» no label « new boy group ; temporarily closed
 prelude to madness 

           Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

           The ominous ticking of the clock sounded throughout the sparsely furnished office, almost maddening in its repetition. Heohyun hadn't had the time to redecorate it after its previous occupant had been fired, not when his deadline was drawing nearer every second that ticked by. He sat hunched in his chair over the mess of papers that littered his desk with bloodshot eyes, staring blankly downward as if looking at nothing in particular. His mind was as blank as his coffee mug was empty.

           Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

           Heohyun caught himself nodding off and promptly shook himself awake. He breathed deeply and gingerly ran a hand through his neatly combed hair, then glanced upward at the clock he had hung on the office wall a few days prior.

           "Ten o'clock already," he murmured in a daze. It was hard to believe that a week had passed him by already. To Heohyun, it felt like it was just yesterday that CCM's infamous CEO had tasked him with coming up with a group of six promising trainees to present to him. The time flew by in the blink of an eye, and he could do nothing but wish he had more of it. What kind of group was formed in only two weeks, anyway?

           Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

           There was no time to waste wallowing around in self-pity. There was no question of whether or not it could be done. It HAD to be done, and Heohyun wasn't about to share the same fate of the man who previously held his job. With a renewed sense of purpose, he straightened his posture, cracked his knuckles and set back to work on the clutter of papers in front of him.

           It didn't take long for Heohyun to neatly rearrange his notes so that they were separated from the profiles of potential members of his project. An orderly stack of about thirty talented trainees' files now graced his desk. With so many gifted young men to consider, only six slots, and a week before his deadline, he had to make some decisions and make them quickly. Although Heohyun had been constantly going through the same stack of files for a week by that moment in time, there were still too many to make a firm decision. At least the stack grew a little shorter every time he went through it. He took a deep breath and braced himself before going through them once more.

           "Let's see... Lim Seunghwan... Seong Haeri... Jung Hojoon," he read off the names as he attentively sifted through the files. After observing so many of CCM's most gifted trainees for a week, Heohyun had a good feel for which trainees to look out for. However, after brief consideration, he felt that sixteen year-old Hojoon was too inexperienced for the ideal group he had in mind, and placed Hojoon's file in a sloppy stack off to the side that was piled with rejected trainees.

           "Yoo Jeonhyuk... Zhang Yao...  Kwon Jaehyun... Ahn Taeho and Ahn Taewon... Aaron Shim? Probably not..." He mumbled to himself as the reject stack grew taller and taller. Little by little, an idea began to take root in his mind; he was beginning to visualize a plan to come up with a choice group of six by the end of the week...


 author's note
Hello, it's been awhile, hasn't it? Once again, this is the co-author reporting in. Due to some technical issues, we haven't been able to start the fic right away, but we're hoping to be able to get the first chapter up soon. Sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long! Be sure to stick around for any new updates, and of course, happy holidays from the both of us.


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Chapter 15: Happy Holidays to you two as well :]

And thanks for the small update, even if its not much. I will be hoping for a new one soon !! [;
Chapter 15: Haha Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you guys too (:
1ll1ll9oo #3
Chapter 15: Oh that's a shame :/

But still nice to see that you were able to squeeze a mini update ^^
Thanks, and happy holidays to you too~~~!
Chapter 8: started reading your story! I love the humour that you put in them =]

however I don't think i'll be able to finish my app in time so I won't be submitting one now ...maybe later when I have time and you have spots you need to fill =]
Don't worry, I'll still read the story. unless of course you decided to change your way of writing and I don't like it... (probs won't happen but who knows lol)
GL to everyone else~ =D
i'm afraid that i will not be about to get my app done in time ;;
school starts again in a week and i have overdue assignments to start otl
i am truly sorry and i honestly wish that i did it earlier.
the teasers were intriguing but i won't be sticking around to read the story. . .
mainly because of guilt o n o
well, once again, i am really sorry for not finishing the application
(due to my procrastinating ways e n e)
but good luck to both authors and everyone that has applied! < 3
Chapter 3: orz someone applied with a mercury character almost the same as the one I had been working on, so I guess I'll just throw that out the window...
Gah, and the deadline is tomorrow. DAMN YOU, SCHOOL! What a .
I doubt I'll be able to finish a new app by then, so I guess I'll just be a casual reader. :T
The teasers look really fun, though! I'm excited to read the whole story. :)
1ll1ll9oo #7
Chapter 13: Hello co-author~ :D

Jaehyun seems like that person that you would want as a best friend :D

Flower boy Iseul hahaha
I'm going to be watching this character ;D
Jeonhyuk seems lively ^^

Ryuu... I wanna see him O_O

Deadline peopleeeeeeeeeeee hurry hurry~~~~
Chapter 13: omg, update~~!!! X]

I actually really liked it! ^^ trainee life insights are just so cool to me for some reason.
Jaehyun looks like hard worker but also looks like a lot of fun so... imma give him a huge hug.
Iseul is such a flower boy omg, let me glomp.
OTL Jeonhyuk, wai you so cutesy?! let me hug you forever!!!
and Ryuu is so awkward, it's almost cute.
oh, Kenny. let me hug you forever and never let you go. COME HERE.

and I really like the writing style :3 It seems very refined with an underlying tone of something along the lines of elegant... do i make sense? no? Okay then...

well, i hope you update some more, knowing that the deadline is SO CLOSE. Fighting~!
Chapter 13: i love it c: i love your style of writing! simple and detailed... with lots of big words . heck yes.

fighting co-author nim <3
1ll1ll9oo #10
Chapter 11: Ahhhhhhhhh I love it<3
Hahaha, I had to say that first :D

I feel like you got much more of Haeri's personality than what I had written in my app, and you did such a good job of portraying his relationship with Woohyun and EXO *_*
It's greatttttttt

Haeri and Kyungsoo teasing Sehun about Hunhan was adorable<3

And calling an angry Krystal does not sound pleasant x'D
And poor Amber lmao

Anyways~ I love this chapter, and I hope you do well on your analysis papers :O

Hwaiting author-nim~<3