Cracks Forming

Dear Cupid, Next Time Hit Us Both~

"Sure, I'll help you," you lightly chuckled so that Hyun Woo wouldn't see the tremendous amount of pain that pulsed through your entire body with every breath you took and with every beat of your heart. "Thanks bestie! Let's go look at the artwork now," he held your hand and dragged you to look at the exhibitions. 


Plomffp! You jumped onto your bed, the tears came spilling out. After tirelessly holding onto your tears, you asked Min Jae to to take you home early while Hyun Woo stayed back to Min Hee back home as well. Min Jae tried to comfort you because he knew about Hyun Woo's "crush", but you asked him not to talk about the situation at hand. 

How can he not see how hurt I am; how much I am in love with him? You buried your face into your pillow. In attempt to stop crying, you thought of happy moments in your life, but that made you sob even more. Most of the happiest moments in your life had him in it, by your side. 

Surprisingly, you were able to cry yourself to sleep. Unfortunately, however, you woke up looking like the corpse bride with a handful of style similar to the walking dead. Saturdayyyyyy! Yessssss! BED, NETFLIX, FOOD, AND STUFFED ANIMALS! You grinned from ear-to-ear. "Breakfast Ji Eun!" your mother called from downstairs. "Cominggggg!" you cried from your bathroom. Not really trying to make yourself look good, you combed your hair and just put it up in a messy bun, a SUPER MESSY bun. 

"Umma, are you going to work today?" you asked, seeing your mother in work clothes. "Neh, one of the nurses called in sick and they wanted me to fill-in," your mother sighed as she hurriedly prepared your breakfast so that she woud get to work on time. "Why is it always you, umma? You always work overtime and are called in most of time whenever someone is missing? Can't they give you a break!?" you grumbled knowing how much your mother went through to provide for you and your father.

Your father was too weak that he could easily strain his body if he were to operate heavy machinery and move around too much. He became like this a 3 years ago when your father suddenly had a while working at his job. Due to the distance between the work site and a nearby hospital, he almost did not make it. Your father was the main provider of the family at that time until his accident. Faced with piling bills and medical expenses to care for your father, your mother had to take up extra shifts and fill in at the hospital that she worked in as a registered nurse. She wanted to get her PhD doctrate and become an Advanced Practical Registered Nurse, when her dreams were put on hold due to your father's accident.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Your job is to relax and focus on your studies. I'm going to be late so tell your father that I'm leaving. He's outside in the yard," your mother rushed out the door. You followed her to the door and waved as she backed out from the driveway. 

"Appaaaaa!" you shouted as you walked from the front door to the backyard. "YAH! You are going to make my ears bleed!" you father waved his cane at you as you approached him. "Sorry appa, but breakfast is ready~" you sang angelically. Hand-in-hand you and your father walked to the kitchen and ate your breakfast while calmly chatting about random things. 

After breakfast, you helped put your father to bed to rest. Then, you made your way to your room, grabbed your laptop, bag of snacks, blanket, and a few of your stuffed animals. You organized your stuffed animals in a comfy surrounding form around you.

"What genre shall we watch today?" you said, looking at the movie categories. "No. No. No. EW! NO! Done. Done. Done. Ugh..." the movies in the drama, comedy, and classics were either definitely not your style or you had already watched them. "I guess I'll be watching a movie from the romance category. 

"Let's watch ..... ," you randomly selected an ABC Family movie, ".... Holiday in Handcuffs!" 

"Awww, she kidnapped him!" you laughed out loud, shoving a few chips into your mouth as well. "Ooooh! He's shirtlesssss!" you screamed, throwing your stuffed animals everywhere. "NO!" you screamed again as you paused the movie to pick up all of the fallen stuffed animals. After putting your 'babies' back on your bed, you suddenly came to your senses, "I REALLY NEED A LIFE!" With that, you powered off your computer and got dressed. 


You wrote a note to your dad stating to call your cell if he needs anything. "Hmmmm, bubble tea sounds nice," you closed and locked the front door behind you. You pulled your shorts down a bit, "Goshh, why do they have to roll up all the time." You walked towards the mall near your house. A gush of AC greeted you as you walked through the automatic doors. You walked towards your favorite ice-cream shop and asked, "Hi, may I get a milk boba tea?" "Sure, today is buy one get one free! Would you like to take up that offer?" the ahjumma smiled at you from behind the counter. "Uhmm, sure why not," you answered and payed for the price of one bubble tea. 

Bubble Tea: 

Minutes later, the ahjumma appeared with your two milk tea drinks and placed them on the counter. "Thanks for buying me a drink bestie," arms wrapped around you and gave you a hug then proceeded to grab one of the two drinks. You turned around to see Hyun Woo grinning at you. 

School is finally done! More updating! Thanks to all subscribers!



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One-sided love? Girl falling for her guy best friend? Sounds a bit cliché doesn't it? Stay tuned to find out the tragic yet unsuspecting love-life of... you!


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Chapter 6: awwwwww
please update soon
I'm soooooooooooooo curious
its been like what.....wait let me think...hmmmm....* imaginary beard* let me put my thinking cap on
please update soon *puppy dog eyes*
Chapter 6: It was good
What is going to happen
Anyways update soon
Chapter 7: Lmao awww im a gushy wooshy oo xD
Chapter 5: DAAYMMNNN I SEE BAE LMAO XD So cuuuttteee shipping the ahem friend ya know who i mean and UPDATE SOON CUZ I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPEEENNNSS~~~~~~~
Please update it's been almost a year since your last update what is going to hallen
Chapter 1: ASDFGHJKL SO CUTE I JUST DIED~~~~~ UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! -i still need to update mine- but latterrr i need to knoowww whai jieun died- i mean passed out OTL WHAAAAIIIII ok im off to do homework now. -is anticipating for the next chappie-