Chapter 35 (Part 2)

Soft Spot for You

 just a heads up: i havent proof-read it yet. 


Donghae’s POV


I don’t think I was processing the all this information as quickly as Kyu wanted me to because he was looking at me as if waiting impatiently for me to tell him what to do about his situation with Changmin.


“Um… so are you going to call him or something?” I finally asked, but then immediately regretted it when Kyu’s nostrils flared in annoyance and his arms flew up in exasperation.


“Were you not listening to anything I just said? I can’t do that! It’ll make it seem like I actually like him!”


“But don't you?” I asked in confusion, squinting my eyes to try to wrap my head around Kyu’s confusing back and forth situation with Changmin. I could see that Kyu really felt something for Changmin, but it seemed as if he himself was having a hard time coming to terms with his feelings.


Kyu looked blank for a second before he in his bottom lip and turned to glare off to the side. “That isn't the point, I just want you to tell me what I should do.”


 “I think he’s waiting for you to call him back,” I offered, trying to help, but it seemed as if I had only added fuel to the fire.


“Why would I do that? The jerk up and left last night so he must’ve obviously regretted it,” Kyu said, glaring at the walls angrily. “Stupid butthead,” he muttered.


“I don’t think that’s what it is,” I interjection with my two cents again.


But Kyu didn’t seem to appreciate it because he shot me a glare. “So what is it then?” he snapped.


“I don’t know. You said he said something about not scaring you so maybe he’s waiting for you to… not be scared.”


“I’m not scared,” he snapped.


“Soooo… then you do like him?” I asked again, trying to get a clear answer.


Kyu got a very obvious blush on his cheeks, but he snorted and turned away from me pretending to check his phone.


“Let’s get going,” he grumbled, headed towards the door.


“Hey!” I called, moving to catch his arm. “We’re not going anywhere until you figure this whole thing out and decide what to do about him!” I declared, tugging him by the arm over to the sofa as he struggled against me to get out of my grip.


“I’m not going to do squat because I don’t like him! That stupid butthead jerk! He shouldn’t have left me last night, but do you know why he did?” he asked himself more than he was asking me. “It’s because he probably was just playing a joke on me! That oaf just thought it would be funny to leave me hanging like that!”


“Kyu,” I sighed, letting go of him so he could pull away from me. “I really think you should talk to him,” I said, honestly thinking that was what Kyu needed to do right now. He needed answers and Changmin was the person to give them to him, not me.


“What, are you siding with him now? Do you just want to see me get screwed over?”


“What? No—”


“Why are you even here anyways? Don’t you have your boyfriend to get back to? I bet I'm just wasting your time aren't I? You probably don’t even want to be here, you’re just waiting for me to stop bothering you so you can go back and play house with him. Well, don’t let me stop you, just forget about stupid little me and go,” he said, surprising me when he grabbed me and started pushing me towards the front door, all the while still yelling ridiculous things about how I should get back to Hyukjae and forget about.


“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute,” I pulled away from Kyu.


“This is all your fault!” Kyu accused heatedly before I could even try to understand the turn this conversation had taken. “If you only hadn't gotten a stupid crush on that monkey, I wouldn't have met changmin! It’s all your fault! — Wait no it’s all that monkey’s fault! Why’d he have to go and mess up my life? Why’d changmin have to act so nice and pretend to like me? With his stupid smile, telling me he loves me. None of that is true,” he said breathlessly, his rant getting the better of him. He was just spewing nonsense now, and I had no idea how to calm him down, so I did the only thing I could think of.


I grabbed him in a headlock, which caused him to trash around as he tried to wriggle away from me.


“Let go of me you friendship ruiner!”


“Friendship ruiner?” my eyebrow hiked up and I loosened my hold around his neck so that he could jerk away from me. He straightened up, glaring at me and tugging at his clothes that had gotten messed up.


“That’s right, you’re abandoning me for that stupid monkey of yours. Well, you know what? I don’t even care.”


“Kyu you really are an idiot.”


Kyu glared at me once again, before it depleted and he looked at me helplessly. “Don’t leave me alone. If you leave, I’ll have no one, and— and I don't want to be by myself again.”


“Why on earth would you think I'm leaving you?”


