A short music

Piano and Cherry Blossom

The corridors of the Musical School were full of persons who were walking on all different directions. The sound of the rubbed violin’s strings resounded in the auditorium. Some measures later, a piano accompanied the violin, it was a set of pure beauty. The notes escaping from the two instruments were wheeling in a dance  full of majesty and grace. During few minutes, the feeling of being in heaven was strongly present,  the essence of the blooming flowers entering in the auditorium by the opened windows accentuaded that feeling. The white and thin curtains flew according to wind. The cherry blossom which entered from the windows accompanied the crazy dance of the notes. The sweet scent of spring entranced all the persons presents. The beauties and charms of the emerging spring, entranced the senses.

Sometimes the notes went higher and higher at a point that you think your hearts will explose until suddenly lower notes came and bring peace to your body. This is the type of music which could make you fell  extremely sad and lonely for no reasons, even if you’re someone extremely happy and full of life. You can’t even go against your rolling tears, the memories of your carefree childhood suddenly resurface from your forgotten and deep mind. ‘A river flows in you ’ is such a beautiful and wonderful  music…

The notes disperessed gradually until they disapeard in the air. Applause and cries of admiration resounded in the auditorium. The pianist and the violonist moved away from their instruments, joigned their hands and bowed humbley to their audience, smiling brightly.

« Yaaaawn! So tiring... Arf! I can’t believe we will  ‘fight’ against each other. » A blond curly boy said stretching his sore muscles.

« Don’t worry Henry, you’re really talentuous. I’m sure you will win. » The  other said, looking at the piano sheets in his hands.  « Raaah! I don’t know why, but I can’t play very well this song! » He pulled hardly his hair in annoyance en angriness. « It’s the first melody who resists to me. »

Henry raised an eyebrow and came closer to him to know which music was designed by the jury  for him to perform during the contest.

« ‘Silver‘? There is no author… Woah! It‘s really difficult! Now, I know why you‘re dissapointed.» He examined the sheets intensely. As for him, the jury designed him Chopin, Waltz n°7 on piano.  « Which part troubles you? If you want, I can help you it dosent bother me. We’re  friends after all Kyuhyun. » Henry put on of his arms around Kyuhyun’s shoulders, continuing to read the piano sheets closely.

« No, thanks you, I can’t accept. How nice of you but I don’t want to bother you for such futile  things whereas you also have a piece to work and to learn. » Kyuhyun smiled a bit, apologizing.

Henry sighned in defeat and gave back the sheeats to the latter. Kyuhyun had an inordinate pride, everybody knew that. He would never accept the external help even if  he extremely needed it, he would always decline politely, implying that he would find a way to resolve his preoblem alone, and he was right. However it’s seems like this time, it will be a little more complex for no reasons, no body knew it, not even the concerned.

« You know… sometimes the presence of someone dear to you heart by your sides, allow you to overcome any obstacle, as impossible as it’s seems. » Henry tapped Kyuhyun’s shoulder softly. « W-What do you mean? » The latter was breathless. « I just want to say that if you keep on to only focus on your work, you will miss all the beauties of the world, and you will always be ! » Henry laughed hardly when Kyuhyun hit him with a red face.

« Idiot! I already had a girlfriend! » Kyuhyun said crossing his arms on his chest in annoyance. « Had! HAD! » Henry insisted on this word. « And you never kissed her! Such a disgrace! » He continued. « But I didn’t loved her.. . » Kyuhyun defended himself only to gain a click of the tongue from a fulminating Henry. « SO WHY DID YOU DATE  HER? » He shouted.

Kyuhyun looked away embarrassed. « I-I… She told me that she loved me… I didn’t have the heart to repulse her… »

« Aish! You’re really IMPOSSIBLE! I’m leaving, you made me pisse of! » Henry caught his bag and his violin violently and left. « Wait! » Kyuhyun exclaimed but the other didn’t listen to him and continued to walk without looking to the confused boy.

