Chapter 15

Soft Spot for You


Sungmin’s POV 


I’ve known Hyuk for most of his life, and being his one and only friend (sorry Hyuk but it’s true), I would think I am aware of everything there is to know about him, from the way he sometimes forgets to open his windows once in a while to the way he eats pickles with strawberry jam as a midnight snack (disgusting, I know). 


Not gonna lie, Hyuk isn't the happiest camper and he totally rains on my parade most of the time. 


He’s always binge working and takes his job way too seriously to the point where he sometimes camps out in his office for a couple of days just to get his work done.


Owning one of the most successful companies in the country, he likes to keep the ‘big scary boss’ image alive. Always holding that intimidating, stoic expression is his way of exerting authority and damn does it work. The employees do as they’re told and try to keep out of Hyuk’s hair for the most part.  


I swear, sometimes I question why I’m even friends with him. I mean, I’m like Willy Wonka and Hyuk is like Scrooge. But I guess that’s why I’m still here— he needs someone to constantly remind him that there’s a world outside of his office and that happiness and having a good time are just as important as keeping the company in check. 


But ever since he met a certain someone, it seems as if my job has become less burdensome. 


Hyuk’s a softie even though he keeps up appearances by playing the part of the serious business man. But ever since Donghae came into the picture, his facade is slipping up and he’s letting his human side show more often.


I don’t know if he realizes but he smiles a lot more when he’s by himself. He doesn't really snap at Yongguk and the other workers too much anymore and he’s looks content with the little conversations he has with Donghae when the three of us are parked up in his office. 


Outside of business related issues, Hyuk can be a little dense at times so it doesn't surprise me that he hasn't taken notice to these things. But that’s why I’m here to figure it all out for him and shove him in the right direction.


Down the path of love~


Well, I might be getting ahead of myself, but I have a feeling there’s some potential between those two, especially with today’s events. But my hunches could be wrong so I want to hear it for myself.

It’s time to bring out my interrogation skills and get some answers. 


I didn't bother knocking as I pushed my way into Hyuk’s office to find him idly throwing a paper ball back and forth between his hands staring blanking at his computer screen. 


He missed when he saw me come in and the paper ball went flying across the room landing with a feathery thud against the velvet couch by the grand window. 


“With an aim like that the NBA just might recruit you next year,” I teased, going over to sit in the chair in front of his desk. 


“Why’re you here? Isn’t Donghae supposed to be with you?” he questioned when he noticed I was alone. 


“I sent him home early.” I shrugged innocently as Hyuk’s face screwed up in dissatisfaction. 


“He still had a couple of hours left. You could’ve just sent him back here if you didn’t have anything for him to do,” he grumbled, picking at a piece of fuzz on his shirt sleeve. 


“Oh, give the kid a break. He’s spent half his summer cooped up in here and the semester’s about to start soon. He probably wants a break before he has to bury himself in school,” I pointed out. 


Hyuk looked slightly disappointed with that, but didn't say anything. 


I smiled to myself. Hyuk was the biggest open book ever. 


Let the interrogation begin. “So what did I miss during my meeting?” 


Hyuk scowled. “Nothing happened. Just like any other day.”


“Oh, yeah, because you spend every old day going around punching innocent children.” I smirked. 


“Kyuhyun was anything BUT innocent,” Hyuk growled. “He was— hands everywhere— and Donghae—argh.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.


Definitely an open book.


“He just came over to get some game disc back from Hae. What’s so bad that you had to get physical with the kid?” I pressed on, making a fist and faked a punching motion. Donghae had told me the entire story before I sent him home. 


“You’re annoying me. Go away,” he tried to dodge the question. 


I lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll leave when you tell me what that little scene in the lobby was before.”


“It’s not my fault he looked like he was assaulting Donghae in the middle of my lobby… I don’t know.” He let out a sigh. “I just saw them and… I wanted to make sure Donghae was ok.” 


Aw, he cares about him. 


I hummed in response. “But it’s not like you to lose your cool in front of the employees.”


“I wasn't really thinking when it happened. I don't know what came over me. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night, which would explain my spontaneous reaction.” He looked like he was actually considering that explanation and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. It was so easy to see that he felt protective over our little assistant. 


“You seemed pretty awake this morning when you were shoving me down the corridor to show up to a meeting you were supposed to go to,” I scoffed as he just narrowed his eyes at me. 


We both stayed quiet for a minute before I piped up again with questions, asking Hyuk what he thought of Hae. 


“Well, you know, talking to him is a nice change from being with you all the time.” I tried not to get offended by that and instead tried to decide where I should go from here. 


Hyuk didn't look like he was going to say anymore but I had some pretty solid clues that he was feeling something for Donghae. And I definitely don’t object to having a cutie like Hae pull Hyuk out from his hollow pit of emotionless living and help him discover what it’s like to love. 


Aw, it’s like beauty and the beast!


He didn't necessarily like Hae yet, but he’s already started down that road, and it’s my duty as his best friend to set him up and help him with his tragic, nonexistent love life. With a little cupid matchmaking, we’ll get this show on the road. 


But how to actually do that?


Obviously I needed to get them on a date. They needed to spend some time alone outside of this whole job setting.  A date…where to go? 


Oh! I remember seeing a flyer for a circus that was in town hung up in the employee lounge. That would be perfect. 


I smiled and mentally gave myself a pat on the back for coming up with that on the spot. 


