"Jagiya... I can't live without you."

"Jagiya... I can't live without you."

Baekhyun's hand tightened around the beer bottle, feeling the wetness of the glass. It was his...fourth, maybe fifth drink? He was feeling the dizziness already.

The club around him was filled with women in short skirts and men with no shirts. Loud music blasted through the speakers, annoying his slightly aching head. He sighed before finishing the bottle of beer, swallowing the last drop.

Something vibrates in the pocket of his skinny jeans, and he rolled his eyes. It was probably his girlfriend.... Again. Every time he went out and tried to have a good time, you'd call him again and again and again. Did you not get that he didn't want to talk to you??

Probably not, though. You didn't like the way Baekhyun went out every weekend. He tried to tell you that all he did was have a few drinks, that's it. He didn't talk to other girls or anything. He even tried to get you to come to the club a few times, but you refused. And every night when he got home, y'all would fight.

His phone vibrated again, and he turned it off.

So annoying.


You slammed your phone down on the kitchen table, after calling and texting Baekhyun for what seemed like a million times. You stared at the phone for a few minutes, praying that he would call you back, but nothing. You could feel tears in your eyes.

You wiped them away, though, telling yourself not to cry. You stood up, picking the plate of Korean food you had made especially for Baekhyun, because you knew how much he missed Korea after moving to America with you and how much he loved it when you cooked his favorite foods, off the table and dumping it into the trash can.

If he couldn't answer your messages, he didn't deserve dinner.

It takes Baekhyun another hour to get home. One whole hour. You are laid back in the recliner flipping through television channels when Baekhyun stumbles through the door at one o'clock in the morning.

"Hey, jagiya," he mumbles. He knew you liked it when he talked in Korean.

You stand up, folding your arms in front of you're chest. "You're drunk."

Baekhyun shook his head, walking over to you and taking your hands in his. "No..."

You stepped back, snatching your hands away. "Don't lie! I can smell you, and you can't even talk straight."

Baekhyun frowned. "Whatever. I'm going to bed."

"No, you're not!" you grabbed his arm once he tried to turn around, heading towards their shared bedroom. "We need to talk."

"Babeee, let's just go to sleep, I'm tired." Baekhyun whispered, leaning his head towards yours. With his lips an inch away from yours, you could feel his hot breath against your mouth. You turned your head before your lips could meet, and he ended up getting your ear instead.

"What the hell!" Baekhyun said loudly.

"I said we need to talk!" You answered. "What is this, Baek? I'm tired of you going out every Saturday and getting drunk. It changes you. You're usually sweet and perfect, but the alcohol changes you into a totally different person, and I don't like it. You know I don't."

"It's just for fun!" Baekhyun's snapped. "A lot of people just drink for fun. I try to get you to do it, but no. It's your fault you choose to stay at home."

"Do you know how dangerous alcohol can be? You can become addicted to it, there's drunk driving... I'm just trying to look out for you, I don't want you to get in trouble or to get hurt." Your voice had softened.

"I can look after myself, I'm grown," Baekhyun said, turning around. "I'm going to bed."

"Promise me," you said. "Promise me you won't do it again."

Baekhyun turned to you. "I'm not. I'm not gonna promise you. Just let it go! Stop riding my back all the time, it's annoying. You think you're trying to help me or whatever, but you're not! You're doing more bad than good, so just stop!" Baekhyun yelled.

Your eyes were swimming with tears. You felt one slide down her left cheek and all the way down her neck. That hurt. A lot. "Fine! I'll just leave if that's what you want!"

"Fine with me!" Baekhyun screamed back.

You let out a fustrated cry before slinging open the front door and stepping out, slamming it behind you.


Baekhyun wakes up late the next morning with a bad, dizzying headache. He blinks sleepily, looking around the living room. He must have passed out the couch, too tired to make it to his bed probably.

"Jagiya?" He called out his girlfriend's favorite nickname, and didn't get an answer.

Sudden memories of the night before started to come back to him. Him drinking again, you being upset, him yelling at your before you left the house in tears. He groaned.

"Byun Baekhyun, you've really screwed up this time!" he said to himself, jumping up off the couch.

He tried not to let himself panic, though. Maybe you had returned after taking a long drive to clear out you head. You was probably in their bed, sleeping. He could suprise you with breakfast when you woke up and talk about what happened, then everything would be okay.

He tiptoed towards their bedroom, opening the door slowly.

While he was expecting his girlfriend to be in bed, he got the complete opposite.

The room was almost bare. The pictures of you on the wall were all gone. The closet door was wide open and all your clothes had disappeared.

Yeah, you had came back. To get your stuff.

"Jagiya..." Baekhyun whispered. He walked over to the bed, the one they had slept in a thousand nights. On his pillow was a short note written on Mickey Mouse stationary paper he had bought for you when they went on a trip to Disney World. He picked it up, and let his eyes skim over the words quickly.

