Chapter 20

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)




The shine of the sun that passed through the window made Amber opened her eyes slowly. She twisted her body restlessly. Her hands and her legs went here and there—trying to find her blanket but they didn’t get it. Giving up, Amber finally got up and frowned.




Amber turned her head to someone that greeted her, Krystal was busy doing her hair in front of mirror.

Amber wrinkled her brows as she took a look around. There she found her blanket was folded neatly on the edge of her bed.


“Did you do all of this?”, Amber voice sunded huskier since she just woke up.


Krystal turned to the older girl, “I opened the window and folded your blanket because you won’t wake up if I didn’t do that”


Amber scoffed, “I usually woke up by my self”


“Yes I know, you always woke up late and then ran to your class without having breakfast before”


Amber narrowed her eyes staring at the younger girl, “you’re such a fussy ahjumma”, she mumbled before stood up and headed toward the bathroom.


“And you’re such a stupid ahjussi”










“Amber, can you tutor Shim Jong? He still needs some help”, Mr. Tan ordered.


“Yes, Sir”, Amber immediately walked toward her classmate and helped him to read some notes.




“Yes, I got it, Amber”, the long haired boy named Shim Jong said as Amber finished explaining him to read some notes.


“Good”, Amber tapped the boy’s shoulder.


“Hey Amber”, Shim Jong called her as she was about to walk back to her seat.




“You look brighter than usual, it makes me understand your explaining easier, thank you dude”


Amber frowned a little, “uh mm you’re welcome”







“You look brighter than usual”


Amber couldn’t lie to her self that she felt better these days, yes these days. It’s been a week since that day, the day when Amber started to touch piano again, the day when she spilled out about her past and her nightmare to Krystal. The day when her pain was a bit healed.


But it didn’t mean that Krystal could practice her piano freely in their room, in fact, Krystal was still using headphones whenever she played the other songs but ‘a lover’s concerto’. Somehow Amber knew that her roommate was still afraid of hurting her. Amber herself had no idea if she could be fine with other piano songs, she hadn’t tried to listen or play other songs, because she wasn’t ready.



Amber sat on a bench. She put her guitar case on the grass after took a book from its pocket. She still had a class but she had about twenty minutes before the class started, so she decided to read a book. The book was titled ‘Improvisation in Life and Art’ by Stephen Nachmanovitch, she hadn’t finished this one yet so she brought it everywhere and read it whenever she had spare times.

Amber grabbed her glasses from her pocket. When she put it on, she accidently saw a familiar figure. Even though from a far, Amber could recognize that figure. And somehow the figure attracted her, made her kept looking at ‘it’. It was a very pleasant view, just by looking at ‘it’, Amber could hear a music was played in her mind. That long hair was waving beautifully as if it was following the melody in Amber’s mind.





“Soojung ah, look who’s there”, Sulli tapped Krystal’s shoulder. She pointed to a certain direction.


“Who?”, Krystal’s eyes followed Sulli’s index finger, “Amber?”


“Yes. Is she watching us from a far?”


“Is she watching us?”


“I guess so, or she’s watching you?”


Krystal chuckled, “why would she do that?”, she rolled her eyes, “Let’s get lunch Ssul I’m toooo hungry”


“You’re always hungry duh”






“Are you reading the book or watching over something……?”


Amber was about to jump when she heard a guy’s voice right behind her ear, “what the…??!! Aish… Key..”


“Did I startle you?”


“You did!”


“You mad?”


“Aish… what do you want?!”


“You were busy these days and it’s been a while… you haven’t spent time with us again”, the blonde guy pouted like a little kid.


Amber sighed, “I just have twenty minutes”


“That’s okay”, Key smiled widely.


Amber got up, “where are we up to”


“Minho’s dorm! He just brought play station from his house and we’re gonna play it yay!!”


“Okay let’s go”










“Hhhhh…”, Krystal let out a sigh. She took off her headphones and turned off her Ipod, “how can she suggest me such song? It’s an orchestra song and I just have a piano to play it”


Another solo practice by the end of this week was scheduled by her prof, Krystal decided to play ‘The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba’, a song that Amber suggested her to play on the other day, but after Krystal listened it, she had no idea if she could play it only with a piano.



