The coincidental crash

Meeting Baekhyun in the streets

It was a warm sunny day. It was after school and you were going out to buy Baekhyun merchandises at the nearby shop. Not wanting to miss out, you sprinted towards the shop.

Halfway through sprinting, you bumped into a person. The first impression you had with that person was the muscular chest he had. His cologne was like a drug to you and you immediately started to daze off.

"I deeply apologise for the collision." You said formally looking up.

You stopped suddenly. It cannot be. You cannot believe that the person who crashed into you was none other than the Byun Baekhyun.

Bowing quickly, you rushed passed him not wanting to cause him to think that you are a one of those crazy sasaeng fans. You ran too fast and dropped your wallet without knowing. He picked it up and out dropped one of his photos. He smirked and realised that you were his fan.

After running a few metres, you stopped and leaned against a wall relieved that you lost him. 'Thank goodness I lost him.It was so awkward yet I am sort of disappointed that I didnt ask for his autograph. Oh wells, as long as I didnt make him think I'm a sasaeng fan' you thought in your mind. Or so you thought. As soon as your head tilted to the right you spotted a familiar figure next to you.

"Hello darling, I realised that you were a fan of me. Why did you run away?" the voice whispered in your ear.

You cringed. You thought you lost him. You were about to run away when a pair of hands pinned you against the wall.

"Sweetie please answer my question. Why did you run away?" Baekhyun's voice was different. It wasnt the sweet voice used when he is on variety shows nor Music Banks. It was deep and sincere. Chills ran down your spine.

"I-I-I didnt want you to think that I was another sasaeng fan chasing after you. Now Mr Baekhyun (Baekhyun-ssi) please let go of me." You replied.

"Are you sure you want to run away? I have your wallet here." Baekhyun said.

You were extremely embarassed.

"Did y-y-you see it?" You asked nervously.

"Of course I did! That's why I am sure that you are my fan! Now listen to me and you'll get your wallet back" Baekhyun whispered, again in your ears.

You nodded and so he said "Darling, help me get past these fans by pretending to be my girlfriend okay? Dont worry, it is not real but I just really need to get past these fans. You'll help right?"

Your eyes widened but accepted the request immediately. Who wouldnt? After all, it is the famous Byun Baekhyun.

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shroom #1
Chapter 1: found ya hehehe hello angel
LuckyMend_97 #2
Chapter 1: Waa *.* I love baekie so much!!