Dream Angel

The Line Between Daydreams and Reality



At first, it was always the same one, over and over.


The sky was dark, and the only light came from whatever nearby street lamps, and the moon – if it wasn’t being covered by clouds. He was standing in a park, in the evening, hiding in the shadow of the trees. There was a girl, standing in the clearing, staring up at the sky and what twinkling lights could be seen there, and singing in the most angelic voice he had ever heard.


But when he woke up, he was back in bed, and the only thing left in his mind of her was her voice. He didn’t know her name or face – only that her voice was amazing, and perfect, and perfectly amazing.


Sometimes he would find himself thinking about her. The girl in his dreams.


And when that happened, he would walk to the park across from his house – because something about it reminded him of his dream. Just not exactly.


He’d sit in the shade of the trees and close his eyes, simply thinking of that dream angel.


But as time went by, he began to notice something strange.


Her songs began to change. Her outfit changed. In fact, the length of her hair changed, as well – not that he paid that much attention to that, really. Of course not.


Then, with more time, he saw more and more of her face… and the dreams seemed to last longer.


But soon, he was afraid.


He was afraid of going to sleep and seeing her. He was afraid of that beautiful, entrancing voice. He was afraid that the mystery of his singing angel would become boring once it was solved. Or maybe, his angel wasn’t even real. Maybe she was a nightmare, created by the depths of his mind to haunt him into wanting something he could never have.


Maybe it was worse.



He began to sleep less at night, waking up every few minutes because he was so afraid of sleeping and seeing his angel. But gosh, he missed her. He missed the way the light reflected off of her silky, ebony hair. He missed the soft skin, that glowed in the moonlight. He missed her sweet, sweet voice – the one that resonated inside of him like a harp within his own body.


He missed her.


But he was still afraid.


So instead of sleeping, he decided he would take a walk. Sort out his mind, and if he really was tired, then maybe it would see his angel again.


He went on to the park across the street, where he wandered around in the shadow of the trees for a while before finding himself suddenly very sleepy. He leaned against a tree, thinking he’d only sleep for a few minutes… just a few moments…


When he was pulled out of the black oblivion he had fallen into, there was a person’s hands on his shoulders. He yelped in surprise and jumped away from the person, out of the shadow and into the light. “W-who are you?!”


And then, out of the darkness, his angel spoke to him.


“You’re not usually awake when you come to see me.” She laughed lightly, and stepped into the clearing to join him in the moonlight. She was astonishingly beautiful, a work of art in form of a person. She was prettier than he could ever have imagined.


“I’m Suzy. Nice to finally meet you when you're not sleepwalking.”


His angel.


The angel he had been visiting at night, without ever knowing he was.


The dreams that had been reality.





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