“I’m home”


Krystal glanced at her roommate that just came, “Welcome”, she mumbled lazily.


Amber took a seat on her bed to take off her shoes, “you’re unwell”, she said without bothering to look at the younger girl.


“Huh? No no… I’m fine”


“Oh”, Amber got up. She opened her guitar case to take her guitar and place it back to the stand.


“Yah… the song that you suggested me...... it’s an orchestra song. I don’t think I can play it with a piano. I mean, maybe I can but it won’t be as beautiful as the orchestra version”


Amber frowned, “what song are you talking about?”


“‘The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba’, you said this song suits me so I planned to play it for my solo practice”


“Have you heard the piano version of the song?”


Krystal shook her head, “haven’t found it”


“If I play the piano version for you, does it help?”


Krystal believed that she was deaf.


“Hey I’m asking”


“Uh?”, Krystal raised her brows stupidly.


“Does it help?”


“It does…… I mean I …… no I mean you… play it for me?”


Amber bit her lower lip, “I’ll try”


“…… are you sure?”


Amber shrugged. She actually had no idea if she was ready or not, she just wanted to help Krystal, since the younger girl had already done much for her.


“You don’t have to if you are not ready to play other songs, I told you right?”


“… I wouldn’t know if I’m ready or not if I don’t try”, Amber approached Krystal’s piano. She closed her eyes for a moment before took off the cover, “look, you said you will perform this song by the end of this week. I may say it’s impossible for you to learn this song in such fast period”, Amber pulled the rolling chair and sat on it, “and plus, this song is usually for duet”


“You meant… I should pick another song?”


“It’s up to you, but if you still want to play this song, I’ll make it short and simple”


“……… can you?”


“I don’t know, let’s try”, Amber was about to put her fingers on the piano keys, but somehow she felt nervous so she closed her eyes again.




“It’s okay, Krys, let me try”


“…… fine… show me”



Amber took a deep breath before she placed her fingers on the piano keys. Not even a few seconds later, Krystal already heard the piano tinkled merrily, yes the melodies sounded really cheerful and the beat made you want to clap your hand happily.

The speed of the song was no joke. Krystal couldn’t take her eyes off Amber’s fingers, they were like dancing on the piano keys, they moved really fast. Who would think a person who hates piano can play piano at this level?

Krystal glanced at Amber’s face. Her face turned brighter, as if she was in a parade to welcome the queen, she was so into the song. She always felt the song deeply whenever she played music. She played the piano perfectly, no, she wasn’t playing the piano, but she…… just met her home again, she was coming home after she left it for a long time.


‘No…… God……. She’s…… She’s amazing’, Krystal mentally amazed.


As Amber finished the song, Krystal couldn’t help but giving applause for such beautiful play.


Amber scratched her back awkwardly, “well… you… go try it”


“Amber…”, Krystal narrowed her eyes, “that was … … are you a pianist? I mean… were you?”


“… no… I just played piano for my beloved ones. Uh, come on try it”


Amber stood up and Krystal took over the chair, Amber was standing close to her.


“You remember the melodies and pattern?”


Krystal looked up to Amber, she shook her head cutely.


“Let me show you the first verse”


Krystal nodded.


Amber started to play the first verse of the song, she played it slower so that Krystal could learn her moves.


“Don’t just watch my fingers moves, you have to listen”


“I’m listening”


“And try to remember”


“I do”





It was been few hours since they started to practice the song, and Krystal finally could play the whole song, although it wasn’t really smooth.



“Watch the harmony”, Amber said while Krystal played the piano.


Krystal closed her eyes, trying to feel the harmony.


“Look, Krys”


Krystal stopped playing and switched her attention to Amber.


“If you pay attention enough, you will notice that Chord IV is getting stronger compared to Chord I. Chord V7 gives you the ‘unfinished’ and also seems to be ‘getting smaller, softer, weaker, going in’ feeling”


Getting what Amber said, Krystal paid her attention back to the piano. She started to play it again, more carefully than before.