Kyuhyun went near an old cherry tree which was remote of the Music School so no body was there and he liked that, like this he could be more concentrate, he could even lie down and sleep a little. But this time…


‘What make me even more upset is the piano sheets I have in my hands!’ He held it with too much force that his fingerstop became white, the sheets almost rended.

Kyuhyun took his piano and started to practice for few minutes when he suddenly leaned his back on the trunk‘s tree.. « Raaaah! So annoying, I can’t take it anymore! »

« You know… sometimes the presence of someone dear to you heart by your sides, allow you to overcome any obstacle, as impossible as it’s seems.» He reflected on what Henry told him earlier. « Maybe… NO! » Kyuhyun shook his head hardly. « No! It will only be a nuisance, I really don’t need it right now! People who devote to other do  nothing in life…» He pulled his hair in frustration. « And above all, I absolutely won’t lose to Henry! »

A cherry blossom suddenly fell on his nose. « Huh?! » Kyuhyun looked up and widened his eyes in surprise. ‘Why the cherry tree dosen‘t have so much petal whereas it’s the season of blossoming?’ He balbuted in his mind.

« It is crying. It is sad because it can’t hear your piano’s skills like usually… That is the way it shows you its feelings… » An unknow voice was heard, making Kyuhyun jump in shock. ‘WHAT?!’ He put his hand to his panic heart. ‘Who is here? I thought I was alone!!’ When he turned, the view of the man in front of him made him breathless. A pretty man was sitting on one of the tree’s branch, his pink hair had the same color as the flowers of the cherry. His silhouette was thin and slender, he seemed to be shorter than him. He was flabbergast by the smile the other had on his lips, a gingival smile, it wasn’t the  most beautiful smile in the world but for him, it was.

« You’re Cho Kyuhyun, I’m right? » He only nodded always stunned by what he saw. « My name is Eunhyuk, I‘m the spirit of this tree, and you know what? ‘Eun’ means silver! It’s the same than the music you played! » Eunhyuk smiled even more, if it was possible.

Kyuhyun quickly came back to reality when the  other mentioned  ‘Eun’. It was the number one of his  ‘Most hated words’ list.

« So please can you play again? » Eunhyuk had no answer. « Huh? W-Where did he go? »

‘Play for me! Play for me! And then what? Cherry’s tree, so what? Such an nonsense… I don’t have time to play around with you. I need to practice…But he’s still pretty… What am I saying?!’ Kyuhyun slammed the door of his home hardly.


« Kyuhyun! You finally came! » Eunhyuk jumped on Kyuhyun and hugged him very tightly making the latter almost fall.

Kyuhyun automatically put his hands on Eunhyuk’s waist without thinking about it, their body molded perfectly into each other, like if they were destined to be like this forever.

« Why are you here? Don’t tell me you waited for me since yesterday! » He exclaimed drowning in Eunhyuk’s eyes. « No. » Kyuhyun ignored the tiny pain he felt in his chest whereas Eunhyuk looked away blushing hardly at their proximity. « I’m the spirit of this tree, I already tell you about this. It and I are one… I will always be here. » Kyuhyun frowned when he saw the sparkels in Eunhyuk’s eyes suddenly vanished. He didn’t know the reason but he didn’t like when the bright smile on the other was substituted by a bitten lower lip.

« Eun- »  « I’m glad you came! So please, can you play for me? » Eunhyuk didn’t allow Kyuhyun to speak. The taller immedately released his grip on his waist and turned ready to leave. « Wait! » Eunhyuk shouted.  « Why should I  play for you? » Kyuhyun replied without looking back at the other. « But you called for me with your piano and if you don’t the Cherry will die and I- » This time it was Kyuhyun’s turns to don’t allow him to speak.  « Did I really call  for you? I don’t think so. I was peacefuly practicing my piano when you suddenly enter in my life! »