“Because you’ve found a replacement for me. You don’t need me anymore since you have Hyukjae,” he said bitterly. “He’s the one you tell everything to, he’s the one you spend most of your time with. And you don’t want me as your friend anymore.”


I shook my head at him. All this time Kyu was worried about the most ridiculous thing. I laughed softly under my breath. “First of all, you’ll never be alone. I'm not the only one that cares about you, you know. Matthew looks out for you just as much as he does for me, Sandara and Bom noona like you, Heechul takes care of you like an older brother, and Changmin, too.” Kyu looked away with an irritated expression, beginning to shake his head, but I spoke quickly.


“I might be new to all this dating and love thing, but one thing I'm sure of is that Changmin doesn’t see you as someone to play around with. Even Hyukjae said so that he’s never seen Changmin so serious about someone. Kyu… maybe you are just scared. But don’t worry there’s no need to be because I’ll be here to punch the living daylights out of him if he hurts you.”


Finally, Kyu cracked a smile through the angry scowl on his face. He laughed quietly after a while, rolling his eyes. “Are you kidding, you can’t even lift the game console without falling over.”


I laughed along with him, nudging him in his side. “Then I’ll get Hyuk to do it.”


Kyu passed me a halfhearted glare, but I shrugged. “He actually likes you even though he acts like he doesn’t. He’s looking out for you with the whole Changmin thing. Seriously” I said when Kyu waved me off doubtfully, looking a little embarrassed with thought of Hyukjae actually looking out for him.


“So you see, there’s no need for you to feel alone because you aren’t. There’s a ton of people that care about you. And I’m here too. I mean, who else am I suppose to beat at video games and talk about my problems with?”


Kyu punched me in the arm, but he looked away shyly. “I really hate you,” he mumbled.


I laughed, pulling him into another headlock. “Ditto”


I don’t know how it happened, but after Kyu had calmed down, I talked him into calling Changmin. He had been hesitant, but I told him to he should at least sort things out with Changmin and tell him everything that he’s unsure about so that the two can work out their relationship. Kyu still wouldn't admit to me that he liked Changmin, but it was all on his face every time I said Changmin’s name. It was an eye twinkle, a tiny little grin pulling at his lips.


Kyu didn't want me around while he called Changmin, so he locked himself away in his bathroom as I was forced to wait anxiously on the couch. I wanted to know how things were going, but I understood Kyu’s shyness and so I left him alone. After all, I wouldn't want him listening in on a conversation between Hyukjae and me. Speaking of Hyukjae, I wonder how he’s doing. He’d seemed a little disoriented this morning before work, and I wondered if he’d made it on time.


Should I send him a text? Would that be too much? Would I look like I was desperate for attention? I sighed, deleting the message that I had typed.


But then I remembered the way Hyukjae never looked at me as if I was taking up his time, and it renewed my courage. I typed in the message again and took a deep breath before I pressed send before I could second-guess myself again. But right after I did, I starred wide-eyed at the phone. Why did I do that? He’s probably going to be too busy to reply. I shouldn't have bothered him while he was at work. Gosh why was I so stupid?


But as I began beating myself up for the text, my phone buzzed not a minute later. I blinked curiously, reading over what came up on the screen. A text from Hyukjae.


‘I just came out of a meeting. It was a little rough, but it’s ok now because your text made me smile’ it read.


I blushed, smiling widely as I reread the message over and over again. I was debating how to reply when another text from him came in.


Are you busy right now? Did you maybe want to meet me for lunch?


I glanced up at the clock. It was well after one, but I agreed, replying with a simple message. He then texted back quickly, saying he’d pick me up in about thirty minutes.


I was wiggling around containing giggles on the couch when I heard the bathroom door hesitantly swing open. I looked up to see Kyu coming out, the phone between his teeth as he bit onto it nervously.


“So how’d it go?” I asked.


Kyu wrinkled his nose, giving the phone one last nibble before pulling it out of his mouth to speak. “He said he’s coming over.”


“Oh?” I asked, waiting for him to elaborate, but of course Kyu didn’t. He just shuffled around in front of the bathroom, looking around the apartment like he was waiting for the walls to collapse on top of him and end his misery.


“What did he say?” I tried again, bringing back Kyu’s attention to me.


