
So I finally posted XD haha after a day?

I hope it came quick, and that you waited well.

So I hope it'll be good and all.

Please enjoy!!! OuO



~Sehun’s POV~


A sigh left my lips as I smacked my head on the desk.

I was bored, the lesson was boring and if the bell rang, I could cry from joy.

I felt someone staring at me, but I didn’t need to look up to see who it was.

“You know, as your caring, handsome and y best friend, I wonder why you don’t bother getting a life.”

I sighed.

“As your best friend, I wonder how you’re even caring.”

“Nonsense, I’m probably the most caring being you know of.”

“You pushed me off a freakking tree just so the branch won’t break and you won’t fall.”

“That’s the past, I’m a changed man.”

“It just took place last week. I have the STILL STINGING scar to prove it.”

“Shut up, a week is long, you’re probably just exaggerating.”

“You just complained about how long a week was yesterday.”

“… Stop reminding me of everything I forgot and be a good boy by taking notes or something.”

“Excuse me, look who’s the one staring into space thinking about who knows what.”

“Shhh my brain is aching from just hearing your voice.”

“You have a brain? Wow that’s new.”

“… I hate you Oh Sehun.”

“Love you too Jongin.”


I woke up from the screeching of the bell and the screaming of the class.

I groaned as I watched everyone leave the classroom.

No, I’m not one to just fly out of the classroom when I hear the bell.

Why bother? I’m staying in one of the rooms here anyway.

My parents are always overseas so yeah, I chose to stay here, besides it’s easier for me.

I stretched as I scanned the group of people squeezing out of the classroom.

It was then I caught sight of new faces, 6 to be exactly, leaving.

I frowned before turning to a surprisingly awake and packing Jongin.

This sloth here usually doesn’t wake up until another 15 minutes.

“Hey, what did I miss?”

Jongin turned to me and shrugged.

“Nothing much actually, Park Ball- I mean Mr Park just feel down while running after his flying papers and ended up rolling out of the classroom, oh god just thinking about it makes me want to laugh all over again. You should have been awake, he practically looked like a rolling globe. Oh I took a video of him rolling down the corridor, wanna watch?”

I gave him a blank stare, he just got me speechless.

I have to admit, that was sadistic and mean, but that’s Jongin to you.

“You are one heartless , show it to me later, what I really meant was the newbies, who are they?”

“Oh that, they’re transfer students, they’re cute, I have to admit.”

I nodded before frowning.

“How did you survive staying up through class by the way?”

“Well one of the transfer students is really cute.”

“And you stared at him all the way through?”

I got a scoff in reply.

“Well duh, you don’t expect me to just let it go, besides he’s way better to look than words.”

I nodded and got up, slinging my bag over my shoulder before heading out.

“True. But I thought you were dumb.”

It didn’t take long before Jongin caught up by my side, a stupid grin on his face.

“Well you thought wrong honey.”


“You need someone.”

“Trying to handle you alone is already taking up all my energy, I’m perfectly fine.”

I slumped on my bed and heard Jongin do the same.

Yes, that heartless sloth is my roommate, explains a lot.

“Pft as if, I mean look at you, I rarely see you smile.”

“And I rarely see you keeping your eyes away from people.”

“It’s a habit hard to kick.”

“Well so is mine.”

“How is yours a habit?”

“It requires a lot of strength.”

“You make no sense.”

“Since when did you know sense.”

“Define sense.”

“Something Kim Jongin doesn’t have .”

Before I knew it, a pillow had hit me square on the face.

It was then a horrendous laughter echoed through the room.

Stupid sloth.


The next thing that happened was that a mathematics book was sent flying across the room.

If I had anything else thicker, I would have gladly used it.


The next morning, I got up much earlier than before, so I decided to head down for breakfast.

Without Jongin of course.

What? No I’m not a bad friend, it’s just that that pathetic sloth won’t even react if you threw him out of the window.

I tried slapping him once, I ended up getting a bloody nose.

I would NEVER wake him up again.

I opened the door and headed out, only to collide into someone.

I looked up upon hearing a series of apologies.

I couldn’t recognize him, but I remembered seeing him leaving the class after school the day before.

Brown hair, slim, quite tall, innocent looking.

Ah, must be a one of those transfer students.