Eunhyuk looked down, bitting again is ,now, bloody lower lip. « I just- » « SHUT  UP! I don’t want to hear you again! I ABSOLUTELY DON’T BELIEVE IN ILLUSIONS OR SPIRIT STUFF! I REALLY DON’T LIKE THIS! You’re just an enlightened man who want to attrack attention on him! You need to see a psy. So you should better go away from me from now on, I really don’t want to see you again in my life! »

« So-Sorry… » Eunhyuk said with a low nearly unable to hear voice. Kyuhyun finally ly to see the other sat on the grass, his legs against his chest, with warm tears falling all over his cheeks. « I’m really sorry… please don’t hate me! »

Kyuhyun sighed and come closer to Eunhyuk who backed fearful. A strange emotion traversed his whole being, he wan’t bad, no…, he was just…, nobody dared to answer him back when he gave an order, except Henry who was an exception but he is his friend it’s usual, his one and only friend. He never wanted to be with someone else, that is why he would always speak badly to the others but Henry was the one who didn’t take it seriously, and Kyuhyun was thanksfull for that, and now it was Eunhyuk’s turn to do what Henry did.

« You don’t have to be sorry, it’s me the worst. I’m sorry… » Kyuhyun widened his eyes in shock. Never, NEVER he forgiven to someone even if he was wrong, it was the first time he did it! He didn’t ever notice he was about to pat Eunhyuk’s head! ‘Oh and ! At the point I am now!’ He thought and hugged the other tightly.

« K-Kyuhyun?! » Eunhyuk wipped his tears away, putting his hand on the other’s shoulder.  « Don’t ask me why I’m doing that, I don’t even know myself! » Kyuhyun pounted whereas Eunhyuk was laughing and smiling full of hapiness.

« So don’t you really want to play? Even for me? » Eunhyuk asked and Kyuhyun only glared at him as an answer. « Okay, okay, I won’t force if you don’t want to but it would be nice if you do it, only one time… » Eunhyuk finally hugged back the  other. « I will see… »


When Kyuhyun entered in the music room, Henry was training already, but, to his surprise, he wasn’t playing the music which was designed for him, instead it was his own. He clenched his fists in angriness when Henry succeeded to play the measure he wasn’t able to. He exited quickly from the room, not sparing a look to Henry who stopped to play and was calling for him desperatly.

‘How could this be possible? It was maybe the first time he played it and he can play it whereas me it’s maybe the thousand time I played this, I’m still not able to pass a ing measure!’ He shouted in his mind.

At the moment he arrived near the Cherry tree, Eunhyuk was waiting for him a book in his hands, the book was forgotten by Kyuhyun the week before, this one was still shocked of apologizing as easily. When the spirit looked up and he saw the other, his smile went wider.

« Kyuhyun! You’re finally back! You can’t imagine how much I’m happy you’re here. It’s means that you don’t me. » Eunhyuk closed the book and put it carefully on the floor before running happily to the other and Huggins him tenderly but Kyuhyun pushed him away and looked at him with hate.

« It will be because if I don’t win the competition! You always want me to be with you and you don’t stop to ask me to play the piano and this even if I don’t want to! Don’t you know how much it’s annoying? » Kyuhyun catched violently Eunhyuk by his shoulders, drinving his nails deeply in it. The latter hissed in pain and flinched when he felt his own hot blood escaped from his mutilated shoulders, despite the jersey he was wearing, flowing slowly all over his back

« Kyuhyun… it’s hurts… please stop it… » Eunhyuk begged feeling his vital forces leave him gradually.

Suddenly, he was hit by a headhache, the acute pain caused by the abuse of Kyuhyun against him was nothing compared at what he felt at this moment.

« I forbid you to answer me back! » Kyuhyun yelled without notice the deplorate condition of the spirit.

« I’m sorry… Kyuhyun… » His voice faded, his eyelids closed slowly, his sight grew dim, the lasts things wich came to him were Kyuhyun’s borken voice full of worry who was shouting his name desperatly, and the warm hug he offered to him before everything became darkness.

