Chapter 18

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)



Amber finished the song beautifully. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Seeing someone watching her, Amber frowned. Yes, it was her one and only roommate, the Krystal Jung.


“Since when you’re here”, Amber mumbled as she put her guitar back to the stand.


“Since you reached the second verse of the song”


“Knock on the door before you get in”, Amber took seat on her rolling chair. She then typed something on her computer keyboard.


“Sorry”, Krystal said, “uh… the song that you played… it was really beautiful. Can I know the name of the song?”


“……… ‘a lover’s concerto’”


“Oh… Whose song is it?”


“The Toys, American old girl group. But many musicians made the cover of this song afterwards”, Amber answered without bothering to look at the younger girl.


“I see”, Krystal nodded, honestly, she really meant it, she really fell in love with the song and really wanted to play it with her piano. Suddenly she had an idea in her mind, “hey Amber, you’re the one who pick the songs for the concert right? Can you pick this song for our concert?”




Krystal frowned, “why?”


“I don’t want to ruin the image of this song in my mind”


“I really wanna play this song, I promise you I will play it well”


“No”, Amber put on the headphones and started to work.


Krystal pouted, sometimes she couldn’t lie to her self that she really wanted to kick her roommate’s because of her stubbornness and her attitude.


Krystal grabbed her tablet and turned it on, she was really curious about the song, she was going to download it and she planned to learn the song.

‘A Lover Concerto’, she typed on her tablet. Her eyes got wider and brighter as she found the audio file of the song. ‘I’m gonna learn this song yay!’, she mentally shouted before put on the earphone and started to play it.










 Victoria took a deep breath as she leaned her body against the chair. Today was really tiring, she had some meetings with her boss, and she just finished inputting her notes into the computer a while ago. Being a career woman Victoria is, this had been her routine everyday.




Victoria grabbed her cell phone—someone was calling her. Victoria frowned when she saw unrecognized numbers on the screen of her phone.




“Song Victoria?”


Victoria narrowed her eyes—the voice sounded familiar.


“Hey Song, it’s me, Young”


“Uh! Uncle Young!”, Victoria finally remember whose voice was it. Sir Young, was Amber’s father’s trusted person. He was a musician too, and he’s the one who kept Amber’s father masterpieces after Amber’s Father’s death.


“I’m sorry it’s been long time. I was busy working on some concerts, you know I have my own agency now here in Canada”


“Yes, Uncle it’s okay”


“So how’s my child?”


“Amber? She’s fine, uncle, she’s doing fine”


“Good to hear that. I’ve planned to pay her a visit, but maybe… by the end of this year. And…… I have a plan to bring Amber back here, to America or Canada, she can work here with me”


“Oh sure, uncle, she will glad if you come. But I think she’s fine here in Korea”


“But we all know, Amber’s Father’s enemy is there too. He’s the one who killed Amber’s father, so it would be better if she leave Korea”


“Umm…… I’m gonna talk to her about this, and we will discuss it together when you’re here”


“Hm… please take care of her, Victoria”


“I will, uncle Young. She’s like my own sister, because when I was younger…… uncle Liu always treated me like his own daughter you remember?”


“I do. Thanks for the time Song, good night”


“No problem, Uncle. Good night”


Victoria bit her lower lip as she tried to remember when the last time Sir Young gave her a call to ask about Amber—and she really forgot when it was. This Amber’s Father’s so-called trusted person rarely called her, even when Amber was back in her hometown, she never had a chance to meet him. But why did he all of sudden call Victoria and asked Amber to leave Korea?










“Good morning, Amber”, Krystal greeted the tomboy with a bright smile. She looked pretty as usual. Since that day, the day when Amber indirectly spilled about her dark past, Krystal promised her self to help Amber forget her nightmare.


Amber walked toward her wardrobe, she just finished brushing her teeth and washing her face, “Morning”, she mumbled.


“Breakfast together?”


Amber grabbed a shirt and a blue jeans from her wardrobe, “no, you go ahead”


“Fine. I won’t threaten you again”


Amber rolled her eyes.


“What time will you be home?”


Amber finally took a look at Krystal—frowned, “why should you care?”


“Just asking”, Krystal shrugged her shoulders.


Amber blew a sigh before answered, “I’ll be working with Jonghyun till evening”


“What time in the evening?”, Krystal asked cutely—she looked like a little girl who asked her Daddy what time will he be home.


But being a cocky person as Amber is, she found her roommate’s questions were really annoying.

“Stop asking me questions it’s not your business”


Krystal scoffed, “I was just asking, okay??”


Again, Amber blew a sigh, “This the last answer from me. Listen, I’m not sure what time will I be home but I have to finish some works with Jonghyun and it’ll take long time”


Krystal nodded. She bit her lower lip and smiled unknowingly.










“Yes, Ssul?”, Krystal answered Sulli’s call as she walked to her dorm.


