Chapter 2

His Heart Belongs to...?

*Author’s POV*

“We are late for five minutes by now for the opening dance. We need to start right away! HyunSeung? Yah, HyunSeung!”


“I could hear you! No need to shout!” he went up in a boiling temperature to the stage and said sorry for the late opening.


“I think we are too excessive,” finally Gain spoke.


The event ran smoothly with the amazing choreography brought by them. They did the dance by heart; fierce and powerful.


Just by seeing the people that came into the event, we could already guess how many money that the dance group gained.  50 won? Nah, that is too small. 130 won? Still far away~ 270 won? Near! 310 won? A bit more! What did you say? Curious? Okay, I’ll tell you now. They got… *drumroll* 315 WON!!


That was a big amount of money for them who held a charity program, right? Using their own sweat, energy and their own struggle. After the program finished, everyone got back to the dance studio and…… slept.


The night came and ate up the afternoon, moon won the fight and sun went down. One by one woke up and went home to fix their self which were totally a mess now. The only remaining people in the dance studio were HyunSeung and Gain.


“You should try to call her again,” she said.


“Oh well,” he picked up his phone and searched for your contact number then press the green call button using him thumb.


~ * ~


*Sera’s POV*

Club music was heard; the DJ sure turned it on too loud, people dancing on the dance floor, men and women drunk… Just like me.


I’m on the process of drinking down the fifth glass of my favourite cocktail; Blue Lagoon with added Vodka when suddenly my phone rang.


“One more Blue Lagoon with added vodka!” I shouted to the bartender before pressing the answer button and putted the phone in my ear.


“Yah, Sera-ah! Why are you not picking up our phone? Why you didn’t come to our program? Why-”


“W-who is this?” I setted the empty glass down.


“Can’t you read the caller ID? It’s me HyunSeung!”


I finally started to hiccup after drinking five glasses of Blue Lagoon. “Oh, HyunSeung-ah? I hate you so much you know?” I hiccupped non-stop after that.


“What are you saying? Are you drunk? What-“


I managed to cut off his word in the middle of my non-stop hiccupped. “You date Gain, eh? Did you know how hurt my heart is? I bet you didn’t know about that.”


“What club are you-“ and his voiced stopped.



“Huh?” I looked at my phone monitor and sadly, my phone was dead because of low battery. I put it inside my pocket and didn’t mind about it by started drinking my favourite Blue Lagoon again.


“You know what, Sera? You really are drunk,” the bartender said. We’ve been friend since the first time I went to this club.


“Whatever~ I-I’m stress you know?” I drank half of the liquid inside the glass at all once.


“Don’t you have your first Christmas charity program today with your dance crew?”


“Oh!” I hiccupped. “Did I say that I’m out of the dance group just today?”


I kept drinking until finally my dearest bartender friend stopped making the Blue Lagoon for me even though I forced him to. I groaned at him and walked to the dance floor. I feel like in the air~


Everyone was moving its body all the way they wanted. And suddenly, I felt a warm hand pulled me out of the dance floor and out of the club.


“Let me go!” I tried to struggle but the guy wouldn’t stop pulling me out from the club.


At the end, when we were out of the club, I able to recognize his face. “Y-you!”


“What the heck are you thinking, Sera? Dancing like a crazy people in there and the worst is, you're drunk! What did you drink? Blue Lagoon?”


“What are you doing in here, huh?! Aren’t you having fun with Gain?” my mind was completely in a mess so I just said the truth.


I kept trying to get out from his hand by scratching his skin and finally he let go of me because of feeling hurt. I stumbled on the dark road and being pulled again by him.


“You feel hurt, right?! Right?! You didn’t know how much this heart ached every time I see the two of you laughing, smiling, doing a skinship or anything!!!” I said before he able to talk. Tears flowed down from my puffy eyes because of, 1) Crying too much and 2) Lack of sleep.


“I know what you meant by hurt,” my eyes lidded up to look at him; confusion clearly drawn in my eyes. Not in a second, I was enveloped in his warm hug. “Seeing you laughing with other boy, smiling sweetly toward them, doing skinship with them… That makes me hurt.” his breath touching my ears and it tickled me a bit.


