Phone conversation

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 “The person you called is…”


“Sehun?” Baekhyun was surprised.


“Hyung?” Sehun asked with the same surprised voice.


“Why did you answer it?” Baekhyun was still puzzled.


“Um…He is sleeping and I didn’t want to wake him up.”


“Happy Virus is sleeping?” Baekhyun blinked, beginning to feel a little hurt. Is Sehun…


“What? NO! Luhan hyung is sleeping, remember, the boy I like…” Sehun explained it.


Baekhyun took a deep breath. “But…Happy Virus called me from that phone…” He mumbled, confused.


Sehun bit his lip. “Uh…um…weird…You know what…I’ll ask about it when hyung wakes up.”


“Don’t be an idiot! Just wake him!” Baekhyun half shouted, Chanyeol couldn’t hear him anyway.


Sehun sighed. He didn’t want to do it, Luhan looked so peaceful, like an angel. He is an angel anyway…


“Sehun? Did you ing hear me?” Baekhyun warned.


Sehun sighed again and walked towards the bed. He smiled a little and moved the blanket away. He touched Luhan’s special area and the older one moved a little. Sehun’s smile grew wider and he grabbed his crotch, softly rubbing it.


Luhan started to moan. “Hunnie…”


Sehun bit his lip and pulled Luhan’s boxers away. Now he was looking at the older one’s . He slowly leaned towards it and it. Another moan escaped Luhan’s mouth and Sehun took it in his mouth.


Luhan was softly and Sehun was going on lustfully. Then he heard Baekhyun shouting. “You can’t when I’m listening! Yah!”


Sehun stood up and pouted a little. “Whatever…” He mumbled and reluctantly pulled Luhan's boxers back up. Then he shifted closer to him and kissed his neck. “Lulu hyung…” He whispered. Luhan whispered back. “Hunnie…”


Sehun gulped. He had to wake him, not him. He tried again. “Luhan hyung, wake up…”


Luhan’s eyelids moved a little. “Huh?” He asked with sleepy eyes.


“Good morning…”Sehun smiled. Then an angry Baekhyun was heard again. “I’m still here you mother ers!”


Sehun rolled his eyes. Luhan was looking at him questioningly.


“It’s…Baekhyun. He called Happy Virus but…I answered the phone.” He shortly explained.


Luhan’s eyes were wide open now. “No way…” He whispered.


“I thought the same thing too!” Baekhyun shouted.


Luhan was looking at Sehun. “What should we do?” He mouthed.


“I have no idea…” Sehun mouthed back. Luhan sighed. “Um…Baekhyun-sshi…”


“Yes?” Baekhyun replied angrily.


“Are you Bacon-ah?”


“Yes.” Baekhyun was a short-tempered person, he was always like that.


“Well, I’m working at Radio XOXO and Happy Virus is my coworker. He used my phone before.”


“You’re Chanyeol’s friend too, right?” Baekhyun was suspicious.


“Uh, yeah…” Luhan stuttered a little.


“How did you meet Sehun?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow from the other end of the line.


Luhan looked at Sehun worriedly.


“I called the program.” Sehun was calm. He had to be because Luhan looked as if he was going to die of nervousness.


“Why?” Baekhyun’s questions were short but sharp. He was really confused and angry at the same time.


“Um…I wanted to join it too, why wouldn’t I?” Sehun bit his lip. He wasn’t good at lying and…


“You’re lying.” And Baekhyun had known him for long enough to see through his lies.


“N-no, I’m not!” He denied.


“Then…Luhan-sshi, can you give me Happy Virus’ number?” Baekhyun gave up. Sehun wasn’t going to talk, it was easy to deduce from his actions.


“Um…sure.” Luhan spoke uncertainly. “What should I do?” He mouthed again.


“Give the ing number, I'm bored and ” Sehun mouthed back. He wanted to have a lovey dovey morning and what did he get?


Luhan nodded. “O-okay Baekhyun-sshi…” He sighed.


A/N: Hello, sorry for short and a little late update, I had an exam, I have one tomorrow too^^ Wish me some luck:D

Thanks to 4everlocker for upvoting, I love you<3<3^^

And so much thanks to reader and people commented^^

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