Project: Get Taemin To Notice HyoYoung

Sleepovers with girls are all the same. They paint nails, watch movies, gossip, and instead of going to bed...they have to play Truth or Dare.

There are two types of sleepovers, though, and each one has a different version of Truth or Dare. There is the sleepover that has died down, so the girls amp it up with doing crazy dares; and then there is the sleepover where the girls want to know all the juicy details.

On this warm night, the SNSD girls get a day to themselves. Why spend it catching up on studies, when you can spend it with a good friend who isn't famous?

“Yay! She's here Sunny!” Seohyun yelled from the front door. She ran out to greet the normal girl, embracing her in a hug. Seohyun smiled at the girl, happy that she could finally hang out with the members.

“HyoYoung's here?” Sunny said, following after Seohyun.

“Hey girls, its so awesome to finally see your dorm after so long!” HyoYoung exclaimed, hugging both girls.

After greeting all of the members, who casually excepted HyoYoung as one of their own, the girls began what was going to be a long night.

“So do you listen to all our songs?” Jessica interrogated HyoYoung, while drinking banana milk. HyoYoung opened to answer, but Tiffany cut in.

“Jessica leave her alone. She didn't come for SNSD, but for a good time. Sorry about her, Hyo.” The girl smiled, dragging her away from Jessica. “So you ever play truth or dare before?” Tiffany questioned, leading HyoYoung over to the members. They were now in a circle.

“Well I have played before, why are we doing that now?” HyoYoung asked, excited. The girls nodded, Yoona pulling Hyo down so she would join the circle.

The 10 girls went around the circle, asking embarrassing questions, making each other do stupid things, and having a great time. HyoYoung's turn finally arrived, and everyone focused on their guest.

“So Hyo,” Hyoyeon began, smirking at her guest. “truth or dare?” The entire room was silent, waiting for the choice HyoYoung made.

“I'll go with...truth? I don't want to do anything embarrassing tonight.” She laughed, most of the girls agreeing with her. Hyoyeon nodded, but her smirk never was wiped from her face.

“Okay, truth. you have a crush? How about an idol crush?” Hyoyeon asked, causing HyoYoung's smile to fall. She blushed at the question. I can't say it! I have only one crush...but they- THEY KNOW HIM! HyoYoung freaked out in her head.

The members of SNSD focused on Hyo, confused at all the panicking faces she was making. Hyo finally calmed down, taking a deep breath before she answered. The suspense filling the room was intense, as all the girls waited.

“Well?” Seohyun asked, tugging on Hyo's sleeve.

“I like,” Hyo gulped, “Taemin oppa....” She trailed off, her face becoming as red as a tomato.

“OH MY GOD!” The others shrieked, surprised as well as excited.

“I can so see it now!” Jessica laughed, pinching Hyo's cheeks. “We so have to help you! Don't worry, Hyo, since we know Taemin we will definitely help you out.”

With Hyo's permission- well if you call permission being forced to let the girls help- the SNSD girls moved into action. The rest of the night consisted of the girls filling Hyo in on facts about their brother band member.

By the time the sun rose, the girls had made a plan.

Project: Get Taemin To Notice HyoYoung

Was in action.

----One Week Later At S.M.E-----

“You know Minho Hyung I just have been really bored lately.” Jonghyung said, as him and Minho sat with their backs against the practice room's mirror. Minho grunted in agreement, as he chugged his water.

“Hello my shining boys!” Sunny called, barging into the boy band's rehearsal room. Jonghyung looked up at the smiling girl with a confused face.

“Sunny? What do you want?” Minho spoke up. It wasn't a very usual thing the S.M.E's bands got to meet up. Usually the bands had very separate schedules, making it awkward to squeeze in a get-together. With SHINee working on their comeback, they were trying to be very anti-social. Any mistakes and the surprise could be leaked.

“C'mon! I'm just here for Taeminnie.” The smiling girl said, “Where is he? Is it just you two?” Sunny asked, looking around the room. Taemin wasn't in sight.

“What if it is?” Jonghyung questioned, standing up. “Him and the others went to go get snacks, since we are on break.” He finished. Sunny nodded, and looked at her watch.

“Ugh,” she frowned, “if I don't see him soon...the project will be ruined!” She stomped her heel.

Minho and Jonghyung exchanged looks, both confused at Sunny's random obsession for Taemin.

“Listen...if you tell us why you want to see him...we'll bring Taemin to you.” Minho offered, causing Sunny to perk up.

“Sure! Don't get mad, but SNSD has this friend. She means a lot to me, and she told me that she has a crush on Taemin. It is like, first love or something.” Sunny took a breath. Minho nodded as she spoke, before crushing her reason to see Taemin.

