Chapter 14

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)



first of all I wanna apologise for such a long update. I'm so sorry guys I was really busy. But I won't leave this fic just like that, I promise I will finish it and will do my best. Thank you for reading and and waiting ^^





“Young Miss, we’re here”, the driver told his Young Miss.


Krystal took a look at the window, she just realized that they had arrived in the academy. Krystal grabbed her bag,


“I’m leaving, Jae”, she smiled politely to Jae.


“Young Miss”




“Your father, mother, and sister, I’m sure they’re all missing you, just like you are”, seeing the Young Miss looked sad since the day she arrived home and didn’t find anyone but Jae and the maids in her home, Jae tried to comfort the girl.


Krystal looked down and smiled a little, “I know, Jae. Thank you for comforting me”






Krystal opened the door of her dorm room and she found the room was empty. She took a deep breathe as she walked in, she grabbed the rolling chair then sat on it.


She did feel sad when Jae told her that her father wasn’t home when she arrived home. Yes, Krystal was used to it, she rarely met her family. Her parents got divorced few years ago. Her sister—Jessica—decided to accompany their mom in San Francisco, meanwhile Krystal stayed here in Korea with her father. She does feel lonely sometimes, and she missed to gather back with her family.



‘Do mom… and Jessie unnie… miss me?’





Suddenly the door opened, of course it was Krystal’s one and only roommate, Amber. Krystal’s lips curved a little smile when she saw the short haired girl.


“Hey, Am, I wanna say sorry”


Amber didn’t bother to look at the younger girl. She was busy looking for something on her desk.


“… you hear me?”



“………I think saying ‘sorry’ is one of your hobbies isn’t it”, Amber was still busy looking for something on her desk as she said that.


Krystal rolled her eyes, “look, I found out why you rode the bike so fast that day. Because we should be there earlier to get the bus, right? But I scolded you instead of thanking you. So now, I wanna apologize and thank you”


“………………Hm. Whatever”





“Excuse me”


Both Krystal and Amber turned to the door when they heard a guy voice.


“Excuse me!”, the guy knocked on the door repeatedly.


“Ugh”, Amber walked toward the door and then opened it, “Did Dong Hae send you here huh? Go back to him and tell him I’ll be there soon no need to worry”, she said peevishly as she was about to shut the door.


“Wait wait, Amber sshi!”, the guy pushed the door.




“It’s not just you”


“………… what? what do you mean?”


“Sir Dong Hae sent me here to invite Miss Jung to the attend the meeting too”


Amber frowned before she turned her head to Krystal.












“Am, Amber!”, Krystal was trying to catch Amber’s pace, “but what meeting? Why Sir Dong Hae invited me too?”


“I’m not Dong Hae, don’t ask me”



A couple of moment later the two reached the music meeting hall. Amber entered the hall and was followed by Krystal. There were so many people in there. Krystal could recognize some professors and seniors also joined the meeting. But why was she invited? She was just a new student.



“Krystal sshi!”


Krystal felt someone tapped her shoulder.


“Jo… Jong Suk Oppa?? You’re here too??”


“Yes… what about you? Aa… don’t tell me…… are you invited too?”


“… Yes… I guess…”


“Wow!! Really?! Congratulation, Krystal sshi!”


Krystal frowned, “congratulation for what?”


“You’ll know”











“So… as usual, our academy will hold a concert that’s always held once a year. The concert is one of the ways to promote our school, and show all the musicians in  Korea, even world, that our academy is really qualified”, Mr. Park—the principal of music faculty spoke, “the concert will be held by the end of this year, so we still have six months to prepare everything. All the students that invited here, will be the instrumentalist of our concert, except you, Liu”


All eyes glanced at Amber. The guy named Lee Jong Suk even smirked as he glanced at the tomboy.


“Because you will be the composer of all songs that will be played in the concert, and you will be the one who choose all the songs to be played. Mr. Kim Jonghyun will help you”, the principal added.


“Yes, Sir”, Amber answered with low toned voice.




“Sir”, Jong Suk lifted his hand.


“Yes, Mr. Lee?”


“I’m afraid you forgot about what happened last year during our concert, when I performed my solo piano”, he took a glance at Amber, “If you remember what Ms. Liu did during the solo piano performance, I’m afraid it will happen again if she become our composer, Sir. I think it’s not a good idea to put her as composer”


“If you forgot Mr. Lee Jong Suk, last year Ms. Liu was a conductor and yes, it was a wrong decision to put her as a conductor. Don’t worry Mr. Lee, I remember what happened during your performance last year, that was my fault, and that’s why now I put Liu as a composer”


“But…… how can she compose our songs if she can’t hear the sound of piano?”


