I know you're hurt, but I can help you.

I trust you.

An emotionless tear dragged its way down my cheek as I glided the small metal blade slightly across my thigh. The pain was numbed, has been for a year but my body still seemed to react the same; with tears. Blood trickled down my thigh as the memories of my parents abusing me came back to mind. “I’m a burden on the whole family” I muttered as I slid the blade across my thigh again. “I was an accident” I made another cut on my leg.

“I’m worthless.” I finally cut my wrist. The pain.. well.. there was no pain. I’ve been scared all these years to cut my wrist but it’s no different; there’s no pain. I cleaned up my self-inflicted wounds and put on some pants, getting ready for school. Blood seeped through the fabric but I didn’t mind. No one at school would care if I died, let alone be bleeding. I slipped into a black hoodie and put my hair into a lazy side braid. I did my make-up, which only consisted of eyeliner and nothing else, and walked out the door. Not bothering saying goodbye to my parents.

Of course, they were too busy pampering their favorite child to care for their others. Yeah. It was my oldest sister, me, and my younger brother Hyunwoo who was turning three in a week. But they didn’t care. They never cared for us. I found Hyunwoo on the porch, crying. “Wae? Whats wrong baby?” I asked as I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. He showed me his arm which had a purple bruise on it. Fury built up inside me.

“Hm, you wanna go to auntie Joo’s house?” His face lit up and he nodded furiously. I giggled and began walking on the rout to my school. I took a turn, however, to one of the houses. There, lived m sort of friend. She was always there for me when my parents weren’t. Although she wasn’t my real mother, she was almost like one. I ran her doorbell and I heard her sing, “Cooomminnng~” She opened the door with a bright smile on her face. “Ah darling, what can I do for you?”

I explained to her how I didn’t want my parents touching Hyunwoo until I got home from school and I asked if he could stay with her. “Ah of course, come here baby!” Hyunwoo giggled and I smiled seeing him happy. “Arra thanks umma. I’ll be back after school!” I said and exited her house. I emotionlessly walked to school and received stares the moment I got on campus.

“Oh my god, look at that ugly .” A few girls said. I rolled my eyes and continued walking until I bumped into someone. “Hey watch where you’re.. going.. ?” I looked up and met eyes with a handsome guy. Well the way I saw him didn’t matter, since I was a worthless . I moved away from him and kept walking down the hall with a poker face on.

Youngjae’s POV

I felt someone bump into me and I got annoyed. Who the dares? “Hey watch where you’re..” I stopped talking, realizing who it was. The girl I’d been in love with for a year already, Lee Nara. It always pained me to see her so vulnerable and hurt. I knew what was going on with her and I tried to help her as best I could but she never let anyone near her. I’d always tell people to leave her alone but they insisted since she was ‘an emo .’ One time I even punched a few guys because they were being s to her.

But today she seemed odd. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and I decided to follow her. Daehyun grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. “Leave her alone, Youngjae. Shes a lost cause” People in the hallway began to stare at me. Anger fumed out of my ears and I harshly threw his arm off of me. “Listen to me well because I’m not going to repeat this. I’m not gonna ing stand by and let her torture herself like this, okay?! Shes a human like the rest of us and she deserves to be treated with respect. All of you s should be ashamed of yourselves!” I said to all of B.A.P and to the people in the hallway.

“You’re all too stuck up into your own s to realize how fragile she is. You should be ashamed of yourself for putting someone down, Every. Single. Day. Of her life.  Just because you bully her and make her feel horrible doesn’t make you any higher than her. Nara is just a humble girl so WHY THE WONT YOU LEAVE HER ALONE?! SHS DONE NOTHING WRONG TO ALL YOU MISERABLE BITCEHS” I spat out and followed after Nara.