“Yeah, so basically she is an average fan girl. Sunny a lot of girls would kill for a chance to meet Taemin, or any K-pop idol for that matter. We can't trust her with meeting him, since we're having our comeback soon.” He concluded, Jonghyung agreeing with his taller friend. Sunny folded her arms across her chest, and gave the boys a 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

“Really? If she is my friend, wouldn't she know all the gossip about our company's bands by now? I mean, the whole SNSD band was at a sleep over with her!” She threw her arms in the air.

“Sunny,” Jonghyung sighed. “I bet she is a nice person, but we just can't take the risk.”

“Well it isn't like I need your permission, right? I just needed to find him.” She smirked, waved, and left the room. Minho and Jonghyun stood there, listening to the sound of Sunny's heels fade as she walked down the hall.

-----OUTSIDE S.M.E----

“Key Hyung, can you bring these in for me? I have to tie my shoes.” Taemin asked, handing the plastic bags of drinks to Key. The stylish Hyung nodded, walking into the entertainment with Onew.

Taemin crouched down, looking around as he tied his shoes. I have to make sure no one sees me with my new hair-

“Taeminnie!” Taemin jumped at the sound of his nickname. He frantically looked around, until he spotted Sunny running towards him. He put a hand over his heart, feeling it's shocked pounding.

“Sunny! How could you scare me like that?” Taemin pouted, crossing his arms. Sunny laughed at patted Taemin's head.

“Aigoo~ how sweet! No wonder she likes you, how cute!” Sunny exclaimed. Taemin tilted his head and looked at Sunny quizzically.

“Who is 'she'?” He asked, caught in his fellow idol's trap.

“Oh,” Sunny laughed, shrugging. “I just found a girl who is really interested in you. I thought you would care, since she seems like your type...but the SHINee oppas said that its a bad idea. Oh well.” Sunny shrugged, and turned to walk back into the entertainment. Before she could go anywhere, Taemin caught her arm in his grasp. Sunny turned around. “Geez Taeminnie! You've gotten muscles,” she smirked. “What is it?”

“How old is she?” He asked, letting go of Sunny's arm.

“Same age as you, and you're older by only a few months.” She smiled, happy to have Taemin in the palm of her hand.

“Is she..” Taemin made a motion of his hand above him, but then brought it down to a bit below his head. Sunny looked at him with a confused expression.

“Excuse me? Taemin I'm not good with sign language.” Sunny stated. Taemin rolled his eyes, and whispered.

“Is she taller than me?” He asked, earning a no from Sunny. This seemed to make Taemin even more interested. A girl who was his age, shorter, and was his type? He never had been interested in a girl like this, and if Sunny personally knew her...then she must be someone important.

“She is my friend from pre-debut, and I never get to see her. The SNSD girls and I had a sleepover with her last week. During truth or dare she-”

“Said she liked me?” Taemin cut in, a bright smile forming on his face. Sunny laughed and nodded.

“She is adorable, Taeminnie. She likes to dance, but always talked about how she wishes she was better. In fact she even had a cute day dream of you teaching her how to dance.” She sighed, thinking of her cute friend.

“Well I could meet her...I mean, just as a fan meeting..” He scratched his head, talking about the topic as if it was no deal. On the inside Taemin was just as excited as Hyoyoung when she got the call from Sunny.

Taemin was going to go on a date, and it was with Hyo.

------The next day at SHINee's practice room.-----

“Taemin I can't believe you are doing this. I've had a girlfriend before, and it can get really hectic when your fans find out.” Jonghyung said, as Taemin practiced his solo dance from their song Replay. Taemin looked at his hyung.

“Jonghyung, she is a fan. And we aren't dating, she just really likes me. It's Sunny's friend! The least I could do is say hi...” He trailed off, hearing a knock on the door. He quickly looked at the door, and felt his heart start to beat faster. It's time, oh my god what do I do? What if she doesn't like me? What if she only likes the Taemin on T.V and in our music videos? Oh no...what if she thinks I'm boring? Taemin's thoughts were running through his head as fast as light.

“Taemin, shes here...” Minho said, poking Taemin on the shoulder. Taemin looked up at the door to see Seohyun and Sunny, along with a girl. Her brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail braid, light make up on her face, and she wasn't wearing top-of-the-line clothes. She was a normal girl, one that Taemin could never be around anymore.

“H-hi.” She said, bowing a 90 degree angle. “My name is Hyoyoung, and I'm a really big fan! I've liked you ever since you debuted!” She stood up straight, and took a deep breath. She flashed Taemin a smile, and looked at Seohyun. Seo motioned at Taemin to say something.

“H-hi... I'm Taemin...I'm in SHINee.” He stated the obvious, causing everyone to laugh. Taemin's cheeks turned a light shade of red, as he watched Hyo chuckle.

