Best Friends





Come on, Maeri. Get up!” I woke up because of his voice. His voice that sends tingles down my spine.


I pretended to be asleep without thinking that I might be late for class. I just love being like this. Just us. The way we used to be.


Argh.” He groaned. I suddenly felt him climbed up my bed and jumped to wake me up.


I smiled to myself. He is so typical and silly. That’s why I fell for him.


Okay, fine, Luhan. I’m getting up.” I said in defeat.


“Finally.” He said as he gets off my bed, trying hard to catch his breath.


You jerk.” I joked as I threw the pillow into his face. Being an athlete he was, he dodged it.


Have you eaten your breakfast?” I asked him as we went downstairs to eat breakfast.


Not yet. That’s why I wanted you to wake up because I am so hungry.”


My everyday life is fun and amazing. I got up every day with a smile because I have him as my alarm clock. He eats here every day like it’s his own home. Luhan lives next door. He has no family with him. All of his relatives live in China.


We have been friends since I was 11 when we first moved here in Seoul. He’s just 13 by that time. We met when Mom and Dad went out to have a date because it’s their wedding anniversary. Being the spoiled kid I was, I insisted to come. Mom and Dad completely opposed it but I kept on insisting. Finally, they allowed me to come. I can still remember what my Mom told me,


Just behave there, Maeri. Go on and clean yourself. We’ll wait for you here.” I went upstairs, took a bath and fixed myself. When I went down, Nanny told me that Mom and Dad already left. I cried so much. I ran outside the house and shouted “Mom” a million times, hoping that they’ll come back and say sorry. For the first time, I felt disappointed. I cried and never left the door. When dusk came, a little boy went in front of me.


Are you crying?” He asked in a bit rusty Korean. But still, I understood what he said. I scanned him through my watery eyes. He’s almost bald and had a very little yet so feminine face.


Mom and Dad left to have a good time on their own.” I replied. Without further asking, he sat next to me and caressed my back, which unknowingly gave me so much comfort and peace.


They’ll be back, right?” He asked, looking at me in the eyes. I met his gaze and it was like piercing me. He was like looking at what’s inside me. I nodded.


Then you shouldn’t cry. They’ll be back. Just wait.” He said with a smile.




“You should be thankful. They’ll be back in few hours. Unlike me, my family lives miles and miles away. I only get to see them every summer vacation.” I stopped from crying and focused on what he said. I was shocked. Ever in my life, I have never been separated with my parents and nanny. But him? I think he’s just the same age as mine or a bit older. How can he live alone?


“You mean… You live there? Alone?”




“But… how do you eat? Do you know how to cook? How about the chores? Do you have a nanny that does it all for you?”


“I’m just alone here. I have an Aunt. She comes by every weekend to clean the house and leave stacks of Ramen and Kimchi I could eat throughout the whole week.”


“Isn’t that disgusting? Eating the same thing every day?”


“Actually, it’s really… bad. But I should be thankful rather than to eat nothing at all, right?”


“Do you want to come over our house every meal time? We’ll be glad to share our meal with you. You can also watch the television or play with me.” I offered.


“Really? I can do that?”


“Of course, what’s your name, by the way?”


“Luhan. I’m Luhan.”


“Nice to meet you, Luhan. I’m Maeri.”


Since that day, I have been the happiest kid in Seoul.


“Let’s go, Maeri.” Luhan called as soon as I finished fixing myself for school.


“Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! Bye, Nanny!” I kissed goodbye to them.


“Bye, Dear. Luhan, take care.” My mom said and we went out.


Luhan went on his bike and I hoped in front of it. I can feel my cheeks flushing. He’s like back hugging me. :”””>


We study in the same school He’s a senior now while I’m still in middle school. Luhan is very popular in school. He’s a soccer player and many girls drool over him.


“Luhan…” I called his attention.




“About having a girlfriend, when you already had one, will you still give me a bicycle ride to school? Will you still… eat in the house and wake me up every day?”


“Of course, Maeri. Nothing will change.” He replied.


I smiled in relief. I hope so.



We soon reached school and as usual, every girl’s eyes are on Luhan.


“Maeri, finish your food later, okay?” Luhan reminded me.


“Yes, Mom.” I said and rolled my eyes. Since this school year started, Luhan never had lunch with me at school.


“Okay. I’ll go in my room now. Bye bye.” He bid his goodbye.




I was bored the whole day. I never get to see Luhan.


“Maeri!” Jinri squealed as she called my name. Jinri is my other best friend. She keeps all my dirty girly secrets that I can’t tell to Luhan. And of course, my secret love for him. Jinri knows them all.


“What’s up?” I asked her as I closed my locker.


“I’m going to introduce you to my boyfriend, let’s goo!”


Finally.” I said. Jinri has been talking about his so called “Boyfie” since I could not remember. But I never get a chance to see him or know him.


I’m soooo excited! Uhh.. How’s your best friend that you’ve been drooling over since birth?” Jinri likes to tease me about Luhan.


“Fine. Since our schedules are much of a conflict, I seldom see him at school. I never even introduced him to you!”


Don’t worry, Maeri. We’ll get there. Oh! He’s there. Baaaaabe!” She called a guy.


As soon as his boyfriend looked in our direction, my heart stopped beating. I don’t know if it stopped beating or shattered into pieces. I can’t breathe.


“Maeri, this is Luhan. My boyfriend. Luhan, this is Maeri. My best friend.”


I never even blinked. I just looked down and stared at their hands intertwined in front of me.


I never knew that the more happiness love can give you, the more tears it will bring when it hurts. I never knew that Jinri’s boyfriend, the one she’s telling me stories about and my best friend, the one I’m telling her stories about was the same person. Luhan.


I tried to hold back my tears and act normal as I can. My two bestfriends. They’re in love with each other. See the scenario? What if I confessed to him? I will be the big blocker in their love story.


“Hi. I’m Luhan. And you are?” He smiled and offered his hand.


I looked at him in disbelief. How could he? After all of the things we’ve been through together, he denied our friendship. He denied me. And that moment, I knew. Love can hurt you even without having commitments at all.





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Chapter 1: I don't understand ... ?
Chapter 3: ARGHH LUHAN!!! plzz make a sequel
Chapter 3: I feel like Luhan broke my heart too :'
Chapter 3: please make a sequel author ssi luhan is so bad in here :(
Where's the sequel? :(
CodeNameSarang #6
Chapter 2: This breaks me into pieces... waii Luhan waiiii? Sequel please? :3
Chapter 1: Please make sequel TT luhan is bad guy!
drolly #8
Sequel plz :D
ezaaazahidi #9
Chapter 2: Omg sequel sequel!!
Chapter 1: sequel jusseyo !