“Nothing much, just that he wanted to talk to me face to face."


"That’s great! Now everything will be cleared up and you can finally go back to being your dorky self,” I exclaimed happily, causing Kyu to roll his eyes as he tried to cover up a smile. But then I started to head to the front door and Kyu stopped me by pulling on the back of my shirt.


“Wait, you’re not staying?”


“Why would you want me to be here when he’s coming over? And besides, Hyuk said I could get lunch with him.”


Kyu went back to nibbling the edge of the phone, looking around the apartment.


“Can’t you stay until he leaves? I… I don't want to be alone with him…” he said quietly, causing me to tilt my head in confusion. But before I could ask, Kyu was explaining himself. “If we’re alone, he might try to kiss me again and I can’t think straight with him doing things like that.”


I smiled softly, nodding my head at him, causing him to release a thankful sigh. “But I still want to go on that lunch date with Hyuk so you can tell Changmin to meet you there, that way you won’t have to be alone with him in your apartment. You guys will just get your own table and Hyukjae and me will get one so that you guys can talk and stuff. And if you need me, I’ll be right there, deal?”


Kyu nodded shyly, and I took a moment to marvel at the situation. It was so different seeing Kyu like this, usually I was the one depending on him, but now here I was, having Kyu asking me for help. I smiled to myself, thinking about how much Changmin is making different sides of Kyu come out. I was happy Kyu had picked someone like Changmin to like. They made a nice pair that balanced each other out. Kyu needed someone carefree like Changmin, and from what I could tell, Kyu had already begun to trust changmin, which was a hard thing for Kyu to do usually.


I told kyu to go get ready because he was still in his sleeping clothes all this time, and I used the opportunity to text Hyukjae the slight change in plans. As my phone beeped with hyuk’s response, I couldn't help but smile.


I’ll be glad to help kyu out. Just as long as I get to spend some time alone with you, too;)


Hyuk also texted that he had just left work and he was on his way, so I was sitting around waiting for Kyu to finish up. When Kyu came out, he was redressed in a black long sleeved shirt with matching jeans.


“You’re not going to a funeral,” I pointed out. Kyu stuck his tongue out childishly at me, reaching up to tug at his hair.


“It’s comfortable,” he said, and I let him be.


After that, we went downstairs to wait around on the sidewalk for Hyukjae because he was bound to be here soon. As we waited, Kyu looked as if he was mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen. It was hurting my head just looking at him concentrating so hard on something so little, so I punched him lightly in the arm.


“Hey, stop overthinking it. Let’s talk about something else instead,” I offered.


“You’re right,” he sighed. “So, um… college starts in a couple of days. You nervous?” he asked randomly.


I nodded. “Very nervous.” Just the thought of it was making me sweat. “I mean, how can I not be?"


Kyu wrinkled his nose. “It’s not going to be that bad. It’s just school again. How different can it be?”


“I guess so.”


“The one thing that makes me worried though is where the heck am I going to be living. I'm soon going to get kicked out of my building,” he glanced at me, huffing playfully. “At least you’re living with your money face boyfriend now,” he said, causing me to shake my head, blushing a bit.


“That’s not a permanent thing,” I said, causing Kyu to raise an eyebrow.


“Why not?”


“I can’t just barge into his life like that. Sure, we’re dating now, but it’s still doesn’t feel ok.”


“That’s stupid. People move in together all the time and they barely know each other.”


“I know, but I still want to get a place together like we promised,” I said, gesturing to Kyu and me. Kyu lifted him eyebrow again.


“With what money?” he asked sarcastically. “In case you’ve forgotten, I can barely pay my own rent, and you’re not living with your witch of a mother anymore so you’re just as broke as me.”


I cringed at his dose of reality, but I pushed it aside and smiled. “I’m going to get a job, and you’re going to get a better job, and then it’ll all work out,” I exclaimed like it wasn't that hard of a plan.


Kyu just rolled his eyes as he laughed. “Like it’s that easy.”


“It is,” I insisted, smacking him playfully in the stomach. “Just have a little faith.”


Kyu wasn't buying it one bit, but I didn't have time to keep pestering him with it because Hyukjae’s white car was pulling up at that moment.


