Another Complication... or Savior

Dear Cupid, Next Time Hit Us Both~

"Morning Ji Eun!" your mother yelled as the curtains of your room parted to reveal the new day. "M-mornnningnjfdnksadk," you mumbled before rubbing your eyes. "Today is Sunday! Make sure you finish your homework before going out okay?" she reminded then left the room.

"Ugh, ewwwwww. STUPID SCHOOL!" you screamed and buried your face into your pillows. You turned to your stuffed animals and sighed, "You guys are lucky you don't got homework, exams, finals, and boys to deal with."

You went downstairs to eat breakfast with your parents. "I'm going to go finish homework before going out to take some pictures around the block," you washed your plate and utensils before running upstairs. 

"Okay so I take this angle minus this one to get the hidden ... and maybe get Hyun Woo will like me instead?" You screamed, frustrated because over the past 2 hours, you haven't been able to concentrate on homework because of the numerous ading thoughts of Hyun Woo.

"What's wrong with me?" you whispered, tears trickled down your cheeks. "I've been by his side supporting him through thick and thin; he's also been there to comfort me when I felt so alone. Why is it so difficult to see how much I care!?" you screamed and threw your pillow at the door. 

"Honey, you okay?" the door opened, your mom's worried face appeared. "Yeah, mom. Just school and stress," you sighed, rubbing your temples. "Don't overwork yourself okay? I want you to be in school not in a hospital," the door closed behind your mom.

After several relentless hours of hair-pulling and blasted music, you finally finished homework. "All done, WOOHOO!" you fell back onto the pillows in content. "Time to go artsy picture hunting!" you chuckled to yourself before showering and getting ready.

"Selfie!" you snapped a quick picture before running downstairs to tell your parents that you were going out. "Be careful now. Don't break too many hearts," your father said firmly while smiling. "Oh please, as if any guy would want a nerd like me appa," you laughed it off. "Okay, bye! See you later umma and appa," you closed the front door behind you.

I saw some new flowers that were planted along our street. You started walking towards the end of the street, humming "Wedding Dress" by Taeyang. As you were walking, a caramel-colored kitten prances into your way. "Whoa! Almost stepped on you," you giggled and bent down to pet the kitten.

"Nutmeg where are you?" a boy's voice called out from one of the houses nearby. In response, the kitten meowed out loud.

A boy wearing a hoodie that looked about the same age as you runs out from the gates of a beige, two-story house. "There you are girl," the guy noticed the kitten, "and looks like you've already made a new friend."

"Oh, hi there. This must be your cat, Nutmeg. She's adorable," you took Nutmeg into your arms and handed the kitten to the guy. "Thanks, she's about 3 months old," the boy replied. "I'm Ji Sang, what's your name?" "I'm Ji Eun, nice to meet you...," your voice trailed off. "What? What's wrong?" Ji Sang raised a brow. "Nothing. Just making sure you aren't one of those creeps that lures in innocent girls with kittens," you cautiously backed away a few steps. 

The boy laughed, "Nope, I've been your neighbor for about 4 years now. My family and I moved here from Canada when I was a sophomore in high school." "Wait, so that means you've been here... on my street... for 4 years... since I was also a sophomore in high school... and I haven't noticed...," you say, waiting for Ji Sang to confirm.

"Yeup," he laughed. "Well, nice to finally meet you," you politely bow. "You too. I got to go give Nutmeg her bath now. She ran out before I could put her in the tub," he held up Nutmeg's paw to wave bye then started walking to his house. He stops midway and quickly mumbles, "By the way, you're pretty." You didn't know if it was your imagination or not, but you swear that you saw a flicker of a smile before Ji Sang disappears behind the tall white gates of his house.

"Oh my gosh. Why am I blushing?" you mumbled to herself while patting your cheeks. "Eh, whatever.  He's probably blind like me," you proceeded to walk to where there was a small field of baby breath flowers. These are going to make a beautiful addition to my scrapbook. You snapped a shot.


My sneezes are so loud unlike those cute, tiny ones that other girls have. I sound like World War III. You rubbed your nose, checking to see if your photo was in good lighting and angle. "Bless you," someone mumbled behind you. 

You turn around and see Min Jae. "Oppa!" you smiled and waved. "Wow, no thank you?" Min Jae joked before giving you a half-hug. "Oh, kamsahabnida ahjumma!" you laughed. "So, how you doing?" he said. "You know that you don't have to keep asking me that every time," you replied softly.

"It's just that I haven't known you as long as Hyun Woo, but you're like a dongsaeng to me..." he smiled. "Aw, thanks-" you were interrupted as Min Jae kept talking. "--a really tiring, childish, immature, and irritating dongsaeng. Oh! Don't forget fat and yeah. I think that's about it... for now," he broke into a laughing fit. "YAH! That's not funny! I'm not childish you big !" you started slapping him but then stopped. "...well, maybe... but that doesn't give you the right to tease me!" you whined. "ALRIGHT alrighty man! You're going to kill me," Min Jae held up his hands in surrender. "Good. Hmph," you stomped your foot.

"Stop being a baby and let's go find some things to photograph," he started walking away.

"Okay okay, wait for me you long-legged creature! Slow down," you jogged to catch up. 

You ended up walking to the mini shopping center that was several blocks from you house. "Begeopayo oppaaaa," you  held onto Min Jae's hands and jumped up and down. "Don't worry, there is a diner just past the dress shop," he dragged you along. 

