Revenge Starts..

When Revenge Goes Wrong
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    " Never knew this day would come." sighed Suho.   Lay began avoiding him as soon as the day started not even explaining why.   Suho always followed him wherever he goes. Suho used all the chances he could get to ask Lay why but Lay don`t even bother to answer.   Lay just kept hanging out with Tao. As someone who is close with Lay, Tao knew the reason why he avoids Suho. It was all because Suho stood lay up from their dinner date last night, and due to that Suho didn`t even remember anything about it. It made Lay more mad and annoyed with Suho.   Lay didn`t even care when he cried all night with Tao just comforting him all through it. Suho was being ignored more because of him being so clueless all about it.   As the time passes more, Tao and Lay just kept each other company for only both of them only know the reason. Because of their closeness, this bugged Kris and Suho as they are the only ones left inside the dorm while the other members went out for their schedules.   Sooner Tao noticed Kris being jealous for it was obvious on his face. So Tao decided to walk to Kris, backhugging him as he asked him if he was jealous. Kris nodded while holding Tao`s arms as he turned around and hugged him like forever. As this continued for a minute, Kris bothered to ask Tao why he hangs out more with Lay than him. Hearing that, Tao kissed him and just whispered in his ears, "Don`t worry about it, I`m yours and I love you more." making Kris hug him more tighter and kissed him one last time.     After Lay noticed that Tao was finished getting so lovey-dovey with his boyfriend. He tugged Tao in his room to talk about their plan to make Suho feel jealous instead.    Suho was just busy with preparing the food for them to eat while Kris went to do their laundry. Meanwhile Lay and Tao planned everything already.         A little later.. It`s already 12 noon.          It`s time for them to eat. Food was prepared in the table by Suho, while Kris was getting the plates ready.Kris called the other two to join them.   Kris sat next to Tao while Lay decided to sit next to Tao also on the other side.   Suho was left alone on the other side. Kris then noticed that something was wrong between the two.   They started eating.    In the middle of eating, Lay got a piece of pancake and gave it to Tao. Tao just smiled like a kid got a candy. Kris got worried.   As it goes on, this time Tao forked a chunk of pineapple and fed it to Lay. This continued  as they finished eating. Suho and Kris was really bothered by it. Lay and Tao washed up the dishes.     When the two finished, Kris took Tao for a moment.     This time Kris was annoyed and bothered.   'What were you guys doing?" questioning Tao.   Even though Tao is a little scared of Kris, he just told Kris that it was nothing serious.   Kris then added, " Then what`s the reason behind it?" " I know you`re hiding something".   Tao knew he can`t lie to his boyfriend so he decided to spill the beans.   "Laa-ay wants Suho to-to feel bad for s-stooding him up." he stuttered.   "Are you sure that`s all?" Kris asked to make sure.   Tao just nodded and kissed Kris on the cheeks to stop him from suspecting.       Escaping Kris, Tao panicked as he searched for Lay in the rooms.When he found Lay in his bedroom, he told him that Kris was doubting him already. Lay and Tao just decided to avoid making conversation with their boys and just ignored them. Both went out in the living room to roam around and do stuff as much as possible to occupy themselves.    On the other hand Kris talked to Suho about Lay`s actions earlier. Suho
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Chapter 1: awwww.......
lemon-deulop #2
Chapter 1: Ah, this was very cute and now I'm wondering what's going to happen~~ Talking and Solving~~ x333

Thank you for writing this. <3 Poor Zitao though~ ^^''