It was something that Krystal never expected. She met Amber as her roommate, a grumpy roommate. She was the weirdest person that she ever met, because she hated piano. But now the one that scolded her everytime she practiced piano in her room—was teaching her how to play a song—with piano.


“You learn fast”, Amber commented as Krystal finished the song, “I think it’s enough, you can practice again tomorrow”


“I still can’t play it well though”


“Just keep practicing”


“Okay, Master”, Krystal gave ‘OK’ sign to Amber while smiled cutely.


Amber rolled her eyes.


“Why do you think this song suits my personality anyway?”


“Because it is”




“Everytime I play this song I imagine about palace… Queens… Kings… Princesses. I don’t know why but I always think you’re a princess, but the bratty one”


“Yah! I’m not a bratty”


“You are”


“Aish! Bickering with a stubborn like you is no use. Anyways Amber, I’m so happy. I’m not worried anymore about the solo practice, but that’s not why I’m happy. I’m really happy because… I can see you play piano again, I mean you really ‘play’ it, and that was really amazing. It was like… I saw you coming home after you left for long time”


“I just…… wanted to do something for you, because you’ve done so much for me”


Krystal raised her brows, “really? Well that… sounds sweet”, she teased the older girl.


And it worked, because Amber’s cheeks were turning red.


“Your face is turning red, are you okay? Ah?! Did I ruin your nap time?”


“Y… Yes! You did! My head… my head is dizzy now it’s your fault”, Amber tried to hide her reddish face.


“Sorry, but thank you for your time. You can get some rest now”


“O..Of course I will!”, Amber headed back to her bed. She laid her body on her bed and covered her face with a pillow.


Seeing her roommate acted awkwardly, Krystal chuckled, “cute”, she whispered.









Time was flowing so fast. Everyday Krystal spent her time by practicing for her solo performance, and for the good news, she didn’t need to use headphones anymore when she practiced.


Amber was busy composing some songs for the concert these days, she always came home late because she had to work with Jonghyun in his dorm. Jonghyun was really surprised when Amber asked him to show her the piano part—usually Amber would ask him to put piano part after she left his dorm.


“I’m just trying to live a better life”, that was Amber’s answer when Jonghyun asked what made her changed.



Amber just got her dorm. She worked until mid night today. Thinking that she might wake her roommate up, Amber stepped into her room silently. But for her surprise, the light in her room was still on and her roommate was still busy practicing for tomorrow’s performance.


“It’s mid night already”, Amber’s voice made the younger girl stopped playing.


She then turned around to face Amber, “it’s tomorrow”


“That’s why you need to get some rest”


Krystal pouted, “will I make it?”


“I don’t know, will you?”


“Yah! Why you asked me back?”


“Because it’s your decision if you’re gonna make it or not”, Amber stood up after taking off her shoes and her jacket, “I’m gonna hit the shower. Do you wanna use it first?”


Krystal shook her head, she was still pouting.


“That was great anyway. Nice play”, Amber said as she got into the bathroom.


A shy smile appeared slowly on Krystal’s face.









On the next day Amber was still usy composing with Jonghyun, but it was their final day.


“Finally…”, Jonghyun scratched his body, “we finished them already”


Amber sipped her instant coffee before got up.


Jonghyun frowned, “You leave?”


“Wanna get some rest, Jjong”, she answered shortly as she put her stuffs into her backpack.


“Okay, dude. A friendly greet from me to your roommate”


Amber rolled her eyes and left.


Jonghyun smiled to him self. He was Amber’s closest cousin, not that he didn’t know what made Amber picked The Krystal Jung to play a song that she loved the most, not that he didn’t know what made Amber wanted to play and hear piano sound again.


“Thank you, Krystal sshi”











“I’m home”, Amber entered her room, there she saw Krystal was lying on her own bed, covering her face with a pillow, “are you sleeping?”, she asked the younger girl.


 And the younger didn’t answer.


“You’re not sleeping, you never sleeps with a pillow on your face. How was your solo practice?”


“Mmmm…”, Krystal’s voice was finally heard.