I shook my head, telling him it was ok.

I have to admit, he was cute, but no, I’m not one to fall in love.

Love is dumb, dumber than Jongin, please; I hope I have exaggerated it enough.

He smiled at me, but I couldn’t bring myself to smile back.

No I’m not one of those ‘I’m an emotional boy who doesn’t smile and I find blood really interesting’.

I’m more of ‘Smiling only causes things to turn bad, like love’.

No, I’m don’t hate love, I’m just not into it, YET.

I’m just waiting for the right time.

Really old fashioned but please, I don’t like drama.

I saw his smile fade before he took off.

I watched as he scurried away.

That’s weird, did I do something wrong?

I shrugged before making my way down to the cafeteria.

Once there, I scanned around.

It wasn’t exactly crowded, at most only 5-7 people I guess.

I bought myself toast and *coughs*bubbletea*coughs* before settling down.

I pulled out my phone before browsing through my social accounts.

I felt someone staring, so I shifted my gaze from my phone to the source of the stare, only to lock eyes with the same guy from before.

I blinked and he did the same.

A smile slowly brought itself to his face.

I continued staring, clueless as to what to do.

Once again, his smile fades and I swore I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink before he hid it by looking down at his food.

I frowned, confused, before shrugging and going back to my phone.

That’s weird.


I sighed as I leaned back in my seat.

It was Monday again and it has been a week since the transfer students arrived.

They stayed in three rooms on the same level as mine but I still didn’t get their names.

I know I know I’m being lazy but it’s hard ok.

I stared blankly at the board, tapping my pencil against the top of the desk.

I slowly scanned around the classroom, eyeing the different things they were doing.

The sloth next to me was dozing his head off, claiming that he didn’t have enough sleep (which is pretty dumb considering the fact that he overslept this morning and even slept 2 hours before me the night before), there were some students scribbling on their paper and book and some were taking notes.

I frowned.

Taking notes? Now who would do that?

Taking notes require writing, and writing is just a waste of time and effort.

Just keep those notes in your mind, yeah writing it down let’s you have something to refer to but still, it’ll be useless eventually.

Whatever it is, I wouldn’t let the tip of my pen and the surface of the paper to meet.


What happens if I have class work or homework?

I simply throw my paper at Jongin’s face of course!!!

He’d understand.

Yes, I get caught in class sometimes and that’s when I just throw all out of the window and just scribble my answers messily on the worksheet.

I dislike writing that much.

I continued my scan, eyes landing on the brown-haired transfer student who so happened to coincidentally turn to my direction.

Our eyes met and I tensed.

Not this again.

Just like any other time, he smiled.

Oh no.

I didn’t know why or how, but I turned away.

It was a cold move, I know, but I had no choice.

I saw his smile fade out of the corner of my eye before he turned back around, looking very much rejected.

I sighed.

I feel bad, oh god.


School ended and I headed to my locker with Jongin tagging along side.

He was grumbling about how jealous he was when the transfer student he claimed to be cute, Kyungsoo’s his name I think, got hit on by one of their classmates.

I simply nodded to everything he said.

I turned around the corner, only to nearly bump into someone.

I looked up to see a wide eyed Kyungsoo staring back at me.

He then looked at Jongin, eyes growing wider than I can ever expect, before he ran off.

I blinked, eyeing him.

I turned to Jongin, who was staring at the spot where Kyungsoo once stood.

I snapped my fingers right at his ear, he jumped and looked around, looking as dumb as ever.

“What what???”

I rolled my eyes before strolling to my locker.

I unlocked it before swinging it open.

A piece of paper fell out.

I frowned.


I picked it up, reading the neatly written word at the center of the paper.


My frown deepened.

Smile? What kind of note is this?

I flipped it over, but there wasn’t anything else.


Jongin appeared by my side.

“Are you done? I’m surprised I finished earlier than you. Oh and someone left this biscuit packet in my locker. I have no idea what I should do with it- Hey what’s this? A note?”

I immediately crumpled the note before tossing it back in my locker.

“It’s nothing.”

Once I’m done stuffing my not-needed-at-the-moment books in the locker, I shut it before heading back to my room, with Jongin munching on his newly found biscuits on the way.


I chewed on the tip of my pencil.

It’s unhygienic I know, but I’m thinking, HARD.

