Let's go clubbing!

Was I Not Enough

Jonghyun's POV:

*sigh* "That's the third failed relationship this month" I told my best friend Minho as we were reaching our favorite cafe. "I just don't get it. They ask me out and then they say 'let's brake up it doesn't seem like you are even trying to be a part of this relationship. It's totally one sided'. It's not my fault that I can't get serious, they just aren't my type." I said shrugging and sitting at our usual spot in the shop.

"Hyung, maybe instead of accepting their confessions you could regect them so you won't be seen as a playboy" said Minho as the waitress came to take our orders.

"Hello Jonghyun. Hello Minho. What would you like to order?" she asked.

"We'll take the usual. Thanks Minah" I said.

"Okay. No problem, I'll be back with your order in a minute" said Minah as she left our table.

"It's not that simple. I do regect them but then they say to at least try to go out with them and in the end they are the ones to brake up with me. After so many fails shouldn't everyone get a clue that any relationship won't last but they still keep coming. I know I'm good looking but still they should get a clue!" I exclaimed.

"Hyung, calm down. I know what you mean. They should realize that any relationship with you won't last" explained Minho as Minha came with our orders.

"Another failed relationship Jonghyun? What do girls even see in you?" she asked setting our orders down on our table.

"Not just girls but also guys. And what do you mean I'm a great catch!". I whined.

"Says the person who can't keep a relationship. They always come to you so why not take the initiative and approach them. Then you can find your ideal type and less failed relationships" said Minha as she started to walk away.

"That's genius! Hyung, let's go clubbing! Maybe we can find someone who catches your eye and we can always use a change of pace" exclaimed Minho.

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea... Okay, let's go!" I said finishing and paying for our orders. 'It's always nice to have a change of pace every once in a while' I thought as we reached my car and headed home to change our clothes before we go clubbing.

A/N: sorry for the short update but I wanted to see how things would roll out. Please comment and tell me how it is so far I really could use some feedback >\\\<

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magicbananas #1
Chapter 3: This is great so far!!! Lol the massage part was hilarious ^w^
iluvbubbles_yay #2
Chapter 3: I wonder who Jonghyun is? o.o and why Key wasn't hugely surprised ^^ Minho better watch out haha, mama bear Key is on the loose... and poor Jonghyun, hopefully his luck in love will be better this time ^^ (although I'm sure he can already tell Key is going to be a handful, even just beginning with the massage...) xD Fun story, thanks ^^
SashaHRH #3
Chapter 3: Whew! That escalated quickly ;) would love to know how key and tae met. Keep up the good job :D