Trust Me

Trust Me - Myungsoo

A phone call interrupted Myungsoo’s work out as he finished his set of weights. Picking up his phone to an unrecognized number just made him a little on edge.

"Yoboseo?" He said breathlessly

"Are you Mr. Kim?" A nurse asked

"Yes I am" Myungsoo said as he walked outside of the clinking weights of the other Infinite members.

"Your wife has been in an accident and we would like to talk to you down at the hospital. When are you able to come down?" The nurse asked as Myungsoo stood in shock.

"I can come down right now." Myungsoo said as the nurse told him the address as he gathered his things and left.

The multilevel hospital welcomed him as the taxi pulled up to the entrance. Paying the taxi and running into the entrance. A nurse met him there and took him to your room, as she went to grab the doctor.

"Mr. Kim?" The doctor in the blue green scrubs asked as Myungsoo bowed to him. "Your wife was in an accident, she seems to be stable but she has lost her memory. Otherwise she is perfectly healthy, we have done everything that we can to try and get her memory back but we were hoping that you might could help, since you are her husband." Myungsoo nodded in agreement. "If you need anything let me know, you can go home as soon as you can convince her." The doctor bowed as did Myungsoo.

He walked over to the side of your bed, pushing your hair away from your eyes, taking his hand in yours he thought of how he could try and get your memory back. Your eyes gently opened as you saw a man sitting by your bed that was rather close to you, you staggered to sit up in your bed to try and get away from the man that was grabbing your hand.

"W-Who are y-you?" You took your hand out of his as you moved to the other side of the bed.

"I’m Myungsoo, your husband" He said gently sitting back in his chair giving you some room.

"I-I’m married?" You said quietly to yourself

"Yeah" He let out a giggle smiling down at the ground. "It is coming up to our three year anniversary." You just sat there dumbfounded that you of all people were married. You felt his hand run against yours, "_______, you were in an accident, you lost your memory. I am going to try and help you get it back, so if you have any question about anything just let me know." You nodded avoiding his eye contact. "I’m going to get your release papers while you get dressed." Myungsoo got up and placed your clothes on the edge of your bed before heading out of the room.

Changing into your clothes you promised yourself that you would trust this strange man that claimed to be your husband. He walked into the room after a couple knocks, sitting down close to you on the bed, handing you the clipboard you signed. He offered his hand to help you up as you declined and got up by yourself. Walking out to the hall Myungsoo handed the nurses your release form as they all waved to you, a smile grew on your face as you said goodbye to some of your friends as they were nurses who checked up on you every couple hours. Myungsoo followed you out of the hospital as he guided you to his car. Opening the passenger door for you, you slid into the seat buckling yourself in. Myungsoo closed your door as he breathed a deep breath and slipped into his seat. Starting the car he began to drive home as you looked at him.

"What’s your name?" You asked as you looked at him. He gave you a half smile looking at you, resting his hand comfortably on the wheel.

"I’m Kim Myungsoo" He said as he nodded his head. Stopping at a stoplight you just stared at him until you reached the parking lot. He parked the car and opened your door.

"I’m sorry I don’t remember you" You said softly as you met his eyes getting out of the car.

"Don’t worry, we will get your memories back but can you trust me until then?" His eyes, there was something about them that was familiar. You nodded your head as you walked past him, locking his car he led you gently with his hand on your back to the right apartment. He punched in the code unlocking the place to you.

"Now make yourself comfortable, this is your home too, its not just mine." He walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge as you just stood in the doorway rubbing your arms at the uncomfortable situation. He walked to you as you stepped away from him. "I’m going to get some food for both of us, now try and relax and make yourself comfortable." He went to kiss your forehead but you backed away as he just patted your shoulder. He left leaving you all alone to the apartment. Once the door closed behind him, you began to walk around, to try and bring any memories back that you could.

Walking from room to room exploring your new old home. The stainless steel appliances to the granite countertops. Nothing came back to you in the kitchen, walking slowly to the bedroom as you saw the black comforter on the bed, to the white valence blinds. You saw pictures of you and him together on the shelves with your diaries in numerous volumes, all of his albums were lined up as well as his dramas that he acted in. You walked to your jewelry on a small table as you ran your fingers through some chains, placing the one around your neck with the rest, you walked into the closet changing your clothes into some baggy sweats and a tightly fitting tank top. You pulled your hair up into a high ponytail that hung off the side of your head.

