EXO-L [complete]

passionburn19's library
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Fandom, a word that comes from the words 'fan' and 'kingdom'. It is a community where people of the same interest gather and share their knowledge about a certain person. They also provide information, photos and more by researching about the admired persona. Not only that but they also make sure to support them by buying their products such as albums or watching their movies, dramas, shows and more.


But what if fandom is not only a community or a group of people?


…Because in the world unknown to humans, when a group of people look at the same person or group full of admiration, a spirit is born. A spirit that reflects those fans' behavior, feels what the fans feel and have the same attitude as them. Fandom spirits are the ones who represent the hearts of the admirers.

They are the ones who look out for the fans and the adored. They are like angels who protect everyone inside their fandom. The only difference was angels were created by god directly while Fandoms are born when a star has his or her first admirers. Also, in the past, angels can be seen by humans while no one, but no one has been able to see a fandom spirit even once.


But what if one day, one of the spirits gets seen by her idols? What if she becomes a human for acertain amount of time and has to stay with her idols? Can the idols handle their own fandom?


Cassiopea - one of the eldest fandom spirits. She takes care of the idols TVXQ and JYJ. She's known as one of the biggest fandom and the one who broke a lot of records back in the days. She got utterly sick one time when 3 the idols she looks after got into a law suit against their agency, resulting for the group to split into two. Luckily, she managed to recover but now has a big scar on her wings because of it, a scar that will never disappear.

Jumping Boa – everybody calls him Soul. He is one of the most respected and oldest fandom spirits along with Cassiopea. He is also famous among the spirits because of his snake like eyes and pearl yellow hair. He is a calm and quiet spirit. Some are scared of him because of his eyes but those who are close to him know better. He looks after a solo artist called BoA.

V.I.P - He's the party king of the spirit world. Everyone doesn't have a choice but to rejoice when he's around, even if there's no particular

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I've got work guys so writing can only be possible on my day offs and free time


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Chapter 15: Unnie-ah~ Is.. Is this really true ?~ Me ?~ I'm Rei ? Or I'm just being assuming ?~ Answer me jebal~~ Can't control mah feels~~ Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!!~ ;;;;;;;;AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA;;;;;;;
All of my stories will be on hiatus for the next 5 months OTL
I'm very sorry but I have to concentrate on my college studies and my responsibilities OTL
pls understand ~
Chapter 5: This story is actually my favourite of your stories~ :3
thank you for making this simpler for me to look for your fics~ ^^