Amber clenched her fist as she heard that. She stared at Jong Suk sharply.


“Don’t worry Mr. Lee, just like I said, Mr. Kim Jong hyun will help her with that”






The meeting had finished. All the participants left the hall, but Amber was still there.



“But…… how can she compose our songs if she can’t hear the sound of piano?”



What Jong Suk said to the principal during the meeting kept echoing in her head. Yes, it really hurt her. She had always wanted to be a good musician since she was really young, but she couldn’t, because the nightmare kept haunting.




“You must be really happy, Liu. No matter what you did, no matter how weird you are, the professors and the principal still put their trust in you”


Amber turned around, “because I’m genius”, she smirked to the guy that was standing in front of her.


“You always think you’re genius huh”


“Because I am. Look, Lee Jong Suk, honestly I didn’t remember who you are before”


Jong Suk narrowed his eyes, “……………………. You ruined my first solo performance, Amber, you have to remember that”


“And? Tell me what do you want. Oh, you’re typical people who likes to hear ‘sorry’ word from the people who makes mistake? Fine, SORRY Lee Jong Suk. Now get away from my life”, Amber said as she was about to leave the hall.



Amber suddenly stopped when she heard Jong Suk chuckled.


“How funny… it’s funny if you think you’re genius in music, Amber. No matter how genius you are, you’re a defective musician. You turn into a monster everytime you hear piano sound, you look so pathetic. How can you call yourself a musician?”


 Amber clenched her fist before she turned around.

“You asked for this, Lee Jong Suk, you want me to kill you”


“No. I didn’t ask you to kill me”, Jong Suk said as he approached the piano that was placed in the hall, “I just want you to prove that you really are a musician”, he said before he pressed the piano keys roughly.




Amber felt like her blood stopped flowing and her heart beat really faster than usual. It was so hard for her to breath.

“….s….st….stoppp…stop!!”, she covered her ears with her palms.


“Look at your self Amber Liu! How can you call your self a genius musician?!”, Jong Suk kept playing the piano roughly.








‘Dad please stop shaking!!’




“Dad please stop your blood!”


“…no… NOOO!!!!”, Amber collapsed on the floor. She still covered her ears with her palms. Her face was really pale, tears were all over her face.


“Look how pathetic you are Amb…”





"Jong Suk Oppa stop it!! You're hurting her!"


Jong Suk looked up and he was surprised when he found Krystal was standing by the hall door.


“Krystal sshi?”



Krystal ran toward Amber, “look what you did to her!”, she said to Jong Suk as she kneeled down and embraced the tomboy.




"Don't play it anymore and go"


“Krystal sshi are you out of mind?!”


“Jong Suk Oppa I don’t wanna be rude to you, just please…… go”



Jong Suk snorted and then left the hall angrily.






“It’s okay… it’s silent now, no more piano sound”, Krystal said as she watched her collapsed roommate. Amber was hugging her knees, her eyes looked so empty, but tears kept flowing from it.



“……dad…… he killed my dad…… did you see that… he killed my dad”, Amber whispered.


Krystal Amber’s shoulders, “no Amber, it’s okay. Let’s go, you need to get some rest”



Krystal was shocked when suddenly Amber hugged her. She could feel Amber’s body was shaking on her. Amber was sobbing on her shoulder.


“Amber…”, Krystal Amber’s back. She still couldn’t believe her grumpy roommate was hugging and sobbing on her shoulder.


“Victoria…… he killed my dad…”, Amber said in her sobs.


“…… Am, I’m… I’m not Vic..”


“I’m scared Vic… I’m really scared”, Amber hugged Krystal tighter.



Somehow Krystal could feel it. She didn’t even know why but she could feel how hurt Amber was. She wasn’t Amber that Krystal knew as an arrogant cocky Amber, it was a weak Amber, she looked like a little kid that was scared of a nightmare.




‘What happened to Amber in her past…’











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wintwar #1
Chapter 21: Always.....
ezz1824 #2
Chapter 21: I've been waiting for years and im still waiting for the next update.
wintwar #3
Chapter 21: After all those years, our giant baby is now in heaven...
You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
Nnamaste #4
I keep waiting this story to update.. huhuu T_T
Chapter 21: mmmmmmm
wintwar #6
Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
23 streak #7
Chapter 21: Still here!!!
ezz1824 #8
Chapter 19: Hundred years later and im still waiting for an update