He, who won’t stop bickering

The moon is our sun

Daehyun drove the car to the parking space and turned down the engine. It was more effective to patrol the streets by foot relaying on their outstanding sense of smell and hearing than driving around in circles that was if you knew where to start looking. Daehyun and Youngjae were vampires trained to patrol the street and look for any vampire that did not obey their lay but since Himchans birth they had been commanded to be his bodyguard inset and if it was for Himchans mother they would not be out here today. Lucky for them Himchans mother made the mistake to let Himchan have the command over them and Himchan always had always had his own mind. Since two days ago there were on patrol again with the sole mission of finding the vampire who killed humans day after day, drinking more blood anyone could actually need. There were already vampires looking for him and even the local police opened a case, because the immortals had not been fast enough to dispose all of the bodies.

“Where do we start today?” Daehyun asked his partner who went through the files.

“I don’t know, the last clue we had only brought us an undying mortal and I don’t think he will go anywhere near this area again.”

“I went through all of the files already, but there is simply no pattern. Different ages, different occupation, different looks, different everything, there is no connection whatsoever. He just seems to kill the next best person he finds,” he said and slapped his head against the steering wheel in frustration.

“Wait, no connection?” Youngjae asked him curious.

“Yes, that’s what I said.”

“Not one.”

“Not a single one.”

“Isn’t that strange?”

Daehyun looked at Youngjae with a mixture of disbelief and frustration of what he just said.

“Of course it is strange, if we’re talking about a serial killer shouldn’t he have some kind of pattern?”

“That’s not what I meant, stupid. There is not a single connection that is what makes it strange.”

“I don’t get you.”

“Imagine rolling a dice. It could happen that you get the same number a few times in a row. But here this is not the case. If he would really pick his victims by chance, there would be some connection by coincidence. I think he might carefully select the one he kills, so that they won’t have anything in common.”

“So we have to look for someone who defers from all the other victims.”

“I think it would be better, to think about why he kills them instead of who he kills next.”

“Himchan will be furious if we let him kill another mortal.”

“Himchan’s thoughts are elsewhere right now.”

“Ah, right he has a human to toy around now.”

“How can you say something like that,” Youngjae replied enraged.

“He does the same with Jong Up, making him do whatever he wants.”

“He is a pureblood, he can make that with whomever he wants, besides Jong Up likes taking care of Himchan.”

“Jong Up seems to like everything, I’m telling you I’ve never seen this guy not smiling.”

“That’s what makes him such a lovable person”

“I can smile a lot, too,” said Daehyun and flashed Youngjae a smile.

“Stop behaving like a kid and concentrate on how we find our killer.”

“Yes, sir!”

Youngjae just sighed and Daehyun could see him go back into thinking. Daehyun knew that Himchan has urged them into finding the culprit as soon as possible even if from Daehyun’s point of view Himchan should be the least person to mind, because with every human bitten a mortal was turned with Himchan’s special blood making him a vampire who was obedient to him through bloodline. Himchan though was different not only because of his blood but also because of his way of thinking. Pureblooded vampires always had their hands into politics, business and securing their bloodline. Himchan didn’t care about those things at all, he was interested in the human world. Daehyun suspected it had something to do with his dislike of being a vampire.

“Do you know what’s strange, too?” Youngjae interrupted his chain of thought.

“What?” he answered and watched Youngjae still absorbed in the files on his lap.

“It seems way too easy. All those people he killed, all those people Himchan turned, almost everyone was found within a couple of ours without causing any harm”

“You think he wants them to be turned?”

“All those people were later turned by Himchan. Think about it, they later all follow his bloodline. It’s as if he was creating some kind of army for Himchan.”

“Are you serious? Don’t you think you’re thinking a little bit too far ahead? And why the hell would Himchan need an army for?”

“I didn’t say it was Himchan’s doing,” Youngjae said while raising both his hands.

“But think about it, maybe it’s not about the killing at all, maybe it’s about making vampires”

“So where does that take us?”

