
Heart Attack

Jongin groaned and opened his eyes. He was lying sprawled on the couch as the sun rose and flooded his apartment. Jongin groaned and pulled himself up. He felt papers slide down his chest and onto the floor. He raised his arm to rub his neck as he stretched. His neck felt numb and he presumed he had slept in an awkward position. Papers were scattered across the floor, a coffee mug stood next to his laptop that, judging by the blinking light on the monitor, was about to die. Jongin sighed and picked up his way through the furniture and papers walking into his room. Jongin didn’t use his room that much.
He worked late on his pc and usually fell asleep on the couch, some nights not even sleeping, staying awake on mugs of coffee that he never bothered washing. Jongin opened his wardrobe and picked out a black shirt, a pair of boxers and a pair of jeans.
He slung the clothes over his shoulder and walked out into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes.
He shivered when he stepped onto the cold tiles on the floor of the bathroom and hung his clothes onto the rack next to a white towel.
Jongin the tap, splashing water onto his face. He brushed his teeth, washing his mouth before straightening up again. He looked over at the alarm clock that was perched ontop of his bathroom cabinet. Jongin groaned and slumped over the sink slightly.
6 o’clock in the morning.
He’d only gotten two measly hours of sleep.

‘No wonder you feel so ed up Jongin.’

He muttered to himself as he looked up at the mirror. His eyes were glazed over and his hair was scraggly but he couldn’t help but smile.
He had spent the whole night talking to Kyungsoo about absolutely nothing.
The conversation had gone from Luhan’s condition to the weather to how easy it was to get a parking ticket in the city.
Jongin smiled to himself as small droplets of water fell from his brown hair.
By the end of the phone call Jongin was noticeably exhausted, had an extremely hefty phone bill and was happier than he’d been in a while.
He’d enjoyed talking to Kyungsoo and could’ve spoken to the man the whole night through but he could hear the exhaustion in Kyungsoo’s voice and suggested that they both should try to get some sleep.
Jongin sighed and rubbed his neck before pulling his shirt off. He pulled off his clothes and dropped them onto a pile in the corner of the bathroom before stepping into the shower. He the tap of the shower and sighed in relief as the powerful streams of hot water massaged his aching body. Jongin put his arm against the wall as steam started rising from the hot water. He leaned against the shower walls, letting the pumping water slide down his back and legs. He dipped his head back, letting the water soak his hair before turning his head back downwards, shaking his head, trying to get rid of the fatigue that clouded his mind.
Jongin turned off the water and reached out for the towel, he dried his body and slung the towel over his shoulders, pulling on his boxers and jeans. He picked up his shirt and the pile of clothes, walking out of the bathroom, Jongin dumped his old clothes onto the couch and walked over to the kitchen with his shirt slung over his arm, ruffling his hair with the towel. Jongin opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk. He poured the milk into a glass and gulped it down grimacing. Jongin never liked drinking milk, but at least it kept him full in the mornings. He dropped the towel onto the counter and pulled the shirt over his shoulders, pulling it on. His fingers slid down the front of the shirt, buttoning it up before tucking it into his jeans.
Jongin shook out his arm, fixing the cuffs on the shirt as he walked into the living room again.
He picked up some pieces of paper from the floor, grabbing his cell phone as he did so.
He tapped the screen of the smart phone, and frowned. Dead as a rock.
Jongin sighed and stuck the phone into his pockets along with his wallet, grabbing his keys.
He walked towards the main corridor where his briefcase and shoes lay abandoned on the floor in front of the door from the previous. Jongin pulled on his shoes and grabbed his brief case, opening it to put the papers inside before shutting it again.
He reached for the door and slipped out, shutting it with a soft clack behind him.


Jongin had reached Kyungsoo’s hospital by 7:50. He hadn’t stopped on the road to get any proper breakfast but he didn’t care.
Jongin parked the silver Audi in the parking lot before stepping out.
He left his brief case inside the car and shut the door, locking it, before turning and walking towards the hospital.
Jongin was 10 minutes early and he didn’t expect Kyungsoo to be in his office yet but he walked down the corridor and knocked on his office door anyway.
He smiled when he heard Kyungsoo’s, now familiar voice calling from inside.

‘Come in.’

Jongin pushed open the door into the office. Kyungsoo looked up and an instant smile spread across his face.

‘Hello Doctor Kim’

Jongin huffed and puffed out his cheeks slightly, faking a pout at the amount of formality Kyungsoo was using.

‘Yah hyung. Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?’

Kyungsoo chuckled at the younger’s antics and nodded slowly. Jongin grinned and took a seat in front of Kyungsoo.
They had both established a keen friendship last night over the phone, Jongin was interested in how it would play out in reality.

‘I didn’t expect you to be here early.’

Kyungsoo looked up from a file he was reading and laughed.

‘Did you expect me to be one of those irresponsible doctors that never showed up on time? Oh please Jongin, I might be situated in a bad location but that doesn’t mean I can’t be punctual.’

Jongin nodded, the grin never leaving his face.

‘True true.’