"Wait, I got no money," you turned to walk out, but Min Jae grasped your hand and pulled you to a booth. "I'm paying," he said. A waiter came and took your orders. "So you still haven't answer my question. How are you doing?" he said.

"Well, honestly, I am losing it," you fiddled with your fingers under the table.

"I'm just saying, Ji Eun, but why don't you try to change your feelings. Don't let your feeling for him hold you back from finding someone else," Min Jae suggested, trying not to upset you. "What?! How can you even bring that up!?" you half-shouted and half-whispered. "Please don't take that as an insult. It was simply a friendly suggestion, Ji Eun," Min Jae shot back. "But you know how much I like him!" you said before stopping as the waiter approached the table. "Here is the pepperoni pizza you two ordered. Let me know if you need anything," she smiled before leaving.

"I do know how much you like him... it's just that, there are lost of fish in the sea," Min Jae lifted a slice of pizza to his mouth and took a big bite. "You know what? This is too depressing, let's talk about something else. Like why don't you have a girlfriend yet?" you picked off the pepperoni and put in on the side of your plate before starting on your pizza slice. "...Erhmm, uhhhh, I sort of am saving myself for the right girl to come along," Min Jae said quickly. "Ohhh, so what kind of girls attract you?" you tilted your head, really curious now. "Eh, like cute, innocent, childish girls," he said.

"Tell me more details, " you demanded. By now you two were done with half of the pizza. Your conversations were so short, but you two ate a lot in between.

"Fine, but you owe me one!" Min Jae blushed. "Aw, you're blushing you gushy wooshy oo," you teased, poking at his cheeks. "I guess this gushy wooshy oo isn't telling you nothing!" he took another slice and continued eating. "Okay! I won't tease... for now," you shut up. 

"I want a girl who I can just joke around with, without having to worry about them taking every single joke seriously. Or a girl who can be serious when needed and playful when she's around me. Ooh! A girl who doesn't expect too much from me like not always wanting gifts or attention 24/7. I just like the simple things you know?" he sipped on his drink.

"So sweet. Hopefully, you find the right girl, oppa! HWAITING!" you shouted, a bit too loud. "Oops, looks like we should take our pizza leftovers to go now that someone cause a disruption. "Soweeeyyy," you said in an apologetic manner. The two of you got the pizza boxed and strolled around the mall again.

"Tomorrow is the first Monday that Hyun Woo is going to try impress his 'crush'," Min Jae said.

"I knowwww. Don't got to remind me, bruhhhhh. I already messaged him to bring a red rose and tape it to her locker in the morning. He's also going to insert a note inside about being a secret admirer and blahblahblaehablaehabelaheheasdfghjkl," you said. "Wait what? I didn't even get the last part after admirer," he looked really confused. You laughed, "That's cause you weren't supposed to." 

You looked at your watch and screamed, scaring the people walking around you. The time on your watch said 5:21 PM. "I need to get home. It's getting really late," you checked your pictures. "Okay, I have sufficient atrsy pictures, or much more. Let's go now," you gripped Min Jae's hand and jetted back to your house. 

You two reached your house, panting really hard. "Oh no! I forgot that I live here and you don't! How are you going to get home now!" you said without breathing. "Breathe Ji Eun. I parked near your hosue cause I was coming to talk to you when your mom told me that you went walking so my car is literally right in your garage," Min Jae patted your head. 

"Oh," you said. "Okey dokey! Thanks for today! It was fun and very interesting about your love life," you jumped up to wrap your arms around his waist. "No problem, but hey! Don't bring up my love life around Hyun Woo cause he's just going to tease me for all eternity," Min Jae hugged you back. "Tell your parents I said 'good night'," he waved bye before heading to the garage to his car. "Okayyy~" you waved back and watched as his car drove off. 

Now I just got to prepare myself for tomorrow. SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOL IS GOING TO BE UNBEARABLE! You couldn't stand the thought of seeing Hyun Woo in your classes. TIME TO FOCUS MY CHI BEFORE I HEAD TO BED. You put your dad to bed after his dinner and giving him his medicine. You washed up and changed into sleeping clothes. That night you dreamed of floating pizzas and cute little kittens... and of Hyun Woo... and surprisingly, Min Jae... and that neighbor dude, Ji Sang. 






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One-sided love? Girl falling for her guy best friend? Sounds a bit cliché doesn't it? Stay tuned to find out the tragic yet unsuspecting love-life of... you!


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Chapter 6: awwwwww
please update soon
I'm soooooooooooooo curious
its been like what.....wait let me think...hmmmm....* imaginary beard* let me put my thinking cap on
please update soon *puppy dog eyes*
Chapter 6: It was good
What is going to happen
Anyways update soon
Chapter 7: Lmao awww im a gushy wooshy oo xD
Chapter 5: DAAYMMNNN I SEE BAE LMAO XD So cuuuttteee shipping the ahem friend ya know who i mean and UPDATE SOON CUZ I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPEEENNNSS~~~~~~~
Please update it's been almost a year since your last update what is going to hallen
Chapter 1: ASDFGHJKL SO CUTE I JUST DIED~~~~~ UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! -i still need to update mine- but latterrr i need to knoowww whai jieun died- i mean passed out OTL WHAAAAIIIII ok im off to do homework now. -is anticipating for the next chappie-