« You idiot! You scared me! » It was the first thing Eunhyuk could hear once he opened his eyes. He looked around him, there were always near the Cherry tree,  he was sit on Kyuhyun’s thighs, his legs in each side of the other’s, his head resting on the firm chest of the taller who was caressing fondly his hair while inhaling the delicate fragrance that emanated.

« You seemed to me perfectly well and all of a sudden you collapsed in front of me! Don’t do this to me again, you can’t imagine how much I was scared. I thought I was about to die! Who could imagine that a spirit could also faint?! » Kyuhyun said with a wavering voice.

Eunhyuk hid his blushing face in Kyuhyun’s neck. « I’m sorry… I really do… » The worried expression of Kyuhyun turned into a frown. « Stop apologisions would you?! You did nothing wrong, I’m the guilty… like always. » This time he wasn’t shocked by what he said, on the contrary, he was alleviate. He tightened his grip on the smaller and lifted his chin with the tips of his fingers.

Their eyes met and fighted in a pacific and silent war, thousands of feelings were swirling in their being.

Without even Kyuhyun notice, he leaned forward till their faces were in a inch away from each other. Time seemed like stopped, they were in their own world.

The latter felt something in his chest he never felt before. He catched Eunhyuk by his wrists with only one hand and pushed against the wall, Eunhyuk’s wrist above his head. With his free hand he embrace Eunhyuk’s waist and pressed his chest against the other’s, not allowing him to go away from himself.

« Kyu… »  Kyuhyun’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden nickname Eunhyuk gave to him. He lost himself again in the other’s eyes who was bitting his lower lip ,until it became red and inflated, because of their proximity. He had the feeling that those lips calling him, asking for him to kiss them, to and bite them.

He wasn’t controling his body when his face approached the other’s, their lips brushing against. An explosion of feelings bursted in Kyuhyun’s heart, he liked this contact, no… he LOVED this contact, Eunhyuk’s lips were soft and sweet, in only one word desirable.

It was a sweet and innocent kiss at first sign, but Kyuhyun quickly asked for the entry by nibbling and sensually Eunhyuk’s lower lip, who gasped at his sudden actions. He took the opportunity to introduce his tongue in his mouth and explore every corner of this hot and humid cave.  Louds grunts and groans of these individuals came to accompany the melodious song of male birds courting young females looking for love.
He made  carefullythe spirit fallen on the grass to don’t do anything wrong to him, and that, without breaking the languorous kiss they shared.

At their dismay, they had to separate in order to satisfy their the oxygen demand of their lungs.

« Hyuk, do you trust me? »  Kyuhyun asked giving chaste kisses on the Eunhyuk’s hands, his bare arm, his shoulder, the birth of his neck to his face. The latter nodded hésitant, of course he trusted him, but he was more scared at what must probable happen after. Kyuhyun didn’t have any experience in this field, but without knowing why, he absolutely, and as soon as possible, wanted to be only one with the being who subjugated him at the first glance.  

Kyuhyun slipped his hand, hesitancy, into the smaller’s shirt, retracing with his fongertips his abdominals perfectly  defined et caressing his soft white milky skin. Eunhyuk  jumped lightly but his uncertainty was quickly replaced by the need and the pleasure when the other pulled up his shirt and, and bit his breats shameless.

« KYU! » Henry’s voice was heard disturbing the two lovers.

It’s only at this moment the latter realized what he was doing. « Eun-Eunhyuk? Why…? What am I doing? » Eunhyuk was gasping loudly, his hair and his clothes were messy. His vision was blurred by the pleasure he felt, his chest rose and fell exaggeratedly constatly. This view made Kyuhyun crazy even more if the spirit was betting his lip until it bleeded and a thin trickle of drool escaped from his mouth. For him, this view was so y that he felt something strange in the lower part of his anatomy.