“What are you talking about?” I nearly choked out in my own tears.


“All of this time, my heart belongs to-“ I passed out in his hug before hearing him finishing his words.


~ * ~


*Sera’s POV*

I could hear the chirped sound of the birds, the warm temperature and fluffy bed? Am I in heaven now? I opened my eyes slowly, squinting it at first to adjust the light. My room? And suddenly a sting attacked my head. Gosh! Hangover! I massaged my temples while looking to the white ceiling on top of me.


Feeling the hangover was gone, I stood up into a sitting position and stretched my body. How could I end up in my own room? The question kept repeating inside my mind and the sound of an opened door woke me up.




“Hangover gone already?”


My eyes followed him who brought a glass of milk. “Erm… Yeah?” it ended up like a question.


“Here drink this. Warm milk good for hangover.”


“I never heard about that,” I took the glass and drank it.


“Woah, slow down, baby,” I chocked when hearing the word ‘baby’.




“What, what?”


“That you said awhile ago.”


“Slow down?”


“After that!”




“Yeah! What’s with that ‘baby’ thingy?”


He sighed. “It’s your fault to pass out while I’m still talking last night.”


I tried so hard to remember what he said but I couldn’t remember it. He seemed to know me thinking so hard from my expression, so finally he spoke, “My heart belongs to you.” my eyeballs came out from its sockets.


“What?!” I asked in disbelief.


“My heart belongs to you, you are the one who have my heart.”


“Are you trying to teach my biology or what? I don’t take biology major, sorry,” I joked. Actually I knew what he meant.


“Don’t acted like a babo! Just- Argh!” I tilted my head seeing his weird action. Silence passed us and when I was about to open my mouth, he stopped it by landed his lips on mine.


I was so surprised! Well, who wouldn’t be surprise when someone kissed you out of the blue? After taking a deep breath, I responded his kiss and we stood like that until we heard a LOUD cough.


“I thought you call us because Sera was sick or what. Well it’s true you are sick too, HyunSeung. Not only Sera,” there, at the wide-opened door, I found Gain and the other crew seeing the two of us kissing with serious expression.




“LOVESICK!” they shouted in unison and laughed crazily. “Kim Sera~ Why are you so innocent? Me and HyunSeung are not dating! All of it is a fake!” couldn’t hold it anymore, he burst out laughing too joining the others. I sent him a death-laser-glare.


“We did this because you act so slow… If you didn’t confess to him quickly, your prince charming HyunSeung will be taken by another girl, sweety,” Gain pinched my cheek.


“NAM GAIN! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO PLAN THIS, RIGHT?” she laughed while I smacked her with my pillow.


“Yah, yah! I’m just helping! If it’s not because of me, you won’t be dating HyunSeung now.”


“Who said I say yes to his confession?” and the guys stopped laughing.


“I’m not fall in love with him anymore,” I said in serious tone. The guys started to whispering and he stared me didn’t belief by what I just said. “HAHAHA! GOT YA! I’m not fall in love with “him” but I fall in love with our dearest dance group founder,” I quickly kissed his cheek.


He smacked me with a pillow and whispered to me, “I’ll make you pay by a kiss later!”


~ * ~



OVER! Did you guys enjoy it? ;D

I hope so... Sera being tricked by her friend, LMAO.

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@ParkJunRyu: kkk <3
So sweet~
@xxxKissTheAngelxxx: weee! thank you :D hahaha okay! i'll add you back ;)
This is really sweet, makes me miss my other half :/ but anyway it's lovely. I'll definitely be checking out more of your stories :) also gonna add you as a friend because I don't want to lose your page :D
@leslie_93: talking about you? o.o ofc no... this is just my imagination, haha. maybe it's just a coincidence
@MissSecret: love can do anything to us, lol. from fooling us until making us blind with it.
Ahaha good plot! XD<br />
I need a friend like that to show me when is too late or to soon! xD<br />
Haha is soo cute that they actually trick each other hehe~~ <br />
What can love do with us? ^W^
@redocean-: awww jeongmal gomawoyo!
This story is reallyyyyy cute :'3