Your POV
I made my way to my class room and blankly sat down at my seat. Out of nowhere the guy from earlier ran into the class room and girls basically threw themselves at him. Psh, at least have some respect for yourselves. He walked straight towards me and all the girls were giving me death stares. By the look of his uniform he was a senior, a year older than me. “Hey, can I talk to you?” Determination was seen throughout his face and his voice was soft.

I shook my head immediately. I didn’t want to get attached to a total stranger. “Too bad.” He smirked. “Mrs. Jung, I need to take her out to discuss a project we’ll be working on. I’ll have her back shortly.” Even the damn teacher looked at him seductively while nodding. Ew , you’re like 60 years old. He grabbed my wrist and I flinched. His force on my wounds hurt, even though it was a light tug I nearly cried.

He led me to the roof top and there he closed the door. He turned to me and eyed me. “Whats wrong?” He asked. How could he know? Nobody’s ever cared enough to ask and I never cared enough to explain. He sat me down on a crate and kneeled before me, grabbing my shoulders. “I asked you, whats wrong?” A tear went down my cheek and I hugged him.

“Y-you care?” I asked, shakily. He pulled away from me and nodded. “I don’t like seeing hurt people.” He mumbled. I prepared myself for the worst. I stood up in front of him and ed my pants. “H-hey what are you doing?!” He asked, alarmed. I shushed him and exposed the gutwrenching cuts on my thighs. His mouth hung wide open and he gasped. “Yah why are you doing this?!” He asked as I fixed my pants upright. I glared at him. “YAH?! I have a name you know!”

He sat me down and sat down next to me. “Okay. Tell me it. Mines Yoo Youngjae, nice to meet you..” “Lee Nara.” I muttered and he smiled. “Now, please just tell me whats wrong and how I can help you stop.” I chuckled lightly. “Theres no use. I’m worthless.” I said blankly. He glared at me and that made me shut up.

“Youre not worthless!” He shouted. I was taken aback by his tone. He took my hand and pressed it against my chest. “do you feel your heartbeat?” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah but this is so stupi-“ “That’s purpose. You’re here for a goddamned reason and I wont let you torcher yourself like this.” I laughed again. “This is so cliché, just leave my worthless alone and go on your merry day!” I shouted and stood up.

“Why wont you just accept my help?!” He asked and I groaned. “NO ONE HAS EVER SHOWN INTEREST IN ME. I’M AN ACCIDENT, I’M WORTHLESS. I MIGHT AS WELL JUST JUMP OFF OF THIS DAMN BUILDING RIGHT NOW!” I ran to the edge of the roof top and looked down. Oh how I would love to just throw myself off. And maybe I will. I was about to take a step off of the building but something- or rather someone- wrapped their arms around me. “I wont let you. I promise to protect you until the end, if you let me.” Youngjae whispered in my ear. Anger built up inside me. I ripped myself out of his hold and stepped away from him. “DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?” I shouted out, pain in my voice. “I’m useless… my parents don’t even love me. NOBODY LOVES ME!” I screamed out. I sat down on the ground and hugged my knees. I was having a mental breakdown and I couldn’t stop it.

Youngjae came to me and made me stand up. He embraced me in yet another one of his warm hugs. “I love you. Please let me take care of you Nara” I tried to escape from him but he held on tighter. I guess his warmth got through to me and I stopped struggling. “How do I know you’re not like the others?” I asked. “How do I know you wont hurt me?” He just hugged me tighter and leaned down next to my ear.

“Because,” he said “Love you. Whether you have scars or not. Whether you hate me, I promise to show you how much I care for you, Lee Nara” Tears streamed down my face and I pulled my arms up and wrapped them around his torso. “Okay, Yoo Youngjae. I trust you”


I love ya'll!

for the readers that know me, you know ive been going through some stuff but not i feel 100x better!!

even though I can barely walk..

All i gotta do is think positively! thanks for all your support and encouragement!

and im going to reitterate this, I love all my readers, subscribers, commenters, and upvoters so much! thank you guys!!!





bye byee~~~~ 








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