Hyuk was looking at me weirdly, probably because I was making faces as I tried to sort all this out in my head before I spoke again. “Tomorrow we’re going to the Circus so make sure you wear something appropriate, which means no suits or sweats. For gods sake don't wear sweats. You’ll just looks like some creepy stalker that’s there to spy on—”


“Wait, wait, wait. Why do I always have to be involved in your plans? I’m not going. I just want to spend my Saturday peacefully and in the comfort of my own home.” He huffed, finally getting up to pick up the paper ball he had flung across the room before. 


I turned my head to follow him. “But when I told Hae about it, I said all three of us would go.” 


I saw Hyuk perk up at the mention of Donghae coming along and continued I with my lies. 


I let out a fake sigh. “Oh well, I guess it’ll be ok with just the two of us.”


Hyuk cleared his throat as he began shuffling the ball between his hands again, looking anywhere but me as he fumbled out, “You know, I could do with being outside tomorrow. Being in the apartment too much isn’t good.”


I rolled my eyes at his lame excuse, but at the same time did a fist pump in my head at successfully getting him to agree with this. 


Project ‘make Hyuk realize how stupid he is for denying his growing feelings for cutie Hae’ officially in action!


Now I just had to tell Donghae…




Donghae’s POV 


“And this is their last week in town and so I thought we could all go and have a little fun,” Sungmin hyung gushed excitedly over the phone.


I was laying in my bed on my stomach with my legs kicking in the air and my arms hung over the side of the bed, drawing invisible patterns into the plush carpet with my pinky finger. 


The thought of spending the day with Sungmin hyung and Hyukjae at a circus sounded extremely fun and I especially felt more giddy knowing that Hyukjae was coming along. 


“That sounds fun! Of course I’ll go,” I giggled into the phone and I heard Sungmin mutter something like ‘operation is a go!’ before speaking normally. “Awesome! So we’ll pick you up around 10 tomorrow. How’s that sound?” he asked. 


“Good with me,” I chirped and he let out a laugh. 


“Ok sweetie. We’ll see you in the morning.” And after I said goodbye, the line cut and I was stuck trying to pull myself back up properly onto the bed. 


Yay! A day at the circus with Hyukjae. And Sungmin hyung. 


I grabbed a pillow, cuddling it up close against my chest as I wiggled my shoulders and giggled into the pillow. 


It was pretty exciting because I’ve only had Kyu for the longest time and while it was fun to always have him around, it felt nice knowing that I was going to spend a day with two other people who’ve started treating me like a close friend rather than just a CEO’s son.


I don’t know why but knowing Hyukjae was going to be there made it all the more exciting. 


I was just beginning to bounce around the bed in another happy dance when my phone buzzed, signaling another call. It was Kyu. 


“Hello?” There was loud dance music blaring in the background. 


“Hey,” Kyu greeted lazily, and I heard him murmur something to someone before bringing his attention back to the phone. 


“Are you at the club?” I asked, still cuddling with my pillow. 


“Yeah. No one’s here yet because really, no one comes to a club at six in the afternoon, and it’s soooo boring,” he whined into my ear. 


I chuckled. Kyu usually calls me when he’s bored at work. He says it helps him from having to converse with the people sitting at the bar. Heechul hyung scolded him for it before but Kyu keeps on doing it anyway. “How’s your nose feeling?”


“It still hurts,” he complained into the phone. “And when I got to work Heechul forced me to wear makeup to cover up the redness and bruising. He said something about not wanting his employees to look like rugged thug wannabes because apparently this is a high class business,” Kyu mocked into the phone and I just laughed at his impersonation of Heechul hyung. 


“Are you still worked up over Changmin?” I asked. 


Kyu scoffed. “I don’t wanna talk about him.” He paused to murmur something again to someone before asking if I was going to be staying over tomorrow night. 


Oh, right. I had forgotten all about our plans to hang out tomorrow. “Yeah, about that… Sungmin hyung just called and invited me to go with him and Hyukjae to the circus that’s in town this weekend,” I said. 


“With those guys you work with? But tomorrow we were supposed to try out the group mode in that new zombie game we got,” he sounded annoyed that I was choosing someone else instead of him.


“Aw, come on Kyu. You know I don’t really get to spend time with people other than you and some of the house staff.” I drifted off as I realized just how true that was. “This would be a nice change for me to actually hang out with new people,” I finished quietly. 


I heard Kyu sigh. “Geez, don’t sound so gloomy. Fine, fine,” he huffed. 


“… Just asking, what time are they picking you up tomorrow?” he questioned. 





next chapter will be eunhae’s “date” :)

i don’t even know how it’s going to play out so we’ll just have to wait and see






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1455 streak #1
Chapter 37: yay to happy endings ^^
Chapter 36: Ahhh I’m so invested in these characters!! Especially Eunhae :))
Chapter 37: Yayy to cheesy endings
Chapter 33: Ok me is sorryyyyy this was superb development!!!! But, still he is a dumb little dainty darling.
Chapter 33: Ok me is sorryyyyy this was superb development!!!! But, still he is a dumb little dainty darling.
Chapter 32: Um...ok...nice as a fanfic...
...but for character development purposes I think Donghae should have gone with Hyukjae or on his own as it is his house and his own problem. He should learn how to face it and solve it, however painful it may be. Also, if he loves his brother dearly, why bever call him up even once? The character's like a dumb little dainty darling.
Chapter 28: Yes, one tequila pls
Chapter 23: Ooh lala
ladyghai19 #9
Chapter 37: So cute :)
ayndey #10
Chapter 37: Cute! And nide!