“I don’t understand ‘mmmm’ language”


Krystal sighed, she finally removed the pillow from her face.


“How was your solo practice?”, Amber asked again.


“Just like you said, I learned this song less than a week and it’s not enough, and that’s why…”


“That’s why what?”


“That’s why… I got…”, Krystal made ‘A’ shape with her fingers. She smiled while bit her lower lip.


“You got triangle?”


“Yah! It’s not triangle! You don’t know what’s this?”




“Yah!!”, Krystal looked at her own fingers while pouted, “it’s does look like ‘A’ though”


“It looks like triangle”, Amber took off her shoes.


“It’s A”, she was pouting.


“Okay I see”


“Why are you not surprised? I got good grade you know, the professor said I played it well…”, Krystal pouted.


“I knew it before your professor did”









“Are you ready guys???”


“Aisshhh…”, Luna covered her ears with her palms.


“Sulli ya, don’t need to shout, you’re too excited”, said Krystal.


“I’m sorry, Soojung ah, Luna unnie, I’m just tooooo excited and happy!!!”


Amber lifted her left arm to see her watch, “what time will the train come”, she asked with flat tone.


“Not even in one minute hyung!!”


“You’re too loud”, Amber covered her ear.


“Oops sorry”, Sulli grinned cutely.



A couple of moment later their train was coming. Sulli jumped into the train happily, she looked like a giant yet cute bunny. As they got their seat, Amber immediately put on earphones and switched on her Ipod. She closed her eyes while enjoying the music.



“Hyung is no fun… why is she sleeping”, Sulli pouted.



Krystal turned to Amber that was sititng next to her. Amber was wearing a blue jeans, sporty jacket, and her favorite cap, she covered her eyes with a sunglasses. To be honest, Krystal did think that the tomboy was attractive.



“She’s a sleepy head”, Krystal said to the girls.


Luna put some crackers that she bought before into , “seems like you know her well huh”


Krystal wrinkled her brows while snatched the snack from Luna’s hand, “of course unnie, she’s my roommate”, she took a cracker and ate it.


“But Amber hyung is such a mysterious person it’s hard to know her that well if you don’t really care”, this time Sulli snatched the cracker from Krystal.


“Yah… that’s my crackers give it back to me”, Luna just realized about her cracker.


“Nah unnie, it’s not yours it’s ours!”








“Ummaaaaa Appaaaaa I’m home!!”, Sulli shouted happily while ran like a little kid.


The girls finally reached Sulli’s house after they hired a cab from the train station. Busan is a metropolitan city just like Seoul, even for Amber—she saw no difference between Busan and Seoul; modern buildings, vehicles, people—they’re same.



“Jinri ya?!!”, suddenly a mother-looked woman appeared—she was still wearing apron.


“Umma!!!”, Sulli ran toward her mom’s hug, although she looked way taller than her mother but she still looked like a little girl in her mother’s arm.


“Jinri ya umma missed you”, Sulli’s mother her daughter’s hair—Jinri is Sulli’s childhood name so all of her family always called her with that name.


“I missed you too, Umma. Umma, look”, Sulli turned her head—showing the three-friends that she brought with her.


“Krystal yaa!”


“Hi aunty”, Krystal bowed with a bright smile on her face.


“Aigoo aigoo look at your self… you look prettier day by day”


Krystal laughed shyly, she covered her face with her palm—it was her habit when she’s shy, “thank you aunty”


“And who are they? Yah Jinri ya!”, Sulli’s mom hit her daughter’s shoulder lightly as she noticed Amber, “who’s that boy??”, she whispered, her voice was still heard though, “remember your father told you not to have boyfriend before you’re 21!”


“Aish umma! I remember that and she’s not a boyfriend”


“She’s not? Wait! She??”


Sulli sighed, she grabbed her mother’s wrist and brought her to her friends, “Umma, this is Luna unnie, she is my roommate”


“Annyeong, aunty, I’m Luna”, Luna bowed.


“And this is Amber. I call her Amber Hyung because she is handsome, BUT SHE is NOT a boy, SHE is a SHE”


“Aa really?”


