
Bros before Hoes


College life was pretty cool for Krystal, pretty okay.

Her grades are fine, friendship okay, social life very much alive.

But things turned upside down when suddenly all her friends got into something she never thought they would be in.

She’s mean to say it was surprising but it was indeed.

She never asked for more actually.

But why does she feel all left out and invisible when so suddenly all her friends are much in love while she is stuck in her long list of crushes.

I’m alone but I’m not lonely. She believes, and will, and still, and should so.

But then she wasn’t expecting him, wasn’t expecting it would happen. It was so sudden.

But no. No relationship was formed, she supposed and she’s glad.

His name was Jongin

He was tall, with his mysterious aura, and a brain of a wack genius.

She knows she heard of him somewhere.

Just, she doesn’t know.

Sulli talks about him, because this Jongin used to court  Sulli, or so what people say.

Rumors, you know.

But then Sulli who was much in love with her studies turned down the prince charming or what people say again

“You’re actually stupid for saying no to Jongin” Sehun, Sulli and Krystal’s guy best friend said as the three of them sat on the cafeteria table one lunch time.

Krystal and Sehun both followed their gaze from Sulli to Jongin who was busy lining up the line for the vendo machine.

“He’s tall” Sehun said.

“Good looking” Krystal said.



“And very much in love with you Sulli” Sehun finished off and Krystal nodded in agreement.

Sulli of course does not disagree on any of that but it’s just that

“Guys., he’s not courting me” Sulli said as she placed down her spoon and smiled.


Krystal doesn’t know who started it actually, but one night while surfing her Facebook.


             Sulli Choi: Jongin said if he could add you in facebook

Krystal wondered of course.

                Krystal Jung: Haha, why?

                 Sulli Choi: He said he wants to be friends with you

                Krystal Jung: But he’s your ex

                Sulli Choi: HE’S NOT MY EX KRYSTAL!!!!!!


                 Krystal Jung: Hahahaha. I meant ex-suitor. You defend so much, girl

                Sulli Choi: He’s not my ex-suitor too!!! Whatever. So? Yes or no.

                 Krystal Jung:  Haha. Sure

And after a while.

                Jongin Kim would like to add you as friend    ACCEPT          IGNORE

Krystal accepted of course.


                 Jongin Kim: Hey!

                 Krystal Jung: Hi Kim Jongin :>

                 Jongin Kim: How do you know me?

                 Krystal Jung: Choi Sulli said you’re the Kim Jongin

                 Jongin Kim: Hahahaha

                 Krystal Jung:  So hi Kim Jongin

                Jongin Kim: Hi Krystal Jung?

                 Krystal Jung: Just call me Krystal

                Jongin Kim: Oh right

                 Krystal Jung: So what’s up Kim Jongin? What do you need me for? Need help for Sulli?

                Jongin Kim: Haha, why would I need help?

                 Krystal Jung:  Because you’re courting my friend, right?

                 Jongin Kim: No, we’re just friends

                 Krystal Jung: Ok, whatever you say Kim Jongin

                Jongin Kim: Just call me Kai

                 Krystal Jung:  Okay Kai ^_^

After that night Krystal and Jongin continued on with their facebook friendship.

Often they would talk about politics, funny how even though their opinions are the complete opposite of each other, they are still friends.


Often and most of the time Kim Jongin would ask Krystal to look for a girlfriend for him.

                 Krystal Jung:  How about Suzy Bae, search her.

               Jongin Kim:  Hmmm.

                 Krystal Jung:  You like her?

                Jongin Kim:  Next.

                Krystal Jung: NEXT? Still next? I really don’t get your type Jongin. What do you like in girls?

            Jongin Kim: IDK too, just go look some pretty girls for me Krystal.

              Krystal Jung: I have been looking for pretty girls for you Kai. I have shown you the best of the best among my friends. Fine here’s                                  my last  ace, if  you still don’t want her. I’ll ask for 911

              Jongin Kim: Just give me pretty girls K

                                Thank you Krystal :*

           Krystal Jung:  Choi Sulli Search her.

            Jongin Kim:  Very funny Krystal

           Krystal Jung: What? =))

          Jongin Kim: Very funny

           Krystal Jung: Come on Kai just at least give me an idea what type of girls you like

Jongin Kim is no longer online.


And most often than often Krystal would talk about Sulli but Jongin would just always say

             Jongin Kim: Why do you keep on bringing up Sulli?

              Krystal Jung: Nothing, is it bad to talk about a common friend? :D

After sometime Krystal realized that they just talk in facebook since she hasn’t really seen him in a flesh-to-flesh encounter.

