
Spring: Kai

Chapter one: Final


I changed the flow of the story, so for those who read this one shot of mine before, please read it again if you are still interested. Thank you! ☺



Cold, that’s what you are to everyone. You became the girl with a straight face from the day your parents died because of a car accident. You were left behind, all alone. Oh how you wish you died with them, but unfortunately you are here alive, living alone in a strange city. You just moved in yesterday night. You don’t like people talking to you, you don’t want to get attached to them. Girl or boy, people are all the same. They will soon leave, and you don’t want to get hurt again. Living distant to the people, you thought that was the most effective way to protect yourself from hurting. You didn’t made friend, you don’t want to. There are some people who tried to though, but you pushed them away.

The loud rings of your alarm clock wake you up from your deep slumber. Sitting up, beads of sweat are resting all over your face. Another nightmare, tears are flowing down your cheeks. I miss you, take me with you; the thought that keeps playing inside your head. The accident hunts you, telling you you’re alone. Suicide, how many times you tried to kill yourself? You don’t know either, but every time you tried to, there will be someone who will help you. You get tired, tired of waiting, tired of trying, tired of living. At least give me one reason why should I stay, you chant every time you pray.

Spring, that’s your favorite season of the year. It tells you to move on and start again. Looking above, the white clouds meet partially covering the sun but uncovered after a while. You smiled, the gestures you barely do. The sun was confidently showing itself saying it’s the king.

You decided to walk around to be familiar with the place, adding the fact that it was spring, you probably have a good day. The neighborhood greeted you, so do you, but with a straight face that made them a little bit sad. You felt sorry for them, you don’t know why, but your face gets used to be emotionless. Every time you stared in front of the mirror, you see a lonely girl. Every time you tried to smile in front of it, she looks lonelier. You wear a straight face, she looks descent.

You made your way to the park, a place where a lot of people are happy and playing. Family, couples, kids, they were all smiling widely. The sunshine flared the whole city, against the buildings, houses, and waves of people. Male kids are playing marbles while the girls are jumping around, how does it feel to be on a lunch box-days? How does it feel to be in your parents’ arms lovingly while tapping your head every now and then? You want to feel it again, even just in your dream.

You seated on the bleachers away from the crowd, it made you feel a little comfortable. You watched them dance and play, they are having the good time of their life. Suddenly, you heard a humming. A sweet melody that met your ears, you felt relaxed by just listening to it. You stood up, decided to follow the sweet voice. Step by step, the sound gets louder and louder. The voice leads you to the other side of the place where people can’t be seen. Where’s the sound coming from? You walked a little more then found a man lying on the grass with flowers surrounded him. The boy felt your presence stopping him from humming then stood up meeting your eyes. You froze seeing an angel-like man standing right in front of you but far enough to made you comfortable. You stared at him, he was gorgeous. You live alone but you still know how to appreciate the beauty of a human.

 “Who are you?”

He asked. He has a beautiful voice that suits his looks.

“Why are you here? Did you know that you are not allowed here?”

Immediately, you took a step back. Confused on what he was saying. You are not allowed here. It somewhat hurts you, knowing that this beautiful place is prohibited to you.

“Is this a private place?”

You managed to ask. For the first time of the day, you heard your own voice.

“You don’t know?”

He asked and then you shook your head in response.

“Well, this is my property.”

“I didn’t mean to barge in. I haven’t noticed if there was a sign out there.”

You explained. He chuckled that caught you off guard. His voice is a melody indeed.

“You don’t know? Really?”

You nodded. His voice gives flutters to your heart. Can

“I just moved in to this subdivision yesterday, I’m sorry for barging in.”

You’re about take your leave when you heard him chuckled again. I want to hear it again,

“Oh? Really?”

You looked down then nodded.

“I’m sorry, but do I look like lying?”

You asked boldly,

“No, it’s just… you’re just cute.”

Words seem didn’t able to sink in your mind that made you titled your head. After some seconds, you blushed. Did he call me cute? You looked away, didn’t know how to control your reddening.

“See, you’re acting so cute. Hmm, since you were new here… how about touring you around?”

You looked up meeting his cheeky smile, you smiled but quickly wiped it off.

“If that’s okay with you, I would love to.”

You hesitated. What am I doing? Why I became soft? Why am I starting to get close to him? Why am I talking to this stranger? You don’t know either, it’s just that he looks so precious.

“It’s okay, so where should we start?”

He asked that made you shrugged,

“I’m new here. How could I know it?”