He quickly gave a wide berth from Eunhyuk, and looked at him surprised  but deeply in his eyes, the disgust was visiible. He wasn’t disgusted by Eunhyuk but by himself . « Sorry! We shouldn‘t have do that, it was a mistake! Let‘s forget about this and act like if nothing happened between us. »  He didn’tmeasure the impact his words had on the spirit, the heart of this one squeezed, he felt rejected, rejected by the person he loved, the person who did the first step but who ducked quickly. His feelings were hurted, trampled and thrown in the trash like vulgar wastes, the look Kyuhyun had on him reduced his heart into pieces, his body trembled lightly, his troat burned, his vision clouded, he held his tears in order to not to show his weakness, his pain. In a short time, he became pathetic, and that only because of a human, he already knew very well, a spirit and a human can not be together because one day or an other, one of them will be forced to leave the other.

« I‘m sorry… It would be better if we don’t see each other anymore… » Kyuhyun said with a voice strangly calm. It destroyer once and for all Eunhyuk who stood up clenching his fists of angriness while letting his tears flew all over his cheeks.

« Fine, if it’s what you wish, I won’t bother you more longer… I wish you to sucess in your life and to find a loving woman to marry  and also to built a cute and happy family together MISTER CHO KYUHYUN! With that, I leave, hoping that our paths won’t cross again! I will never forgive you what you did to me! " He was about to disappear but before to, he turned slowly, sparing one last look at the man who destroyed with mere words.  « I almost forgotten to tell you… I HATE YOU!» He spat bitterly, making understand all the negative feelings he felt at that moment.

Kyuhyun froze hearing the words of the latter but he realized too late that the awful words, for him, he told him, he didn’t really thought it. He didn’t wanted them to be separate, he cursed himself for letting this soft warmth escaping from his hands. Eunhyul already dissapeared when he realized he wanted to take the other in his arms, the place he thought that he must belong forever as it felt so good to have their bodies molded perfectly on each other.

His heart sank, he finally understood, the truth behind his strange actions towards the spirit, it was because he loved him, yeah… for the first time of his life he finally loved someone but he was too much dense to realize his feelings before hurting the one that he felt those…

That day, the tears of both of them were poured.


The day after, in the morning, when Kyuhyun woke up, his eyes were red and inflated, his face  bloated of too much cries. Since they separated in very bad terms than usual, he didn’t stopped to cry. He lost his appetite, falling asleep wasn’t that easy, it was almost five inthe morning when he was able to close his eyes, but that always with quiet tears pearling all over his somptuous face.  He hated himself to have said such words to the spirit who did nothing wrong, the responsible for what happened to them now was himself. He was such an idiot, he realized too late his true feelings, he had never hated him as he thought, if he had known the true nature of his feelings, he would have told Eunhyuk before and the other would still see him.

This day was a very important day for Kyuhyun, the music competition would take place, at the key of it, studies in a renowned music school in Seoul. But now the idea of integrate it made him less enthousiastic, if Eunhyuk wasn’t by his side nothing mattered. He wanted to see him once again, no matter what the spirit could say.

It was soon the time for him to shine, he took advantage of the few tens of minutes he had left to find the one who had captured his heart, but when he came near the tree, this one didn’t stood proudly as it should be, instead there was only a rotten trunk that seemed to have been violently torn from its roots. The cherry blossoms once so beautiful, were combined to form a pale pink carpet with light fuchsia shades that came to cover gently the bright green grass.

The landscape, so beautiful normally, became melancholy.

Suddenly, something came to his mind. « Why should I play for you? » I replied without looking back at him. « But you called for me with the piano, if you don’t the Cherry will die and I- » You said with a soft voice, that I’m sure made me melt.

All lit up, ‘Why didn’t I realize before? He is the spirit of the tree, THIS TREE, of course if the Cherry die he will… too…’ He started to cry, this time he didn’t hide his tears like he was used to do, he let them flow freely, surprising all the people who passed not far away, everyone was used to see a cold and emotionless man, and no a breaking down man like at this moment. Only Henry could see a different Kyuhyun from what they knew.  

