
Bittersweet Kiss

He's sick. And it worried me. His body became a thinner I can see his collarbone clearly. His long beautiful hips became smaller than before. His face look pale. Well, to be honest, he look more beautiful. But now I can't even see his cute eyes turned into a beautiful cresent. That incident seemed effecting him much. He got stressed a lot and he lose his appetite. I got worried everytime I left him in the dorm without no one watch over him. Had he eat? Had he took his medicines? And I always praying didn't found him laying like a dead on the bed when I got home.


I went home early today. I opened the door and stepped into the dorm. No one's here. Where is he? I looked around the house and found him in the kitchen. An oversized tshirt wrapped around his slim body covering half of his milky thighs. I stared at his beautiful back (even his back is beautiful:3) as I leant at the door frame. I looked at his beautiful hand held the spatula, cooking something maybe. I looked at him again, observing him from head to toe. He looked really...y on that shirt. I chuckled lightly.




"Yah, isn't that my shirt?" He turned his face. Two strong arms wrapped around his slim waist. "Ah, mian hyunnie, I don't feel comfortable with my pajama, then I found your shirt in the laundry and use it." "It's okay, you looked good with it anyway," Then the younger peck his dry lips.


"Did you drink a lot water today?" He stunned and shook his head lightly. Woohyun looked at the wall clock then turned off the stove and sat the latter on the counter. He took a glass of water and took some medicines out from the box in the cupboard. He offered the medicines and the glass to the latter ordering him to drank it. "It should be your time to drink medicine right?" He asked, earning a pout from the older. "It's bitter, I don't like it." Woohyun sighed. Again, his boyfriend refusing to eat the medicines.

For god's shake, it's the nth time he refused to drank the medicine and he won't get any better if he didn't drink it. "Are you trying to kill me Kim Sunggyu? You got thinner and got sick, but you're not even touch your food or drink your medicine, what do you want then?" He looked at the latter.




Sunggyu always been like this. Just, no one knew about it except his fellow members. Even their manager didn't know it. Kim Sunggyu, the leader who always looked strong and tried to be manly but end up looked clumsy will turned to be a weak and fragile in real, making people want to protect him, especially Woohyun. And while Nam Woohyun, who always looked happy and act like a kid at times is actually a mature man, who will always there beside Sunggyua dn protect him no matter what.


Sunggyu stared at the floor as if it's more handsome than the man infront of him. "Yah, answer me gyu, what do you want?" He shook his head, afraid because of the younger. He knew his boyfriend start to get pissed off. Woohyun lifted his chin to show at his beautiful face. "Gyu you need to understand, in what kind of mood you are, you're in sick gyu, you worried me a lot," Sunggyu nodded undestand how the younger feels, still the taste of medicine killing him. He better sick for the whole week than eating those drugs. The younger sighed in desperate. "Now drink your medicine then eat, I'm gonna cook something for youu first," Woohyun placed the medicine on his small hand.


He stared at the thing on his hand. Woohyun realize his boyfriend not even move a bit to drink the drugs. "What again gyu?" He stucked out his lower lips cutely. "I hate medicine, you know that right?" Once again the younger sighed. "Yeah I know, but you have to," Sunggyu shook his head and put the medicine on the counter next to him. "No," the younger massage his forehead. His boyfriend now started to got on his nerves.


"Gyu I-"


"No I'm not gonna!" Woohyun pinned him on the counter as he tried to got off from the counter. "You're not going anywhere until you drink it," Woohyun threw a glare on him. He gulped. "N-No I'm not gonna, I dislike it," He sighed for the nth time. He couldn't understand why did his boyfriend could be this childish? He's not like this before, is this because of he's sick and everyone was busy so no one could accompany him at dorm? yeah Maybe he wanted his attention.


"Gyu listen, I'm will make you sit here all day untill you drink it, so please don't be stubborn, I'm serious," Sunggyu shook his head. "No! I don't want to," Woohyun let out a scary groan making the older frightened and stared at the cute dangerously. "Do you think this is fun?"