Kyungsoo smiled and rose to his feet. He was wearing a white shirt with overly formal cotton pants that were dyed black. He held a file in his hands as he picked up a black coat and slung it over his arm.

‘Shall we go then?’

Jongin smiled inwardly before getting up and following Kyungsoo out of the office door.


They talked consistently while Jongin drove.
He hadn’t told Kyungsoo that they would be joined by someone else and he hadn’t foud it necessary to tell him. However, as the approached Sehun’s apartment Jongin was obliged to explain to Kyungsoo what they were doing in the very centre of the RLD.

‘We’re here to pick up someone else.’

Kyungsoo blinked as he looked at Jongin. Jongin couldn’t help but stare at Kyungsoo’s eyes.


Jongin grinned as he got out of the car.

‘Luhans brother.’

He rose out of the car and leaned on the frame of the silver Audi, reaching his hand in to press the horn on the steering wheel.
The horn blared in the silent street, echoing around them.
Jongin shivered, he could sense someone was watching him.
He quickly dismissed the feeling when he saw Sehun walking down the stairs that led up to his apartment. Jongin thought that the boy looked much better than he did the day before.
Jongin smiled when Sehun ran up to him

‘Morning Sehun-ah.’

Sehun smiled at Jongin.

‘Morning Jongin hyung.’

‘We have an extra person tagging along today, I hope you don’t mind.’

Sehun shook his head, smiling all over.

‘I don’t mind Jongin hyung.’

‘Great. Let’s get going then.’  

Jongin slipped back into the car, pulling the door shut as Sehun got into the back seat.

‘Oh by the way, Sehun-ah, this is Kyungsoo.’

Sehun smiled and nodded.

‘Hello Kyungsoo-ssi.’

Kyungsoo nodded in return. He seemed to be in a place of his own.

‘O-Oh hey.’

He still managed to smile either way.
Jongin drove out of the RLD, speeding up on the highway.
Sehun spoke briefly with Jongin. Jongin could tell that he was happy to go see his brother again and that he was relieved that Luhan had opened his eyes.

‘Yah Jongin hyung, you look dreadful. Did you have a rough night?’

Jongin laughed at what the younger boy was hinting, keeping his hands on the wheel.

‘Oh I wish. But it was interesting anyways.’

Jongin looked over at Kyungsoo as he said this. He smirked inwardly when he noticed that the older boy was blushing.
Sehun sat at the back seat with his head resting on his hand. His lips were formed into a pout as he looked from Jongin to Kyungsoo then back again.
Jongin was pulling the car into the carpark when Sehun finally spoke again

‘Yah hyungs, are you two dating?’

Kyungsoo spluttered in as Jongin slammed his foot onto the breaks, pulling the car to an abrupt halt in the parking space. Jongin turned back to look at Sehun. It took Sehun every ounce of his will power to refrain from laughing at the intense shade of red Jongin’s face was changing to.

‘W-What the hell did you just say ha? We’re doctors alright! You better watch what you say alright?’

Sehun laughed and covered his mouth. His hat fell over his eyes as he slowly got out of the car, slinging his guitar over his shoulder.

‘I was only kidding hyungs. Alright alright, I’ll leave you two grandpas to it while I go see my brother.’

Jongin groaned and ran his hand over his face as he watched the younger boy run off towards the hospital.

‘I’m sorry about that... you see he---‘

‘Jongin-ah, can I tell you something?’

Jongin blinked as he looked at Kyungsoo.

‘Yea what is it?’

Kyungsoo turned to look at Jongin.

‘When I first met Luhan, he told me that he didn’t have a brother.’ 

I'm really sorry for the late update 
I've been so busy these holidays; I had to babysit my nephew and I've finally finished my first fic, but now I've started drafting a squel
I was struggling with where to go with the story but I'm getting it back together 
The school semester starts very soon and that may mean less updates. 
Or maybe that means more consistent updates? 
Things are getting weirder and weirder
I hope you guys have a great day and as always 
Enjoy <3


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Chapter 10: I don't get it! I'm getting confused but Aww please Update soon ^^^^^^^^^^ <3 . <3 I love the story
Chapter 8: this is getting really interesting!!!! WHAT DID KAI SAW???OR HEARD WHATEVE?? BUT WHAT WAS IT? update sooooooooon PLZZZ
Chapter 6: Lmao now I have sekai feelings. XD I hope Jongin helps them! >.< But most important... I hope Luhan will be okay!!
That place scares me lol so Hunhan should go to live with Kai. XD
Chapter 5: Ps!: Take your time, I understand. :D I will wait patiently for the next chapter. Do not hurry~! >.<
Chapter 5: Awww so bad. Poor Luhan. D;That's so sad. ;_; I hope he will be okay. Is there going to be Sekai? XD Even though I like all pairings in this fic I want Lulu with Sehunnie~! >.< They're so cute!
Chapter 4: Aww poor Luhan. I hope he will surviveee ;(
Chapter 1: Waa it looks interesting >.< I will be waiting patiently for the next chapater then :D Fighting~ ^^
PS: Aww They are so cute!! >///<