“I don’t know, he is still somewhere out there and we have no clue where.”

“Wait a moment, if we assume your theory is right.”

“What you don’t believe”, Youngjae interrupted him.

“Let’s say you’re right, what if he is not working alone. You say he wants them to be turned, so maybe he’s contacting someone where he killed someone and that’s why they are found.” Daehyun has to admit, that Youngjae’s theory did have some good points, but he would never say that out loud fearing Youngjae might get ahead of himself.

“Yes, this makes sense. Now I believe in my theory even more.” Daehyun was in no need to acknowledge Youngjae, he did that pretty well on his own.

“Let’s see who has been first on the crime scene most of the time,” said Youngjae his eyes gleaming with excitement, making the reddish-gold glow a bit more radiant.


They entered the building which address came up more than just a few times in those files they’ve gotten form Himchan. Whoever was working on this case definitely had his office over here. As they stepped out of the elevator they saw a young vampire, well not too young by appearance but young by blood carrying a bunch of files and papers.

“Let me do this,” said Daehyun and went to the man flashing him a smile.

“Could you tell us who is working on the serial killer case”, he said with a flirtatious grin on his face.

“We all are”

“And who leads the case?”

“That would be Mr. Lee over there,” answered the man and smiled back at him.

“This way,” said Daehyun coming back to Youngjae.

“God, do you want to make everyone around you gay?”

“That’s the plan,” replied Daehyun playing with his eyebrows. Youngjae just shook his head and went ahead.

Youngjae knocked on the doors that apparently lead to Mr. Lee’s bureau.

“Come on in,” a grumpy sounding voice answered.

“I don’t like his tone,” whispered Daehyun. Youngjae just rolled his eyes because every vampire in the building could hear him.

They entered and saw a man around the age of forty, besuited and starring trough glasses at a computer screen in front of him.

“We heard you’re the one dealing with the killer case,” Dahyun said going straight to the point. If Mr. Lee did not want to show any respect, he wouldn’t either.

“Yes, and this is of your interest, because?” he asked finally looking up from his computer screen.

“How did you find the victims this fast?”

“Who are you and why are you asking?”

“Do you have any trail on the investigation?”

“Even if I had I would probably not tell you.”

Youngjae sighted. Daehyun knew he had no interest in this kind of power games. Vampires tended to think about them as something special even among themselves. It was somehow part of their nature and what could look as a simple conversation for an outsider was in reality something similar to a power play for hierarchy which Youngjae ended.

“Kim Himchan.”

Daehyun saw the man stiffen. It was not a common name and he knew for certain how Daehyun and Youngjae were talking about.

“Mr. Kim wants to know everything that you know about the case.” Daehyun said, enjoying every moment.

“I.., well we did not really find, I mean we are working on it, but...”

“Daehyun, stop it,” Youngjae said poking him in the ribs probably because he was grinning like an idiot.

“I don’t know anything knew,” the man answered, his voice still trembling.

“You’re lying, you smell like fear,” Daehyun replied.

“Seriously, I have been working on this case day and night, but everything leads to a dead end.

“Maybe we should take him to Mr. Kim,” Youngjae joined to conversation. Daehyun knew they would never actually do that but he got what Youngjae had in mind.

“I don’t know, he is so frustrated and angry because of this case, we should give him a call first, saying someone doesn’t want to cooperate,” Daehyun played along and fished his mobile out of his pocked.

“He will be so mad,” Youngjae said with quivering voice that Daehyun got impressed by his acting. In his head he was imagining Himchan sitting on a sofa, a fluffy blanked tightly wrapped around him pouting, saying he is slightly dissatisfied. Mr. Lee however did not seem accustomed with Himchan’s behavior and believed some of the gossip that was going around that Himchan was like a devil. It had all started as someone who had met Himchan said he looked like death and some other people who took that word-for-word spreading some rumors.