“Well we'll leave these two alone!” Sunny said, as everyone left the room. Taemin smiled at Hyo embarresed.

“Were you dancing?” Hyo asked, walking closer to Taemin. Trying to make things less awkward, Taemin laughed and nodded. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his shirt.

“Yeah, ha. Sorry to be so sweaty when we first meet. I um, got kind of nervous. When I'm nervous-”

“You dance, yeah I know. Big fan.” She cut in. Taemin nodded, mentally face palming himself.

“Do you mind dancing for me? I thought I could learn a lot from you...” Hyo said, standing next to Taemin. Taemin looked towards the mirror, seeing how cute the two looked together. He laughed, and nodded.

“Sure.” He simply said, deciding to throw away his nervousness. It was just a girl, and if she was a fan of Taemin...then she should like the Taemin from behind the scenes.

The two spent the next few hours dancing, Taemin giving Hyo pointers whenever he could. Hyo had finally warmed up to Taemin, finally seeing him on the same level as her SNSD friends. He became just a person in her eyes, and a cute one at that.

“Ah!” Hyo squeaked, as she tripped over her own feet. She landed with a thud on the floor.

“Hyo! Are you okay? Sorry I didn't catch you.” Taemin apologized, which Hyo just waved off.

“I'm fine- ow!” She yelled as she tried to get up. Pain shot up through her ankle, causing her to fall back onto her . “Maybe I'm not okay...” She sighed, grasping her ankle as it throbbed.

“Let me help you up. I think we're done for the day.” Taemin frowned, taking a hold of HyoYoung's hand and gently helping her up. He wrapped her arm around his shoulder, now holding her up. Hyo felt butterflies in her stomach at this action. They couldn't be done! She would have to wake up from this dream. But at least I'm so close to him! We are practically hugging! The fan girl in Hyo squealed.

“Sorry I fell, I guess our first-meeting is over.” Hyo sighed, the sadness in her voice not hidden at all. Taemin shrugged.

“It's fine. First-meetings can't always be long. Besides, we were dancing for a few hours. I'm surprised nothing happened earlier.” He laughed, which was music to Hyo's ears. She nodded.

“Mmmhmm, at least you didn't get hurt. I know you're going to have a comeback soon.” Taemin shot her a look.

“How did you know?” He asked her. Hyo simply pointed to his hair.

“Your hair color, it changed.” She replied, causing Taemin to blush.

“Oh, true...yeah I don't really like it.” He complained, looking at her as the found a bench to sit on.

“Really? I love it! Its cute, fits you.” She beamed, happy to be the first girl to compliment him. Taemin's face grew hotter, and he stood up.

“T-thanks, I'm happy one of my fans likes it.” HyoYoung nodded.

“Your number one fan, silly.” She smiled. The maknae nodded and grinned, before he could say anything, Key ran up and hugged Taemin.

“MY BABY! YOU ARE DATING WITHOUT MY PERMISION?” Key scolded, his voice full of agony. Taemin shot him a dirty look, and undid his hold.

“Key, don't embarrass me in front of Hyo, please.” He said, Key putting up his hands in defense. Hyo giggled, and Taemin smiled at her. “Sorry about him, Hyo.” He said to the giggling fan girl.

“Taemin, sorry to interrupt your date and all..but the manager wants to see us now.” Key took Taemin's hand and started to lead him away. “Nice to meet you!” He called without looking back at Hyo. Taemin frowned, and turned back to Hyo.

“I'm sorry I have to leave you there! I'll make it up to you next time!” He yelled, as Key and him turned down a corner.

Hyo sat on the bench completely confused. I'll make it up to you next time.

Next time. Next time. Next time. Next time.

“OH MY GOD!” Hyo squealed, as she spazzed out on the bench. Seohyun and Sunny ran up to her.

“WE SAW THE WHOLE THING!” The two girls said, pointing to a pillar they had hid behind.

“I think I have another 'date' with Lee Taemin.” HyoYoung said, reality hitting her. The two girl group members high-fived.

“Mission success!”

I really hoped you liked it!!! I have had a lot going on recently and had to sort of rush was hard for me to fit in SNSD a lot so I hope you enjoyed it!!! I do remember you, and I'm happy you requested from me again! IDK if this one shot was better than my first one for you...but fingers crossed!


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omg thanks so much it was incredibly cute! ^_^
Mrem96 #2
Thanks for liking my oneshot and lol I thought Taemin's little height motion was cute too ^^<br />
and what do you mean about the jonghyun/g thing?
LOL at Taemin's question of Hyoyoung's height. I love how the SNSD girls are so sweet towards their friend (: Oh and Jonghyun's name is not Jonghyung. Overall it's a really cute one-shot (:
Nice OneShot ^^