You stated plainly and he chuckled.

“My bad, so let’s go?”

You find yourself smiling. How many times did I smile with him? Was it him the reason behind or just because of the cool air hitting my skin? You thought it maybe too fast, but you wanted to know him more. You wanted to know him than familiarizing yourself to the place. Love at first sight, is that even true? Is that even possible for the two people who just got met? Love at first sight, you don’t believe in it. Loving a person who you just got met for the first time, aren’t you just attracted to his physical appearance? But why does it feel so different? When he smiles, my heart is racing. It’s pounding against my chest in the fastest way.

“Excuse me…”

He looked at you.

“What is your name?”

“It’s Kai.”



 “Ya! Kyoungmi-ah, are you even listening?”

You snapped out of your thoughts.


“Yaaaaaaaa! You’re spacing out again, aren’t you?”

He whined and you laughed.

“I’m sorry Kai-oppa, what are you saying again?”


Kim Jong-in, the guy who took you out of your comfort zone.


During the tour, you can’t keep your eyes off of him. His features were kept on distracting you away from your worries, you admired him, and that’s the second time in your life that you admire a boy. The boy took all the courage he was keeping the entire tour and ask for your number. You hesitated but give in as he used lots of aegyo. You returned home and when the night comes you received a text from him saying,

“You are so beautiful, I can’t stop my heart from racing. Will you meet me tomorrow?”

He is the type of boy who will do everything to make you comfortable around him. He’s sweet and caring that caused you to fall in love, hard. He did everything to make you smile and eventually you find yourself stepping out of your zone. You begin to smile, and you moved on. You thanks your parent for giving you such a kind boy who made you feel special again, who made you feel that you’re not alone, that he was always be there for you. That he will never leave you even when you get tired of him.

 “See, you’re still not listening to me.”

Your boyfriend whined for the second time of the day.

“What is it?”

“Ya! Jagiya, am I still here?”

“Sorry, I was just reminiscing the day we first met.”

And his pouted lips replaced with a grin.

“You sure?”

You nodded smiling.

“Psh, apology accepted.”

He stated giving you pouted lips, and you get what he wanted. You leaned forward and then pecked his lips.

“Ugh, I still remember how cold you are that time.”

This time, you’re the one who’s pouting your lips.

“I still remember how I suffer just to make you accept my invitation.”

“You suffer?”

“Ya! You didn’t remember? I waited outside your door begging you to date me.”

You laughed.

“Ah! I remember! You end up catching a cold the next day—“

“And we end up having our first date inside my bed room.”

He finished that made you laugh again.

“You don’t know how hard it was to make you believe I’m serious with my feelings for you.”

“Ya! You know my past that—“

“I know, I know. That’s why I took two years to make you accept my love.”

“Is that so?”

“I courted you for almost two years, babo!”

He stated poking your forerehead.

“Ah! I also remember something!”

He said then started laughing that made you raised your brow.

“What is it?”

“Our first kiss. I still remember how a bad kisser you are that time.”

And then he started laughing hysterically, you punch him in the arm.

“That was my first kiss, !”

You countered.

“I love you, jagiya!”

“I hate you!”

He picked you up and then pulled you to sit on his lap.

“You hate me?”

You nodded vigorously. He cupped your face then captured your lips, you on the other hand wrapped yours around his neck deepening the kiss.

“You learned a lot from me.”

He announced proudly when he pulled away for you to catch your breath.

“I get it, I love you too.”

You finally announced to stop him from teasing you. He then rested his chin on your shoulder,

“Stop daydreaming and listen to me carefully, ne?”

You nodded and then he started telling you his plans for your second anniversary. He didn’t say much though since he also wanted to surprise you.


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Heyinpiniteu #1
Chapter 1: Aww you shld make this a story :-)))
baekhyun29 #2
Chapter 1: This is so sweet what words should I say? XD
Chapter 1: so sweeeeet :3
ukissot9 #4
Chapter 1: Wow. I don't know what to say... awesome
jollyhug #5
Chapter 1: So sweet and i like it
Ukiso99 #6
Chapter 1: OMG! OMG! This is the best! So sweet and ugh, the skinship aykenat! XDDDD This is better than the previous one. You didn't change the whole plot but you added a lot of scene and emotions. YOU'RE THE BEST! OMG! THANK YOU AUTHOR-NIM UPVOTED! <3
Ukiso99 #7
Chapter 1: Jong in orz
ikutotsukiyomi #8
Sweet. I cant even...