One morning before their class starts Krystal asked Jiyeon if she could accompany her to the female lavatory.

“Sure” Jiyeon said as she stood from the bench and walked with Krystal.

They were talking about Chanyeol, Jiyeon’s crush when Kim Jongin walked pass them.

Jongin looked at Krystal and he smiled softly. She waved nonetheless.

And when they entered the lavatory, Jiyeon was left mouth gagged open.

“You know Kim Jongin?” She asked in disbelief.

Krystal, with her brow’s furrowed replied “Yes”

“Oh.My. Gosh”

Krystal just laughed at her. “Why?”

Jiyeon looked at Krystal in disbelief “Why? He’s Kim Jongin, no wait THE Kim Jongin, he’s very popular”

Krystal just shrugged, cause seriously, she doesn’t care.



                   Jongin Kim: It was my first time seeing you J

                  Krystal Jung: Same here.

                   Jongin Kim: You’re quite…

                  Krystal Jung:  Quite?

                   Jongin Kim: I think…

                  Krystal Jung:  Think?

                                Please learn to finish your sentence, I’m getting anxious here. Haha

                  Jongin Kim: I think you’re quite chubby

                Krystal Jung is no longer online.

Deep inside Jongin’s head he just screamed: OH !


Krystal was walking to her next class, still groggy from having only an hour for a sleep, when someone blocked her way.

She looked up and was greeted with a set of white teeth, a bush of brown hair and the face of Kim Jongin.

Krystal smiled up at Jongin. “Oh hi” She said then she yawned.

“Someone’s wasted” Jongin remarked.

He then got Krystal’s heavy bag from her shoulder.

“Why are you..” Krystal said as she gripped on her bag’s handle and tried to get her bag back from Jongin.

Jongin smiled at Krystal “Trust me this would be once and this I do very rare”

And that morning, Jongin walked Krystal to her class carrying her bag. Talked to her until it’s time for him to go.

“Got to go class starts in 5” Jongin said as he looked at his watch. “Bye” He mouthed and dashed off the room.

And 5 seconds after Jongin was out of sight.

Krystal’s classmate all turned around to face her.

“Ayiiiieee” They mocked her altogether.

Krystal just chuckled. “Whatever guys, we’re just friends”

Yet deep inside she felt very wonderful.


Every night, every right after she studies, she goes online, and waits for him to chat her or for her to chat him.

Jongin had become a part of Krystal’s daily activities.

She’d become attached, and she frets for what to come because she knows.


“What would you do if you like someone that used to like your friend?” Krystal asked Jiyeon one day when they were walking home.

Jiyeon puckered her lips  and thought for quite a while.

“I wouldn’t”

Krystal faced Jiyeon “Wouldn’t what?”

Jiyeon shrugged “Wouldn’t let that happen”


“Ugly” Jiyeon said “It’ll look ugly”


Krystal was in the library, books all over her table, a mess, just like how she feels she feels like a mess, her thoughts are a mess. She’s a complete mess as of the moment thank you.


 “Krystal” Sehun whispered as he nudged her.

Krystal momentarily shook her head and faced Sehun who was sitting beside her.


“I said, Sulli said she won’t be able to join us”

Krystal tensed at the mention of Sulli’s name. It’s weird, real weird.

“Okay” She said

And then she realized why.

It’s guilt


                 Jongin Kim:: Why don’t we have dinner some time?

                 Krystal Jung: Dinner?

                 Jongin Kim: Yeah, you me, and Sulli.

                 Krystal Jung: Sulli too?

                  Jongin Kim: Of course

That night after she chatted with Jongin, everything became more complex than possible, just complicated.


Krystal was reading her notes on her table inside their classroom when she heard that familiar name

“Kim Jongin?” the voice said.

“Yeah, I think he’s seeing that girl from the other class, Ji-eun?”

Krystal can’t help but breathe heavily.

“But I thought he’s seeing Krystal?” the whispering goes on.

“He’s not”

“Jongin was dumped by Sulli remember, Krystal’s best friend”

“If Krystal is indeed seeing Jongin, it’s like she’s eating a food thrown away by Sulli seriously”

They’re right, Krystal’s classmates are right it’s like she’s having Sulli’s left over food. They’re right, and whatever she’s feeling for Jongin that is what is not right.


Krystal stopped going online on facebook.


“Krystal” A familiar voice echoed inside the room.

Krystal looked up from her book and watched as Jongin entered their class and sat beside her.

It was pretty early, as usual Krystal was first to enter the class.

Krystal grinned at Jongin “What brings you here Kim Jongin?”