Amber took off her sunglasses, “I’m Amber. Pleased to meet you, Sulli’s mother”, Amber smiled and bowed deeply.


“Ah… you’re right she looked so sweet when she smiles, she’s actually a she”, Sulli’s mom looked amazed made the others giggled, “ah come on kids let’s get in! Sulli’s Appa and her Oppas are still working but I’m preparing lunch right now so that we can eat lunch together”






Everyone turned their head as they heard a little kid shouted Sulli’s childhood name. There went a little toddler with a superman costume was running toward them excitedly.


“San E ya don’t run you may fall!”, Sulli’s mom reminded, but the little boy was too happy to see his big sister so that he didn’t stop running.


Amber noticed there were some gravels on the ground, San E would fall for sure if he kept running like that. Amber immediately ran to prevent the boy to fall, but late for her, San E did kick the gravels and was about to fall—fortunately Amber catched him.


Shocked, the little boy was about to cry.


“Hi Superman”, Amber greeted him made him forgot about his shock, “are you superman?”, Amber asked the little boy.


San E nodded cutely, “how you know?”


“I don’t know… because you were about to fall but you don’t cry, I think you’re superman because you’re strong”


Luna gaped , didn’t believe that she was seeing the grumpy Amber was talking sweetly to a little kid.


San E smiled widely, “I’m supeulman!”, he shouted while posed like a superman, “Jinli yaaa”, he then continued running toward her sister’s arm.


Sulli got on her knees, she was ready to hug her baby brother, “Yah San E… call me ‘Nuna’ okay? Jinri Nuna”


“Jinli yaaa”, San E ran into Sulli’s arm.


“Aish… you won’t call me ‘Nuna’ will you?!”, she hugged her baby brother tightly, “hey, don’t you listen what Umma said?! You can’t run like that it’s danger okay? And you’re still sick aren’t you?”


“I’m not sick anymoa Jinli ya”


“Aisshh this kid…”


“Hyung catched me and he said I’m stong like a supeulman”


Sulli’s mom took San E, “have you thanked hyung then?”


“Gumawo, Hyung!”









“Umma, how’s San E condition?”


“His confition was getting better since yesterday, and you guys are here, look, he looks totally fine”, Sulli’s mom glanced at his youngest son that was stitting on Amber’s lap, “As you see, he looks excited about his birthday, he’s even wearing the superman costume that we prepared to celebrate his birthday tomorrow”


They kept enjoying their lunch while having a little chit-chat. Seemed like little San E liked his new ‘Ambo Hyung’ since the little boy looked comfortable on her lap and kept talking to her—this rare view made the others—except Sulli’s mom—looked surprised and confused at the same time.



“Let me help you with the dishes, aunty”, Luna offered as they finished eating.


“Ah thank you sweet heart! Ya Jinri! You come help me too”


“Aiiishhh I will, you know”


“I wanna help aunty too”, Krystal got up and was about to join the girls.


“It’s okay, Soojung ah, there are three of us already”, Sulli said.


“Yes honey Sulli’s right, but do you guys mind if I ask you to take care of San E for a moment?”, Sulli’s mom asked to Krystal and Amber.


“Of course not, aunty, we’d love to play with him”, Krystal replied while patted the little boy’s head.









“San E ya… Amber! Can you guys stop running??”, Krystal shouted. She was trying to catch Amber that was playing ‘superman-flying’ with San E on her back. The little boy looked so happy so did Amber which made Krystal thought if she had two personalities or something.


Krystal yelped when she felt her foot got tensed up suddenly. Looking around, she didn’t found any place to sit, so that she slowly got on her . Krystal cursed her self for wearing the wrong sneakers—they were too small for her and now one of her feet looked swollen.



“Keulistal nuna… why you sitting on the grass?”


Krystal looked up as she heard San E’s voice, the little boy was still hanging on Amber’s back.


“Um… I’m fine but I think I just watch you guys playing from here okay?”


“You tired?”


Krystal shook her head, “nope, but I can’t run here and there freely because my shoes… they aren’t comfortable”


“Are they hurt?”, this time Amber the one who asked.


“Uhh… yea but..”


