Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to Me

It was a daybefore my birthday. I was really happy and I couldn’t wait for it. I wanted to spend my birthday with my best friend, Dongho. But I didn’t know if he would spend that day with me. He was so busy with his other friends and I felt ignored. I didn’t know if he remembered my birthday. But I just wished I could be with him on my birthday.

That night I was rolling on my bed without nothing to do. I was so bored. Suddenly my mobile rang, Donghorang me up. I answered the call,

 “Hi Dongho!” I said happily, “Where have you been? You didn’t answer my calls,”

 “oh sorry, _____. I just want to tell you that I can’t go out with you on your birthday, because Kevinasked me to hang out with Kiseopand him. I’m really sorry, bye”

Heended the conversation. I was really sad, how could he go out with his friends on his best friend’s birthday? I regarded him as my own brother but he disappointed me.

That was the worst night ever. I cried, but I wasn’t that sad. I wished he would change his mind. There was still a hope. I decided to sleep and I would ask him about that next morning, on my birthday.

When I woke up, I received a message from Dongho. I immediately opened and saw it, but the message was empty. He didn’t write anything. I rang him up but there was no answer. What was wrong with this guy? Why didn’t he wish me a happy birthday? I thought he would be the first person to wish me a happy birthday. But I was wrong.

The day was so plain, like there was nothing special. The only people who wished me a happy birthday were just my close family. I was still waiting for Dongho to say that, to make my day. Even though I knew that he wouldn’t.

In the afternoon, I was still lying on my bed, not knowing what to do. I was so bored because Dongho wasn’t here. Last year, I spent my birthday with Dongho in an amusement park. We bought snacks and we ate them in my house. We laughed like crazy because we watched a funny movie in my house. Dongho and I were hungry, but we had eaten all the snacks. So we decided to make fried rice by ourselves. But we failed, both Dongho and I didn’t know how to cook.

I really missed that moment. I stared at the cooking  book  he bought me. He said, “there’s no girl in this world who can’t cook,” I didn’t learn anything from that book. I didn’t even read it. Suddenly I wanted to read that book, not learn it, but just read it. I didn’t want to be underestimated by my best friend.

I spent like 3 hours for reading that book. At 5pm I remembered that Dongho hadn’t wished me a happy birthday yet. And I thought that he wouldn’t. Nothing I could do now, so I listened to some musics and relaxed. I was still waiting for Dongho.

When it was 7pm and Dongho still hadn’t talked to me, I started to cry. I looked at my mobile to see if there was a message or a call for him. There was no message. He forgot me.

When I was crying, suddenly someone rang me up. It was Dongho. I thought he had forgotten my birthday. But he wasn’t.

 “Hello,” he said, “Go to my house right now.”

He stopped the conversation. I was hurt, but I really missed him. So I changed my clothes and then I went to his house. I knocked the door, and Dongho opened it. He smiled like he had no fault. He smiled like he didn’t hurt me. He smiled like everything was okay.

 “Happy birthday, ______” He said, “I’m so sorry”

I gave him a sad face, made him laugh. And then he went inside his house but I was just standing in front of the door.

 “Let’s go inside, _____! I have something for you” He said. I went inside and followed him.

He showed me something from the refrigerator. A small birthday cake for us. He said that he bought it when he was hanging out with Kevin and Kiseop. He didn’t forget me.

 “Let’s eat together!” He said happily. I smiled and started to eat the cake. It was a delicious strawberry cake. When we finished eating the cake, we went to the living room and watch a funny sitcom. It was just like the last year.

We laughed crazily because that was very funny. I couldn’t stop laughing. He gave me a glass of water and I drank it, so I could stop laughing. After that, we played Play Station. Our favorite game, Smack Down. I lost the game, but we had fun so much.

When it was 9pm and I was about to go home, suddenly it was raining. I had to wait for the rain to go. So I stayed in his house and played Monopoly with him.

 “Yaaaaaah!!! You cheated!!!!” I shouted at him when he had to be jailed but he refused it. He didn’t want to lose the game. But I glared at him, so he was jailed.

We were so bored, waiting for the rain to go was boring. So we played another game. I sat beside him, watching him playing Angry Birds. It was so fun to watch him playing this game. When he gave up, I cheered him to continue the game. But he didn’t want to. So we just sat there without anything to do.

We were hungry but there was no food. We had to make one. I had learnt how to make a fried egg so I made two for us. When I was cooking, Dongho asked me,

 “How can you cook it?! I thought you couldn’t cook” He said, he was amazed when he saw me cooking like a master.

When I finished cooking, we ate together. When we were eating, suddenly the light went out. We had to find a candle. We looked for it in Dongho’s room, but we didn’t find one. We looked for it everywhere, but we couldn’t find it. Until we found it in the kitchen.

It wasn’t so dark because of the candle light. We continued eating so, it felt like a candle light dinner. The atmosphere was… romantic.

 “Dongho,” I said, “I think I can go home now”

Dongho looked at me, surprised, “ah why? Will you leave me alone in the darkness? I’m afraid!” He said. Yes, I didn’t want to leave him. But I wanted to go home. I didn’t even know why, but I wanted to go home.

We waited for the light to turn on without doing anything. I sat beside Dongho. I was so bored and sleepy. We didn’t even talk. So I called his name to talk to him.

 “Dongho,” I said. But there was no answer. Oh, he was sleeping.

I touched his hand and it was so cold. He needed a blanket. So I went to his room and got one for him. I woke him up and gave the blanket to him.

 “I think you need this,” I handed the blanket. He received it and thanked me, then he slept again. I sat beside him, playing with my mobile. Suddenly he leaned on my shoulder. I couldn’t do anything, I didn’t want to disturb him, so I let him sleep on my shoulder.

Minutes later, the light . I stopped playing with my mobile and I woke Dongho up.

 “hey…. Wake up. I need to go home” I said and he woke up.

 “did I just……….” Dongho said, he was surprised when he caught himself leaning on my shoulder. I whispered, “it’s okay. I have to go home now.” I got up and walked to the door. When I wanted to open the door, Dongho stopped me. He handed me a sweater.

 “It’s so cold out there. You’ll need this. I bought this for you.”

I wore the sweater, thanked him, and took a step. But suddenly Dongho hugged me from the back. I was more than surprised. I couldn’t believe that my best friend did this to me.

 “Happy Birthday,” he whispered to my right ear, making me blushed. I smiled and said, “thank you, Dongho.”

That was the first time he hugged me. I hadn’t ever been so nice to him. I was so rude. But that day made me realized that I love him more than just a best friend. His hug was the most beautiful present I had ever had. So, happy birthday to me.

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very cute :)
heeeyzME #2
Cute cute cute! <br />
HatrednAshes #3
Nice story :)
Cute story!! I love itXDD