Even after all that sentimental talk in his apartment, Kyu made a face at Hyukjae as he reluctantly followed behind me to the car.


When we got in however, without any care about Kyu sitting in the backseat, Hyukjae reached over and kissed me full on the lips. Kyu made a noise of distress from the backseat and Hyukjae smirked as he began pulling the car onto the road. I was still recovering from the kiss when Kyu poked his head between my seat and Hyukjae’s.


“Just so you know,” he said, whispering to me. “I still don’t like him,” he said, casting a glare at Hyukjae. I tried to stifle a laugh, because Hyukjae had obviously heard and looked like he was trying very hard not to jab Kyu in the head.


Kyu was now wearing a smug grin as he settled back in his seat. The rest of the ride was peaceful and quiet as we listened to the radio— Kyuhyun having picked a station because he accused Hyukjae’s music tastes to be horrid and ear numbing.


We pulled up to the place Hyukjae picked after a fifteen-minute drive. Hyukjae parked the car in the back before the three of us were climbing out.


But as Kyu walked off ahead first, Hyukjae pulled me to walk beside him and interlocked our fingers together. The gesture had my cheeks turning pink, but I caught a shy look on Hyukjae’s face as well. I still was getting used to being in a relationship with him, and this was probably our first time being out among other people like this. I was a little nervous as we started walking in, but at the same time, it felt natural.


Kyu had already chosen a booth when he saw us coming in with out hands latched together. He rolled his eyes at us as he drummed his fingers against the table.


We took a seat opposite of him, and I was happy when Hyukjae still kept his hand in mine even as we settled into the booth. At that same moment a waitress came over to ask us about drinks. When she went off to get them, Kyu let out a heavy sigh and his playful attitude went away as he started darting his eyes around the place anxiously. No doubt he was once again worried with meeting Changmin.


I didn't know what to say to ease his nerves so I looked pleadingly at Hyukjae. He seemed to understand and cleared his throat to get Kyu to look at him.


“Changmin called me last night,” he started, causing both me and Kyu to give him puzzled looks. I had no idea where he was going with this or how it was going to help Kyu, but I kept quiet and listened as Kyu looked more alert as he waited for hyuk to go on. “He was asking a bunch of random crap like what the perfect date would be, and what was the best way to court someone. Like heck if I know,” Hyukjae muttered to himself, but then peeked up at Kyu to see if what he said had helped Kyu feel better.


And I think it worked because Kyu stared wide-eyed at Hyukjae for a moment before his eyes shifted to the table as he stared thoughtfully at his nails.


I cast Hyukjae an impressed look, surprised that Hyukjae seemed to know just what to say. Hyukjae smiled at me and shrugged.


The waitress soon came back to our table and placed our drinks down.


It wasn't long after that that Kyuhyun’s phone buzzed and Hyukjae and I spotted Changmin coming in through the front entrance, looking around for the person sitting in front of me. Hyukjae decided to help him out and raised a hand to him, which caught Changmin’s attention, although he looked confused as he walked over to us. I'm guessing Kyu hadn't told him that Hyukjae and I would be here as well. Kyu, however, having caught on that changmin had arrived, didn't dare turn his head around to see changmin coming towards us. I tried to give him an encouraging smile, but he was too jittery to return it.


When Changmin finally came to the table, his eyes immediately went to Kyu, looking both excited and hesitant to see him. Kyu, as I expected, barely turned his head in Changmin’s direction.


“Hey, guys, I wasn't expecting to see you two here,” Changmin greeted me and Hyuk with a smile, before his eyes fell back on Kyu.


“No need to worry,” I said, giving Kyu a smile before I turned back to Changmin. “Kyu thought maybe you guys could get a table of your own. “


Kyu passed me a look as if I was throwing him to the wolves, but I gave him another encouraging smile as Changmin reached down on the table to take hold of Kyu’s hand.


“Then I guess we should go find somewhere else to sit,” he said, a soft smile on his lips as Kyu looked up at him hesitantly. And it was as if seeing Changmin’s eyes melted Kyu because he didn't even protest Changmin smiled brighter before gently pulling Kyu out of the booth, casting me and Hyukjae one last smile before leading Kyu to the opposite end of the place.


As I watched them go, I suddenly felt worried about Kyu, but then I felt Hyukjae’s breath in my ear.