“There is no need to call him, I will tell you everything I know.” Mr. Lee by now had some sweat on his forehead and wriggled about on his chair. Daehyun made a mental note to investigate later what kind of shapes these rumors had taken to make a vampire, and a strong one even made shiver in fear.

“I get called. That is all. I don’t know who is calling and I tried to trace back the call but to no avail. He tells me a place and hangs up. It is never exactly the scene of crime but somewhere near, so we are never fast enough.”

“Why does he call only you?”

“I don’t know”

“I do,” said Youngjae, “because he knows he will not tell anyone wanting all the fame for himself when he finally catches him.”

“Yes, you could be right with that. So, has he called tonight?”

“No, he hasn’t. But when he calls you will be too late. He never gives the exact location, sometimes its west of it another time its east. We could not figure out any pattern.”

“See, I told you there was no pattern on purpose,” Youngjae said, his face looking satisfied. 

 “Ok, ok, your theory was right,” admitted Daehyun.

“That’s all, no complements that I figured this out.”

“Well you are the brain of the team and I am the face, that’s how it was and that’s how it will be”

Youngjae just wanted to reply something to this as a ringing of a phone silenced him.

“Unknown number,” Mr. Lee said.

“Take the call as you would usually do it,” instructed Daehyun.

“Hello?...Yes, yes I understand,” said Mr. Lee and noted down an address and handed it to Daehyun.

“Thank you for your cooperation,” Daehyun said as they left weary Mr. Lee behind.


Daehyun and Youngjae ran to their car knowing they had no time to waste if they wanted to catch the killer his time. While Daehyun stepped on the gas Youngjae tipped in the address into the navigation system.

“How long will it take?” Daehyun asked while ignoring a few speed limits.

“Fifteen minutes. But we still don’t know where exactly he killed someone.”

“Open the windows”

“We still far away”

“But we could just drive towards him by chance.”

Youngjae opened the front windows making cold wind blowing at their face as Daehyun was speeding.

“We are just a few streets away. He could be somewhere around here;” Youngjae said.

“Then shut up and try to find him,” Daehyun replied. What Mr. Lee didn’t know was that Youngjae was not only the brain of the team, he was also exceptional at picking up scents. Normally that would have been a lot easier to do by walking but it would take too long. Even if they were faster than humans, they were definitely not faster than the 250 PS of their car could get them.

Daehyun tried to drive around the place fanatically which worked in a way because it was nighttime and the streets were as empty as they could get in a major city.


“Try going south,” Youngjae answered leaning out of the window.

“Do you have something?”

“A feeling.”

“Going south because of your feeling?”

“Just do it!”

Daehyun made U-turn in the middle of the street, tires squeaking on the asphalt.

“Great now all I can smell is the rubber of the tires,” Youngjae said furious.


“Just drive.”

“I’m driving.”


“I’m going to get us killed if I…”

“I have him! Stop the car!” Youngjae screamed as Daehyun slammed on the break.

Youngjae sprinted along and Daehyun could do nothing else as follow. They were running at full speed ignoring if any mortal saw them. Daehyun thought they could deal with them later. They were probably too fast for them to even notice that it was a person running.

“He is on the run. He is still moving,” Youngjae said. He could hear that he was starting to pant. Running on full speed for some time was tiring even vampires. Daehyun was slightly fitter than Youngjae so he overtook him and raced along. Now even he could smell another vampire even if the still had no clue about the direction. He just wanted to cross a street as he heard Youngjae scream somewhere behind him. Even if catching a killer was important, Youngjae’s live was more important to him, so he turned around. He saw him a few meters behind him fighting with someone. Youngjae was thrown at against a metal balustrade which made a clashing sound but stud up again slightly struggling and wanted to go at him again. Daehyun grabbed the vampire and threw a punch with his left hand in his stomach region, blocking the punches the man tried to throw. The vampire tried to get out of Daehyun’s grab. Daehyun could feel he was strong and he had to use all his force to not to lead him go. By now he was sure his man was the vampire responsible of all those killings. The man was slightly taller and well-build and while Daehyun might have been the better fighter he had still his problems throwing serious punches. Daehyun couldn’t release his grip knowing he could run away, so he tried to win this fight while holding him. As it didn’t work Daehyun took all his force and threw the man against a wall, thinking he surrouned if he had the back pressed against the wall and he could threw some punches then but a cracking sound could be heard and the smell of blood filled the earth. Daehyun noticed that there were some kind of hoes or retainers embedded in the wall and he had just thrown the vampire against one of those. Even if vampires had the ability to heal a bit faster than humans a metal hoe inside of one’s head was a little too much. The vampire took some final panted breaths and sunk down on the ground.