Love is such an incredible and irreplaceable thing. The loss of a loved one takes you in a torment of loneliness and desolation. The world you saw full of colors all of a sudden turned dark. You lost your strength, you have nothing to support and hag you. The soft and warm caress of the wind became cold and rough.

Tingling invaded all his body, proof that his heart fought against his thoughts which were like ‘Everything is going to be alright.’ or ‘I don’t need him, he is only a simple  figment of my imagination.’ In the deep of him, he already knew it wasn’t true. Those words were destined to cheat his mind and prevent him from suffering.

When you fell deeply in love with someone you will probable never meet again and this for the first time, you are hurted more than you must be. And Kyuhyun was living the terrible experience.

Love is a wonderful feeling which make you so strong and so weak at the same time, cling you on it and keep it to your side as long as you can, all your life if it’s allowed to you.

Love is sweet and fluffy but also bitter. It leaves you an ineffable, priceless and unforgettable taste in your mouth.

His tears couldn’t cease to flow, his mind and his heart were callind desperatly the spirit. He wanted to feel his lips on his owns to taste it again and again, him who became addicted to those lips, heard his soft and clear voice pronounce his name again and again, hug him tenderly like if there was no tomorrow.

Kyuhyun straightened, his hand on his heart, and a sure look.. He was determined, determined that the worldwide know the pure and sweet feelings he had for this magnificent creature, this being of light who made him know the joy of living, the sweatness, this supranaturel beauty who had know how to love him, the real him and not the one he had created, and also he loved back.

Kyuhyun looked at the roof of the auditorium, a crystal tear,  on which the pink and orange light of the sunset passing by the window reflected, was flowing on his cheek.

« I love you! » He finally said. Unfortunately,  the person whom those words were destined wasn’t there.

The piano sheets on the piano, he sat slowly  on the  chair, insecure. ‘Please Eunhyuk, accompany me a last time… I need you…’

In one last deep breath, his long and thin fingers brushed gently the piano’s keys of wood finely crafted, the first notes were hesitant but were, in a short time,  more sure when he remembered the happy face of the spirit. Pictures of their happy or sad moments together came to his mind, based on the notes he played. The bass notes of the moment he would like to forget gave way to light and swirling notes of the irreplaceable and precious moments they shared that he would like to keep in his mind. His deepest emotions were transmitted through music, making it more lively and touching than it was already.

The spectators and ,especially the jurons, were captivated by his piano skills, even Henry, whose turn was already passed, was smiling proudly when his best friend might come to play the measure on which he had problems.

‘He finally found a reason to excel ... yet ... I guess the reason behind this feat is no longer there ... Eunhyukkie …‘ Henry’s tears mingled with those already weeped by Kyuhyun.


Henry walked slowly to Kyuhyun, who was sitting on the torn trunk of the Cherry, his hands spanning his face probably to hide his eyes briused of so many tears. He sat down beside him and put his arm around hir shoulders as if wanted to give him some support.

« He left me Henry…. He left me, I will never see him again! The first place I won is  thnks to him, he gave me the strength to pursue my dreams and do the best I could. I don’t think I will have the courage and the strenght nécessaire to live without him! Whereas, it’s only been two weeks I know him, how could I fell so deeply in love with a person I don’t really know?! » Kyuhyun bursted into tears one more time, he seemed even more pathetic than the eve, and it made Henry sad. Although he didn’t know how to go about with humans in such cases, Kyuhyun was still his best friend, and he didn’t appreciate to see him like this.

« Let me  tell you a story… »  Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow in confusion. « Henry, I don‘t think the moment is suited for that. » « Shut up you brat, let me speak! » Henry smirked when the other  didn‘t oppose to him again. « So… a sunny day of spring, a young boy who believed at the spirit thanks to the  stories his mother readed to him before sleeping, played with a little virtuous of violin. »

« Why are you evoking our childhood? "The other asked even more confused than before. Henry cringed in annoyance and angriness. "I thought I told you to let me speak! "This time, Kyuhyun mumbled incoherently things and stopped against his will.