Moving into the living room the dark couches complimented the light pillows as you held one of the white pillows against your chest, admiring all of the picture of you and seven men that included Myungsoo. You smiled at the silly pictures and the serious ones, the wedding ones made you wish for the memories that were erased to come back. A thick book rested on the coffee table as you studied it, sitting down against the black leather pulling the book to your lap, starting at the beginning you looked at the pictures one by one. Fascinated by the memories filled behind the pictures. A faint click in the background, was just a sound as blank memories stared you back in the face. Feeling a mass behind you, you tilted your head back and looked at Myungsoo hanging over you, looking at the pictures of you and him together. His white teeth bit on his lip as he smiled at the pictures.

"Are you hungry?" He asked sweetly, you nodded your head as you slid the book off of your lap and onto the couch beside you. You helped him put away the groceries as he pulled out some Ramen and began to cook it for both of you. You sat at the counter with questions swarming your head.

"Myungsoo?" You played with your fingers

"Hmm" He leaned on the counter across from you.

"Who are the guys in all of these pictures?" You asked as he smiled

"They are my band mates, my best friends, and my brothers" He pointed out each of the members describing them to you causing you to laugh. He put a bowl of Ramen in front of you and handed you some chopsticks. Holding them in your hands you forgot how to use them. Myungsoo sat there as slipped some noodles between his lips.

"Trust me?" He asked catching you off guard, you nodded your head slowly as a smile came onto his face. He lifted some noodles up for you as you ate them happily. Eventually finishing your plates you washed them as he changed into some sweat pants and a black tank top. You joined him on the couch as you folded your legs under you.

"Myungsoo?" You started to feel a little more comfortable with him around now.

"Yes?" He looked at you softly

"Do you trust me?" You looked into his soft eyes as your heart stopped.

"I do" He said as he lifted his arm to the back of the couch. You moved into him, resting your head on his shoulder. He was surprised at this sudden contact since you had been so distant with him today. But he loved it, he loved holding you again. His hand soothingly ran around your back. The weight on your eyelids dropped over your eyes. Myungsoo felt you relax and drift off as he carried you to bed. Wrapping you with the comforter and laying your head on the pillow and brushed your hair out of the way.

"Please get better soon" Myungsoo kissed your temples gently, then kissing your cheek. "Sleep tight sweetheart." He grabbed a pillow and walked to the couch, giving you some space for the night.

You were walking into a room, full of heavy boxes, shelves lined in rows as you tried to find your way out, something grabbed you and pushed you into the shelves causing you to fall into them as the heavy boxes and industrial shelves to fall on you and knock your head on the concrete below.

"I’ll be back" A person said as they disappeared into thin air

Breathing heavily you sat up in bed, soaked in your own sweat as Myungsoo came through your door, turning on a lamp and sitting on the bed next to you.

"Are you ok?" Myungsoo said as he looked into your eyes

"Did I wake you?" You pressed your palm to your head as you tried to organize your thoughts.

"You were screaming my name" He said seriously, "Did you have a nightmare?" You shook your head knowing that it was no dream, that it was reality. "Then what was it?" Myungsoo was hesitant as he placed his hand on your back.

"It was how…" Pounding pressure grew inside your head as you closed your eyes. You fell into Myungsoo’s body as he wrapped his arms around you not knowing what else to do as reality hit you. "It was how about this guy and I was trapped under these shelves and hit my head." You pulled away from his grip as some memories came back.

"Do you trust me to try something, to help get your memories back?" Myungsoo said

"I’ll do anything" You said as you looked into his eyes. He smiled as he pulled you closer your cheek. His eyes began to close as yours did, closing the space between your lips and his. Moving his lips slowly on yours, some memories of him came back like a highlight reel in your mind. Gently pulling away he searched your eyes as a sparkle in your eye told him that you found something. He smiled as he pet your head and got up from the bed.

"Oppa~" You said softly, his smile grew on his face as he knew that more of your memories came back, that you were becoming your old self.

"Jagi~" He couldn’t help but smile bigger. You held out your arms as he sat back on the bed hugging you.

"Can you sleep here with me, please. I am sorry that I forgot who you were and being distant from you." You hugged him tighter as he held you.

"I’d be happy too, but you need your sleep." He laid down next to you as you laid in his arms, listening to his heart more memories came clear as you fell asleep with a smile on your face. Myungsoo kissed your head as he watched over you as you began to drift off.

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-natsukim #1
Chapter 1: Wish this is longer! Nice one!
Chapter 1: fluffy! and very good storyline actually; wished u made longer stories. why dont u?
AS_SarahW #3
Chapter 1: cute ~ :3