“I'm really hungry, what do you say we order?” he asked. I turned to look at his face that was incredibly close to mine, but I didn't pull away. Instead, I boldly decided to bring my hand up to push the hair out of his face. I gave him a shy nod as I saw him grinning broadly.


“Ok, decide what you want. This place is amazing so it doesn’t matter what you get, I guarantee you everything is good,” he said as we both opened our menus. Unfortunately, our hands had to be untwined so that I could open the giant menu, but our shoulders were brushing with how close we were sitting and I was comfortably satisfied with that.


It didn't take long to order, and soon we were waiting for our food.


“How was your morning so far?” Hyukjae asked me as he watched the waitress go before turning back to me with his full attention.


I took a second to think about it before replying. “I cleaned up a bit after you left,” I said, and hyuk looked like he was going to scold me for bothering to do that, but I kept going so he wouldn't make a big deal about it. “And then I went over to Kyu’s place where he was sort of having a love dilemma, which is how he ended up coming along with us.” as I said that, my eyes went over to where Kyu and changmin were sitting, wanting to check up on Kyu.


Hyuk’s eyes followed mine and we both watched as Changmin was making some sort of teepee hut with the pieces of bread on the table. There were a couple of toothpicks picking up from the bread, and changmin was ripping up a piece of tissue to stick through the toothpicks as little makeshift flags. It was an odd sight, but I was relieved to see Kyu laughing at Changmin, looking much more comfortable.


I heard Hyukjae laugh under his breath and turned to see him shaking his head at the pair. “Those two really are something.”


I laughed, nodding in agreement. Hyuk then turned back to me with a smile.


“Do you want me to build you something too?”


I wasn't expecting the question, but then grinned. “Show me the best you’ve got.”


Hyukjae laughed, looking around the table at what he had to work with. There wasn't much since our food hadn't arrived yet, but his eyes latched onto the salt and pepper shaker and our utensils. As he started stacking, I remembered what he’d said in his text.


“You said something about having a tough day so far,” I said, referring to his text message text from before. “Was something wrong?”


Hyuk sighed heavily. He hesitated for a moment then spoke. “I was dealing with your mother.” I blinked at him, not knowing how to react. “She came into the office today demanding I not cancel the contract.”


“Did… did you?” I asked.


Hyukjae looked at me and nodded. I didn't know how to respond


It was like the conversation had opened up a million wounds, but I swallowed them down. It was done. There was no going back. My mother was in my past, and I had to move on.


I felt a hand gently snaking its way around my waist and I looked at Hyukjae. He was smiling softly.


“Its ok, Hae. I’m right here, you don't have to worry.” I didn't know how to respond, but I nodded anyway because I believed him— I believed it would get better with him. And so I pushed my mother to the back of my head, and focused on Hyukjae’s eyes that glowed with our future.  



I think this is it guys. Probably the crappiest ending you could imagine. So many plot holes and loose ends, but I just really wanted to finish this story without dragging it on forver. 

This is probably the most subscribers I’m ever going to have for a story, and I’m happy you all chose to read it to the end. It was not the best, but I learned a lot of things writing this seeing as it is my first really big project.

The best part of this was reading all the comments and seeing what you guys had to say.

There will be an epilogue soon to wrap things all together.


Until next time. 


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1455 streak #1
Chapter 37: yay to happy endings ^^
Chapter 36: Ahhh I’m so invested in these characters!! Especially Eunhae :))
Chapter 37: Yayy to cheesy endings
Chapter 33: Ok me is sorryyyyy this was superb development!!!! But, still he is a dumb little dainty darling.
Chapter 33: Ok me is sorryyyyy this was superb development!!!! But, still he is a dumb little dainty darling.
Chapter 32: Um...ok...nice as a fanfic...
...but for character development purposes I think Donghae should have gone with Hyukjae or on his own as it is his house and his own problem. He should learn how to face it and solve it, however painful it may be. Also, if he loves his brother dearly, why bever call him up even once? The character's like a dumb little dainty darling.
Chapter 28: Yes, one tequila pls
Chapter 23: Ooh lala
ladyghai19 #9
Chapter 37: So cute :)
ayndey #10
Chapter 37: Cute! And nide!