Chapter 4

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)




An alarm sound was heard from Krystal’s cell phone. The owner grabbed it and turned it off. Krystal rubbed her eyes, it was morning already, she should get ready to do her schedules. Krystal got up then she saw a certain figure was sleeping on the couch—it was her roommate.


‘She came back? Why is she sleeping on the couch?’, Krystal thought. She didn’t see Amber come back last night, maybe Amber came back when she was asleep. Krystal shrugged her shoulders.




Krystal took almost an hour in the bathroom just like usual since she decided to wash her body. She opened the bathroom door while hummed, but her expression changed when she saw Amber was standing right in front of the door.


“Tell me, what did you do inside?”, Amber’s voice sounded husky.


“I washed my body”


“Washed your body huh…”, Amber scoffed. She suddenly lifted her hand to show something on her palm, “you know what’s this, Princess?”, she said sarcastically.


Krystal frowned as she saw a key on Amber’s palm.


“Yeah this is a key. A key of this bathroom. If you take another long time to wash your body, I will open the door with this key and get in, you got it?”













“Oh God Soojung she’s gonna you!”


“Sshhh… why are you shouting?!”


“Because you’re in danger!”


Krystal rolled her eyes at her best friend, “oh come on Ssul”


“Soojung you should steal that key seriously! She will you!”


“Did you just say ‘’ seriously?! That will never happen”


“But how if she gets in when you’re using the bathroom?”



“Hi Krystal sshi…”


Krystal and Sulli were dumbfounded when they saw a guy was smiling brightly at them, he was bringing a tray of food.


“Remember me?”, the guy smiled at Krystal.


“Uhh… Jong Suk Oppa”, Krystal said with low tone.


“I’m glad you remember me. Can I join you guys?”


Krystal nodded shyly.


“Uh Krystal sshi’s friend’s name is?”


“Sulli. Nice to meet you, oppa”, Sulli greeted her senior oppa with smile.



Jong Suk had some fun conversations with the two best friends as they enjoyed their lunch. He talked about piano a lot, and Krystal was really impressed by his knowledge about piano. She really thought that Jong Suk is her ideal type.












Dong Hae put a CD on his desk, “tomorrow is the deadline, kay, Am?”


“Okay”, Amber replied as she took the CD.


“But Soo Man wants……… the piano sound in it”


“No problem. I will finish this tonight, and then I’ll give it to Jonghyun. He’ll put ‘that’ sound in it. I’ll tell him to give it to you tomorrow before afternoon. Deal?”


Dong Hae nodded, “now go back to your class”


“Hm”, Amber stood up and left the room.





“Fortunately, she has Jonghyun”, a couple of minutes later a woman’s voice was heard.


Dong Hae curved a little smile as he saw a pretty woman was standing by the door, “Hey, Boss sent you here?”


The woman rolled her eyes, “who else?”


Dong Hae chuckled, “by the way, you met Amber?”


“Yup. I heard your conversation with her, and last time I reminded her to put the piano sound in that song, and she just said ‘Jonghyun will do that’”


“I still don’t get it… why does she hate piano so much. But I know that you know her reason, Victoria, you’re really close with her family. We all know Jonghyun and Amber are in SM because of you, because you’re Soo Man’s confidant”


“They’re like own family, Dong Hae sshi. And yes, I know her reason, but I can’t tell it to anybody”, Victoria blew a sigh, “if only you know…… how good Amber was”


“You mean…….. she… she played piano? Really?”











Krystal just finished the class, but her best friend Sulli hadn’t finished yet so she walked herself to the dorm. A couple of minutes later she reached the dorm. She d her bag to get the ID card before unlocked the door.  Krystal was a little bit surprised when she saw Amber—her roommate—was already in the room.


Krystal stepped into the room and as usual, Amber didn’t show any reaction. She was using headphone, her eyes were covered by black-rimmed glasses and focused on the computer screen, while her fingers were busy on the sound mixer. ‘She’s definitely working’, Krystal thought.


Krystal put her bag on her desk, she then threw her body on her bed. Her day was tiring, she started learning some theories about music. Although it was tiring but she found it really fun, because she really loved music. If only her Father wasn’t always busy, she’d learn much about music from him.






Krystal opened her eyes slowly, they felt so heavy. ‘Did I fall asleep?’, she mentally questioned. Krystal sat herself and rubbed her eyes. She yawned.


“Hey!”, Krystal was startled when she heard the husky voice scolded her.


Krystal rubbed her eyes again, now she saw her roommate was right in front of her, she was sitting on her rolling chair, holding a guitar.


“Aish! Why did you wake up?! Close your eyes again or get out of here”


Krystal scoffed, “w..what did you say?! Who do you think you are?! Why you keep commanding me like that?!”


“Listen. I’m taking the guitar sound, and I’m recording it right now. So don’t make any noise. Don’t even breathe”, Amber put back the headphones and she started playing her guitar again.


‘this ‘guy’ is definitely crazy! How can she forbid someone to breathe?!’, Krystal mentally cursed.


Krystal tried her best to keep silent. Honestly her ears were paying attention to Amber’s playing. She admitted it, the tomboy played the guitar really well, it sounded really beautiful.


Krystal felt her nose was so itchy all of sudden. She really wanted to sneeze. She did try to hold it but then, “aaaachoooo!!”, she couldn’t help it.


Amber snorted peevishly. She took off the headphone and put down the guitar.


“Get out”, Amber said.


“I’m sorry I couldn’t help it my nose was itchy so…”


“I said get out”


“Why should I?! It’s my room too remember?! You can’t order me to get out if I don’t want to!”


“You wanna get out or not?”


“I won’t!”


“Fine”, Amber got up and walked toward Krystal.


“W…What do you want?!”


“You asked for this”, Amber grabbed Krystal’s waist and lifted the young girl’s tiny body—put it on her shoulder easily.


“YAAHHH!!!! HEY!! Put me down!!! What are you doing are you crazy?!”, Krystal hit Amber’s back repeatedly.




Amber opened the door and put Krystal down.


The victim was just glaring at the criminal.


Amber raised her brows, “what?”


“You’re crazy!”


“Whatever”, Amber replied before she got back in the room and slammed the door.















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wintwar #1
Chapter 21: Always.....
ezz1824 #2
Chapter 21: I've been waiting for years and im still waiting for the next update.
wintwar #3
Chapter 21: After all those years, our giant baby is now in heaven...
You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
Nnamaste #4
I keep waiting this story to update.. huhuu T_T
Chapter 21: mmmmmmm
wintwar #6
Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
16 streak #7
Chapter 21: Still here!!!
ezz1824 #8
Chapter 19: Hundred years later and im still waiting for an update