


Kyungsoo gently pushed sooyoung's hands of his. He gave you his charming smile before walking towards the exo members. Sooyoung sighed.she didn't know what to do anymore. She tried her very best to get closer to kyungsoo. She gave him a couple sweater that she wanted him to wear with her, but he declined and said he would rather wear it alone. She baked him a cake and he immediately said he didn't want it and pushed it away. She gave him a hug after exo got their 5th win but he pulled away almost immediately. She didn't even know what to do anymore. She knew kyungsoo was scared of commitment, scared of being hurt. But does she really look like someone who's not loyal, someone who would hurt? Kyungsoo's actions hurt her, so much. That sometimes she wonder if she should stop everything and end it. She didn't know why kyungsoo accepted her confession when he doesn't seem to want a girlfriend. She would rather he told her clearly that he didn't liked her and reject her. Now, she wondered if kyungsoo dated her because he sympathized her and pitied her. She was actually starting to believe it. 
She looked up at kyungsoo, who was laughing happily with the exo members. The way he laughs, wasn't the way he would when he's around Sooyoung. He would always give off awkward laughters, or just keep quiet, sometimes just smiling. SooYoung sighed and leaned back on the couch. 
"Noona~" Tao rushed towards SooYoung. 
Sooyoung got up immediately and he smiled at Tao. Tao hugged Sooyoung tightly before Sehun pushed him away and hugged Sooyoung. 
"Yah! Oh Sehun! I haven't seen noona for a long time, so go away!" Tao shouted a he tried to squeeze Sehun out.
"Me too! Go away!" Sehun yelled. And both of them started to fight and bicker.
Just then, Kai danced towards Sooyoung and hugged her.
"Hyungs! Go away!" Sehun whined as Kai hugged sooyoung's left arm while Tao hugged sooyoung's right.
"Leave Sooyoung alone you troublemakers," Suho said and dragged the trio away. All of them pouted grudgingly.
"Noona! We'll be back!" The trio chorused.
Sooyoung smiled before looking at kyungsoo. He didn't have any emotions on his face. 
Didn't he feel jealous? Angry? 
Isn't jealous suppose to be the evidence of love? But why couldn't Sooyoung find Any?
SooYoung stood up and walked out of the room, lifeless. Exo stated at her questioningly, but Sooyoung didn't notice. She thought no one would have noticed anyway. 
"Sooyoung, where are you going?" Kris asked out loud. But Sooyoung didn't reply. She continued walking out until they couldn't see her figure.
"YAH! HYUNG! YOU MADE MY FAVOURITE NOONA UPSET!" Sehun yelled at kyungsoo, glaring at him.
"What?" Kyungsoo looked cluelessly at Everyone of them.
"Hyung, you should put more effort in this relationship. We all know you love Sooyoung, but she might not," Luhan said matter-of-factly. 
Kyungsoo knew he didn't put in enough effort. He knew that Sooyoung was the only one giving in this relationship. He wanted to give too, but he was afraid that if he does, he would get hurt.
"I-I know," kyungsoo whispered.
"Hyung, you need to prepare yourself to get Hurt. Everything has a risk isn't it? But if you really love noona , you would definitely take the risk isn't it?" Kai patted kyungsoo's shoulder before walking away.
Kyungsoo had a lot of thinking to do.
Sooyoung walked quietly on the road. For the first time, years welled up in her eyes, for the first time, she was tired, for the first time, she wanted everything t own right there and then. But what she didn't know was that someone was secretly following behind her.
" GO DIE YOU DON'T DESERVE KYUNGSOO OPPA!!" The girls screamed at the top of her lungs before using their baseball bat and started attacking Sooyoung. Sooyoung was taken aback. It wasn't her first encounter with sasaengs. But this batch was much more violent compare to the ones she dealt with before. She could have easily beaten them up, but she knew kyungsoo wouldn't like it if she hit his fans. So he let them hit her. They kicked her hard In her stomach, stepped onto her fingers, used the bat to hit her knees and head. 
