All For Something

Secrets of Arcadia
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That morning, the four of us were not in the mood for breakfast. We sat in the main hall staring blankly at the food placed in front of us.

“Come one guys, we have to eat something before class.” Victoria’s motherly instincts came out, “Come on. Moping around isn’t going to do us any good.” She continued eating her food slowly as she studied to notes.

We all listened at her request and started picking at our food before placing it in our mouths. But I for one could not seem to swallow my food.


Arcadia Academy is a school for exceptional young women. Excuse me, for being picky and narrow minded, but there are reasons why Arcadia is meant for girls only. For one, it’s in our damn title. Two, we only have only girls’ bathrooms (except for the one for out make teachers in the faculty lounges) and that lets us have room for student kitchens (meaning more than one) and computer lounges, where we actually do more than just surfing the web. Three, boys moving in would mean the school becomes co-ed (meaning it’s not for exceptional young women anymore) and the school becoming co-ed means the girls will spend more time getting ready in the morning when that time could be used for more useful things like sleeping or debating about politics (don’t judge).


So I sat there staring at my food, I was in no mood to eat. I could barely swallow down a sip of my iced red tea latte- my favorite! Clearly something was wrong.


“Krys.” I looked up to Luna. “When do you think they’ll… uh… you know…” She spoke in English despite the sign on the TV screens were telling us to speak Korean.

“Come?” Sulli finished her sentence.

But I couldn’t answer Luna’s question. I didn’t have a single clue, and it didn’t seem like any of my best friends did either. In just a day, my world and what I thought was turned and flipped upside down. I no longer knew what was right or wrong and seemed like my life was changed dramatically. I didn’t want to give the boys’ arrival an arriving time- my fear of it becoming a reality took over.


However, as my mom stepped onto the stage to the podium, that reality I wanted to keep a dream stopped evaporating and sprung back to life. “Excuse me, ladies. Could I have you attention, please? I have an important announcement to make.”


At that moment, the doors by the side of the stage seung open and nothing at Arcadia would be the same again. Ever.


Utensils dropped onto the cafeteria tables and clanked as they fell. Heads turned, and I swear I heard a crack. And for the first time since the crack of dawn, not a single whisper was heard in our school.


Even though we knew Arcadia Girls are supposed to be prepared for anything, I don’t think anyone was prepared for the sight in front of them. We could handle an invasion, a robbery, protect the president, but not a single girl was prepared for the twelve boys walking up to the stage behind my mother.


“Arcadia Academy has remained as a secluded school, however yesterday, some of your classmates were able to meet another group of talented individuals much like yourselves. Both schools have often talked about getting our students together because we thought our students would have a lot to learn from each other. That day has finally come.” My mother announced.


It was official, the girls at Arcadia Academy were staring at these boys wide-eyed and mouth ajared (can you say embarrassing?). Victoria looked up from her flash cards and glanced at them for a millisecond before looking back down and said, “That’s them? Not bad, but I’ve seen better.” And continued studying. Did I ever mention Victoria went to public school before she took the hidden aptitude test on the exam? “They’ll get over it.”


Then, I finally noticed a man was with them. He was leading the boys to wear they should stand before he finally walked onto the stage as my mother was introducing him, “And I’d like to introduce you all to Dr. Jong, Dr. Jong will you…” My mom trailed off allowing the short round man to introduce himself to a room full of ladies.


“Hello, please call me Dr. Ken and these are my students,” He turned his body slightly and gestured his hands to introduce them. We will be spending the remainder of the semester here with you. I hope you all welcome us warmly.” Dr. Ken walked away from the podium and allowed my mom to speak again.


“Ladies,” the ladies in the main hall were just about to pass out from the previous news, “they will be attending your classes and eating with you during your meals.” And sleeping in the East Wing, I thought to myself. “I hope you all realize this is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of. You all have a lot to learn from one another and I hope you use this time to create friendships that you can carry on with life.” My mother finished.


“I’d love to be bonded to him.” I heard Jade tell Liz, nodding her head in the direction of a boy with his arms crossed.


A boy who was wearing a smirk.

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[UPDATE] Chapter 1 is up! Sorry it took so long.. I kind of forgot.. Heh ^__^


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GEoRuth #1
Author nim did you forgot about this one?
Chapter 4: Where's amber, why put kryBER when ambers not included in the fic???? *glares at the author*
DerpinJae #3
Chapter 4: i want kryber throw kai away~!
mikangela14 #4
Plsss i want kryber :)
exo_krystal #5
Chapter 3: Nice update... Now I am super curious... Hope you update soon author-nim..
Chapter 2: is this a jungli one? nice story btw :))
AJStar #7
Chapter 1: Exo huh. Kryber! I want kryber:0
Chapter 1: Woah... So is this more action based or half action half romance? Cause I’m curious about the pairings... kryber or jungli (jungli pls - lol jks) but seriously i love this already