« Good, I continue what I was saying… This day, his parents offered to the young Kyuhyun a beautiful piano he could bring everywhere he goes, desirous to play it as soon as possible he sat under a huge Cherry tree in flower which was located near an centenary music school. Thinking that a spirit lived in this tree, he talked to him…

« Hello, how are you? My name is Cho Kyuhyun and you?… It doesn‘t care if you don‘t want to answer me, it‘s true, it‘s the first time we meet so I understand, I am perfect stranger for you. » He said pressing some keys of the piano creating a lovely little melody. « Would you like it if I play for you?… I will take your silence for a yes. » A bright smile ornamented his cute child‘s face.

« What do you thonk about it? I just composed it only for you. » He sang after he finished to play. « KYU! » A voice resounded far away, it was Henry who called for him with his parents by his side. « I had to leave you, I will come back tomorrow don‘t worry! See you!»

« Hello Eunhyuk! I know you must asking yourself why I’m calling you so suddenly like this right now, but I thought about it all the night at apoint I even wasn’t able to sleep until I find you a name which suits you very well. You know what? Eun means silver, and I think it must suits you because I’m sure you’re a true jewel  and  mommy keeps repeating that the spirits of the Cherry trees are the most beautiful of all. I even wonder  if she isn’t also one of them, I mea, by that she is really beautiful… »

Every day he would come to visit him, the spirit would listen to him intently when he spoke of his life or when he was playing the piano for him, even if he knew that this little boy, only aged of nine, who precluded him from sad and lonely days, couldn’t see him.

But one day, everything changed and that was when the mother of the little Kyuhyun died too early in a car accident. He wouldn’t talk to the spirit, paining the latter, but he would always play under the Cherry tree, maybe not for him but to help him at surmount this trial or for his own pleasure and that has been going on for years until, finally, they met. Unfortunately he dosent wanted to play anymore the piano under this tree after their meeting, it sadenned the spirit because he already knew that the beautiful sound of the piano won’t arrive to his hears anymore and he won’t see him again… won’t see YOU again. » A sad and small smile appeared on Henry’s lips.

« Do you mean that during all this time, he was always by my side and I wasn‘t able to see him? » Kyuhyun said with a broken voice. He felt even more worser when Henry nodded  weakly.

«  I also have something to avoid to you, the music you played  ‘Silver‘ … I‘m the one who composed it… » Kyuhyun widened his eyes at the sudden revelation.  « R-Really?! » He said Under the shock. « Yes… I met Eunhyukkie some days after your mother left us… I fell  in love with him as soon as I put my eyes on him, unfortunately for me when I confessed to him that I loved him deeply, he answered me that he didn‘t feel the same thing towards me and only saw me simply as a friend… a close friend. I cried, so much, so he conforted me gently, saying that I will find someone who will love me back even if it wasn’t him while Huggins me tightly. After what I wrote this music in homage at my first desesperate love… » Henry bit his lower lip, use he took from Eunhyuk, to don’t cry when those painful memories for his heart came back to his mind. « You know… » He continued holding back his tears to flow. « After you stopped to pley for ‘him’ you sighned his sentence of death. » Those words made Kyuhyun feel even more guilty than he already felt. « I attented to play for him, hopping that it would work but it wasn’t as I excepted to. And you know why? »  Kyuhyun shook his head and Henry laughed bitterly, of course he couldn’t know it… « Only the music played by the person loved by the spirit could keep him alive, in conclusion, this person, it’s you… And that since you were the first to give him a name. »

Kyuhyun broke down, never he imagined that the other loved him too and now it was too late.  « No… that can’t be possible… Hyuk… » Both of them cried.

« Don’t worry, I will do everything I can to bring him back to you! » Henry exclaimed full of assurance.


It’s been one year since Eunhyuk left, Henry and Kyuhyun became musicians know all over the world, but something wss missing in their life.

