

Here goes my first time writing TaoRis, or just Exo in general! I hope you enjoy!!



Kris has never been a big fan of wintertime. In Korea, it snows. In China, it snows. In Canada, you’d be lucky if your house wasn’t buried in snow.


As leader, he’s not one to openly and whine his problems to any and every available ear, but, he is only human. And humans did complain. Kris just might’ve been better at holding those kinds of things in than others.


If you asked why, if you were one of the few who asked, Kris would go on and on with a long lecture on how he is something of a physical exception when pertaining to Orientals and their common anatomy; how he in his own specific bloodline stands out greatly when they all find a moment to gather together. Literally. Bottom of the line is: Kris is tall. Koreans are often indicated to be tall amongst other variations of Asians, Chanyeol and most with the last name of ‘Choi’ being fine examples. But Kris even has the advantage over Chanyeol with his height. So that must be something.


And he’s a slim one, too. Sinewy limbs and a pliant body. Legs for days, as he’d once been told by an eager fan. A long face that rounds at a narrow chin and a thin column of a neck.


So that’s why he favors almost any other season over winter. Because his wiry body doesn’t retain as much heat as he’d really prefer to feel comfortable. Nor can it preserve much warmth for any prolonged period of time. It’s feels like Hell for him, only it’s the opposite. As opposed to fiery red flames that and flicker across your skin with intent to burn and searing heat, it’s an icy death chamber that takes you from the inside out, tingling along your body as it seeps to your core, leaves you shivering, numb, and frigid to the bone.


He also hates how dry everything is so he has to take extra measures to keep his skin fair.


On the plus side, there are less bugs.


It’s safe to say that Yi Fan’s immune system is not at its best during the months that make up winter. He’s begrudgingly more susceptible to catching the interests of multiple illnesses than he’d like to admit.


But no matter what time of the year it is, he knows he’ll always have Tao’s attention. Huang Zitao, who becomes extra attentive to his beloved leader during winter. Who tries to tend to Kris’s every need and call on a daily basis. It’s touching, really it is. It makes Kris’s heart flutter, but he’s the man in this relationship so he tries his damned best to act like it. Not that there’s anything wrong with men who show emotions.


Tao was definitely built. There was no denying his firm, lean muscles from wushu training. He was just the slightest bit wider than Kris, but their height was anything but equal, with Kris towering over his maknae. But considering the ratio of Tao’s height to his width and Kris’s height to his own width, the younger was easily more able to stay nice and toasty.



During Exo’s first winter as a group, all twelve of them had decided to go out together. To try and bond and become more like one group than two sub units of the same group. It was a decision made on sudden impulses. With little to no regards for the experiences learned from the few years they all spent training together, meaning Kris’s low tolerance for even lower temperatures was innocently forgotten.


All of Exo-M had readied themselves as they saw fit for going out in such chilling weather. Each with some sort of headwear, at least two layers worth on their top halves, long, thick pants for their lower halves, some sort of sturdy footwear, gloves, and some extras if necessary.


Kris would be outright lying if he said his jaw didn’t drop when he saw the Exo-K crew, or more specifically, Chanyeol. He had expected that the rapper, whose form so much resembled Kris’s own, would have similar if not the same problems as he himself had.


But he was proven wrong when the deep-voiced lad had strode up to them, a wide grin on. Barely bothered by the frosty temperatures. Whereas as Kris, even with his long sleeved undershirt (sleeves that ended right before his knuckles) under a fitted cotton pullover under a wool and leather jacket, insulated pants over leggings, feet covered by thick fleece socks and boots heavy with hide, earmuffs beneath a panda beanie (courtesy of one generous Huang Zitao) that had pulled to stop just after his eyebrows, bulky yarn scarf that covered his chin and mouth, and gloves could already feel the icy sting nipping at him.


He was struck with a tinge of jealously that grew as he shivered through his clothes and Chanyeol was without a care. Though the feeling died when he realized how childish he was being.


It had been torture for him, to say the least. But still Kris found it in himself to smile and laugh, so as to not be a bummer on their special day. And Tao had tried to offer up his own warmth by keeping his boyfriend at arm’s length, if not closer; hugging the taller one around his middle and holding tight to his hands.


