
Anger, The Monster Inside You.



As you can see, the oneshot is no longer here. That's because I hid it. I have a reason why, though. I think that my oneshot idea would've fit better as a chaptered story, because some people were asking for updates, and what the story behind Chanyeol's anger is. So, that's what I will be doing. I still have the oneshot saved, but you can't see it. People who have already read the oneshot, please don't go around spoiling it for other people, for I might leave the story as it is, then, if that occurs. Thank you.

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(01.08.13) It's a bit late, but I fixed the mistakes, and put up the poster. Comment, Upvote, or Subscribe for more.


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ILoveKai4Ever #1
Chapter 2: This was really good1 nicely written author nim!
Em_zzi #2
I know you have wanted so long for this comment.
What did Sehun do to you?!
sujulove48 #3
Chapter 1: that was sad...
very nice fic.
OMG! This was insane! Nicely written! Very nice! T-T
Shinee_fangirl #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^