Amber bent down—San E was still on her back, “how brilliant”, she said while watched Krystal’s swollen foot.


Krystal frowned, “why?”


“Those sneakers are too small for you aren’t they? And you wore them, good, clever”


Krystal scoffed, “I like these sneakers and my feet are fine. I won’t bother you anyway”


“Sure, glad to hear that”, Amber got up, “hey superman, let’s go home”, Amber said to San E.


Krystal took a deep breath and scoffed. She then tried to get up but her swollen foot made it harder.



“San E, you mind if I put you down?”, Krystal heard Amber’s voice.



“Why, Ambo Hyung?”


“Krystal Nuna needs your help, Superman. Would you like to help her and switch your place with her?”


“Of couse!”


“Good boy!”, Amber put the little boy down and ruffled his hair gently. She then got on her knees, “hop on”, she said to her so-called roommate.


Krystal bit her lower lip, she just said that she wouldn’t bother the tomboy so now she had no idea how to respond.



“Stop being stubborn or you’ll stay here forever”



Krystal gave up, she really couldn’t rely on her swollen foot.


Amber offered her hand to help the younger girl hop onto her back. Krystal held Amber’s hand and slowly climbed onto the tomboy’s back.


It was their first time for having their bodies this close to each other. Being piggy-backed by Amber—it never crossed Krystal’s mind and somehow she could feel this warmth on her cheeks. Well, how could she not be blushed when she could feel Amber’s back on her chest and could smell Amber’s scent strongly?




“Done girls!”, Sulli’s mom said while removed the apron from her body, “Thank you for helping, Luna ya”, she smiled to Luna.


“No problem aunty”, Luna smiled back to Sulli’s mom.


“By the way Umma, where is my baby brother?”




“Ummaaaaa!!”, the little boy whom Sulli asked about was coming.


“San E ya… Where have you been? Finished taking Hyung and Nuna walk around?”, Sulli lifted her beloved baby brother


“Un… Ambo Hyung gave me and Keulistal Nuna piggy back”


Sulli’s eyes went wider, “Amber Hyung?? Krystal Nuna?? Piggy back??!!!!”


“Ssul…Sulli ah… look..”, Luna tapped Sulli’s shoulder as she saw ‘something’.


Sulli looked up, her lips made a gap when she saw that ‘something’, “………is this…for…real…”


“……OMO THEY LOOK CUTE!! Sulli ah! Go get a camera hurry!!”, Luna pushed Sulli who was still dumbfounded—looking at her best friend who was being piggy-backed by the cocky arrogant tomboy in their academy, Amber.


“Luna unnie!”, seeing Luna’s ridiculous reaction—Krystal finally spoke up.


Amber rolled her eyes, “you better get warm water and do something to her foot”, she said as she put Krystal slowly on the couch.


“Oh God! What happened??”, Sulli’s mom asked.



Later Sulli’s Mom ordered Sulli to get warm water and compress Krystal’s swollen feet with it.


“Soojung ah! You have to explain us!”, Sulli whispered as she compressed Krystal’s feet.


“What for?”


“You. And. Hyung. Right Luna unnie?!”


Luna nodded excitedly.


Krystal rolled her eyes, “she helped me, that’s it”


“She wasn’t just helping! The way she piggy-backed you is different!”, Luna whispered.


“Aish unnie stop being too much and delusional okay?”


“But Soojung ah!”, Sulli was too excited so that she accidently tapped Krystal’s swollen foot.


“Ouch! Sulli ah can you do it slowly?!”


“Oops sorry”



“Jinri ya! What are you doing to Krystal?!”


“No Umma she’s getting better!”








Next on ‘Ending Page’ ………




“Are you okay?”




“What’s wrong?”

“Huh? No… uh… is your feet okay?”

“…yes… better”




“What’s wrong?”

“Uh? What’s wrong?”

“……… you keep glancing at me”

“Uh? W…what? I’m… look I’m not… I’m not glancing at anything”

“…….. okay…… where are you going?”

“……… I’ll be sleeping on the floor”





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wintwar #1
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You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
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Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
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Chapter 19: Hundred years later and im still waiting for an update