Chapter 11

I think you're not the one but him (Repost)

Yours POV
The next day when I woke up, I was feeling all dizzy and I don’t know why I got the feeling today will not be a good day like yesterday. I went to take a bath hope all the dizziness I felt will go. It took me 20 minutes to get out of the bathroom and I feel a bit fresh. I looked at the wall clock, it showed 9 o’clock in the morning and it is public holiday, which mean no school. Suddenly something popped into my mind

“OMO!” I quickly ran to my omma’s room and ignore the headache. I saw omma was packing the last thing into the truck

“Omma, mianhe” I felt guilty that I didn’t helped my omma packed her thing into the truck but all I got from her was a chuckled. I gave her my confused looked

“It’s okay baby, Kwon had help me out and as repay you need to come with us then packed all omma’s thing out the truck and arrange every omma’s thing in the new house” she explained and with that I gladly accept her offered. Omma went into a white limousine followed by me

“Dad must be rich huh?” I started the conversation

“Yeh” Omma simply answered

“So omma had you meet him?” I asked excitedly

“Huh? Who? You mean your stepbrother? Aniyo, Omma thinks he is always busy with his dancing thing,” Omma explained

“Oh” then I looked out the window I saw we were about to go in a big mansion

“OMO! Omma, dad is really seriously RICH!” I emphasizing the word RICH and I can feel that my jaw about to drop but there is this mix feeling in me, I feel something not good is going to happen. I ignored it when dad opened up the door for omma and me. When I stepped out, I can see the mansion clearly. It was very huge

you-, do you remember your promise?” Omma smiled at me then I quickly stormed to where she was and salute her as if she the captain

“Yong you is here” still saluting

“Baby, why isn’t it Dong you?” Omma asked me and dad was looking at me. I felt guilty again but I know I had to ask permission between the two of them

“Erm, dad can I still use Yong as my surname?” I nervously looked at them and they laughed

“Of course dear if that is what you want. Like I said before I don’t want you to push your appa aside,” He explained

Dad is really the best and most of all he’s understanding as appa then I flashed my smiled to him.

“Okay let’s start to take those things in,” Omma said and as what I’d been told I carried the box. I stepped in with the box but then suddenly someone tried to help me

“Here let me help you,” he said

That voice it’s seem familiar to me after he took away the box from me, I stunned looking at the person in front of me

“Tae Yang oppa?” I called

you,what are you doing here?” Tae Yang oppa was surprise too to see me here. I started to worry when dad comes

“Ah finally the steps sibling meet for their first time or did the two of you already knew each other?” Dad asked. Tae Yang oppa and I looked at each other in disbelief, I can feel my tears were about to form knowing what was happening. My own boy friend is going to be my STEPBROTHER?

“Kwon, come here” Omma called dad

Tae Yang oppa quickly pulled me to the corner so no one will see us

you-ah, I don’t know this will happen, if I knew my dad is getting married to your mum I should had disagreed” He said with this hurt expression and it hurts me. I don’t know what to do. All I know Tae Yang oppa is my stepbrother but we love each other? I know it’s possible for us to be together since we’re only step siblings but the family reputations will be bad if knowing the DT company’s daughter and son having love relation.

you-ah please respond” He pleaded

“Op-oppa I need to go” I run away from him, from the mansion. Now all my tears stream down. Why I didn’t really realize dad and Tae Yang’s face looked almost the same and why I didn’t realize Dong was the surname? Dear GOD what should I do? I tried to wipe away my tears but it doesn’t want to stop. I keep on running and stopped at my appa’s grave then collapsed down ground

“Appa” I cried my heart out

“Appa, why is this happening? I love him, I love him but why is this happening?”

“Even if I knew, I couldn’t did anything dad is omma’s happiness. They love each other and I don’t dare to say no” then I stopped talking and cried all my tears out. After spending hours of crying, at last I choose to walk to somewhere but not the Dong mansion

You walked then felt all blurry and your dizzy started to happen again. You were almost drop to ground, unconcious but someone; someone quickly went to you and carried you in bridal style then slowly put you down to his arm

you-ah” Hyun Joong called then he carried you into his car

“Where should I bring her?” then suddenly your house’s key dropped from your pocket

“Well that answered my question,” He mumbled to himself and speed up to your house. After arrived, he rush to your door and opened up the door then he went to you. He carried you and laid you on the couch

you-ah you look not good” He said in a sorrowed tone then he remembered something. He quickly pulls out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed your omma’s phone

“Yoboseyo?” Hyun Joong started

“Hyun Joong, did you find her?” Hyun Joong could heard your omma’s voice was worrying about you

“She’s fine, I think she’s tired. Imo, I’ll take care of her so don’t worry okay?” Hyun Joong lied because he doesn’t want your omma to worry

“Thanks, really thanks” She hung up

Tae Yang’s POV
“Umma who is it? Did he/she found you?” I asked worriedly

“Yeh” she simply said. Without wasting anytime, I quickly rush out but before I did that Umma asked

“Tae Yang, where are you going?”