I was wondering who it could be who sent that latter.

I haven’t been receiving any letter my whole life and this was a first.

OK maybe I did receive a few love letters but still, this one’s different.


I sighed before shaking it off.

What’s wrong with me?

I laid my head on the table, letting myself drift into slumber.


I was once again walking to my locker after school, with Jongin bouncing next to me, claiming how excited he was to find another packet of biscuits in his locker.

I tried hard not to smack him, I really did.

I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me as I unlocked my locker.

I didn’t know why but something thrilled me.

I sighed and took a deep breath.

Get a grip of yourself Sehun.

I nodded before swinging it open.

Just as expected, a piece of paper fell out.

I picked it up slowly.

I read the words, written in the same way, neat and orderly.

“When you smile, sun shines.”

I blinked.

Wow, cheesy.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at my own words.

I stopped when something, or more like SOMEONE, squealed in my ear.


I rolled my eyes, threw the note and books in my locker before shutting it and walking off.

I could hear Jongin munching on his biscuit.

I don’t understand how biscuits could get him this excited.

Well, that’s Jongin for you.


I tapped on my pencil impatiently, staring at the clock.

Each tick felt like an hour and I groaned.

I was waiting for school to end, yes, I’m excited about seeing a note.

I jumped in my seat, getting more impatient.

I heard a chuckle and whipped my head to the source.

It was one of the transfer students, Xiumin if I’m not wrong, looking at me.

He then nudged to the guy next to him, Tao I remember, who then glanced at me and giggled.

I saw Kyungsoo fidget slightly in his seat, as if he was uncomfortable about something.

Oh god what is this.

I frowned before slowly turning back to the front.

It was then the bell rang.

I literally jumped out of my seat, about to rush off when someone stopped me.

“Yah yah yah be a good friend and wait for me will you? Geez such an impatient girl, I’m excited too ok but you have to keep your cool you understand? It’s not like that note will grow legs and wander off into another locker if you’re late-“



I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I’m just eager.

Those notes were just… thrilling.

I didn’t know who it was and that’s what makes me curious.

Mysterious, it’s what I like.

I literally sped-walked to my locker, with Jongin trying to keep up behind, yelling at me for being impatient.

Pft please I’m not impatient.

Just excited and eager.

I finally reached my locker before swinging it open, and out flew a note.

I picked it up, early scanning the words.

“You seemed excited earlier during class, something up? Orrrr is it just this? The note? Hm? Haha, you’re really adorable aren’t you? I’m not sure if you saw me giggling at you, I guess you did? Keke.

Remember to smile, my friend told me that you scared him the other day outside your room when you didn’t smile at him. Tsktsktsk, mean.”

I couldn’t help the chuckle that left my lips when I read the note, whoever wrote this, has to be in my class, and is one of the transfer students, I’m sure of it.

I felt someone press against my back and I immediately threw the note in my locker with my books, shutting it straight after.

I felt someone peek over my shoulder.

“What was that hmm????”

I shook my head and frowned, noticing the crumbs he was leaving on my shoulder.

“Nothing, and don’t dirty my shirt you sloth.”

Jongin simply rolled his eyes, taking another bite of his biscuit.

“there was something, if not why did you chuckle? I couldn’t have made friends with a psycho could I?”

I brushed the crumbs off my shoulder before shrugging.

“Who knows?”

I my heels and walked off.

I could hear Jongin following behind, pestering me to tell him what it was.

I simply ignored him, picking pace if he was near.


Because there’s this stupid smile on my face.


I sat silently, eyeing the transfer students, looking as if I was ready to pounce on anyone whom acted suspicious.

So I finally figured out their names.

According to order, it was Tao, Xiumin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Yixing and Luhan.


(Here’s the order: )


      Tao      |    Xiumin                  OuO    |   OuO

Kyungsoo | Baekhyun                eue    |    ewe

    Yixing     |    Luhan                  UwU    |   UuU

        ouo     |      owo                   Sehun  |  Jongin


Yixing was the guy I bumped collided with the other time, so he could be a very strong suspect.

I my chin, deep in thought.

Tao and Xiumin are both chatting away.

Kyungsoo, baekhyun, Yixing and Luhan are taking down notes.

I brightened up almost immediately.

I can check for their handwriting.