Basically, you had left him. Just like that. The drinking was too much for you.

'If you want to talk, I'll be at Ji-Hyun's house. But really, I don't want you to come,' you had wrote.

Baekhyun balled up the piece of paper and threw it across the room, screaming out in anger. He sat down on the edge of the bed, burying his head into his hands and running his fingers through his messy hair. The pain in his head had went away, it was replaced by a much worse pain in his heart.

He laid back on the bed before he sobbed out as his tears finally came.


You woke up late in the afternoon on your best friend's uncomfortable love seat. Your best friend's place was small and only had one bedroom, which is where her and her boyfriend, Tao, sleeped. So your only choice was to sleep on the love seat in the living room. Your stuff sat next to you, packed in a big black trash bag. But honestly, it was better than sleeping with Baekhyun.

It even hurt to think about his name.

"Good morning! How you feeling?" Your best friend, Ji-Hyun, asked her once she walked into the kitchen.

"I don't know," You sighed, sitting down at the table. There was bacon and eggs, but honestly you didn't feel like eating. You felt like you could never eat again, really.

"Just forget him, he's probably gay anyway," Ji-Hyun said. You hit her arm, but she was smiling playfully. "Tao's at wushu practice, so let's just you and me go out and have some girl time, okay?"

You opened your mouth to answer, to tell her that you needed to find a new place to stay because you didn't know how much of the love seat you could take, but before you could there was a gentle knock at the door.

"Who's that?" Ji-Hyun asked, standing up. "Does Baek know you're here?"

"I told him so he wouldn't worry about me too much," You admitted and Ji-Hyun rolled her eyes.

She walked towards the door, not answering. "Who is it?"

"Baekhyun." Your heart jumped at the sound of his soft voice. "Is ____ there?"

"Tell him yes," You whispered and Ji-Hyun obeyed.

"Can I come in?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes," You whispered again, standing up and getting ready to face him. Ji-Hyun sighed before opening the door.

Baekhyun was in white skinny jeans and a red t-shirt. His hair was swooped upwards, in the way you liked. He held an obvious bouquet of pink and white roses behind his back. Your heart skipped and softened immediately at the sight of the flowers.

"Jagiya... Let's talk in private." Baekhyun smiled.


Ji-Hyun let them have the bedroom for their private talk. You walked in nervously with Baekhyun behind you, turning around when you heard the door shut.

Before you could say anything, he held the roses out to you. "These are for you."

You took them, smelling their sweet scent that clouded your head. "Baekhyun, thank you so much. But... But flowers isn't going to fix this..."

"I know, just let me talk," Baekhyun said, pushing you gently down onto the bed until you was sitting on it.

"I'm an ," was the first thing he said. You giggled.


"A huge one," he continued. "I shouldn't have done all that drinking, especially when you didn't want me to. I know you were just looking out for me, so thank you. Thank you for caring."

"When I woke up and you weren't there... Seeing all your stuff gone, reading the note, it made me feel terrible. I can't believe you'd leave me like that."

"I had a good reason," You said, looking down at the floor.

"I know. You had every right to do that. But listen, jagiya..."

Baekhyun got down on his knees in front of where you was sitting, taking your hand into his. "You mean so much to me. I love you, way more than any kind of alcohol. This morning I realized how much you meant to me. I'm willing to give up anything for you, including beer and clubs and partying. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

You couldn't breathe. You couldn't think straight as you watched Baekhyun reach into the pocket of his skinny jeans and pull out a ring with a sparkling, diamond right in the center.

"Marry me, jagiya," he whispered. "I can't live without you."

You felt salty tears gather up in your eyes and spill onto your cheek, probably ruining your eyeliner and mascara but you didn't care. "Of course. Yes."

Baekhyun smiled widely, showing all of his bright, white teeth before rubbing you into a huge hug.

He pulled away, brushing his thumb on your cheek to wipe away the wetness. "Baby, don't cry, tonight..." he sung quietly. You laughed. This was the dorky Baekhyun you loved.

He smiled at the sound of your laughter. "Saranghae, jagiya."

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Chapter 1: omg I remember this.....
ilabya18 #2
Chapter 1: Awww!!! This is soooo cute xD
jihanajiha #4
Chapter 1: awww~baekhyun is so adorable,u cant refuse him..hee
Chapter 1: awww baekkie<3
snsd_yoonsic4ever #6
Chapter 1: Omg!! So cute!! *blushing!!!
Chapter 1: kyahhh!!! im squealing like a little girl right now!! thats so.sweet~~ ^^
Chapter 1: Awwww~ Bacon! Why so sweet? =">

Cute Fluffy Oneshot~! ♥
Chapter 1: sweet baekhyun!!!