
Lost in an Eternity
Inside the Chamber of Chronology, nestled within the great wall's of the city's heart, six young men of the organisation EXO were seated around a table, lost deep in thought. Placed centrally of the table sat a beautiful yet frail mechanism, positioned so that its spherical form could be observed from all angles. It's many delicate and uniquely intricately carved hands ticked away, each portraying a different time of a different place. A Chronosium. A sort of universal clock, showing the times of its parallel dimension, Earth. It was with this device and the spiritual force of EXO's minds that disputes and complications were reversed, undone, therefore resolved and regulation restored. 
At this moment, the great chamber was filled with a silence, each young man's features fixed to a look of arduous contemplation. A cumbersome air hung about and the atmosphere was cold sober. Recently, there had been an occurrence which was a source for much worry - the Chronosium. More hands had been stopping at more regular intervals, where intervention with matters on Earth previously occurred a few times a year, it had now grown to around twice a month and they were sure that these figures were set to rise. This was an unfavorable turn of events for EXO, in fact, not only was it merely unfavorable, it may turn out to be detrimental to the members, organisation, and thus pose a threat to regulation on Earth. 
The leader, a young man with a pale complexion and soft eyes was the first to speak, his voice gentle yet his tone was firm.
"So, which three will undertake the task this time?" 
The others simply looked down with bleary eyes. Needless to say, this role was exhausting, and with the increased uprisings, things were set to take a turn for the worse. The reply came from the owner of bronzed skin and thick lips. Running his fingers through his platinum blonde hair he glanced at their leader through heavy lidded eyes. 
"Suho, you know these continuous tasks are draining of our spirit, right? It will be difficult, very difficult to keep up our pace."
The remaining members nodded in agreement. Suho's brows furrowed as the blonde spoke again.
"Even now in teams of three, we return more and more fatigued after each journey. Travelling to a different dimension in itself drains much of our energy, and not to mention turning back the clock, and journeying back. Suho, please, perhaps it's about time Earth sought out solutions to their own issues." 
A deep baritone was the next to speak. 
"Kai is right. We can't keep carrying on and pretending as if we are not taking on the effects of these continuous journeys back and forth. "
Silence settled over the members once more. All were concerned by the increased disturbances on Earth, yet a common thought had washed over all their minds - that it was time that Earth as a dimension learned the to accept the consequences of its own actions. Ever since the establishment of their own world, there had been EXO, society of timekeepers to prevent threatening events of Earth from taking place. Perhaps it was time for that dimension to mature and grow, to learn and deal with it's own ramifications.
Suho, nodded to himself, eyeing the frozen hand of the Chronosium before announcing to his decision. Was it the right outcome? As the leader, the final judgment would always rest upon his shoulders.
"Alright. I must admit, we are all feeling the after effects of these continuous trips. We are suffering, exhausted, both mentally and physically. So we will continue to lend our helping hand for now, but eventually not at every event, but every second."
He was greeted with dissatisfied murmurs of the members, and so held up a hand.
"Please, let me finish before you speak."
Silence fell once again and all eyes were fixed upon their leader.
"Thank you. As I was saying before, for the time being, we will carry on as we always have. However, slowly we will cut this down. There is no doubt that Earth at the moment is going through a phase of change, where disputes are arising more often and need us to resolve them. Eventually, as Kai previously mentioned, Earth must learn to tend to their own concerns. So to abruptly cut all connections would be like asking a new born child to run without assistance. We must take this one step at a time. Gradually, all ties will be broken and the child will have matured and become capable of running a marathon. Of course, we will still be here to support them when their health begins to falter, but ultimately, they will have become almost completely self reliant. Any objections?"
This time he was greeted with murmurs of agreement. The one with hair as bright and multicoloured as a parrot's feathers said
"I think this is a favorable solution. It will take time, but ultimately, the outcome will turn out to be for the greater good for both them and us."
The rest of them chorused agreement and the heavy atmosphere lifted. A solution had been reached, and even though it was a beginning, the first step had been taken. 
A man with thickly lined eyes and charming voice joked
"It really is as if Earth is a child isn't it? We have been nurturing it for many ages, finally it will begin  to walk on its own two feet. Perhaps then we can retire?"
A light hearted laugh echoed around the room, as the meeting was adjourned. 
"Why are you still here? Why don't you just go back home?!"
She gritted her teeth and glared at the desk. 
"Oh yeah! Cause you're a stupid orphan , you don't have a home!"
It was lunch break and the students had surrounded her seat in a messy semi circle, pointing and jeering. Echoes of 'stupid orphan', 'dumb ', and 'no one wants you' traveled around the room. Helpless, exhausted and wishing to be alone, she bit her trembling lips and looked upwards to face her classmates. With a low yet decided tone she said 
"Don't you all have better things to do?"
The kids around her stopped talking, everyone was waiting to hear what she had to say, smirks drawn on their faces. 
"Do you think picking on someone like me is fun, huh? You are all cruel, stupid, heartless and obnoxious!"
With each word, she picked up her tone and stood up.
"So I am an orphan, so I don't have a family, so I don't have a home. I am not privileged with the basic human right that you all have. So are none of you able to grant me even the most basic form of human right, that being RESPECT?" 
The students were silent. The stupid orphan girl had never had the guts before to speak out like she just did. They were shocked, eyes wide, jaws hanging open, yet no one said anything. Then she heard a shuffling behind her, and saw the kids in front of her begin to hold in their laughter. What had she said that was entertaining to this extent? Then she found out why. She felt a cracking on the back of her head and a thick liquid drip slowly down her face. Gritting her teeth again she whirled around to face the perpetrator, only to have several packets of flour emptied upon her head, coating her hair and uniform in a thick layer of white powder. She was a mess, no doubt, but after speaking out previously, she did not back down now. 
"Go pick on someone else next time. I'll not tolerate this anymore!" 
She spat, venom in her voice. The other student replied with a smirk and shrugged while asking her
"So what are you going to do hmm? Orphan . What are you going to do about it?"
He pulled a face at her. Stepping closer to him, he easily towered over her, but she was not scared anymore. Shoving a finger at his chest, she spoke at a slow, deliberate pace.
"I don't need to do anything about it. Fate will take care of itself."
He laughed, and laughed, as did the students around him. Tears streamed out of their eyes as the tall student composed himself and said
"Oh yeah? What would you know about fate? Not as if yours is bright."
Filled with a molten anger from head to toe she stared at him with a look of betrayal and hurt, then stalked to another student, and slowly walked around that loose circle which they had formed around her and spoke as she paced.
"None of you may believe in fate, but I do! Believe me when I say that nothing good will befall any of you! Nothing! Keep teasing the stupid orphan girl will you all? You all are just messing with yourselves!"
With that conclusion, she ran to wash off the sticky and powdery mess that lay on and matted in her hair and uniform. 
A/N: Ok, so I acutally am not too sure where I am going with this story haha. So I'm just going to go with the flow without a real plan, let's hope it plays out well :L


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Bang-Jello #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^