I’m so smart.

I glanced at the teacher, who just received a call and had headed out.

I looked around before dropping my pencil towards their tables.

I stood up, walked over casually, and picked it up.

Once I had straightened myself out, I took a glance at all their papers.

I quickly scanned through their handwritings.

None of them were similar to the writing on the notes.

I frowned and was about to move on to looking at Xiumin’s and Tao’s papers when I locked eyes with Yixing, who was giving me a smile.

I blinked.

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were both scribbling away, Luhan was currently sleeping and there I was staring at Yixing.

I quickly broke the eye contact and headed to my seat.

I looked up to find both Xiumin and Tao giggling at my direction.

Oh god this is confusing…


Once again, I was at my locker, I took a deep breath and opened it.

I once again picked up the note that fell.

“You’re too adorable, you made my day really, I couldn’t stop smiling and thinking about your adorable act. Do you think I would really believe that you threw a pencil that far? Haha cute. Oh Sehun you’re the most amusing person I have ever met.”

A smile brought itself to my lips and I looked back into my locker.

I reached in before digging out the previous three notes.

I smiled as I read all four of them all over again.

I couldn’t help the wide smile that had plastered itself on my face.


I jumped and literally threw the notes away in shock.

Jongin stood there, an amused look on his face.

I blinked as I watched him pick up all the notes.

He read them and I groaned in defeat.

“Hm, looks like someone has been watching you. Did you reply to these?”

I shook my head, earning a frown.


Before I knew it, I got a smack on the head.

I winced and glared.


Jongin simply grabbed my hand, smacking the notes on my palm.

“Answer them.”

I frowned.


“I don’t know, leave your reply there and wait for him to take it? Just do something, you’re being boring like that.”

I opened my mouth, about to protest when he smacked a freaking notepad at my face.

“No complains. Just answer.”

I frowned before tearing out a piece of paper and handing it to him.

He shot me a “what” look.

I rolled my eyes.

“Isn’t it obvious? Help me write.”

I only got a scoff in reply.

“Please no way, if you want to express your gratitude to this person for making your smile, do it yourself.”

I sighed and messily scribbled my reply before showing it to Jongin.

“Thank you, but I’m just wondering, who are you?”

Jongin scowled but nodded anyway.

“Eh it’s a pass. Now attach it to your locker.”

I shrugged and folded it in half before attaching it to the hole of my locker with a paper clip.

“There, done.”

Jongin nodded.

“Good job.”

I turned to him and arched an eyebrow.

“No biscuits today?”

Jongin grinned and pulled out a packet of biscuits.

“Oh yes there is.”

I lets out a soft chuckle before walking off.

I didn’t hear anyone following behind so I turned, only to lock eyes with a frozen Jongin.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“Oh god Sehun did you just CHUCKLE???”

With a roll of my eyes, I walked on.

I finally felt his presence next to me and a sudden question flashed in my mind.

“It isn’t you right?”


“Who sent the notes.”

“Pft no way, it can’t possibly be me.”

“Why not?”

“What does the first note say?”


“Exactly, now why would I want you to smile? I mean, I’ve survived not seeing you smile for the past 5 years.”

“… Wow, now I know why you’re my best friend.”

“Now now Sehun, don’t be sarcastic with me.”

“Just shut up and eat your biscuit.”


It was Friday and I slept through the whole day of lessons.

I shot up at the sound of the bell.


Jongin and I immediately packed out bags before heading to our lockers.

I could help the smile when I opened my locker and a note slipped out.

I read it once again.

“Hey sleepy head. Haha why did you sleep in class hm? You’re just that lazy aren’t you? Even your handwriting is a mess. Be more hardworking and you’ll be the perfect guy for everyone.”

I smiled and checked for my note, gone.

I grinned and took out the notepad Jongin gave me the day before.

I tore a piece of paper out before scribbling on my reply.

“Haha I wonder how you survive through lessons, they’re boring. I’m not lazy!!! Just tired. Perfect guy? No way, I’m not interested in love yet.”

After shutting my locker, I attached my reply and headed off with Jongin, who was once again munching on his biscuit.

“Hey did he read your reply?”

I nodded and he grinned.

What’s wrong with him.

“Ohoho did you reply then?”

Another nod, and a wider grin.