Jongin’s face distorted. “Kim Jongin? Are we back on the first meeting, Krystal?” He joked.

Krystal laughed “Just why are you here Kai?”

“I miss a friend”

Krystal’s eyebrows went up.

Jongin nodded

“It’s true, because it’s been what? Two months?”

Krystal shook her head “Excuse me, just a month”

Jongin’s face formed an ‘o’ and he pointed at Krystal

“Oh, are you that friend of mine that hasn’t been going online, even though I kept on messaging her and asking her what’s up?”

“I have been busy” Krystal said.

“I have been busy too, but I still waited for you”

Now this time Jongin’s not smiling, he’s not joking and he’s not just sitting beside Krystal, but holding Krystal’s hand as well

“Have I said something wrong that made you not talk to me?”  He asked as he caressed Krystal’s hand.

Krystal should be pulling her hand away from Jongin already, should be asking him why he’s acting like that.

But no, she was left frozen when Jongin held her face and caressed her cheek.

“I miss you”


“You got it bad, my friend” Jiyeon said as she looked at Krystal who was lying on her bed.

“I KNOW!” Krystal shouted and buried her face on the pillow.

“Ahmmmommomamomoo” Krystal said.

“What?” Jiyeon said as she sat beside her friend and turned her around.

“I don’t know what to do” Krystal said, because that’s what’s real.

She doesn’t know what to do.

Jiyeon tucked a hair behind Krytal’s ear “Krystal, remember, bros-“

“-before hoes, I know, and there’s also a thing about not dating a friend’s ex, but Jongin’s not Sulli’s ex”

Jiyeon chuckled. “Bad luck for you my friend”

Krystal sighed at Jiyeon “Jiyeon, could you just please console me”

Jiyeon shrugged and raised her hand “I’m sorry”

“I’m a disaster”

“It’s clearly seen”



So after a while Krystal decided to be back online on facebook


                Sulli Choi: Krystal, Jongin asked for your number, I’m sorry I couldn’t say no.

                 Krystal Jung:OH NO!! Friendship over my friend, you just crossed the line.

                                KIDDING SULLI!! =)))))

                Sulli Choi:: Huhuh, I thought it was real. Hate you Krystal.

                 Krystal Jung: Love you Sulli

                Sulli Choi: Love you too <3 <3


It’s weird, real weird when a certain guy, that you obviously don’t like is calling you.

Krystal was left to no choice and answered her phone when her sister knocked on the door and said.

“Krystal could you please answer your phone, I know you love that song it’s just too noisy, answer it!”

So Krystal answered Jongin’s call.

Hello? Krystal? the voice said. Gosh, Jongin’s voice is y over the phone, Krystal cannot help but think.

Krystal blushed at the thought.

This is not Krystal

There was shuffling from the other line and a very awkward Oh, really sorry

Krystal burst out laughing I was joking Kai, of course it’ Krystal who you expecting, Sulli?

Very funny Krystal

Why are you calling? Krystal asked as she lay down on her bed

It took a little while before Jongin answered.

I miss you

It made Krystal’s heart leap, but made everything more complicated.

That’s overrated already Kai, you already used that

Oh really? My bad then, would have used some pick-up lines I guess

Krystal laughed genuinely.  What’s up? What do you need from me?

Why do you always make it sound like I talk to you only when I need you?

Oh, isn’t that the case?

Krystal!!! Jongin whined. Seriously, Jongin whining over the phone just made everything more complicated of the complicated.

Because it was just so cute for Krystal to handle.

I’ll end the call. Krystal found herself saying.

What? Why?

You confuse me Jongin

You confuse me too

And then the line was cut.


“I know why you’re here” Sulli said once she opened the door of her room for Krystal to enter.

Krystal stopped half-way entering and looked at Sulli with wide eyes. “You do?”

Sulli nodded as she flopped herself down on her bed, Krystal following suit.

“Is it about Jongin” She said to Krystal as she turned to face her friend.

Krystal just stared.

“Is it?”

And then slowly Krystal nods.

Sulli chuckled and hugged Krystal, which Krystal replied back with much eager.

“You like him, don’t you?” Sulli whispered and Krystal could just bury her face on Sulli’s hair.


Krystal was walking to her next class when suddenly someone hugged her from the back.

“Krystal” a voice came and Krystal can’t help but breathe deeply as she comprehended who it was.

Krystal tried to break free, held his hand to let her go, but his hug just tighten.

“People are looking, Kai”

“I don’t care” He breathed near her ears.

Krystal breathed heavily again, turned around and slightly push him off her.


Jongin remained hugging Krystal by the waist “Krystal I-“ like you

“Jongin, please let go of me” Krystal mumbled but Jongin didn’t budge and shook his head.

