Moved On

My Last Book Store Girl (Sequel to My Book Store Girl)

After two years we've spent together she was always there for me. Her innocent smile was still there with her beautiful brown locks. I could never forget about _______ and about the love that we shared for eachother. I know that no matter how long I try to forget about it I just can't. Just to think that she was mine forever was not going to happen. ______ moved on from my life with a new man hoding her hand and kissing her. While I'm still here thinking everything over like replaying an old song five million times. _______ won't come back no more, not to me anyways. Her sweet lips still lingered on  mine, her small short hugs still stained my chest. Everything was gone. Like a bird flying out of your delicate hands. If she moved on I have to move on as well. Well the actual question is am I ready to move on from this point?


The cold book store still had been there. It was sad, lonely, and cold like the snow outside the glass windows. Though the place was full it doesn't feel full to me not no more. The books was still a new and the smell had not worn off. The aisle where we used to be was now turned into a cold path for me to look at. My heart was now cold.

As Suho was sitting there the small bell by the door rang in a light silence. Just like the first day she came in his life. The light spring scent was turned into rain smell and cold winter air that sent shivers down his spine. Suho was still at the counter and covering his face with a tragedy book. He'd moved on with romance and took advantage of a tragdey. 

"Annyeongahseyo." She whispered quietly as she walked pass him. She didn't get to look at him properly because of his book in his face. Only did he nod and returned back to his book. As the new girl ran her slender fingers through the spines of the books, she leaned her head a little letting her black hair fall off her shoudlers. The morning coffee breath lingered off her lips. Suho peeked through his book to see the dazzling women.

Reminds me of ______ all over again. Everything she does, every move she makes. I couldn't take my eyes off her.



After 5 months~

That interesting women came in here often and observed me. Sometimes I would catch her smile from afar and think twice before falling in love with someone again. Though we've never talked she was silent as me. Well maybe today is the day to break the ice that has been formed between us.

"Hello. How are you today my good miss?" She turned and smiled back to me.

"I'm good and you my good sir?"

"Very fine today. Need help with anything, I am here. I'm Joon-myeon by the way but you can call me Suho if you'd like." She chuckled and answered back.

"I'm Soo In Joon." That was official. They broke the ice. 


After Two Years~

Months went by and now there was already a year maybe two in counting. In Joon likes to read all kinds of books just like Suho. They shared alot of things in common. But there is one thing he wanted to let off his shoulders.

"In Joon, do you mind if I ask you something?" She nodded as he asked her. "Have you ever experience love and maybe pain of letting someone go?" In Joon smiled and answered Suho's question. "Yes I have but it was a really bad decision I had took. I never knew he had a different side to him. And you?"

"Yes, I have also. ______ was her name. Our love kindof broke in a way that I can't put back together. It's like a puzzle that you have to fix." In Joon nodded and asked for him to keep on going. "She was beautiful,intelligent, cute, nerdy just like me, we had many in common. But I guess she wasn't for me to keep by my side. I thought _______ was the one but it's not true at all." Suho pulled his head down and had a sad smile appear on his pale face. In-Joon lifted his head and kissed him. She wanted to take his pain away that he endured. In Joon wanted to be the medicine in his life. 

"Suho, I love you." He pulled her in for a more passionate kiss.

Time gets rough and love gets stuck. There will always be something to help you along the way. Trying to fix a puzzle with pieces missing won't make it complete. Trying to find the perfect one won't come so easily. You just have to wait for the right one someday. The book store now felt full once again. In-Joon was now my last book store girl.




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romancefreaks #1
Chapter 1: Okay, i wad actually sad that i cheated iguess? On suho.. But i love how the story goes:)
Chapter 1: AWWWWW~! The ending was so sweet, and the beginning was pretty unexpected.
Thank you for linking me to this!!!
SyasyaD #3
Chapter 1: The girls always kiss him first. Haha. Btw, the picture is damn hot. ^o^