"Let's go," one of the girls, who seem to be the leader, said and they threw the bats into the floor and walked away. 
Blood trickled down Sooyoung's temple. She groaned painfully, not knowing what to do. Every single part of her was aching so badly. Kyungsoo's face flashed in front of her eyes. His smile, his voice. Him. Tears strolled down her cheeks simultaneously with the blood. She smiled as she clutched into her sweater. Even if kyungsoo wouldn't wear it with her, she felt a certain kind of connection. For the last time, she whispered Kyungsoo's name, and she fell into darkness's trap.
"KYUNGSOO-AH, KYUNGSOO!" EXO'S manager shouted a he ran into the dorm, screaming for Kyungsoo. Everyone in the dorm jumped up from their sleep as they heard their manager shouting. 
"Hyung, what is it?" Kyungsoo yawned as he rubbed his eyes adorably. It's not time to fangirl.
"SOOYOUNG IS IN THE HOSPITAL FOR GOD'S SAKE WAKE UP!" Their manager's shout managed to wake all of them up that instant. 
" BWOH?" All of them chorused, shouting the loudest was kyungsoo. He jumped out of his 
bed and slipped out of his pajamas in lightning speed and sped out of the dorm.
"Yah! Wait! Lets all go together!" The 11 of them hollered after Kyungsoo.
"Where's Lee Sooyoung?!" Kyungsoo demanded. The nurse looked frightened before pointing towards the left. Kyungsoo ran into the ward before halting. Sooyoung was wrapped under layers if bandages, her face almost unrecognisable. Her lips cracked and were dry. Color that used to be on her face drained drastically. The sweater was still on her. She clutched it so tightly that the nurses couldn't get the sweater off. 
Kyungsoo dropped onto the ground. Every tip of his bones ached painfully for Sooyoung. He shakily held sooyoung's hand, and that was when he realized there were also bandages on her hands. Tears dripped down and fell onto the bed cover. He knew Sooyoung could have easily protected herself, but why didn't she? And who would do something so awful to her?
"Sasaengs did this to her. We're trying to find out who did this to her, don't worry, the doctor said she was okay. Just that a few of her bones were broken," their manager said, as if reading kyungsoo's mind.
"Take care of noona," sehun whispered before all of them walked out of the ward.
"Sooyoung-ah, mianheyo. I should have ran after you. I should have put in more effort for you. I shouldn't have been afraid of commitment. Mianheyo. As long as you wake up, I'll make it all up to you, jebal, don't leave me. I'll change for you, I will. I'll show you my love, I will. So wake up, and love me like you used to. Because you have to listen to me call you 'jagiya' everyday. And say 'I love you' everyday," kyungsoo caressed Sooyoung's hand. Guilt and regret was present in every single part of his body, telling him he did wrong. 
"Oppa," Sooyoung croaked.
"Sooyoung-ah! I'll call the doctor!" Kyungsoo jumped out of his seat. And was about to call the doctor when Sooyoung held him back.
"Just press the button, silly," Sooyoung smiled. And to her utter surprise, kyungsoo laughed, with tears streaming down his face. 
"Arasso, Arasso," kyungsoo said.
"Sooyoung-ah, mianheyo. I should have ran af-" before kyungsoo could finish, Sooyoung finished for him.
"I heard you," Sooyoung smiled when she saw kyungsoo's puzzled face.
"You forgive me right?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly.
"I always do," 
"Jagiya~~~ Let me hug you!" Kyungsoo whined.
"It's public place! I thought you hated public affection?" Sooyoung asked.
"I never said that."
And before Sooyoung could react, kyungsoo already hugged Sooyoung tightly before landing a kiss on her lips.
" Hyung is way too committed,"
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abcd20 #1
Chapter 1: Really really cute!!!
queenoftrouble #2
Chapter 1: Cute one shot. :3