Passion Fruit, I mean!

It's All About Passion


The moment he saw the store across the street he knew it was going to be his favorite, at least for a while, until his friends start to about his weird obsession with frozen yogurt and how he really shouldn’t have to travel all across town to some weird store just for it.

However, the outside of the building looked inviting enough with the cute, colorful potted flowers just inches away from the door, it was like a pathway to paradise, just for him, and it made him speed up his pace.

Even though there was noise everywhere, cars that honked at him as he ran past them completely ignoring the signal lights, the white clear huge windows displaying all kind of awful drawings of fruits and trees and other things he just couldn’t name no matter how hard he tried, it all called to him.

He looked up at the sign above him stuck in the orange colored roof it simply read “Bambi”. It was soft and cute and Sehun just smiled to himself before he pulled open the door.



“Is it my imagination or most of our samples have disappeared rather quickly in the last few days?”

Kris took a sip of his iced coffee as he wandered closer to his friend. “What?”

Luhan adjusted his black framed glasses, his finger trailing over the page of the report book he had been reading. “Yes. It’s weird.” He raised an eyebrow at Kris and the other just rolled his eyes.

“My thing is coffee not yogurt. At least until you make something yogurty that tastes a bit more like coffee, I won’t be stealing all your samples. Sorry.”

Luhan laughed softly and looked back down reading over the statistics of the past days. It’s true they had sold more than usual too, but it was odd how most of their samples are been gone too. “Well, I guess it’s less work for me and the other employees. Less yucky stuff to clean.” He grinned. “I guess your y drawings didn’t really scare out customers too like I thought they would. Thanks!”

Kris just grinned back at him, looking so smug as he stood all tall and proud in front of the counter Luhan couldn’t help but laugh.

“It was my Picasso skills that brought you customers. You should be paying me for my amazing graphics skills actually.”

“Keep dreaming!”


Sulli looked up from her magazine as she heard the bell over the entrance sound all over the place. She brushed her pink hair from her eyes and then smiled brightly as her favorite customer walked across the store over to her.


“Good morning, Sulli!”

The other boy leaned a bit over the counter to greet her but she could see how excited he was.

“Do you want any recommendations for today? We have one new amazing chocolate flavor today!”

Sehun just nodded his head repeatedly, his tongue his lips in a way that Sulli thought it was a bit too erted, but she knew how much the other boy loved yogurt. It had been a bit weird at first. They had a few regulars, sure, but no one that came back every single day.

“It’s a mix of dark chocolate with real almonds and a hint of coffee. Let me tell you it’s the most delicious thing ever! And I know how much you like chocolate and coffee, right? You are always complaining how we don’t have a lot of coffee flavors. Hehehe”

“Yes! I have been waiting for you to finally add something like this, Sulli! I knew there was a reason you were my favorite here!”

Sulli just giggled behind her hand. “Stop you! You know I’m not really the one adding the new flavors! Ahhh but Amber will be so jealous when I tell her about you saying I’m your favorite! She is always bragging about how you like her the best!”


The next day, Sehun came at a different time than usual. He usually liked to go to the yogurt store later in the day, mostly because he knew both Sulli and Amber only had afternoon shifts. He felt comfortable with them. They were friendly and always let him get away with the samples.

He really liked it when Sulli recommended him any new flavors or told him about a flavor that she liked and that he just had to try, she was nice without being too annoying. Letting him taste all he wanted before he decided what to buy.

Amber was the same, even though he always felt a bit flustered when she would grabbed his hand and pull him towards a yummy sample, saying he just had to try it. She was a chatterbox too, but usually she had cool stories to tell about her older brothers and her friends from college. She treated Sehun as if he was someone she had known for a while even though it hadn’t really been two weeks since he first came across their little tasty shop.

 So to say he was more nervous than usual was an understatement. He paused by the door, peeking inside for a moment as the bell above the door chimed over his head.

After a few minutes of no reaction, he took a few steps inside, wincing when he door behind him closed a little too loudly. It was all quiet and silent. He looked over at the counter and didn’t really see anyone there. No Sulli. No Amber. He wondered for a minute if the store was closed. It was 10AM but maybe they had a weird time schedule or something that he didn’t know about?