“No, Krystal, hear me out first”

And Krystal did.

“I know your worries, Krystal, I know” He said looking directly at her eyes, but Krystal had a hard time looking at him.

“But let me just clear a thing here, Sulli and I, we were never an item, I did not court her, trust me, we’re just friends, how can people think so much in our friendship, seriously”

And Krystal remembered what Sulli told her that night she confessed she likes Jongin

We’re just friends Krystal, he never courted me and it actually irks the two of us that people are assuming more of what we really are. Well, actually he did court me, because he said courting me first would be a benefit of him when I approve him for you. Krystal, Jongin likes you, he likes you so much, why are you worrying about Bros before hoes, when all along, it was you he likes. Seriously Krystal. Jongin is all head over heels for you and you miss is just too stupid to notice.

Krystal looked up at Jongin.

Jongin sighed “I like you Krystal”

Krystal nodded 

Jongin was actually expecting an answer but Krystal just turned around and start walking. Jongin ran to catch up with her and held her arm.

“Krystal, won’t you at least answer me back?”

Krystal turned around and asked “Was that a question?”

Jongin shook his head “At least give me a reply”

Krystal nodded before she tiptoed and kissed him on the cheeks. “Is that enough?” She asked blushing, she’s kind of bold sometimes, and sometimes she curses inwardly when she does things boldly, like this, kissing Kai on his cheeks for her reply.

To her horror Jongin held her hips and pulled her closer to him, bowed down to her and pressed his lips on hers. Her eyes widened and she did not have enough time to push him when she heard “Oh, Krystal and Jongin are together”

She felt him smile on the kiss and he parted slightly, his lips barely on her as he asked her “Are we together?”he mumbled on her lips

Krystal looked up at Jongin, a smirk on his face, and he wants to punch him because he got her then and there and if Krystal’s bold, Jongin is way too bolder than her for doing such thing.

Jongin’s hand s its way to her nape and pulled her again for another kiss. And she wonders why isn’t she complaining? She should be complaining about this this is human r-

“Krystal I like you, please accept me” Jongin said as he abruptly let go of her and held her face.

Krystal noticed there are few people surrounding them already, and she suddenly felt pressured. Noticing this Jongin covered he eyes and asked again “Would you accept me? Please accept me, my dignity is at risk here, ‘Stal, please, please accept me” Jongin rambled like a child ending up with Krystal laughing.

Jongin let go of her face and a laughing Krystal greeted him.

“Why are you laughing?” He hissed trying to act mad but she knows he’s not. Krystal shook her head and held up her hands to his cheek.

“Nothing” she said “It’s just that my boyfriend is just too cute” She finished off, tiptoed and gave him one long kiss on the cheek and ran as fast as she can to her class.

Jongin was left unmotioned with what he heard, he felt happy, it just means she accepted his feelings, and he’s really in cloud nine as of the moment, it was after 2 seconds when he realized Krystal was not in front of him anymore.

Krystal is happy and nervous because Jongin would be her first boyfriend  and she suddenly felt giddy when she heard “Girlfriend! Wait up for your boyfriend!” Jongin shouted as he ran after her.

Oh young love



A/N I apologize for my weird rambling and my weirdness. Bow. First of all I'm a big Jung Sisters lover. I love those two, and of course I just, I'm sorry okay. I ship Krystal with anyone I guess, she's perfect for everything, and Jongin, OMG, please, that boy gives me nosebleed everytime




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Chapter 1: this is like me in high school pmsl.
popular guy and the girl who thinks she's never enough.
i was actually laughing at kai's part when he was internally screaming when soojung went offline.
that was gold af XD
and jiyeon is the typical friend who either supports you or scare the crap out of your confidence.

tl;dr: this thing is perfecto!

- lglm.
ayunoov #2
Chapter 1: it often happens around us actually haha so much cuteness for kaistal
Chapter 1: This story makes me squirm arghhh they're so cutee ❤️
Citraysm #4
Chapter 1: Too cute and please. Love it
Chapter 1: just too cute and innocent young love truly <3
Chapter 1: This is so freakin fluffy asdfghjkl <3
Chapter 1: this is way too cute ^^
twinklemii #8
Chapter 1: So cute.....<3<3<3 luv the story. Author-nim, could u write a special ep ? I wanna read more XD
Chapter 1: Omg its ing 3 am here and I was squeling and smiling like an idiot while reading your story!
It's just too cuteeee!!! Kyaaaaa!
Write more kaistal ff okay? ^^ I like it so much!
guest_snb #10
Chapter 1: Cute story~~