He talked as if he's being teased enough. Woohyun took the medicine next to Sunggyu. He put the medicine into his mouth. The cute hamster startled at what his boyfriend did. He's not trying to drink the drugs for him right? Before he could know, the younger attach their lips together.




Sunggyu was shock by the act. He stunned for a while by the kiss, it taste bitter caused by the drugs but it turned sweet, maybe because of the kiss? And he slowly melt onto it. He wrapped his arms around the younger's neck, but not letting the younger to slide his wet muscle into his hot cavern. Woohyun realized his boyfriend not letting him in.


His left arm start to circled around his tiny waist while the other arm tried to found his weak spot. He slid his hand onto his shirt and start touching his inner thighs, teasing him. Sunggyu gasped as Woohyun's hand start touching his inner thighs. Now he regret why did he used his boyfriend's shirt in the first place anyway? More than that, he forget to used short pants in it.


Woohyun started to teasing him more by start to his inner thighs. Sunggyu couldn't help it but moan by the action. And Woohyun used the chance to transfered the drugs he held in his mouth to Sunggyu and forced his to drank the medicine. And finally Sunggyu did drink the medicine.


But it's not over yet. Sunggyu hot moan turning him on. His high-pitched voice sounded beautiful in his ears. He then started to kiss him hard and their kiss turned to sloppy and full of lust. Not enough by the kiss Woohyun started his neck then down to collarbone not forget his hand travelled his slim milky thigh to his teasing the older. Sunggyu was now mess on the counter.


"Woo-..Ahnn..Na, ahhnn, no we shouldn't..." Woohyun looked at the older. "Why? Isn't this what you want?" He smirked at the elder. "B-But I'm sick, we shouldn't-"


"Yah, what are you doing here?"


The couple turned their head to the voice. "Hyung,.." Their manager stared at them curiously. "What both of you doing here?" Sunggyu glared at Woohyun blaming him for what he did. "No, just sunggyu hyung trying to get something then he climbed up, I saw him so I'm trying to help him here," He smiled slightly. "Oh, sunggyu your sick, better to rest so you could get healthy faster, don't forget we gonna start preparing the comeback soon," Sunggyu just nodded.


He looked at Woohyun then smack his right arm. "You bastard, I told you not to do it, now my headache got worse," the younger just grinning at him. "So why don't you reject me instead of kissing me back?" "I-It's...yah, carry me to my room. my head start hurting again," Woohyun chuckled and got a harder smack from the latter. "The kiss is bitter ya know," The main vocal just  chuckled by the act. "J-Just carry me to my room!"


"Before, you're so cute and childish, now you nag me like a grandpa?" He teased and earned another smack from the latter. "Yah, stop that." "Hahaha, okay sorry babe," He kissed the tip of his nose making the other blushed hard. "I love you," he confessed. "Yah, stop being cheesy already!"


"I'm not being cheesy princess," Then carried the older in bridal style to his room. And for the nth time Kim Sunggyu blushing hard because of Nam Woohyun.


Well, at least Kim Sunggyu slowly back to the old clumsy grandpa Kim Sunggyu. Thanks to Nam Woohyun.


WHAT IS I'M WRITTING-___________- this thing totally absurd>< RIP MA GRAMMAR T^T

keke, I hope u like it. don't forget to comment too, ur comments might b helpful^^

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Chapter 1: I really enjoy this story full of cuteness
Chapter 1: Sweetness overload
Chapter 1: Hahahaha I just... haha don't know what to say. I can't imagine sunggyu being this cute while woohyun being so mature. But, I like it~ Woogyu just too cute honestly :D
Chapter 1: awwwwwwww.... I love Woogyu when Gyu is so cute and "innocent" and Nam is overprotective with him.
ananano #5
Chapter 1: bitterswet kiss. awwwwww....
Chapter 1: i need an update authornim T^T
Chapter 1: Awww,so cute!Manager ajushi,why did you come???You ruined their precious moment!