the beggining


"Goodmorning agent 1004,you have 1 new mission,check information ASAP."Jaejoong,her computer assistant says.

"Seriously Jaejoong,Jesus Christ are you overworking me?!"Jaemin laughs and and puts her gun on the table.

"Nope,Just taking orders"it replied.

"Brief me"Jaemin orders as she removes her coat.

"Mission code 71AO4,details are being simultaneously transferred to your Handheld."Jaemin nods as she shrugs her black shirt off and opts for a clean white tanktop.

"Henry Lau,23..blabla..."Jaemin says as she read the details from her handheld.

"He works for the drug network as the middleman.He handles all the transactions,domestic and international he holds the record for every single transction they did since 2009.Every inormation the goverment asks can be acquired from target"Jaejoong finishes with an image of Henry.

"Oh..who is that?Henry's son?"Jaemin asks as she looks at the guy in the picture,all chubby cheeks and squinted eyes.

"1004,That is Mr.Henry Lau."

"You think hes a drug associate?!You think this guy is a middleman?!"She asks in shock.

"Focus 1004,That is your target.Your goal is to make him surrender all valuable information without blowing your cover.You are not allowed to be emotionally nor physically engaged--"

"Jae,I get it,its my what,5th mission this year?I get the protocol"Jaemin says and Jaejoong stops reading the violation codes.

"Okay smartass"Jaejoong snaps.

"What?!Do you have your period today?!"Jaemin laughs.

"Computers dont expirience 'periods' 1004."Jaejoong says.

Jaemin laughs and mutters somthing along the lines of why is he so y today?

"5:30 flight to Canada tommorow,all your documents are in the drawer..You will live in the whole 4th floor in the same apartment complex."Jaejoong says

"So Im guessing he lives in the whole 3rd floor.."Jaemin says and scans her new documents.

"No but he owns the place so if he likes you,hell make room for you in the penthouse.That is why we didnt send Kris for the job."Jaejoong says.

" want me to seduce my way in"Jaemin jokes as she looks at her passport.

"I repeat 1004--"

"No ual relationships yes jesus I got it the first time"Jaemin says impatiently.

"Thats all the given information 1004,Good luck.Oh and by the way,Minseok called 20 times over the week."Jaejoong says and signs off.

"Oh..he did?"she whispers and wears the diamond ring in her drawer.

She almost forgot she got married 4 months ago.Before her last mission.She married Minseok because she wanted to seem like a normal Korean.Their marriage is pretty much to cover up that she's an E.X.O agent...Not that Minseok knows of course.


"On the drive home,she picks up blonde hair dye and a curler.

"Hi Babe"Minseok greets Jaemin with a kiss.

"Hey"she says when they pull away.

"I missed you"he says and goes back to the kitchen to cook.

"I missed you more"she says,quite rehearsed.

Minseok was the perfect guy.He was the perfect husband any ordinary girl could ask for,but Jaemin was nowhere near ordinary.

"So how was your trip?"Minseok asks

"Fine...I closed 3 deals"she says

"Great!Thats nice,I mean does that mean you can stay for my birthday?"he asks and Jaemin feels a pang of guilt on her chest.

"Well,the company wants me to attend to a few things in Canada...we have to negotiate and seal various deals and inspect different sites and all in all it may take me a month to fix all of that."Jaemin expalains,of course none of these were true but for Minseok's safety,Jaemin opted to keep quiet.

" just be going back to China for my birthday then..When are you leaving?"



Jaemin nods sadly,truth be told,she likes Minseok and she thinks that maybe if she werent an agent,theyd live a happy life together have kids even,but sadly,Jaemin is this ed up girl who had missions to complete and people to investigate and she cant risk Minseok's safety.Shell reserve the best parts of her married life when she retires and she wants Minseok to still be a part of it.

"Im sorry Minseok I--I just cant refuse this oppurtunity,you understand me right?"Jaemin asks as Minseok sits down next to him.

"I try to,all the time"Minseok says and she pretends not to hear anything as she places a forkful of pasta in .


That night Jaemin lay in bed next to Minseok for the first time in months,she closes her eyes and feels the warmth of her husband wrap around her,the scent of him lulluing her to sleep.

"Jaemin are you asleep?"Minseok asks.

She wasnt but she was too tired to answer and Minseok sighs as he hugs her waist tighter."I know how much you love your job but,I feel like you dont take care of your health anymore. Do you eat your meals?Do you drink your medicines?I feel like Im doing a bad job of being your husband,I wish that you would stay at home longer and let me take care of you.."Minseok sighs and peeks over to Jaemin who was seemingly sleeping.

"I love you so much and I want to take care of you but how would I do that when youre not here...stay here in my arms and never leave ok?"Minseok laughs at himself before kissing Jaemins cheek and tucks a loose strand back to her ear and faces away from her,he doesnt like the feeling of the empty bed space in the morning.

Jaemin's heart ached even more upon hearing Minseok's words.For the first time since her first mission,she didnt want to leave Minseok's side,but if she doesnt,E.X.O would come for her.Jaemin hesitantly hugs Minseok's waist and a smile tugs at her lips when his hand wraps around hers as if trying to pin her in place.


bc clingy xiumin will be the death of everyone
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Chapter 1: Update? :((
Chapter 1: eeeeettt! thank you <3 super likey the update. I got butterflies in the stomach upon knowing Minseok and Jaemin's relationship :3
Seem like cool story! - Yuki
kita na! hahahahaha! xD third wheel! ;)