Before I could smack that stupid grin out of his face, he ran off, yelling the words,


God help me.


It was the weekend and I would usually coop myself in my room, brosing through my phone all day but instead, I ran down to my locker, checking to see if my note was still there.

Nope, it wasn’t.

With hope, I opened my locker, and to my delight, a note.

Written on the note was:

“Haha not interested?  Yet? Well that’s a surprise. For a guy like you, I expected you to have multiple relationships before. Happy weekend by the way!!! Haha I don’t know if you’d read this but I hope you do, I like talking to you, you’re amusing.”

A grin broke on my face and I almost immediately wrote a reply.

“I like talking to you too. You’re different from others I guess, mysterious and all. It’s comforting talking to you. But really, who are you?”

I attached it on my locker before heading back to my room.

Once I entered, there stood Jongin with his arms folded and that stupid grin again.

“Where have you been?”

“I was-“

“Out writing notes I see little boy?”

“No it’s not-“

“Getting used to writing notes sweet child?”

“What’s wrong with you-“

“Did you take my biscuits?”

“What no-“

“Why didn’t you?”


“My biscuits. My babies, they’re calling out for me.

“Are you insane-“

“They’re in danger, suffocating in that stuffy locker of mine.”

“Have you gone cra-“

“I have to save… MY BABIES.”

Before I could even stop him, he sprinted out fo the door, arms flailing and yelling.

A sigh left my lips.

He’s obsessed with biscuits, isn’t he?

And he’s my best friend, what is life.


It has been over a month since the first note.

This person didn’t exactly answer my “Who are you?” question, he always seems to avoid it.

He claims it should be kept a secret.

I was disappointed yes but at least we’re still talking.

Jongin could have gotten sick of biscuits, if that person hasn’t changed it to packed food.

I have no idea how he got it in there but he just did and Jongin was elated.

Lucky .

But it’s ok, at least I know that this person is someone worth talking to, he was nice and I enjoy I conversations.

I wouldn’t say I was falling in love because I can’t.

What if this was all a trick?


But knowing who it is still bothers me.

I have to find a way to find out by myself.

And by that… I know how the school installs CCTVs around.



I sighed as I paced up and down for the umpteenth time.

I told Jongin to try and break into the CCTV office using his sloth skills and he’s not back yet.

It has been 30 minutes, what is that dumb sloth doing.

It was then the click of the door caught my attention.

It was then it bursts open.


I immediately rushed over to a anxious looking Jongin.


“IT’S IT’S!!!!”







“Wait are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m certain, I can recognize those UFO eyes anywhere.”

“So he’s been leaving me notes?”

“Notes? What no.”

“Wait what? Yah you’re confusing me.”

“What I meant was that Kyungsoo’s the one leaving me the food in my locker!!!”


“Hey? Yah talk.”

I shot him a blank look.

And then I smacked him hard.


“Well I wanted to find out who my secret chef is, besides your ‘mysterious pigeon’ didn’t show up. I nearly fell asleep waiting.”

I groaned and slumped on the bed.

“Why am I so hopeless?”

“Because you’re Oh Sehun.”

A pillow was sent flying across the room.

Where was my dictionary when I needed it.


Months passed and I still haven’t found out who my mysterious pen pal is.

I sighed and glanced at the TSC.

It’s my short name for transfer-student-corner.

I know I’m lame but what else can I call it.

They seemed a little sad about something, and it seemed to have something to do with Luhan.

I arched an eyebrow and leaned closer, straining my ear to pick out their conversation.

“When are you leaving?”

“You’re coming back right?”

“You better return soon ok?”

“How long will you be gone?”

“Remember to stay in contact with us ok?”

I frowned.

Luhan’s leaving?

Well it’s the holidays starting tomorrow so I guess it’s normal.

Before I could listen to any more, the teacher entered and the conversation stopped.

I was beaming, skipping like a drunk boy to my locker.

I opened it, expecting a note.

But there was none.

I frowned and tried to find one frantically, none.

I felt myself panic.

Maybe he hasn’t arrived yet.

I nodded and sighed.

Positive Positive Positive.

I sighed and headed back to my room.

I went down that night.

I checked my locker, none.

I felt my heart drop.


I slept with low spirits that night, I had to admit, I missed him already.