But despite their efforts, Kris had ended his day feeling terribly weary, even after his hot bubble bath and Tao’s lavishing massage that followed. And the very next day he woke feeling especially drained; breathing with difficulty, throat itching with coughs, and a spiking fever.


He had caught bronchitis.



Tao notices that Kris is more vulnerable during winter. Kris wakes up later, near the midday – when the sun is out – and he slips his feet in fuzzy slippers to keep from enduring the wrath of freezing tile floors.


He trudges to the bathroom, eyelids sleep-heavy, feet shuffling. And he’s glad to wake at such an hour. Everybody else has already showered so that leaves all the hot water to him, just because he needs it most.


When he’s done, all squeaky clean, steam follows behind him as he exits the bathroom. Tao sits at the edge of his bed, having been called by the sounding spray of the showerhead.


The younger waves at him eagerly, eyes wide and lips pulled into a feline-esque smile. But Kris can only return the gesture stiffly, hand barely moving and lips barely upturned, pulling his bathrobe tighter around his body. His teeth clack but he chooses to ignore it as he rummages his closet for clothes.


He pulls out whatever long-sleeved top he can find first, quickly pulling it over his torso so he can be more comfortable as he continues to dig through for any better available options.


Once happily bundled, he joins Tao on his mattress. Tao reaches for his hands, lacing his warm fingers with cold, elegant ones. Kris leans in to place a kiss on Tao’s cheek, just at the corner of his mouth.






It’s always relaxed interactions between them. Gentle smiles, pure love.


They spend their day attached at the hip (what’s new?) trying to avoid outdoor activities at all costs. Still their attempts are more often than not fruitless. Usually resulting in Kris catching some sort of illness. Mostly bronchitis. Okay, it’s always been bronchitis.


The day ends with Kris falling asleep huddled in how many duvets and blankets, at least three layers worth of clothes, and a feverish body.


When Kris is ill, Xiumin and Luhan, as the two eldest, fret over Yi Fan like a mother would her child. At ungodly hours of the morning, they check up on him, gently shaking Kris to consciousness, worry on their faces as they press hands to his forehead. ‘Are you alright?’, ‘Does anything hurt?’, ‘Let me take your temperature.’ The leader simply grumbles in protest. Turning away to lie on his side.


His ears catch Luhan’s mumbling. ‘If you wanna be difficult, Fan, you and I both know that the thermometer can go in places other than your mouth.’ It’s enough to have him shooting up, frantic, eyes begging. The two eldest laugh and when Kris opens his mouth to protest, they jam the stick into his orifice. Not enough to risk choking him but just enough to keep it in.


Any sort of physical exertion on his body (sports, running, dance practice, etc…) is highly prohibited, and the couple doesn’t try to find any way around such a rule, because – as small and cute and innocent as they look – Luhan and Xiumin hit like nothing else.


Tao tries his best to keep up with his hyungs. He enters Kris’s room, trying to balance a very full glass of water and the small containers of medicinal pills in his hands. Taking slow steps, the younger is careful to place them at the bedside table.


“Here you go!” his voice is enthusiastic and eager. “You gotta take medicine to get better!” He steps back to gesture at his bearings, arms outstretched in their direction.


Kris almost feels guilty. Scratch that. He does feel guilty. He feels guilty because his boyfriend obviously cared so much about him and his wellbeing. Kris can’t bring himself to offer any sort of response. Only looking away.


“Ge?” Tao asks, voice softer, tinged with worry.


In response, Yi Fan just shakes his head, eyes still pointedly not facing him, heart aching.


“Are you okay?” comes the same voice, even quieter.


He nods. Once. Stiffly.


Tao slowly moves to sit beside Kris, the mattress barely dipping with his weight. “Then what’s wrong?”


The leader takes a deep breath, as good as he can manage with his current conditions. He opens his mouth to speak, Tao ready to catch every word.




As rushed and jumbled as it had come out, Tao had indeed heard each syllable.


The younger’s head just falls, downcast.


He sighs, it sounds heavy to both of their ears.


“I just wanna be a good boyfriend!” he whines, flopping onto Kris, head on the taller male’s shoulder.