A very shiny poster caught his attention thought just when he was thinking about going and coming back later.

“New flavor. Blackberry passion fruit tart. Oh that sounds interesting. I never had anything with passion fruits…. I really want it…” He pouted and looked around again looking for someone.

“Hello?” When no one replied back after a few more moments of Sehun, struggled and walked towards the display for the new yogurt.

“Well it’s a store. If they didn’t want people inside, they should have locked the door.” He mumbled to himself as he got closer to his destination. Wide eyes took in the tasty treat in front of him. It had a gorgeous, very yummy, yellow sunny color that he really wanted to taste. 

“It would be disrespectful to leave such a tasty thing here without anyone trying it…” He mumbled to himself again while taking a spoon from the little tray next to the sample cups. He looked around quickly with wide eyes before dipping his spoon in the frozen yogurt and then raising it to his mouth.

“Ohhhh…” He moaned softly around the spoon still stuck in his mouth as the delicious taste invaded his senses. It was the most delicious thing he had tasted all week. Still not as good as the Almond midnight mocha flavor Sulli had told him to try a few days before, and definitely not as good as the Black forest cake Amber had forced him into buying the few times he had been in the store. Even though he didn’t even like chocolate all that much, it seems all the chocolate flavors in this store were addictive. He couldn’t help himself from always looking for new ones now… but this! This was… almost sinful and it was also heaven. It was… ic!

“Do you need me to direct you to the bathroom? Or outside?”

Sehun jumped slightly at the sudden voice reaching his ears. Blushing bright red he turned a bit and looked over his shoulder at the counter. His eyes gazed in wonder at the most beautiful person he had seen in his life. Blond ash hair falling over dark, coffee colored eyes with a cute, but handsome face. The awkward smile that had first being in his face, slowly growing into a kind, sweet and almost definitely amused smirk the longer Sehun stared back at him.

Well, Sehun could also definitely say, he looked just as tasty as every flavor in the store too. His eyes couldn’t help but trail over him a few more times, his heart skipping so many beats until the other finally broke the spell by coughing loudly into his hand.

“Are you the one stealing all our samples?”

Sehun turned around quickly and looked down at the yogurt cup still in his hand. Considering that and the spoon also still stuck in his mouth. He couldn’t exactly deny what the other was saying. But it wasn’t as if he didn’t plan on buying something, right? Blushing harder than ever before in his life, Sehun tried to think about what to say, but it was as if he had momentarily forgotten how to talk. His mind was running with all kind of excuses, most of them weird and lame, but his voice just wouldn’t come out.

He knew he should say something though. If only because he wanted to come back. And it would be really embarrassing if he was banned from his favorite shop just because he couldn’t bring himself to say he was just trying something before buying, right? It was stupid!

“Is it that good?” The voice this time came from just behind him and with his face just as red as the strawberries badly drawn in the sign for Strawberry lemonade sorbet. He signed and slowly turned back around to face, nodding shyly at the other.

The smile that he got in return would have made him blush even harder if it was possible, but instead he could just stare back in surprise.

“I really like this one too. It’s really yummy, right? I never liked passion fruit much, but this one came out perfect. What’s your name anyway? Or should I just call you sample stealer?”


“Well, Sehun… I’m Luhan, the owner of this store.” The younger gazed at the other with wide eyes, suddenly finding it harder than ever to swallow. It didn’t matter how he could still taste the sweetness of the Blackberry passion fruit tart and how badly he wanted to reach for the spoon for another taste.

His heart was racing, so fast he felt it just might stop any moment now and if that didn’t kill him, the way Luhan was looking at him, well that just might do it too.

He couldn’t exactly see any anger or even annoyance in Luhan’s face. He was just smiling kindly at him, it was such a cute and sweet smile that Sehun felt like getting on his knees and begging for mercy.


“So Sehun.. We got a few other new flavors today actually. How do you feel about chocolate and coffee?”

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Chapter 1: <3 please write a sequel~
Chapter 1: I love it! <3
Chapter 1: Aww! This is really cute and creative. I liked it.
Hope you could do a sequel.