,

"That Bekhyun! So he really thought he could ruin everything by entrng in our life like this again, huh?"

"Mr Park--""

"Don't worry Yuri! I didn't let Chanyeol be with that kid eigt years ago, And I'm still not willing to let that happen" he nodded at himself "I'm not"


"My God Chanyeol" Kyungsoo gasped as he saw Chanyeol's dirty clothes a dn soaked hair, "Soo" Chanyeol huged his friend tightly and cried,

Kyungsoo just patted his back without asking anything or caring about his own clothes that were getting wet, he puled back and cupped Chanyeol's face "Are you hungry?"

Chanyeol shook his head cutely "No, But I need a place to stay tonight"

"My couch is at  your service as long as you tell me what the heck is going on!"

"Yes boss D.O" 


After about half an hour Joging joined them too, They were all sitting in the living room, drinkng hot chocolate together,

"For all I know your parents could be right" Jongin suggested,

"But he doesn't know anything of his past does he? I would've doubted too" Kyungsoo said,

"I have to find this Donghae person first, maybe he knows somethig"

"Who the is Donghae?" Jongin asked, 

"I have no idea! My friend? Enemy? I have no ing idea what role people have in my life anymore"

"How are we going to find him? I mean, even if we do, how is he goig to help you?" Kyungsoo askd,

Chanyeol palmed his face and leaned back on the couch "I just don't in' know. I hate this" he growled,

Jongin sighed and leaned back on the couch "I'll tell my dad to look around for people named Lee Donghae, one of them will surely know"

"You can do that?" Chanyeol raised an eyebrow,

Jongin shrugged with a smirk "My dad is rich"


Baekhyun was holding his mouth with force and looking out the window, his eyes were eough to tell how happy he was,

Yixing was tapping the window glass with his finger "Why does Baekhyun hold his mouth like that?"

Baekhyun smiled deeper "mphh pmm- fnnn hmmm"

"Lay doesn't understand"

Baekhyun quickly pulled his hand away from his mouth "BecauseBaekhyunKissedChanyeol" he said in split second and covered his mouth again,"Aah Lay knows" Yixing smiled and showed a paper to Baekhyun,

Baekhun widened his eyes as he looked at the paper, then at Yixing, "You drew us?"

Lay nodded "But not for myself. It's for Baekhun" he smiled and handed the paper to him "So that you can always be sure that that moment was real"

Baekhyun stood silent as he observed the beautiful black and white drawing of two men kissing under the rain "Is this how you convince yourself of the reality of your past?"

Yixing sighed and kept tapping the window "Lay's paintings are his only realities now" he reffered to himself "The rest he can't be sure anymore"

Baekhun looked at Yixing for a few seconds before smiling "He'll come bak Yixing, Just keep him in your reality as well"

"A promise is a promise, He'll come back because he said he will"

Baekhyun sighed and scratched his scar lightly as he looked at Yixhing's drawing "You have no idea Yixing" he mumbled in tone that Yixing wouldn't hear,

"Promises are meant to be broken"



"Baekkie Baekkie this is really cool" Chanyeol grabbed a panda hat from one of the shelves and put it on Baekhyun's head, Baekhyun laughed and went to look at himself in the mirror "It's not cool actually it's cute"

Chanyeol pouted "But I like it on you" 

Baekhyun smiled sweetly "Then I like this one on you" He quickly grabbed a Russian Ushanka and put it on Chanyeol, Chanyeol beamed with excitement "Omo-- Kyaaa I love it" he examined himself in the mirror,

"Ya! I was only making fun"

"Come on Let's take a picture Baek--" He pulled Baekhyun close and activated his camera "Smile" he gave a deep smile at the camera, right before he pressed capture, Baekhyun placed his lips on Chanyeol's cheek, kissing him.

Chanyeol looked at the cute photo of himself grinning like a monkey and his lover kissing him on his cheek, he smirked and looked at Baekhyun "How about a kiss on the lips"

"Aish Pabo" Baekhyun blushed and put the Panda hat Back in the shelf, Chanyeol chuckled and looked at his phone again "Baekkie I'm buying this hat" he played with the Ushanka on his head and ran to the counter, "Whatever" he heard his boyfriend mumble,

"Donghae Hyung! I'm buying this hat" 

The shorter male in the counter chuckled "This is so your taste Chanyeol!" he smiled and started wrapping the hat "Hasn't Baekhyun decided what to buy yet?"

"Oh Of course he has!" Chanyeol grinned "I'm buying him that cute Panda hat for his birthday" he turned to point at the Panda hat on the shelf when suddenly he noticed that it wasn't there "Oh?"

Someone cleared his throat behind Chanyeol and came to the counter, Baekhyun. "Donghae hyung! I'm buying this Panda hat" he tried to hide back his smile and look as serious as possible.

Chanyeol smiled at himself and shook his head "Why do I love you again?"

"Because you're an idiot" Baekhyun giggled and pinched Chanyeol's cheek.


"Rise and shine sleepy head"

"huh? Baekhyun?" Chanyeol slowly opened his eyes and saw Kyungsoo smiling at him "Weird dreams?"

"You have no idea" Chanyeol mumbled and rubbed his eyes together and took a deep breath, so early in the morning he felt like anger was rushing through his veins because of last night,

"Here I made you tea"

"Thanks" Chanyeol sat straight on the couch and held the cup in his hands "Did Jongin leave already?"

"He left last night after you slept" 

Chanyeol nodded and thinned his lips "I have this terrible feeling inside-- I just-- I never remembered so many memories before in my life"

"It must be hard" Kyungsoo patted the taller's back and sat next to him "Even I can't put the pieces together"

"I gotta go to work in an hour, maybe seeing Baekhyun and talking to him more might help me and-- I want to remember, Ky

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Its been already 5 years since the last time I read this... Hoping one day when I get back here in the future, this story will be updated T-T...
rasiasorongon #2
Chapter 12: Authornim update please ???
piecesofmoments #4
Hi authornim...i saw that you logged in this year...i hope you're not thinking about leaving us snd maybe thinking about coming back? So many people here love you and your stories so i hope you comeback and update this beautiful fic~
Chapter 12: it's 2016 already AND I'M STILL WAITING THE NEXT CHAPTER OF THIS FANFIC !!! Please update and conplete this story soon, author-nim, it's awesome ♡♡
vlee_gonghyung #6
Chapter 12: Please updateeeeee
salmamohamed482 #7
Please update author-nim....
I still have hopes that you will complete the story...
It is perfect....pretty please
panikorea #8
Chapter 12: do you update once in a year or something...'couse i so want to know when the next chapter will come up.
panikorea #9
Chapter 12: oh come on..this fic is amazing.. please please please update... and ewwww i want to kill park's family and yuri so bad.
Please update ~~~ Its so good ! Please please...