“Soojungie where are you? Have you finished your class?”


“I have. Why?”


“Let’s have lunch togetheeer~”


“I’m sorry Dulli ah I can’t”


“Aish! Why?”


“I have to learn a song”


“Hhh… fine then”


“We’ll go out for dinner, okay?”


“You promised. Okay bye”



Krystal just finished her schedules today. She decided to get her dorm as soon as possible, while Amber was busy working in Jonghyun’s dorm, Krystal thought it was the right time for her to practice some songs with her piano without using headphone. Plus, today she wanted to learn the song that Amber forbid her to play.


Krystal finally reached her dorm. She immediately took off her shoes and took a seat on her rolling chair—pulled it to the piano direction. The young pretty lady then started to play some simple songs to warm up her fingers. The last simple song that she played was ‘Für Elise’, she took a deep breath before she started again, this time she wouldn’t play a song that she used to play—she wanted to play a new song that she never played before.


Krystal closed her eyes—trying to remember the melodies of the song. A lover’s concerto—was the name of the song. Krystal’s brain started commanding her fingers to play the beautiful melodies. Krystal kept closing her eyes while playing the piano. The song wasn’t a difficult one, it was easy to be played. But after played a verse of the song, Krystal finally knew why Amber didn’t want anyone to play this song—because this song was a very slow ballad song—with beautiful intonations, if you play the song without feeling it, you’ll just ruin it.


But Krystal did it, she tried to feel every note of the song, and she could feel them; The rhythm, the nuance, the peace, a lover’s voice was hear within the melodies.





Amber dialed Jonghyun’s number on her cell phone, “yah! Where are you?! I’ve been knocking on your door for many times are you deaf?!!”


“Ow hold on cousin, hold on. I’m not home I’m sorry, but it was urgent. Boss ordered me to come to SM office”


Amber scoffed, “you should’ve told me”, she then hung up the phone and went back to her dorm peevishly.


Feeling mad and tired, Amber immediately opened the door as she got her dorm—she couldn’t wait to lay her body on the bed and close her eyes. But before she did any of her plans—she heard something that made her couldn’t move. The melodies, she heard the melodies were played—with a piano.


Slowly, the tears were falling from her beautiful eyes.


But this time…………… the melodies…… the rhythm………… she could feel them……… the harmony……



“Daddy, I wanna play piano too…”

“It’s your mother’s favorite song… she said she fell in love with me because she watched me playing this song in a concert”


“Dad! Look! I can play the intro already!”

“……That was perfect, dear”

“Dad, let’s play this song for mom”

“A lover’s concerto, the title is ‘a lover’s concerto”

“How gentle is the rain…… that falls softly on the meadow……”



The sound of piano didn’t remind Amber of her nightmare, but it reminded her of……………………sweet memories.


“BUKK!!”, Amber dropped her guitar case, and it made Krystal—the one who played the piano—got shocked.


"A…Amber… you’re there? Since when…”, Krystal noticed the tears were flowing on Amber’s cheek, “Amber... I'm.. I'm sorry... I thought you're going to Jonghyun Oppa's dorm. I didn't mean to... Amber...”, Krystal approached the younger girl and held her shoulders, “are… are you okay?"


"……………………I'm fine............................................ that was beautiful", Amber’s voice barely heard.


"W... what...?"


" played the song beautifully. That………… that was perfect"


Krystal couldn’t believe what just she heard from Amber’s mouth. She was really surprised, but the more surprising was when Amber suddenly pulled Krystal into her arms. Krystal was speechless. ‘It can’t be real…’, she thought.


Krystal felt Amber leaned her head on her shoulder—this tomboy was sobbing silently on her shoulder. Doubtfully, Krystal lifted her hand, and placed it on Amber’s head, “’s okay”, she whispered.


“……I miss this song…… I miss hearing it played with piano……by my Dad…… I miss……playing this song…… with…… a piano…”


Krystal’s eyes went wider. She broke the hug and staring at Amber in the eyes, “ can play piano??”







Next in ‘Ending Page’


“Come on…… touch it…”


“It’s okay, Amber…”


“Now……… play your fingers on the keys…”

“No!! I can’t! …………. I’m scared…no…”

“Sshhh it’s okay… I’m here… let’s play it together”




“A lover… a lover’s concerto??! The toy’s song?!! You said you don’t want it to be played by anyone??”

“…… I… I found someone to play this song…”

“WHAT?!! Uh… I mean… who?”

“………… Krystal Jung”

“………………………………………………… ARE YOU SERIOUS AMBER?????”








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wintwar #1
Chapter 21: Always.....
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Chapter 21: I've been waiting for years and im still waiting for the next update.
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Chapter 21: After all those years, our giant baby is now in heaven...
You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
Nnamaste #4
I keep waiting this story to update.. huhuu T_T
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Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
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Chapter 21: Still here!!!
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Chapter 19: Hundred years later and im still waiting for an update