“Erm, I had some meeting to go excuse me” then I quickly went to the garage and speed up my Ferrari to /you’s house. After arrived, I saw someone’s car was park outside the house. I quickly get myself out the car, I saw the door was wide open so I was about to step in but something stopped me. I saw Hyun Joong was there holding her hand, he was seem so concern on you but I don't know why  tried to hide myself at the side of the door

>you-ah, if I haven’t left you I think you wouldn’t had to suffer like this. If I haven’t left you I think you wouldn’t lost you memories and will know who I am by now, It’s my fault I didn’t come back to you earlier” He sadly said

I froze after hearing what he had said, >you used to lost her memories? Why didn’t she tell me? Who is he in her past? I don’t know why but I choose to leave them, I know she’s my girl friend but we’re step sibling. I don’t know either should I give up or held her on?

>you-ah” my tears started to stream down. Why I didn’t show up at their wedding? If I did show up I would had disagree their marriage but will >you did that too? Then I started my car and drove away with my hurt feeling with me.
“That girl has cross the line and I think it’s time to show her a lesson” someone smirked then she started to dial up two of her best friends phone

“Hey girls you know what I see? I saw Hyun Joong carried her and I think this is crossing our line. I’m afraid they will be doing more than that,” Yuri said to Soo Young and Hyo Yeon, the two agreed what she had said
You woke up around 4 mornings and had this heavy headache then you didn’t expect this someone to be by your side

“Hyun Joong?” You looked surprise that he was here and holding your hand

“Hm, why is it you keep on coming when I got into some problem? Why you give me the safe feeling? Why you’re so kind to me?” You started to feel hurt on your head. The flash back played on your mind again, the boy and girl playing happily at a park

“Argh!” You whined in pain then it woke Hyun Joong up, he’s looking at you now with his eyes grew in shocked

“Are you okay? Do you need painkiller?” Hyun Joong worriedly asked then you pointed the aid kit hanging around at the side of the kitchen door. He quickly opened up the aids and found a small bottle written ‘painkiller’ then he went into the kitchen to grab you some water.

“Here” He put the painkiller to your hand and hand over the water after you swallowed the medicine

“Feeling any better?” He looked at you

“Thank you, how did you find me?” You were curious

“Oh, your mother call me to find you so I was wondering around the shop to find you. I saw you were almost fainted,” He explained then you weakly smile to him

“I guess you had stayed here to long and your parents might had worried about you why don’t you go home? I’m fine now” You concerned that his parent might wondered where is he

“Are you sure?” He looked at you and wasn’t sure about leaving you all alone

“Sure, I’m fine now and sorry for troubling you again” you assured him. After he left, you took a nap until 6 o’clock you get yourself ready for school. You sigh and cycled to school and as usual CL will caught you up

>you-ah where were you yesterday? You know Imo and I worried you to dead” She started babbling

“Mianhe if I made you and omma worried” you faintly smiled to her

>you-ah you look so pale. Are you okay?”

“Yeh, I’m okay”


Huhuhhu there is >you's brother T..T 

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 15: Awwww...hehe.such a cute story hehe done reading this one btw, :)
Chapter 13: They are getting closer..hope she remember her past soon..the song HJ sang for is one of my favourite songs-Find by SS501!
Chapter 12: It's ok, just enjoy writing. Nice going here.
Chapter 11: God that is twist. I knew so etching might come but not this. Hope those crazy girls don't cause her trouble.
Chapter 9: This surely is getting different and exciting. Waiting for next update.
Chapter 7: Looks likes even if she doesn't remember her childhood best friend or love she still has feelings somewhere for him. I love top and CL's movement. They are cute.
Chapter 6: Nice going. Nice poster as well. I am looking forward to read next part.
Chapter 4: Nice going. Don't worry. We all start somewhere and always support each other. So don't worry and enjoy writing the story.
Chapter 3: Hey nice story. It's a different story line. Looking forward to this one.
Chapter 2: Will they recognize each other?