“Great, now you killed him,” Youngjae said pointing at the pool of blood that was slowly forming around the dead vampires head.

“Should I rather have him hurt you?”

“You didn’t have to kill him, we could have interrogated him,” Youngjae shouted at Daehyun.

“Can’t you just say thank you for once instead of bickering all the time?” Daehyun got seriously mad right now.

“Do you really think I’m not thankful?”

“I have my doubts,” Daehyun said cold.

“Maybe I should show you how thankful I am,” Youngjae said while coming closer.

Daehyun got wide-eyed as Youngjae came forward and kissed him passionately. He was normally somewhat shy, so it shocked Daehyun that Youngjae made such a bold move. As both had to catch breath, Daehyun smirked.

“I like where this is going, I think we should argue more often.”

“Don’t you dare take advantage of this.”

“And there we go bickering again.”

“Just shut up,” Youngjae replied and kissed Daehyun again.


Author’s note: Here is a bit more of Daejae. I plant them to be side characters but I like writing about them so now they are the second main pairing. More of Himchan and Yong Guk next chapter. Thank you again so much reading my story. Bye

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Chapter 11: I'm so hooked with the plot of this story. I'm looking forward to the upcoming chapters. ^__^
Chapter 11: Seems like they hv to go according jaejoong's plan, so hope the best for jongup and daejae to meet the hunters ><
Lol you brought junsu's chihuahua, kiyeowooo :3

A normal convo with yongguk after a raging himchan, seems like it's the only med that himchan need X)

Thanks for the update! ♥
Chapter 10: I think you don't hv to put any new character again for now..this is alrd good and simple and i love it :))))
But, it's all up to you author-nim if adding the guests will help you build the story :)

And himchan really should listen to daejae bcs everyone worry about him huhu
babiegel #4
Chapter 10: yay you updated :) I wouldn't mind if there was a few more guest appearances (like who's trying to kill Himchan, or who could be his allies or who was the hunter who recognized Yoochun, if he's not dead yet) I hope they manage to convince Himchan to at least listen & think really hard on what Jaejoong has to say to him.

It's interesting how everyone wants to either save Himchan or would rather have him dead. I also like that even though Youngjae, Daehyun & Jongup are suppose to listen to every command he has, they're willing to do whatever it takes to keep him alive even if it looks like they're betraying him.

Also I hope Zelo is able to help Himchan, even if it's just to help him calm down or just for someone to listen to Himchan's worries.
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update ^_^
Love it
xooxoox #6
Chapter 10: Akh! You updated~ I'm so happy~ it's very interesting~ can't wait for the next
KAZEYAMaruBis #7
Chapter 9: Ohhh shoot cliffhanger !!
Update soon !! Your story is really great I love it!!!
Chapter 9: Ohmygod thanks daejae and jyj arrived on time !!!
Himchan were you totally hungry so you bite him, or you just protect guk bcs well yongguk is a human and the jyj seems dangerous for guk ?

Himlo ♥
Chapter 9: I love the bond between Himchan and Zelo ^^
Chapter 9: omg it had already good plot and the story got even better!! I guess its a tvxq and jyj confrontation right?))) and all hail to okd vampire stories yay! (whishper your story-telling is good, but ive noticed few minor grammar mistakes,maybe you need yo seek for beta to make this story perfect)