I woke up, it was still early.

I frowned, wanting to go back to sleep but I felt like something wasn’t right.

I felt like I needed to go somewhere.

My locker…

I immediately sprung out of bed, sprinting out of the room and down to the lockers.

I turned around the corner and stopped.

There stood a figure, standing in front of my locker.

That person slipped a paper in and I wanted to get closer but I cant, I’m frozen at the spot.

I watched as the person turned to my direction.

My eyes widened when the moonlight shone on the figure.

I didn’t expect it… I thought…

The person smiled at me, it was soft and almost angelic, before he turned and walked off in the other direction.

I wanted to shout, to call out to the person, but the only word that came out was his name…



I couldn’t sleep.

I was too busy thinking about that person that night…

And the note.

I sighed and lifted the note that was left, reading it once more.

“Hey I’m sorry but I have to go visit my parents for the holidays, so I cant talk to you anymore. I’ll miss you that’s for sure. I hope you do too. I’ll see you soon, ok? Bye.”

Another sigh left my lips.

I’ll miss you too…

It was then Jongin barged into the room.

“Sehun sehun sehun guess what?!? Me and Kyungsoo talked and he told me that his friend Xiumin was going on vacation and Luhan was going to visit his parents so they have two available spots for a carnival and and- hey why are you looking so down?”

I groaned and turned to my side.

“Nothing… just…”

It was then it shot me.

I shot up and turned to him.

“Who’s visiting his parents again?”

“Luhan. Lu-Han. You know? The guy who sits next to Tao?”

I frowned.

Tao… Tao? Wait isn’t it Xiumin who sits next to Tao?

Wait a minute.

“Wait… so I got the names mixed up?”

There was silence before Jongin broke into a series of laughter.


I shot him a glare and he quieted down, but still pretended to wipe invisible tears.

“Oh god Sehun, sometimes I wonder if you’re the dumb one.”

“Oh shut up.”

“But really, so Luhan’s your pen pal all along?”

I nodded.

“So… what’s so special about him?”

I sighed and shrugged.

“I don’t know… He makes me happy I guess. He’s comforting and nice, I look forward to every note. Even though I don’t know who he was, but I had this strange feeling I should keep replying, because it makes me happy. It’s enjoyable talking to him. It really is.”

There was silence.





“I have never heard you been this cheesy before. Oh my god Sehun you finally fell in love.”


~Author’s POV~


It was December and Luhan grinned as he hugged his beloved friends who he missed.

He finally returned after god knows how long and now he sat in his room of his school, chattering with his friends and laughing.

But there was this one person he wanted to talk to.

He excused himself from the rest before heading out and to the lockers.

It was then he realized.

It’s December, and by now their lockers should be cleared and changed.

He groaned and sighed.

He slowly walked away from the lockers and back to his room.

He looked down, dejected and low.

He stopped in front of his room, puffing his cheeks and sighing.

“What do I do now?”

He pursed his lips, hand about to twist the knob when…


He frowned and turned his head, only to come face to face with Oh Sehun.

Freaking Oh Sehun.

Luhan blinked, not knowing what to do.

It was then Sehun smiled, and Luhan’s heart fluttered.

“Smile. When you smile, sun shines.”

He took a step closer.

“Great to see you again, pen pal.”




*Just for those of you who are confused, Sehun mixed up Xiumin’s and Luhan’s names so yeah, all along whoever is mentioned as Luhan is Xiumin and whoever is mentioned as Xiumin is Luhan.*




I hope it was ok!!! ;u; Please don't hate me *hides in my cave* I lurv you ;; *showers you all with lurv*

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Chapter 2: Huhuhu i love this story!!! Congrat authornim~
Chapter 2: no sequel? /^\ awwwwwwwwwwwww but its cute
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl!! That was so freaking adorable and cute!!!!:3 I would absolutely loce a sequel, only if you're up to it of course. :3
This was so nice omg,, please please JEBALLLL make/ a sequel!
Chapter 1: Aww it was so cute and just innocent I practically barfed out rainbows
Chapter 1: Ahhhh!!! This is so fluffy and cute. Made my heart soar~~~
Sehun and Jongin are so cute in this. Please make a sequel!!!
parkjihoonsgirl #8
Chapter 1: Aww I wanna know what happens after this!