Kris wraps an arm around his shoulder, rubbing his hand in a soothing manner. “No, no. Tao, you’re a great boyfriend.”


“Then why can’t I help you get better?” Tao wails.


“You are!” Kris adds quickly. “The only reason I take the pills from Luhan and  Xiumin is so I won’t have to bother you! You’re so good to me already!”


“No I’m nooooooooooooooot,” comes the sulking response. “I’m not even fast enough to bring you your medicine on time!!!”


“W-well, Xiumin and Luhan are just really, really, really motherly. You know how they get,” Kris insists, a bit flustered.


“But, I’m your boyfriend! Why don’t I care about you enough!??”


“You do. You care about me enough. I love you, Zitao. I love you and I wouldn’t want anybody else.”


With watery eyes, Tao looks up. “Really? Do you mean that?”


Kris nods once, the quick action leaving him with the beginnings of a headache. “Of course. I love you.”


“I love you, too!” Tao exclaims, suddenly ecstatic, leaping onto Kris, the older boy toppling over onto the bed. Suddenly eager, Zitao places quick kisses all over his leader’s face. Laughing innocently as his legs straddle Kris’s hips, Tao pulls away. A blush blooms over his cheeks as he acknowledges their intimate position. And maybe Kris’s too, but that could always just be the fever again.


They were no s, that was for sure, but such intimacy always made Tao’s breath catch. He exhales through his nose, rolling off his leader and trying to brush it off with a shy shrug. Kris lets him, possibly too tired or just out of simple understanding.


Kris is a little more open to acts of affection between the two of them when winter rolls around. He finds himself simply less resistant to the eager touches of his lover, in whatever form they may come in. Little kisses littered along his face and neck, hands on his or grabbing at/around his waist, a warm body pressed against him. Anything had goose bumps rising on his skin and heat flooding through him.


He lets himself get held more often rather than Kris himself doing the holding. Lets Tao spoon him as much as their height difference will allow. On some days, Zitao’s even in full control. When the mood’s just right, Kris – much too tired – gives Tao all the power. Tao sets the pace and it’s perfect how well their dynamics work together. LuHan and Xiumin luckily let these kinds of things slide. (This means working hard to keep those two from finding out.)


Then they snuggle under the blanket, heavily lidded eyes and loopy smiles until sleep pulls them under.


Of course, with all the time they spend together, it’s no surprise that Ill-Kris is almost immediately followed by Ill-Tao.


And this Tao whines and gripes and complains like he’s nearing his last days on earth. Like he’s about to die. He grouses about how cold he feels and how his muscles ache and how runny his nose and how sore his throat is. Though it probably wouldn’t hurt as much if he didn’t talk as much, but… what can you do? Of course, this comes with ‘uwah, my voice sounds so weird and gross and ugh!’ His sinuses are clogged up but if he could just stop talking for one second-


But Kris is faithful by his side – even as cold and uncomfortable as he is – only ever leaving to fetch water or food or whatever it is that Tao cries for. As long as it’s reasonable. And medicine may be something that the younger detests, but he needs it to get better and Kris has one heck of a way with persuading his lover. Even Xiumin and Luhan aren’t that good with Zitao.


When Tao’s satisfied, they both just lay under all the blankets they can get a hold of, arranging the sheets into a blanket fort, comforted solely by the other’s presence. Like a weight’s been lifted off their shoulders. As if the rest of the world outside their small sanctuary doesn’t exist. Everything and anything revolving only around them and nothing else.


So, in conclusion, Kris hates winter because he always gets too cold. But Tao is always gonna try to be there for him best he can. And that’s enough to make those three months bearable.



Thank you for reading!! Comments and criticisms are very much welcome!!!


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arianapetrova #1
Chapter 1: A big awwwwwwwwww fror this story, so cute
westkitsune #2
Chapter 1: I just wanna squish your Zitao because whiny Tao is utterly cute and adorable! And cuddling yes ;; here it never snows, always hot, so I can't really relate much to the feeling, but I can imagine the cold must be unbearable during winters and I'm glad they have each other through that *w*
serenabliss #3
Seems interesting