Kyuhyun was at his old music school, were everything began. He walked near were the Cherry tree was, he almost screamed and jumped when he saw a Cherry tree similar at THEIR OWN at the same place, but he was even more chocked when he saw someone he know very well sat on one of the branch swinging his legs happily.

« H-Hyuk! » He ran to the other, with teary eyes, who jumped from his branch also yelling. « Kyu! »

They hugged each other very tightly for a long moment.

« Hyuk! Oh my god Hyuk! I’m really sorry to have said those horrible things to you. It wasn’t what I wanted to say. I’m sorry to havn’t played for you, I’m sorry to have treated you like you were nothing to me, I’m really sorry for everything I did wrong to you, even more if  I’m the one who called you ‘Eunhyuk’ for the first time! » The latter froze. « Y-You remember about this?! » Eunhyuk said starting sobbing.

Kyuhyun gave a soft kiss on the smaller’s forehead.  « Yeah… Henry helped me to remember about everything. When my mother died… I didn’t believed in spirits anymore… But I’m happy you really exist… I love you. » He finally was able to say to the spirit.

Eunhyuk put his hands to his mouth, no wondering about his tears of joy wetting the other’s jacket. « Oh Kyu, you can’t imagine how much I wanted you to say those things to me, it’s been sixteen years… »

Kyuhyun pulled Eunhyuk’s chin up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. « I will never let you go anymore. »

« Are you happy Henry? You exchanged you music skills against Eunhyuk life. Don’t you regret your choice? » A foreign voice asked.

« I don’t.  I couldn’t support to see Kyuhyun with a sad look, I’m happy to see again a smile on his face and also to see again my crush. They deserve to be together… » Henry answered looking at the lovey dovey couple who was still kissing with full of love.

The stranger smiled softly. « Thanks you to taking good care of my son Henry, I’m glad he has such a good friend and now, also, a good boyfriend.  Good bye Mochi… » She placed a kiss on his cheek.

« Good bye auntie… » He answered looking at the woman who disappeared in a whirlwide of cherrys petals. « Hey! Kyu stop eating Eunhyukkie. » He exclaimed approching those two.

« Like if I was! » Kyuhyun said blushing lightly. « You was! I will take my revenge! » After Henry said that, he poke Eunhyuk’s lips making Kyuhyun clenching his fists while the kissed one was blushing really hardly.

« Henry, you should better run before I kick you in your . » Kyuhyun grumbled. « I’m not afraid at all~ » The other sang running a little. « Raaaah! You little brat! Come here!!» And Kyuhyun started to chase Henry, letting a cute Eunhyuk behind who was laughing until his stomach hurted.


LidiaYS:  Neh, I know it's rushed, I'm sorry about this. ^^' But I had some problems with my health recently, I almost fainted every hour so I wanted to update as soon as I could because it's been more than one month since I posted the foreword. And I really don't like to make the readers wait! >_<" Author-nim will always be here for her dears readers and suscribers! °^°


kyulovehyuk:  As a Kyuhyuk shipper, most of my future fictions will be about them. So don't worry~ :) (MY EVERLASTING OTP! *O*)


And also, I don't know if I should do a sequel... If you want it, tell me but you will also have to propose me some ideas, because I don't have one yet. Mianhae... ^^"


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heyitstheduff #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwww.... really love it! Its a bit rushed and confusing at first, but i understand it eventually!^^ thank you for the beautiful story :')
Indyie7 #2
Chapter 1: Ownnn so,cute
since i love everyoneXeunhyuk i liked that Henrys likes hhuk xD and even more that he,helped kyuhyuk
Chapter 1: So damn cuteeeeee!! ;AAA;
I love the way henry wanted to help kyu
Thanks for writing author niim! ><
Hope you will write moreeee kyuhyuk
Aikosan #4
can't wait update soon Ne~~~ ^_^
heyitstheduff #5
Cant wait! Hwaiting!^^
emma13 #6
Wwwwwooohhoooo!! More kyuhyuk!! >.~ I'm waiting..
kyuhyukie86 #7
Can't wait